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  1. #1
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    Question Best way to start out.

    I don't know how sick of the newbies you are, but I'm sure it must be getting old. Anyways, here I am. And

    here's the deal:

    Some few specs about me and a bunch of ramble.
    17 year old cacasian male, vergin, never

    had a girlfriend, I'm in swimming, a lot of computer geek stuff (which I can acctauly pulloff as an advantage with

    girls, ie fix their computers etc), America. Modestly saying, a lot of girls say that they find me hot sexy cute etc

    etc BS BS, but I have rarely gotten any action and they never really do anything (ie acctauly come on to me for real

    and follow through). Now granted I'm a senior and most of the girls that say all that crap are freshman and

    sophmores. 14-16ish. And we all know how immature they can be. I have a lot of people that are friendly to me and

    I'm very outgoing, but it's usualy all me. I'm always the one aprouching people, I'm always the one initiating

    conversations, always asking to do things. And most of the times this is with a younger croud (1-3 years younger).

    People my age seem to not really care about me and I have few friends my age, I'm assuming a lot of alpha males.

    And I'm fairly possitive that I'm not one of them. I wasn't born aggressive or outgoing etc, I've had to work

    hard to work on it as it didn't come naturaly. When I am around I'm assuming these Alpha males, I lose my edge, my

    "charm, funnyness, outgoingness" for some reason. And I feel a lack of respect from these guys for no reason. From

    reading a lot of these posts, I have an idea that maybe it's the fact that I'm lacking some of these 'mones and

    that by using some of these, I'd get more of an accepting environment and whatnot from it. I'm not saying it's

    all the 'mones, but by the looks of it and the results of some of the posters, this may helpout a lot. Now on to

    the main focus. Ladies. As a lot of people have showed great results by getting hits and the deer looks and very

    sexual effects from females. My sexual experiences are almost nothing. I am fully ready and accepting, but nobody

    seems to bite the bait. I mean I'm 17 and I've done nother, not even had a fake 5th grade girlfriend. Exscuse me

    from bringing in usless pathetic details of my into this, I am not trying to gain apathy, but mearly fill anyone

    who's interested in my situation to detail.

    Again I appolagize for my unusual messy post but let me try and

    get the important wants and helps out.

    I am looking for a 'mone solution that I really won't have to mess

    around with, just use vary dossage and see results. I would love to mess around with abunch of formulas and mixes

    and ratios, but for now I don't need a perfection mix, I jsut need soemthing that should help me out. This is

    mainly due to the fact that I have limited money and can't really spend more than about $75 on this stuff.

    Main goal of mones: verysexual hits of younger girls 15-25(range), cacasian if it's important, and boost of my

    alpha male appearnce to get the peers more my age to open up to me etc. This is very demanding, but is basicly just

    a general statment.

    So basicly I just need some advice in general or in the mones department. Also if anybody

    knows how I can get free samples of some of these products or have extras, pleas let me know before I spend $30-60

    on something that may not be good for me. So bassicly just help me out, maybe you guys can pitch in and we can make

    this an experiment of some sorts.

    Last edited by Fatal; 12-04-2004 at 09:46 PM.

  2. #2


    Well, just remember, it is

    possible for a computer geek to get an extremely hot girl. I can admit I am a computer geek, but after listening to

    deangelo, I just changed myself, I changed the way I think and I act completely. I became confident, not really

    caring how my results with women are. I also changed the way I walk (with sort of a confident, im too sexy for you

    look;-) ) and I have been getting a lot of looks from hot girls recently. Another thing you need to remember is, you

    always have to be in power, if a girl slams you about something then slam her back twice as hard but do it in a

    funny way. If a guy puts you down in front of a girl, don't take that, put him back down to a point where he

    doesn't want to say anything bad about you anymore (but don't make him pissed off at you). Its all about

    confidence, mones just add the edge that helps break the ice, the rest is up to you.

  3. #3
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    I think you will be fine over the

    long haul. Don't worry about it.

    I suggest you go with NPA and Chikara. NPA and TE (edge) are the same

    thing, although edge is more diluted, which leads to a more application possiblities. Do you want to do

    1,2,3,4....8 dabs, or do you even want to do dabs? 1,2,3,4..6 sprays? It all leads to people sometimes have

    trouble learning to use edge. That is why I recommend NPA, where the choices are basically 1,2 or 3 dabs or drops.

    In some instances, even 1 dab is too much, and in that case the more dilute TE is a better option, but more likely

    you will be okay with NPA.

    As far as samples, order the Chikara and Edge gel packets. I think wednesday

    sometimes they give out samples at only the S&H cost. You can also buy them to without having to throw down a lot

    of money, and see how it works out. Each gel packet gives you 1-3 applications, dependng on how much you


    I think Chikara may be on sale right now, not sure. But if its at full price, just wait until it goes

    on sale. There are actually a lot of sales, so if you can afford to two items at full price (about 100 bucks), just

    wait and something will come up.

  4. #4
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    First, you sound like a great

    candidate for the beginner's pack. It's only $25 plus shipping. Maybe ad to that some AE gel packs. Start slow

    with the TE and see what happens.

    We actually like newbies but feel they should do some studying here as well.

    There's a lot to learn but you can figure most of it out between ordering and recieving your order.

    Good luck
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  5. #5
    Phero Dude Surreal's Avatar
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    Whats up bro?

    I too geek out all the time.... I dont any problem telling a nice girl I am a geek. (not a dork) Infact I tell

    them mostly because I am looking for a geek girlfreind aswell. (i am 22) I just love girls that play first person


    Do you have a car? If not get job, bite the bullet and get your parents (anyone) to get your ass to

    work. : ) Save up, get some wheels.

    Most yourself.... thats the trick to winning life.

    (girls too )

    I think you should look for a girl for a lone term relationship. i.e. a few months 6-18.

    Approach those nice girls you would never even think to approach. After I got out of school I bumpted into a lot of

    girls that said they thought I was nice/cute. Boy o Boy only if I would of known!!! Be nice.... befriend

    EVERYONE!!!!!!! That cute girl that everyone thinks she gets A's because she is better than everyone else. ITS not

    the CASE!!! She is just smart. Smart girls make better lovers. (opinion here) They are more pleasent and have less

    of a chance goin PHYSCO during a breakup.

    TO the pheros....................

    I have tremendous results

    with AE (Alter-Ego). It has 3 of the well know pheros. Over all it is well balenced. It works with your target

    age group. It is cheap too. I hear chikara is great, have not tried it yet. I will tell you what, if you buy AE and

    dont like it I wil buy if off you! (I really like it )

    Make sure you read the forums up and down. Most the

    information here is not exagerated and honest.


    "The whole world must learn of our peaceful ways, by force!"

  6. #6
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    Hmmm I was thinking to just try AE

    after all of the great things I've heard about it. The only think I'm worried about is all the seperate ones that

    you have to add together to make them work, and I'm not quite sure on which ones would work with each other and

    whatnot. Kind of like how people know how to mix colognes from bassnotes.

    Also what are goo places to try

    these out before I start using them in my prime area of school. I am in high school and that is the main place that

    I will use it. Also any suggestions on how I may use it/apply (as in to my body) as to get the best affect from a

    school environment, as it differs a lot from work/clubs/bars.

    Anything you can suggest would be VERY much

    appreciated, anything at all. I don't care be it good or bad. Also I feel stupid and ignorant for asking this last

    one, but where should I learn how to do these mixes and how the diiferent ratios of mones will affect diiferent

    things like 5:2 none:nol will enhance friendlyness as opposed to a 3:4 would be heavy sexual. (BS ratios, but you

    get the idea.)

    Thank you very much again, and the more variaty of opinions would be the best.

  7. #7
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Don't start off mixing. Go

    with one of the solid products and see how it works. Go ahead and try it at school just start of with a couple dabs

    and work your way up. Don't OD and you'll be fine.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  8. #8
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    That's what I was leaning towards

    honestly. I have neither the money or knowledge to start doing that kind of thing.

  9. #9
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fatal
    17 year old cacasian male, vergin, never had a girlfriend, I'm in swimming, a lot of computer geek stuff (which

    I can acctauly pulloff as an advantage with girls, ie fix their computers etc), America. Modestly saying, a lot of

    girls say that they find me hot sexy cute etc etc BS BS, but I have rarely gotten any action and they never really

    do anything (ie acctauly come on to me for real and follow through). Now granted I'm a senior and most of the girls

    that say all that crap are freshman and sophmores. 14-16ish. And we all know how immature they can be. I have a lot

    of people that are friendly to me and I'm very outgoing, but it's usualy all me. I'm always the one aprouching

    people, I'm always the one initiating conversations, always asking to do things. And most of the times this is with

    a younger croud (1-3 years younger). People my age seem to not really care about me and I have few friends my age,

    I'm assuming a lot of alpha males. And I'm fairly possitive that I'm not one of


    Dude, you are more Alpha than you think.

    It's not like you have to spend your life associating only with people who were born in the same year as you.

    That's crazy talk (as a friend of mine would say).


    lead. Others follow. Alphas do. Others would like to. You can be Alpha and still be a virgin. You're under no

    obligation to go out and have sex by any particular age.

    When I am around I'm assuming these Alpha males, I lose my edge, my "charm, funnyness, outgoingness" for

    some reason.

    Because you are young and immature and

    have convinced yourself these guys are better than you.

    Actually, girls 1-2 years younger than you are at likely to be at least as mature as you, if not more


    And I feel a lack of respect from these guys for

    no reason. From reading a lot of these posts, I have an idea that maybe it's the fact that I'm lacking some of

    these 'mones and that by using some of these, I'd get more of an accepting environment and whatnot from


    Nope. Your lack of self-confidence is why they

    don't respect you.

    I mean I'm 17 and I've done

    nother, not even had a fake 5th grade girlfriend. Exscuse me from bringing in usless pathetic details of my into

    this, I am not trying to gain apathy, but mearly fill anyone who's interested in my situation to


    Girls are attracted to guys who are happy

    doing their own thing. To the younger girls, you seem to be that kind of guy. There is no reason why you can't

    have a girlfriend who is 1-2 years younger than you.


    fact, in about 30 years, unless you are happily married to a woman who has managed to tame your fantasies and keep

    her sweet-tempered nature, you'll be all but obsessing with younger women anyway.

    I am looking for a

    'mone solution that I really won't have to mess around with, just use vary dossage and see results.

    would suggest WAGG or Chikara. You probably don't need the Androstenone-heavy products.

    You need to take

    yourself seriously. You'll get there before you know it, and the pheromones may or may not help you.


    trust yourself, and learn to read body language. That will give you an immense advantage over those guys who so

    intimidate you.

  10. #10
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    Well I can see your point about

    the Alpha male business. And I do have to say I am more of a leader for the most part, and I would like to state

    that i'm not obsessed about getting laid, but some sort of sensual intamiacy would be nice here sometime soon. And

    while I agree with you about the part about there being nothing wrong with hanging around different ages, it's the

    fact that that's almost all I do. It's either 2 or three years younger, I almost never do anything with anyone,

    male of female my age or older. I mean I would like to bond with some people that can do the same things as me

    (drive, R movies, parents letting their daughters do things alone with a guy my age, etc)I know this is a wee little

    off topic of 'mones, but maybe somebody has been there and done that already. Also I do seem to have less

    confidence around older people my age, but it's usualy only with males that I know, or seem to be more suscessful.

    Seems like that is just a matter of confidence issues with myself, but that aside.

  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Actually Chikara is on sale for

    60$ and you can get the free gel packs ( only today ).
    That way you can start with a well balanced standalone

    product, and also try what TE gel does for you ( if you want to use TE, start with very littel. Even one small

    fingertip full was an OD for me ).

  12. #12
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    Alright well I purchased some

    Alter Ego, and a tester size of Acqua Di Gio because I have not yet smelled it, but have heard tremendous things

    about it. A quick question though, would these two work well together? I'm pretty sure I've heard they do.

  13. #13
    Newbie Felstorm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fatal
    I don't know how sick of the newbies you are, but I'm sure it must be getting old. Anyways, here I am. And

    here's the deal:

    I never get sick of newbies. The only stupid question is the one that goes unasked.

    Some few specs about me and a bunch of ramble.
    17 year old cacasian male, vergin, never had a

    girlfriend, I'm in swimming, a lot of computer geek stuff (which I can acctauly pulloff as an advantage with girls,

    ie fix their computers etc),
    Blah blah blah.

    Excuse excuse excuse.

    Would you like some cheese

    to go with that whine?

    Pheromones aren't going to do a whole lot for you if you don't stop making excuses for

    your failure. Failure sucks. But don't let it paralyze you.

    Keep in mind you are only 17. You have MANY many

    years of girl chasing ahead of you. Some of the guys on this board are in their 30's and 40's and still have women

    chasing them. Also, you will retain your attractiveness WELL into later life because of the fact that men don't

    need to rely on looks to hook up with hot women.

    Again I appolagize for my unusual messy post but let

    me try and get the important wants and helps out.
    No. Apologise for whining, and promise you'll stop

    doing it and change who you are into something better.

    I am looking for a 'mone solution that I

    really won't have to mess around with.
    Okay. I want you to do two things before buying a bottle of


    One. I want you to commit yourself to the following mantra.

    I am a man. I make no excuses

    for what I like or want. I love hot women. Hot women love me and want to tear off my clothes.

    I want you to

    sit down with a notebook and write this ten times a day for 30 days. Everytime you catch yourself talking smack to

    yourself. I want you to recite it to yourself out loud ten times.

    Eventually you'll begin to believe it. And

    so will other people, too.

    Two. Work out. Go to the gym. Up your protien intake, get some muscles on your

    frame if you are skinny, if you are chubby shed that weight.

    This will not only make you look better, but will

    boost your own self confidence.

    Best part. I won't cost you much, if anything.

  14. #14
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    I get you're point, but it was

    hardly whining. I was mearly just trying to give some background infromation. Not excuses, I have no need for

    excuses; only solutions.

    I started workingout about a year ago, and I'm swimming this year so it's helping.

    And you're right, it does boost up the confidance and sex appeal. So i'm on the slender side, kinda too skinny.

    But I'm working on that. But I don't think that's the fact, I think it's just because i'm too much of a pussy

    around intimidating people. But the thing is I don't want to be an egotistical dickhead though. And thanks for the


  15. #15
    Newbie Felstorm's Avatar
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    But I don't think

    that's the fact, I think it's just because i'm too much of a pussy around intimidating people.
    This is

    the kinda stuff I'm talking about.

    Sit down right now and write out your anti-pussy behaviour mantra.

    You keep telling yourself you are a pussy, and you'll keep behavng that way. You gotta change how you think


  16. #16
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    I am a man, I am not a pussy. I

    make no excuses for what I like or want. I do what/who I want. I love hot women. Hot women love me and want to tear

    off my clothes.

  17. #17
    Journeyman Red Stripe's Avatar
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    Ahem, doesen't sound like he

    was whining to me.. And if I recall from reading your thread, youre not exactly the guy to be giving advice about

    picking up girls, Felstorm.

    Andrew, I feel ya. I'll just say this - Its easier to make good friends

    with someone first through 1 on 1 personal friendship than in a group, where other factors are coming into play.

    Work on getting to know people, and them getting to know you, outside the group and you will be more respected when

    everyone is together.

    To answer your question though, I'd go with SOE in light doses. Try the gel packs, a

    good way to sample things with minimal investment.

  18. #18
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    so how's it been working since

    then? get your 'mones yet? I think I was sorta where you are before. so much is about additude. felstorm was right

    about being a man. if someone else doesn't think so. who gives a crap? they suck! not you. if a girl doesn't like

    you, who gives a crap? even still, pay attention, that person making fun of you may unwittingly give you a heads up

    on some way to make yourself better. you don't have to change for anyone, but it's useful to know what other

    people give you power, control. keep working at it!

  19. #19
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fatal
    Alright well I

    purchased some Alter Ego, and a tester size of Acqua Di Gio because I have not yet smelled it, but have heard

    tremendous things about it. A quick question though, would these two work well together? I'm pretty sure I've

    heard they do.
    After reading your initial post, my first thought was “Alter

    Ego”. It’s easy to use, and I have a feeling this blend will work well with your personality type.
    Start out

    small. One drop/day for the first couple of days. Two drops for a couple of more days & etc... until you find your

    ideal dosage.
    The most obvious reaction should be more respect from guys your age and more friendliness

    from girls. As your confidence builds you should notice more attraction and responsiveness from females.

    TE & NPA are good products, famous for provoking extreme sexual responses. But the down side is occasional

    territorial pissing contests from other alpha types. Another down side is that it takes time to figure out the right

    proportion of cologne to pheromones.
    Wait until you’ve grown comfortable with Alter Ego before trying

    this out. (TE + Alter Ego is a great combo, by the way.)

    Alter Ego doesn’t require cologne. You CAN

    use cologne if you want, but this will require slightly increasing your pheromone dosage. I recommend trying AE on

    its own before trying it with your cologne.

    Good luck!
    Give truth a chance.

  20. #20
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    PS Don’t worry about being a

    virgin. Sex can be a very powerful addiction at your age. You could find yourself doing crazy, self destructive

    things — sacrificing everything, including your self respect — for just a little piece of A.
    At least

    this was my experience at 17.

    I’m not the least bit prudish, and I don’t come from any religious/ethical

    perspective. I’m just warning you that it took me 4 years of celibacy to figure out that sex is not the meaning of

    life & getting laid is not the true measure of my manhood.
    Give truth a chance.

  21. #21
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    Well acctualy I've only worn them

    once or twice. One was at a basketball game with big crowds, and nothing really concrete about them. And the other

    times were just around the house for christmass and stuff. I really havn't had the chance to experiment with them

    with school being out and no where to really test 'em. But next week school will be back and that will be my main

    testing center. And the combo of AE and Gio smells really nice, so even if nothing becomes of it, I still got a

    great smelling combo I'll be sure to keep you guys updated next week though.

  22. #22
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    ok i didnt read other

    posts :P... Ok you say you whant too be more alpha then go -none try free gelpacks for a first 10$ shiping isnt

    much ... you get TE (none) SoE scented & SoE uncented . Get like 3-4 sets : method 1 : start low work your way up

    ... method 2 : start high then go low,OD twice to make shure, then try half,then 1/4 more & 1/4 less & poke around

    ... i use method 1 : takes longer to attain results ...

  23. #23
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eric_pelletier_tw

    just read somthing: virgin? GET SOME! FAST! (litle piece of advice from a 27yo... )
    Bad advice.


    don't worry about it.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  24. #24
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by CptKipling
    Bad advice.

    Fatal, don't worry about it.
    I agree with CptKipling. No reason why your first time shouldn't be

    special. Do it right, even if you're sure you're not with Miss Right.

  25. #25
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    Oh man, guys don't worry about me

    and sex, I'm not making a big deal of it so don't fret with that. I was just meaning I don't get enough action

    period, sexual or otherwise. But I'm working on that

    Yes along with my full bottle of AE, I did order the

    free samples, and they were supposed to be shipped the 20th... ah well, any day now.

    Also what I'm looking for

    is respect. I get no respect at all, I'm a senior and get treated as if I was a sophmore. I look kinda younger than

    my age, but still. Anything that helps with that?

    Thanks guys

  26. #26
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    Allright, well I just went out to

    a girls house for new years. It was the only thing to do and it was really freaking lame. She was like 15 and her

    friends had to have been like 14? This was unbeknownst to me as I was figureing there were going to be a lot of

    older girls maybe at least 16. But there was only like three of them. So it was really really stupid, and they were

    all reading cosmopolitan or some stupid crap. ANYWAYS.

    This was my first real test of mones. I wore about 3

    drops of ae chest, below bellybutton, and wrists. Also wore about three small small dabs of Aqua di Gio. So i was

    pretty yummy smelling. So I get there and make a lame long story short, the only thing I got was about halfway

    through I went to the bathroom and applied about 2 more srops of AE on wrist and neck. I came out and the first

    thing one of them said was "omg you smell so good smell him" and that's it. Nothing more than that, no more

    sniffing, no getting really close, no flirrting, no dihl notta at all. I did not sense anything different from other

    girls, they didn't really seem like they were affected even more chatty like. etc etc. I was expecting you know a

    bigger crowd with more matured girls that you know, didn't think sex was icky and perverted and bad. Ah


    So basicly in conclusion I don't think mones have a big effect on young girls say <15 which is a good

    thing I s'pose. I hope to really try them out on monday when I go back to my school with people I know(I only knew

    one of them so that might be something). There will be guys and people my age, so hopefully I'll have better

    results there.

  27. #27
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fatal
    ...So I get there

    and make a lame long story short, the only thing I got was about halfway through I went to the bathroom and applied

    about 2 more srops of AE on wrist and neck. I came out and the first thing one of them said was "omg you smell so

    good smell him" and that's it....
    Dude, that was a MAJOR hit considering how young these girls are.

    ...I did not sense anything different from other girls, they didn't really seem like they were affected

    even more chatty like. etc etc...
    Not to put too fine a point on it, but you don't sound very experienced

    to me.

    So basicly in conclusion I don't think mones have a big effect on young girls say <15 which is a

    good thing I s'pose.
    Well, I have to disagree with you. Keep in mind that I am a 45-year-old man and I

    have as little to do with teenagers (outside my family) as I can. So, on those RARE occasions when I find myself

    surrounded by AND interacting with teenage girls, I do find that many of them get turned on, tongue-tied, and


    While the pheromones are only part of my picture, I am sure they are a big part of it.

    The less

    experienced a girl is, the more likely she is to SAY NOTHING, DO NOTHING, and HOLD HERSELF BACK when she is aroused

    or at least very attracted by a specific guy, especially one who is older than her.

    In a teenage girl's eyes,

    the older you are, the more experienced you are, the more dangerous you are, and the less she trusts you (and

    herself, if she finds herself attracted to you).

    When I was 18, 14-year-old girls flirted with me all the time.

    Some of them just outright came on to me. I didn't stop noticing hits from teenage girls until I was in my 20s, in

    college, and dealing with women closer to my age.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fatal
    I don't know how sick of the newbies you are, but I'm sure it must be getting old. Anyways, here I am. And

    here's the deal:

    Some few specs about me and a bunch of ramble.
    17 year old cacasian male, vergin, never had a

    girlfriend, I'm in swimming, a lot of computer geek stuff (which I can acctauly pulloff as an advantage with girls,

    ie fix their computers etc), America. Modestly saying, a lot of girls say that they find me hot sexy cute etc etc BS

    BS, but I have rarely gotten any action and they never really do anything (ie acctauly come on to me for real and

    follow through). Now granted I'm a senior and most of the girls that say all that crap are freshman and sophmores.

    14-16ish. And we all know how immature they can be. I have a lot of people that are friendly to me and I'm very

    outgoing, but it's usualy all me. I'm always the one aprouching people, I'm always the one initiating

    conversations, always asking to do things. And most of the times this is with a younger croud (1-3 years younger).

    People my age seem to not really care about me and I have few friends my age, I'm assuming a lot of alpha males.

    And I'm fairly possitive that I'm not one of them. I wasn't born aggressive or outgoing etc, I've had to work

    hard to work on it as it didn't come naturaly. When I am around I'm assuming these Alpha males, I lose my edge, my

    "charm, funnyness, outgoingness" for some reason. And I feel a lack of respect from these guys for no reason. From

    reading a lot of these posts, I have an idea that maybe it's the fact that I'm lacking some of these 'mones and

    that by using some of these, I'd get more of an accepting environment and whatnot from it. I'm not saying it's

    all the 'mones, but by the looks of it and the results of some of the posters, this may helpout a lot. Now on to

    the main focus. Ladies. As a lot of people have showed great results by getting hits and the deer looks and very

    sexual effects from females. My sexual experiences are almost nothing. I am fully ready and accepting, but nobody

    seems to bite the bait. I mean I'm 17 and I've done nother, not even had a fake 5th grade girlfriend. Exscuse me

    from bringing in usless pathetic details of my into this, I am not trying to gain apathy, but mearly fill anyone

    who's interested in my situation to detail.

    Again I appolagize for my unusual messy post but let me try and get

    the important wants and helps out.

    I am looking for a 'mone solution that I really won't have to mess around

    with, just use vary dossage and see results. I would love to mess around with abunch of formulas and mixes and

    ratios, but for now I don't need a perfection mix, I jsut need soemthing that should help me out. This is mainly

    due to the fact that I have limited money and can't really spend more than about $75 on this stuff.

    Main goal

    of mones: verysexual hits of younger girls 15-25(range), cacasian if it's important, and boost of my alpha male

    appearnce to get the peers more my age to open up to me etc. This is very demanding, but is basicly just a general


    So basicly I just need some advice in general or in the mones department. Also if anybody knows how I

    can get free samples of some of these products or have extras, pleas let me know before I spend $30-60 on something

    that may not be good for me. So bassicly just help me out, maybe you guys can pitch in and we can make this an

    experiment of some sorts.

    listen andy i feel standalone scent of eros is your

    best beat with apc in your pocket for after the fire is lite . becoming mildly cocky and funny will lead to more


  29. #29
    Full Member
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    Nov 2004
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    Well I usualy have girls say that

    I smell good, so I gusse I didn't attribute that to the mone's rather just the scent. And you are correct, I am

    not very experienced. Only starting last year I began getting anywhere with girls. I've gone on a few dates, but

    nothing real. I'm sorry but this little teenboper bullshit is pissing me off. I'm tired of these imature girls

    playing their stupid games with me. I want people, not that there's anything wrong with having younger friends, but

    at my age the maturity gap is large.

    Yes, and friendly, when you were that age, how many girls more your age

    1 or 2 year give or take or older did you get compraed to the young ones? I know the power of being an older guy

    compared to the girls, and it's the only thing I've got working for me. It's really werid though, last year I got

    more action from the senior girls than my grade. Honestly, I jsut think it's the kids in my school in my grade.

    Tomorow's the big day though, school testing time. AE & Aqua >=]

    Btw, Happy New Year everyone!

  30. #30
    Phero Pharaoh
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fatal
    ...I'm sorry but

    this little teenboper bullshit is pissing me off. I'm tired of these imature girls playing their stupid games with

    It never really stops. It just gets more intricate and sophisticated. Now, knowing a lot of

    people who have been happily married for many years, I can tell you that it seems to subside, but women normally do

    whatever they can to manipulate men. That is as natural as guys beating their chests and yelling at the top of

    their lungs to demonstrate their strength.

    ...I want people, not that there's anything wrong with having

    younger friends, but at my age the maturity gap is large.
    At your age (said above to be 17), you will find

    that maturity varies greatly. Some 14 year old girls will be about right for you, some 20 year old girls would be

    good for you, but most will seem like an awkward match. Think of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. You're going to

    find a lot of porridge that is too hot or too cold.

    It becomes a winnowing process as both you and the girls

    gain experience and confidence. They will probably gain it faster than you (and I am not speaking about sexual

    experience but all kinds of experience).

    Yes, and friendly, when you were that age, how many girls more

    your age 1 or 2 year give or take or older did you get compraed to the young ones?
    I chose to remain a

    virgin until I was 25 (and engaged to the girl I married). I didn't "get" anyone, although plenty of girls (older

    and younger) gave me opportunities.

    Age didn't seem to matter. When I was 21, I dated a girl who was 24 and

    divorced. I could have had her, but I wasn't ready. I wanted something serious, and she was not looking for


    Anyway, I'm not saying those girls were right for you. I'm trying to say that you're going to keep

    feeling like you're missing the mark, if you have a typical teenage experience.

    In retrospect, I understand now

    that my deliberately holding back was part of what made me attractive to so many women. I was a challenge to them,

    and must have seemed both very confident and very shy. Confident because I was this crazy, outgoing guy who wasn't

    afraid to do or say anything in public, shy because I agonized over whether to pursue opportunities (and usually

    chose NOT to because the girls didn't meet my uppity standards).

    Ironically, when I finally made my choice, I

    chose badly.

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