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  1. #1
    Newbie Felstorm's Avatar
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    Default Hit report. Chikara only.

    Okay last

    evening I decided to put Chikara through it's paces.

    I showered and shaved. And applied two sprays of Chikara

    (new formula). One to my chest and one to my neck.

    Wanting to keep this as a "control", I limited my verbal

    interactions with women.

    Okay. First stop, the mall. I took my moms diamond wedding band down to have it


    Upon entering the mall I didn't notice much different aside from my own mood. Which seemed to be

    more agressive. I deliberately parked at the furthest point away from the jewelery place so I could expose myself to

    as many people as possible.

    I got the same amount of eye contact as I usually do getting to the store. Once at

    the store, within a minute of being there, I gave the diamond over to a cute little brunette (about 18-19). She

    smiled alot and made quite a bit of eye-contact with me, more than normal. She'd stop what she was doing to look

    over at me occaisionally. Did that at least three times. After about five minutes there this tall busty woman (late

    20's possibly 30) comes out of the back room, makes a beeline to me, and askes if I've been helped. She did that


    After another five minutes standing around, a blonde walks up from behind me, almost runs into me,

    stops, looks me up and down smiles real big, and then follows me around the store. Every case I would stop at she

    would be at the one next to me, or the one behind me. She couldn't keep her hands off her hair.

    I get the ring

    back from the first brunette, gets all dreamy eyed (DIHL?), and forgets to hand me my mom's paperwork for her

    diamond. I smiled and thanked her. By this point there were another three women that had walked into the store and

    were hovering around the case I was last standing at.

    So I leave that place and head over to Best Buy.

    Pretty much the same as walking through the mall. Nothing out of the ordinary. I notice other men are keeping their

    distance from me, at least four feet. If I would walk up and stand next to a guy browsing some CD's, he'd move

    within ten seconds of me coming up next to him. Men wouldn't look me in the eye either.

    But that isn't the

    best part.

    I go to check out, and this old bag in front of me asks if they have some obscure movie, and I end

    up standing in line for like 20 minutes. Well the cashier behind me (about five feet away), after about ten minutes

    of standing there, her and two female customers start talking about "Something that smells really good. What

    is that? I don't know, but I like it...yadda yadda yadda." and look around for where this scent was coming

    from. They looked like they were gonna jump on whatever it was when they found it.

    Eventually the guy

    (wouldn't look me in the eye) running the cashier in my line says he's closing after he finishes up with the

    seahag. So I go to the line behind me with the woman that was wondering where that "good smell" was coming from. I

    was very tempted to get her number but I wanted to keep this as a "control", 'mones only, no verbal charm on my

    part. I smiled, thanked her, and left. She REALLY smiled, eyes way dilated. All this whole time the blonde cashier

    behind the brunette would look at me any chance she got.

    I could have gotten at least two phone numbers

    had I tried. And even then I don't think it would have taken much effort.

    At least 15 good solid visual hits

    and I didn't do much of anything at all.

  2. #2
    King of the coupons!
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    Nice testing idea &

    report, Felstorm! Curious as to your age, if you will?

    Thanks for sharing!
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  3. #3
    Newbie Felstorm's Avatar
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    25 years old.

    That's me

    in the avatar if you haven't guessed already.

    I don't look 25. People almost always assume I'm 20 or 21.

  4. #4
    Phero Dude Surreal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Felstorm
    Okay last

    evening I decided to put Chikara through it's paces.

    I showered and shaved. And applied two sprays of Chikara

    (new formula). One to my chest and one to my neck.

    Wanting to keep this as a "control", I limited my verbal

    interactions with women.

    Okay. First stop, the mall. I took my moms diamond wedding band down to have it


    Upon entering the mall I didn't notice much different aside from my own mood. Which seemed to be more

    agressive. I deliberately parked at the furthest point away from the jewelery place so I could expose myself to as

    many people as possible.

    I got the same amount of eye contact as I usually do getting to the store. Once at the

    store, within a minute of being there, I gave the diamond over to a cute little brunette (about 18-19). She smiled

    alot and made quite a bit of eye-contact with me, more than normal. She'd stop what she was doing to look over at

    me occaisionally. Did that at least three times. After about five minutes there this tall busty woman (late 20's

    possibly 30) comes out of the back room, makes a beeline to me, and askes if I've been helped. She did that


    After another five minutes standing around, a blonde walks up from behind me, almost runs into me, stops,

    looks me up and down smiles real big, and then follows me around the store. Every case I would stop at she would be

    at the one next to me, or the one behind me. She couldn't keep her hands off her hair.

    I get the ring back from

    the first brunette, gets all dreamy eyed (DIHL?), and forgets to hand me my mom's paperwork for her diamond. I

    smiled and thanked her. By this point there were another three women that had walked into the store and were

    hovering around the case I was last standing at.

    So I leave that place and head over to Best Buy.


    much the same as walking through the mall. Nothing out of the ordinary. I notice other men are keeping their

    distance from me, at least four feet. If I would walk up and stand next to a guy browsing some CD's, he'd move

    within ten seconds of me coming up next to him. Men wouldn't look me in the eye either.

    But that isn't the

    best part.

    I go to check out, and this old bag in front of me asks if they have some obscure movie, and I end

    up standing in line for like 20 minutes. Well the cashier behind me (about five feet away), after about ten minutes

    of standing there, her and two female customers start talking about "Something that smells really good. What

    is that? I don't know, but I like it...yadda yadda yadda." and look around for where this scent was coming

    from. They looked like they were gonna jump on whatever it was when they found it.

    Eventually the guy

    (wouldn't look me in the eye) running the cashier in my line says he's closing after he finishes up with the

    seahag. So I go to the line behind me with the woman that was wondering where that "good smell" was coming from. I

    was very tempted to get her number but I wanted to keep this as a "control", 'mones only, no verbal charm on my

    part. I smiled, thanked her, and left. She REALLY smiled, eyes way dilated. All this whole time the blonde cashier

    behind the brunette would look at me any chance she got.

    I could have gotten at least two phone numbers

    had I tried. And even then I don't think it would have taken much effort.

    At least 15 good solid visual hits

    and I didn't do much of anything at all.
    IT is posts like this that drain my wallet.

    Really great

    reporting. Seriously I have been debating with myself over getting chikara. Money is what was stoping me,

    considering I spent $150 to start out with. Havent even tested WAGG all but ONE time! I just sold some old legos on

    ebay tonight so after getting some new tires for my car I am sure I have enough for some chikara!!!!! ALL I need now

    is a coupon!!!

    Thanks Felstorm


    "The whole world must learn of our peaceful ways, by force!"

  5. #5
    Newbie Felstorm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Surreal
    IT is posts like

    this that drain my wallet.

    Really great reporting. Seriously I have been debating with myself

    over getting chikara. Money is what was stoping me, considering I spent $150 to start out with. Havent even tested

    WAGG all but ONE time! I just sold some old legos on ebay tonight so after getting some new tires for my car I am

    sure I have enough for some chikara!!!!! ALL I need now is a coupon!!!

    Thanks Felstorm

    Yeah, no problem.

    I think two sprays of the new formula, dull silver cap,

    might have been borderline OD for me because that one brunette girl at the jewelery store DIHL'ed out on me.

    Well next time I do this I'm not holding back. I'll be getting phone numbers for sure. If not on-the-spot coffee

    or something else.

    Chikara, IMO is worth way more than that $60 I paid for it. I can tell I'm going to

    like using Chikara, already. It seems to need a bit of time to work it's way into the air around you. After that

    it's all magic.

  6. #6
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Great reporting Felstorm! I've

    just received my chikara this morning so, I'm gonna try the 2 sprays with a female friend of mine and see what

    happens. Nice one.
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  7. #7
    Full Member SirAngel's Avatar
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    Nice posting. I too have

    similar experiences With Chikara, but with 3 Sprays.Yet i donĀ“t realise any threatning reaction to other guys. I

    always seem to get hits when a women is exposed to my pheromones longer than about a minute. The longer a women is

    exposed to it, the better and stronger hits i get. Just walking by nothing much realy happens often.
    "He who makes a beast of himself
    gets rid of the pain of being a man"


  8. #8
    Phero Dude Surreal's Avatar
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    It is good to know that it takes

    a minute to penitrate the air.

    "The whole world must learn of our peaceful ways, by force!"

  9. #9
    Full Member SirAngel's Avatar
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    I think it "penitrates" the air

    much quicker than one minute and the phero molecules will probberbly travel through the air as fast as any other

    molecules;-), but there ist defenetly a certain amount of time needed, that a female needs to be exposed to it. My

    observation is, the "longer", the better :-)
    "He who makes a beast of himself
    gets rid of the pain of being a man"


  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the story. I have

    been experimenting with different combos involving Chikara, but I think I am just going to try Chikara alone since

    reading your experience. I started out trying to just use different combos of the stuff I have, but I think that

    wasn't such a good idea. I'm gonna start trying everything I have just by itself and try to get the right dosage

    down for each product, then I am going to start mixing.

    By the way, the stuff I have is: Chikara, SOE

    (Scented), TE (EE), SPMO, APC, and Chikara, SOE, AE, & TE gel packs.

  11. #11
    Full Member tiberius's Avatar
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    I just ordered a bottle of

    Chikara today...I cant wait to get it and start experimenting with it. I tried a gel pack of it and got some

    interesting responses. Might try that Chikara + TE combo I keep seeing repeated on the forum.

  12. #12
    Phero Dude Surreal's Avatar
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    I see that chikara was used as a

    stand alone. But would it be wise to use a cover? I hear that chikara smells great, then sometimes it smells like

    catpiss. What are your thoughts?

    "The whole world must learn of our peaceful ways, by force!"

  13. #13
    Newbie Felstorm's Avatar
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    For the last two

    days I have been wearing two sprays of Chikara on my chest and neck.

    Work. Something is different at work. More

    people in general have been coming around me. Not just women, but men too.

    A few weird things have been going

    on. I'll start with Megan. Especially Megan. You'll need my background with her first in order to understand


    This girl Megan. She's a real good looker, could pass for a tall-er Reese Whitherspoon. Definate

    8. 9 if she got some sun and changed her grating personality. Anyway, about a month ago she started working where I

    do. From day one she had me locked in her sights. This made me suspicious number one, because I could detect her

    manipulative attitude from a mile away. Good looking, smart, and she knows it. Uses her looks like a weapon.

    THAT kind of girl.

    So immediately I give her the cold shoulder and avoid her as much as possible. Hoping for

    the love of anything sacred I'll stay below her radar. Doesn't work. Keeps finding excuses to come around me.

    Anyway, one day after work, she asks to use my ice scraper to clean off her car, which was convieniently parked

    right next to mine. Seeing an opportunity to play the wuss, I clean off her car for her. Bad idea. I then offer to

    take her out for coffee. Bad idea. I give her my phone number. Even worse. At this point I though she would have

    pegged me for a pushover and put me in LBJF-land.

    So the very next day, she calls me up after work. I work 2nd

    shift, I get off work at 2am, the only thing open at this hour in this shitty little burg is Walmart. This of all

    evenings. I had a bad night at work, I was sick, my back was killing me, and I tried to beg my way out of it.

    Didn't work. She got all maternal and offered to cook soup for me. I couldn't turn down free cooking, so I bit.

    Damn male weakness for food.

    We go to Walmart, and while we are shopping, she starts in with the "qualifier

    questioning". I felt like I was at a job interview. So I played the wuss as much as possible, after all I've had 25

    years of practice! It's the one thing I KNOW I'm good at! I answered all her questions, even started sucking up a

    little. We check out and go back to my place. Apparently the wuss act was working because she was getting a little

    peevish on top of her "I'm cute and I can get away with being a little tart because I'm cute and have boobies"

    act. I can't stand that attitude in a woman, it drives me nuts. If I told her to smeg off, she'd probably just

    like me more...

    She cooks, and I flop on the futon. My back was killing me at this point, my gut was in a knot

    and all I wanted was for her to get a clue, and go away. I don't like manipulative women, especially not her.

    So I eat some of the soup, package up the rest. And say, "I'm going to bed. As much as I'd like a 'sleepover', I

    won't do that with you yet. (I was thinking: At all, ever, not if you were the last woman on earth. Okay, well, if

    she was the last woman on earth and I'd lost both my hands in a tragic smelting accident.)" Fully expecting her to

    just get a clue and leave. I take off my shirt and head to my room. She follows me! Arrrr! And sits down at my

    computer desk. Double ARRR! So after another bout of playing twenty questions, she drops the bomb. "Do you have a

    girlfriend?". Ah ha! *Wuss factor 9! Engage!* "Well, there's Lisa. But she lives in Texas.". "Oh really?". "Yeah,

    it's purely sexual.". "Ah I see.".

    She then gets up and asks me "Why I keep making faces at her.". I'm known

    for having an expressive face, I raise my eyebrows a lot I guess, especially when I smell something fishy. Seizing

    upon the opportunity, I say nothing and raise my eyebrow at her. "Well, you don't have to be such a chicken shit

    about answering my questions." Puts on her coat and gets ready to leave. *Hooray!* To put the coup de gras to my

    victory, I finish her off by asking "Where's my hug?", halfway out the door she comes back, gives me a hug and

    bites the shit out of my neck.

    Next day at work she's all over Todd, a barfly that works one of the other

    machine lines at work. *sigh of relief on my part*

    Peace at last. She found someone to leech off of. Or so I


    Not three weeks later I find out Todd and his buddy Eric are leaving our shift for first. Dammit.

    Now that Todd and Eric are gone, Megan is out flaunting herself, playing attention hussy to all the men at work. And

    she's been doing her best to tease and flirt with me. I could honestly care less.

    I'm pretty sure I'm in

    LJBF land with her, which is what I wanted, I can't stand her. In fact she commented to me today that I remind her

    of her friend "Robby". She's been trying to get me to come after her so she can reject me to get back at me for

    rejecting her. She must have figured out somehow that I was acting wussish on purpose. Apparently it bugs the crap

    out of her that I rejected her.

    Then I started up with the 2 x Chikara everyday this week.

    Now here is

    where things get interesting.

    Yesterday I get stuck back inspecting in the same area as Megan. She is

    obviously PMSing, she's bitchier than normal and her mood is swinging radically. That is, until about 15 minutes

    after I get back there and sit down to work. She had been ignoring me for the last three weeks, in favor of Todd and

    Eric. Not today, within half an hour she wasn't bitchy anymore, and was looking for reasons to talk to me again.

    Eventually it culminated with her poking me between the eyes with her finger at some later point in the evening.

    Which kinda ticked me off, just a little. Thoughts of crippling judo holds ran through my mind.

    Now today,

    she's decided to start flirting with me again. Hell, it seems like my Chikara use has really inflated her tires. In

    fact her exposure to me puts her in such a fine mood that she's all bubbly and happy by the end of the night. Hell,

    it's had such an affect on her shes screwing up simple stuff. She DIOSed out at her monitor for about 15 minutes

    today. I was sitting about seven feet away from her for at least 20 minutes.

    Well. It's not all bad. This

    other girl. "Ban", Eastern European girl, Bosnia I think. Thick accent, deep brown eyes, not terribly good looking,

    but her personality more than makes up for it. Hadn't paid me much attention, until Monday. I was sitting no less

    than 4 feet from her all day yesterday. Now today she actually talked to me and I introduced myself. I'm going to

    talk to her again tomorrow and see how it goes.

    A few of my female friends at work have seemed more chatty and

    friendly than usual. Ie, attached, married, or old enough to be my mom. Not really any negative affects that I can

    detect on my guy friends though. More people smile at me in general now. I think I'm picking up some WAGG-like

    affects from this stuff.

    More tomorrow.

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