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  1. #1
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    Default Pheromone wearer?

    How does a

    girl know that you are the person wearing the pheromones? If pheromones can be smelled have no problem activating

    one's brain in the presence other odors, how can you get a hit with many other guys around here.

  2. #2
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    This is the same as asking "how

    does everyone know it's me wearing the great cologne". Hopefully this will shed some light (e.g the concentration

    will increase as a person gets closer to the source), but there is an extra twist that is an advantage pheromones

    have over regular smells - as long as you know how to take advantage of it. Because pheromones are associated with

    various things, alphaness and approachability are two examples, acting the part the pheromones you are wearing

    portray you as is very important. If you don't, you might find that the guy near you acting like an alpha male will

    get all of the hits.

    (another one for the FAQ...)

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  3. #3
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    Unless you are in a room with

    lots and lots of people like a lecture hall, it really could be tough for a girl to know it's coming from you.

    When I was in class today I wore 3 sprays of TE and SPMO mixed, and there was this girl like a couple rows back that

    was like "woah! somebody smells good!" Too bad I was pretty far away =(

  4. #4
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    I bet if you had talked to her

    after the lecture things would have interesting

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  5. #5
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by j5fakt0r
    Unless you are in a

    room with lots and lots of people like a lecture hall, it really could be tough for a girl to know it's coming from

    you. When I was in class today I wore 3 sprays of TE and SPMO mixed, and there was this girl like a couple rows

    back that was like "woah! somebody smells good!" Too bad I was pretty far away =(
    And what do you

    supposed the person sitting next to you thought?

  6. #6
    Full Member tiberius's Avatar
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    On a side note, a number of

    bacteria use whats called *quorum sensing/chemical gradient as a way of detecting the source of some chemial, food

    source, neighboring cells, or even light. They just detect the current concentration of whatever they are interested

    in an then move around randomly and if the concentration increases the keep wiggling about that direction as long as

    the concentration keeps increasing. If the concentration decreases they start moving randomly in all directions

    until they pick up the "scent" again.

    *generally refers to sensing neighboring cells to detect colony

    size/population. Works the same was as the other gradients as the cells detect chemicals put out by other

    cells...the more chemical the higher the population.

  7. #7
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleBoundFool
    How does

    a girl know that you are the person wearing the pheromones? If pheromones can be smelled have no problem activating

    one's brain in the presence other odors, how can you get a hit with many other guys around here.
    I was in

    a class today with about eight other guys. The women in the room and passing by the open door (one woman went out

    of her way to come by a second time and check me out) had no problem zeroing in on me.

    Again, I was very well

    dressed, probably the best dressed man in the group, although I was not OVERdressed. That is, we were all wearing

    business-casual attire today. I wore a black Polo shirt by Alfani and grey Dockers' ProStyle pants (fantastic

    pants -- well worth what you pay for them).

    The more you stand out, without looking completely out of place

    (that is, a suit and tie would have been overkill), the easier it is for women to zero in on you. The pheromones

    will have them a little agitated, but they are going to automatically check out the best dressed guy in the group.

    I feel I cannot emphasize that point often enough. THE BEST DRESSED GUY IN THE GROUP GETS CHECKED OUT.


    can get plenty of hits when you are NOT the best dressed guy around. But it's easier to see who is interested in

    you when you crank up the volume on the clothes as well as the pheromones.

    I got a free drink from the

    restaurant next door during a break because one of the waitresses kept checking me out. I decided to be bold and

    ask her for a complimentary drink.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjf
    And what do you

    supposed the person sitting next to you thought?
    The person sitting next to me was a guy and he didn't

    notice anything or if he did he didn't say jack!

  9. #9
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    If you are wearing too much of

    something or you stink, 99 percen of the time people will not say anything, unless they do not realize you are the


    Anyway, I have had absolute horror stories with my use of mones and cologne that I would not wish on

    anyone. Really really really really really really embarrasing and bad situations.

  10. #10
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friendly1
    I feel I

    cannot emphasize that point often enough. THE BEST DRESSED GUY IN THE GROUP GETS CHECKED OUT.

    You can get plenty

    of hits when you are NOT the best dressed guy around. But it's easier to see who is interested in you when you

    crank up the volume on the clothes as well as the pheromones.
    A lot depends on the woman's and your own

    perspective. To some, clothes are critical but to others they are not. I've read many books on sales that emphasize

    your clothing too. But I've seen too many instances where the best dressed person was not the one that got the

    attention. The person with the friendly expression and good attitude was getting much more attention.

    When I

    walk into a room, clothing is one of the last things I notice. Facial expressions and body language are the things

    that catch my attention. It's how I decide who I want to be around and who I prefer to stay away from.

    Personally, I am pretty low key in my attire, manner and demeaner. But I am in good physical shape, my expression

    is usually cheerful and my posture shows my self confidence. My mone use is usually just enough to get an effect

    without being over-powering as is any scent I may wear. For me, for my personality and the environments I am in, it

    gets me constant attention and frequent hits.

    What I am trying to get at is that each of us has our own style

    and methods. What works for me may not work for the next guy. Experiment and find what works best for you. Don't

    take my, or anybody else's opinion as gospel. You are an individual and what works for you is almost guranteed to

    be unique to you.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  11. #11
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Bel, it sounds like you may be doing

    a lot of interacting already with the women, if your personality is coming through. Friendly, however, I am

    guessing is speaking of the peacock spreading his feathers attention gettng thing.

    Two different

    circumstances. It sounds like your mone use is directed for interaction situations as well, and it is the perfect

    approach for those purposes.

    As for the clothes issue, I see where he is coming from. I think women probably

    take note of well dressed men, especially if not all guys no what they are doing. People dress real well in NY

    though, so it pretty much does nothing for me because I don't standout anymore than the next schmuck. It is more

    expected, poorly dressed people stand out more if you are out on the town, but many places won't allow things like

    sneakers, etc.

  12. #12
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    That's not completely true. I

    go many places both for business and personal reasons. In almost every situation I get a lot of respect and

    attention and I've seen others do it as well without being well dressed. There are other factors besides your

    clothes that people notice but it may be below the concious level. I am not saying that clothes are not important to

    some, but it is not universal. It depends on the individual and the circumstance.

    My mone use is based on the

    more is better philosophy and it works well in every situation I've been in. I am only suggesting that people

    experiment, that what applies to you or me may not apply to the next person. That's been proven true time and again

    here. For example, despite how well AE works for most people, there have been a few that had to wear absurd amounts

    to get any reaction at all. Another good example is TE, if I wear more than one spray I start getting OD reactions

    but some people can wear 3-4 with positive results. Everybody is different and nobody should take any of our

    experience as any more than guidelines to use as a starting point in their own experiments. I am only interested in

    these guys getting successful results from their mone use.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  13. #13
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    "That's not completely true. I go

    many places both for business and personal reasons."

    Aren't you interacting with these people though? I was

    just trying to point that out. For instance, if I know I will be speaking with my targets, I will wear something

    different then if I don't know who my target(s) is(are) and I am just trying to get them to notice me out of a lot

    of people.

  14. #14
    Phero Dude
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    i think it also has to do with the

    area of the country you live in. i live in a city and it's pretty much expected you get dressed before you leave

    the house. in a college town it's ok to live your life in sweats. going to class in jeans and a button up shirt is

    overdressing. i have family in california who compete about who can project the better image.

  15. #15
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjf
    "That's not

    completely true. I go many places both for business and personal reasons."

    Aren't you interacting with these

    people though? I was just trying to point that out. For instance, if I know I will be speaking with my targets, I

    will wear something different then if I don't know who my target(s) is(are) and I am just trying to get them to

    notice me out of a lot of people.
    Not really, no. I may be going to the grocery store or a continuing ed

    class or a business meeting or a techie siminar or a play. It doesn't matter. The doses I've seen would be an OD

    for me. Clothing is the same thing, I dress well but not exceptionally but I get noticed. I think demeanor has a lot

    to do with it, how you present yourself in facial expressions and body language. My bet is that if you watched

    Friendly in a public place you'll find he projects confidance, stands up straight and in general looks comfortable

    and approachable.

    I'm not trying to say that Friendly is wrong, all I am saying is that a person needs to

    experiment and not take anybody's experience or opinion as the only word. Look at the thread by confused. That's

    the first reaction I've seen like that, almost everybody else has posted good results with Chikara. I don't

    disbelieve this guy either but there is still a lot we don't understand about mones and the art/science of

    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  16. #16
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    Being well groomed and such

    would probably make a pretty good difference too. I don't think a girl would be as interested in a shaggy haired

    guy as a guy that has a clean haircut.

  17. #17
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by j5fakt0r
    Being well

    groomed and such would probably make a pretty good difference too. I don't think a girl would be as interested in a

    shaggy haired guy as a guy that has a clean haircut.
    You may be right and that's another good example. I

    wear a beard, short and neatly trimmed. Some women have told me they hate the sight of a beard and others say it

    makes you look more distinquished. Again, no hard and fast rules apply.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  18. #18
    Phero Enthusiast einstein's Avatar
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    Some women have told me

    they hate the sight of a beard and others say it makes you look more distinquished. Again, no hard and fast rules

    I was reading an article on attraction based on facialmetric properties, and they had a reference

    to a peer-reviewed study of first impressions based on beard length. I'd kinda like to find that article now, just

    to see what they say about it.

  19. #19
    Phero Pharaoh
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    [QUOTE=belgareth] But I've

    seen too many instances where the best dressed person was not the one that got the attention. The person with the

    friendly expression and good attitude was getting much more attention.[/quote

    Being checked out and getting the

    attention are too different things. The women WILL check out the best dressed guys. It happens everywhere I go,

    every part of the country.

    But last night, I was NOT the best-dressed guy in the club, and I got plenty of


    All I am saying is, for the guys who want to get that extra edge, learn to dress well. It is ONE


  20. #20
    Phero Enthusiast Numanoid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friendly1
    All I am

    saying is, for the guys who want to get that extra edge, learn to dress well. It is ONE MORE TOOL TO USE.

    agree. I get different reactions from women when I'm dressed nicely compared to when I'm dressed down.

  21. #21
    Phero Dude Surreal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiberius
    On a side note,

    a number of bacteria use whats called *quorum sensing/chemical gradient as a way of detecting the source of some

    chemial, food source, neighboring cells, or even light. They just detect the current concentration of whatever they

    are interested in an then move around randomly and if the concentration increases the keep wiggling about that

    direction as long as the concentration keeps increasing. If the concentration decreases they start moving randomly

    in all directions until they pick up the "scent" again.

    *generally refers to sensing neighboring cells to detect

    colony size/population. Works the same was as the other gradients as the cells detect chemicals put out by other

    cells...the more chemical the higher the population.
    So it is like playing , cold, hot , hotter......

    I tend to dress over all the time. IT really hurts interactions as well as advances my CEE.

    "The whole world must learn of our peaceful ways, by force!"

  22. #22
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    to be back with topic

    a can girl smell ya form a distance also note like ears the nose is directional no need to wonder around ... [okok

    it isnt as precise as your eyes but still]
    so even if there is 20ppl unless you smell alot[read too much] girls

    will know who wears the perfume or scent [btw ppl that say somthing about bad smell know pretty much where it comes

    from most of the time...]

    Dress right ? how the hell do i do that ? when i work,i always dress well.Gives

    you respect from others... i used to be a wraper at a grocery & a guy[client] took me for the bos.verry funny i

    dont even wear a tie...unless it's an interview for a job...

    ps:girls dont took at what you wear! but how you

    wear it ! [little details]

  23. #23
    Full Member tiberius's Avatar
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    Ive definitely gotten different

    reactions from women and well frankly men too when Im better dressed than say wearing some old jeans a t-shirt and

    havent shaved for a couple days.

    I think combining good dressing with mones would be of maximum benefit for the

    reason that while the mones will do there own thing regardless they have a somewhat limited range of effectiveness.

    Now if you are in a big room (lecture hall or auditorium) and are say in the middle and a girl walks in the room

    from the back the chances of the mones effecting her all the way back there isnt too high; however, the sense of

    sight is much more long range and if she walks in and you are well dressed (read, best dressed in the room) chances

    are she will see you and you will leave a good initial impression such as "hmm he looks good, etc." Then assuming

    she walks in to the range of the mones (sitting in the same row or behind, etc) youll then have 2 things working in

    your favor instead of just the mones..."wow looks good and smells even better." That combo could definitely lead to

    her not getting her money's worth out of class that day

  24. #24
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    You don't have to be the best

    dressed guy, but it is always a plus to be well dressed. I have always found that I am attracted to more guys at

    debate things (yes, I'm a nerd, get over it ). Is this because the guys are more attractive? Nooooo. Is it

    because they're more charming and charismaticly well spoken? Well, yes, but I'm attracted to more of them just by

    looks so it's definitely not just that. It's because they're all in SUITS. And most of them are fairly well

    tailored. This is not to say that you should go to a bar in a suit, but being well dressed is a most definite plus.

    And...suits are hot...

    However, on occasion, that cute rumpled scruffy look is all depends on

    the situation.


    P.S. oh and hair? Personally, I prefer well groomed, but not too short. An inch

    or two is good, you have to have enough to ruffle And, of course, not so much product that it's hard and

    untouchable. >.<

  25. #25
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    ps on that ps silver :

    when my hair is not "hard" its messy & it dosent look groomed nor good ...

  26. #26
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    Well then you need a new haircut,

    love...or maybe a new stylist...or maybe you just need A stylist.

    Trust me, it's very doable. There are plenty

    of products out there that make your hair manageable AND soft...look for cremes and leave-in-conditioner+control

    type products, or just a little gel, as opposed to the usual...or just talk to a stylist.


  27. #27
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Back to Basics holding paste.... I

    never really lived until that stuff.

    There's also the Sebastian product line which has some decent products

    that don't crisp or make your hair shiny.

  28. #28
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    how about some grease

    from the fryer ...

  29. #29
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  30. #30
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by eric_pelletier_tw
    to be

    back with topic a can girl smell ya form a distance also note like ears the nose is directional no need to wonder

    around ... [okok it isnt as precise as your eyes but still]
    so even if there is 20ppl unless you smell alot[read

    too much] girls will know who wears the perfume or scent [btw ppl that say somthing about bad smell know pretty much

    where it comes from most of the time...]
    They just sort of home in on the scent. I don't know the

    biological process that results in their figuring out who is the source of the pheromones. I only know that if I

    move to within 10-15 feet of them, they zero in on me.

    Dress right ? how the hell do i do that ?

    Most guys don't know how to do it anyway.

    There are basically too ways to dress: to impress men and to

    impress women. They don't share much in common. Most men dress to impress men.

    ps:girls dont took at

    what you wear! but how you wear it ! [little details]
    No. They DEFINITELY look at what you wear. I

    strongly urge you guys to check out John Molloy's Dress For Success. His book is based on solid scientific

    research. Most of it covers how men should dress in the corporate world, but there is a chapter which basically

    throws out all the rules and tells you how to dress to improve women.

    Generally, if you want to learn how to

    dress to impress women, you need to ask a woman's opinion (not your mother, not your sister) on which clothes to

    buy. Most guys are stunned by the choices women advise them to make.

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