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Thread: OD report

  1. #31
    Full Member tiberius's Avatar
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    Definitely let the guy know as

    soon as possible and politely as possible that you are interested in him romantically...otherwise wearing the

    copulins around him despite whatever you are actually saying/doing his mind will be else where.

  2. #32
    Newbie Felstorm's Avatar
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    I know I'm getting

    results/reactions/hits or whatever you want to call them, unfortunately they are not the ones I want.


    No amount of pheromones will help you Celtic, because your personality and female seeking habits are out

    of balance.

    Way out of balance.

    The first step to changing this is recognition. You've done that. From

    what I've gathered, reading your posts, you snap at any little perceived trespass. Gotta cut that out man. It's

    one thing to not accept second rate treatment from other people, and another to OD on pheros deliberately and go

    looking for harsh reactions.

    From all accounts of your behaviour, you seem to be rather angry and bitter

    inside. At least toward women. Gotta let that animosity go. Whatever frustration you have, you have to let that go.

    Worthwhile women can sense animosity like they can sense a wuss. Women are better at the emotion/body language game

    than men are. And you communicate all this non-verbally. The women you desire are being driven off by the

    frustration you are harboring in your heart. You may deny this yourself, but other people see it in you. And it's

    quite obvious in your behaviours as you have posted here.

    Forget the nightclub and bar scene. Stop going

    entirely. If you drink, stop. I think the bar-scene has skewed your perception of women. The only women I have ever

    met in bars have been the sleazy, manipulative, I-like-to-boff-drunken-assholes, type. They only go after the

    abusive assholes, because that it the way alcohol makes people behave. Alcohol literally kills off your braincells.

    Do you REALLY want to get involved with someone that regularly and consistently kills off millions of their neurons

    every night they go out drinking?

    They aren't worth your time. The women that are real treasures will never be

    caught dead in a bar, tavern, pub, nightclub. You'll find them in art galleries, libraries, on college campuses, in

    stores, enjoying their hobbies, and the street corner at noon on Wednesday.

    Bars and nightclubs = Free drinks,

    and lots of ego inflating attention to women. Most go there not to actually find someone to have a relationship

    with, but to get drunk on someone elses paycheck (yours), and selfishly feed off of attention of men. Something they

    don't deserve. They are taking your money and attention and giving nothing back. If they feel like it they'll

    sleep with someone if they are drunk enough and the guy is enough of a loser like themselves.

    Water always

    seeks it's own level. It's obvious that your level is way above that of simple barflies. Thusly your difficulty in

    attracting and sleeping with women from that tavern-mentality culture.

    It's time to raise the bar for

    yourself holmes.

  3. #33
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    gonna take time.
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  4. #34
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Do you have an

    exercise regamin? Do you work out in some way? For me, going to the dojo and spending an hour or two exercising and

    working with others in a controlled aggression does wonders for my attitude. It also helps to build and reinforce

    the self discipline needed to keep my own temper under control. Once you start getting good at any one of the arts

    the self confidence also begins to show and that helps in almost every situation.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  5. #35
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    I don't have a regime

    unfortunately. I think I have a general loathing of social situations. I can't go to a swimming pool for example,

    because I don't like the idea of sharing the water with the great unwashed (I've been like that since a child).

    Same goes for a gym. Maybe, I could get a weightbench and just invite a friend round to pump some iron. Or seek

    professional help! Hehe.

    Had any scary real-life encounters where your martial art paid dividends, belgareth.

    What do you do many weeks, months would it take for such an activity to help with emotional reactions,

    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  6. #36
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Check it out, it's a new me on my

    path to spiritual enlightenment.
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  7. #37
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis
    I don't have a

    regime unfortunately. I think I have a general loathing of social situations. I can't go to a swimming pool for

    example, because I don't like the idea of sharing the water with the great unwashed (I've been like that since a

    child). Same goes for a gym. Maybe, I could get a weightbench and just invite a friend round to pump some iron. Or

    seek professional help! Hehe.

    Had any scary real-life encounters where your martial art paid dividends,

    belgareth. What do you do many weeks, months would it take for such an activity to help with emotional

    reactions, IYO?
    Professional help might not be a bad idea, it sounds a bit phobic to me. There are others

    much more qualified than me to make those kinds of judgments though.

    Most people starting out in martial arts

    start gaining self confidence within the first few months. Over time it grows as you become more profficient and

    earn your belts. Nothing comes for free and that is the important part. You have to earn it.

    I've been in one

    or two bad situations over the years but that was a long time ago. I learned how to avoid trouble along the way.

    Just because I can do something doesn't mean I want to do it. I've also spent a lot of time studying philosophy

    and that has helped me a lot, my perspective on life and people has changed a bit.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  8. #38
    Full Member Yoel's Avatar
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    I started practicing martial arts

    one year ago and my confidence boosted as I increased my experience. But exactly like Bel says, just because I know

    how to fight doesn't mean I have to show off. In fact, I have never got into a fight since then. I think it's

    really relaxing though.
    I for sure am now calmer and more resolute (confident) than a year ago.

    אני להיות לא באמת יהודי

  9. #39
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yoel

    started practicing martial arts one year ago and my confidence boosted as I increased my experience. But exactly

    like Bel says, just because I know how to fight doesn't mean I have to show off. In fact, I have never got into a

    fight since then. I think it's really relaxing though.
    I for sure am now calmer and more resolute (confident)

    than a year ago.

    I think that's part of martial arts training. You learn what to do in a

    bad situation, but you also develop your confidence and intuition to the point where you avoid getting into that

    type of situation in the first place.

  10. #40
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    I was a similar type

    of person a few years ago. Just getting in my car and driving to the store in the winter, the height of our tourist

    season, was enough to send me into a tirade by the time I got home. I was very antisocial and hostile towards people

    I didn't know. Meditation turned it around for me.

    An easy, "One Minute Meditation" can be found

    here. I've been using

    Siva Baba's techniques now since 1999 and feel they have helped me a lot with relaxation and dealing with others.

    Haven't had the more grandiose benefits some claim to have received yet, but I feel it is beneficial just for how

    my outlook on life has changed.

    Originally into self-hypnosis, I learned about Baba through a Wayne Dyer

    Book. Dyer's books might be a good area to pursue in the quest for self-improvment. He also has a meditation tape

    out which is based on Siva Baba's technique.

    Baba's meditations and claims might not be for you, so like

    belgareth said, I recommend checking out the library and bookstores for meditation, self-hypnosis, and relaxation

    tapes or CDs. A library would be best as you could "try before you buy," but consider looking in used CD and

    bookstores for discounted self-improvement titles too.

  11. #41
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Celtic, did you change your name to


  12. #42
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    I should add, even

    with meditation, I still have attitude problems if I wear too much Edge. I can only wear a dab or two of that stuff

    alone without getting impatient and easily irritated. The meditation practice has helped me to identify my attitude

    at the time and also helps to maintain composure.

  13. #43
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjf
    Celtic, did you change

    your name to elvis?
    Yeah, what d'ya think? Rockin' social conscience or what, man! I feel better

    already...just don't step on m' blue suede winklepickers, dude. chortle.

    Quote Originally Posted by InternationaPlayboy
    I should

    add, even with meditation, I still have attitude problems if I wear too much Edge
    Thanks for the

    meditation tip. I think TE even in low doses does put me on 'edge', never mind this OD business. Do you work with

    'nol in the main, then?
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  14. #44
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis

    what d'ya think? Rockin' social conscience or what, man! I feel better already...just don't step on m' blue

    suede winklepickers, dude. chortle.

    Thanks for the meditation tip. I think TE even in low doses does

    put me on 'edge', never mind this OD business. Do you work with 'nol in the main, then?
    I've been

    using mainly Chikara and Perception since their introduction. Chikara is my favorite for overall well being and good

    reactions from others. Perception makes me feel a bit more assertive and has given me blatent DIHL hits, but it

    doesn't give me the "exotic" feeling that I get from wearing Chikara.

    Still trying TE on occasion but I

    have to wear a "smoother" in conjunction with it, such as Chikara, SOE, or even Pheros, to keep myself from getting

    "edgy." (I sometimes wonder if that's the reason for the name, it puts everyone on edge.)

  15. #45
    Enlightened One
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    Ok celticelvis (sorry couldnt


    Being sceptical of women is ok - some deserve to be treated with contempt - there are a few that say

    you should be doormat for those types of girls that treat ya like sheet

    The way i see it is if she treats ya

    with respect then you give it in return if she treats you with contempt like a doormat - you move on - now with miss

    italy girl you were right to give her a ribbing - perhaps you could have used a better lot of language or been a bit

    smarter about it but basically she was dissing you after initally leading you along and you were right to vent

    youre frustratings to her in the manner you did.

    You could have even just called her a attention seeking

    pricktease and shell never get a decent guy to treat her with respect if she keeps leading them along like she does

    (not that any good will come of it of course)

    Now of course there are the other types of girls that treat

    guys that treat them good with respect and are quick to tell you they aint interested or they are


    Remember women will tell you the opposite of what they really respond to - ie if you treat em

    good they will respect you and not string you along - what a load of BS its just a cover so they can make you think

    that they wont do that.

    You need to learn like i have done to simply judge them by their actions not by their

    words remember girls are masters of the verbal game and in most cases if they can talk you into a state of ignorance

    they will.

    My approach is to guage her respect / contempt / ignorance / responsivenss to me by her actions

    and not so much by her words - i can then make a rational - less sexual emotional judgement on her personality and

    weather to pursue things further.

    If she is responsive - not ignorant without a valid reason ie if shes busy

    thats fine but if its a deliberate attempt at avoiding me then of course its going nowhere - but if she does be

    responsive etc things could go further.

  16. #46
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Some good points Watcher.

    Especially, judging on actions not words.


    Quote Originally Posted by Watcher
    Ok celticelvis (sorry couldnt

    you can call me Sir from now on!

    Quote Originally Posted by InternationalPlayboy
    I've been

    using mainly Chikara and Perception since their introduction. Chikara is my favorite for overall well being and good

    reactions from others. Perception makes me feel a bit more assertive and has given me blatent DIHL hits, but it

    doesn't give me the "exotic" feeling that I get from wearing Chikara.

    Still trying TE on occasion but I have to

    wear a "smoother" in conjunction with it, such as Chikara, SOE, or even Pheros, to keep myself from getting "edgy."

    (I sometimes wonder if that's the reason for the name, it puts everyone on edge.)
    This is eating me up

    inside. I have about $90 to play with, obviously I want to make this stretch as far as possible. You know TE makes

    me aggro quite easily, OD turns me into Dracula. I still have a lot of it left. I also have SPMO. What do I get?

    I've had a lot of opinions but don't feel anything has swung my mind. Do you think the best ones I'd be looking

    at are:


    I know this is rather simplistic to say the least,

    but would this be an order of popularity? I think I need a good 'nol/'rone source to take the heat out of TE. One

    that smells good. But I really would like to see sexual hits as well as keeping cool with the guys? What are my

    options? Could I even manage to sneak a couple of products while keeping to my aims? The possibilities are endless,

    especially since I could get packs of SOE/Chikara and still have a lot of dough to spend. Help!!!!!
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  17. #47
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    For your cause, I'd get chikara.

    The SOE is pretty close to the SPMO....the rone isn't going to make a huge huge difference. A big thing is how it

    affects yourself anyway.

    Perception won't help your cause because you are still going to want to mix with a

    bit of te and I think the none in perception will send you over the edge - AND WE DON'T WANT THAT . AE is a

    standalone, subtle product. Again, I don't see the point really. Might as well get chikara, which has all three

    mones of AE, plus four more, and mix with TE.

    As for Pheros, that has valerian in it which may relax you

    somewhat. But chikara should make you feel better, plus will have more hit power and enhance the te more


    I guess you pay so much in S&H that you want to get everything you need in one shot. I'd recommend

    1. chikara first, do some research on wagg too, as that would suit you but I don't know if you'd use it that much

    if you had chikara, and SOE is a solid choice, but again, you have spmo and I am not sure you could justify paying

    50 bucks for it then.

  18. #48
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Thanks bjf, I reckon that just

    about sums it for me!
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  19. #49
    Journeyman chococat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis
    Thanks, this kind

    of thing gives me hope.

    Welcome to the pathetic male psyche, chococat!
    I am the

    embodiment of this behaviour. I suppose some people can't sing, dance, drive...or have timing in said situation.

    Please tell him to his face you're not interested in him romantically and soon, if you haven't already done so.

    Well, I have already told him I am not interested in anything but friendship (even before I

    started wearing the copulins.)

    Not sure how to deal with this. This is the problem with females wearing

    pheromones. Normally we have a specific target (I do) and forget about all the *other* targets we create

    involuntarily by wearing pheromones.

    I guess the only up side to this is that perhaps it makes me appear more

    attractive in the minds of the guys who have not noticed me. If it works that way at all with men.

  20. #50
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chococat
    Well, I have

    already told him I am not interested in anything but friendship (even before I started wearing the

    Good for you If he's giving you touchy-feely stuff, you could just give him the hint

    subtly but firmly your using body-language. If that doesn't work, politely pointing out he's in your personal

    space may have an effect.

    I imagine from your perspective, this really isn't a big deal. Ladies don't view

    touchy-feely stuff like men do. Unless he's genuinly creepy, you maybe don't mind. For him, the more

    personal/physical contact he gets away with is a sign...the more he assumes you must like him...a little bit

    more...a little bit more, etc.

    These situations are strange, but when it all comes to a head, I have found

    myself on the receiving end too many times. There is many a girl out there who I genuinly have distaste for and

    it's all because they were too afraid to spell it out for me. I know this is a problem for both parties. I see guys

    all around me at it, hoping...wishing...and the girls hoping and wishing that he'd just go away even for 5 minutes!

    I guess it's just a misunderstanding between the sexes. I suppose the situation is the same for a girl liking a guy

    who doesn't 'see' her like that. However, maybe more rarely...guys are always looking at girls 'like that',

    even the ones they don't even fancy. Wierd isn't it?

    Quote Originally Posted by chococat
    I guess the only up side to this is

    that perhaps it makes me appear more attractive in the minds of the guys who have not noticed me. If it works that

    way at all with men.
    It works exactly as you say for both sexes I feel.

    Quote Originally Posted by chococat
    This is the

    problem with females wearing pheromones. Normally we have a specific target (I do) and forget about all the *other*

    targets we create involuntarily by wearing pheromones.
    I believe this as likely to be a simple girl/boy

    thing as much as anything. I seen this situation a thousand times with people who didn't know about the 'mones.

    Hope you get your real target. Was it this guy » Saw him checkin' you out earlier. Good luck!
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  21. #51
    Journeyman chococat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis
    Good for you

    If he's giving you touchy-feely stuff, you could just give him the hint subtly but firmly your using

    body-language. If that doesn't work, politely pointing out he's in your personal space may have an effect.
    I am attempting to do this. I hope it works without hurting his feelings.

    If you have any advice

    about how to do this without hurting feelings, let me know. I really would like to remain his friend, but it seems

    like most men don't know how to *do* this.

    I imagine from your perspective, this really isn't a

    big deal. Ladies don't view touchy-feely stuff like men do. Unless he's genuinly creepy, you maybe don't mind.

    For him, the more personal/physical contact he gets away with is a sign...the more he assumes you must like him...a

    little bit more...a little bit more, etc.
    Thanks for telling me this. I already figured that everytime I

    allowed him to hug me or brush bodies with me, I was just giving him a tiny "go!" It's good to see it in writing.

    The touchy-feely stuff really *isn't* a big deal to me, as long as it doesn't cross a certain line. I just have

    the feeling that this guy is considering me as more of a "girlfriend" as opposed to a "girl who is a friend."

    Hope you get your real target. Was it this guy » Saw him checkin' you out earlier. Good

    Oh yeah!

  22. #52
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by chococat
    I am attempting

    to do this. I hope it works without hurting his feelings.

    If you have any advice about how to do this

    without hurting feelings, let me know. I really would like to remain his friend, but it seems like most men don't

    know how to *do* this.
    Women seem to be totally clueless in only this one area where men are concerned.

    Most often, all the agonizing over protecting a man's feelings is what causes him to get hurt in the first place.

    Yes, if you just blatantly say, "This will never happen, please move on", he'll be disappointed. If you do it in

    a public place, he may even be humiliated.

    But if you do it at the first sign of serious interest, most men WILL

    move on.

    The longer a woman waits to be honest with a man, the more he comes to believe that he has a chance

    with her, and the more hurt he ends up suffering when he finally understands she doesn't want him.

    I cannot

    count all the times I have tried to explain this to women, only to watch them "protect" some poor guy's feelings,

    and ultimately ending up with someone "stalking" them, or crying, or otherwise acting totally hurt and crushed.

    When men think they have a chance with a woman, they don't listen to her subtle suggestions to get lost.

  23. #53
    Journeyman chococat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friendly1
    Women seem to

    be totally clueless in only this one area where men are concerned.
    I have to agree with you.

    Most often, all the agonizing over protecting a man's feelings is what causes him to get hurt in the first

    place. Yes, if you just blatantly say, "This will never happen, please move on", he'll be disappointed. If you do

    it in a public place, he may even be humiliated.
    I would never do this to anyone. Isn't it a rule that

    all bad news should be broken in private? Ontop of that, I consider him a friend, so I would not *dream* of doing

    this to him. Ontop of that, I'm honestly flattered to pieces that he thinks this of me, w/ or w/o mones.

    But if you do it at the first sign of serious interest, most men WILL move on.
    I did this after

    he asked, "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" But we do continue to have lunch in the uni cafeteria together on a

    weekly basis.
    When men think they have a chance with a woman, they don't listen to her subtle

    suggestions to get lost.
    I think this, too, can go for both sexes.

  24. #54
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by chococat
    I did this

    after he asked, "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" But we do continue to have lunch in the uni cafeteria together on

    a weekly basis.
    It sounds to me like he still has hope, which means he didn't pay attention when you said


    Remember, guys often hear the adage, "No doesn't always mean no" and think, "Yeah, that's what this is.

    A 'no' that maybe isn't 'no'."

    On the other hand, there are those rare love stories where the guy just

    won't let go and the girl eventually realizes he IS the catch.

    My brother fell in love with a girl who worked

    at a bar where his band played on weekends. He decided she would just have to be his. In her words, "he was all over

    me -- he never left me alone."

    They've been married more than 20 years, and I don't see any bumps in their

    relationship. They are still very close and affectionate.

    When I was in college, I would come on strong to the

    girls, and they would say, "Let's just be friends", and I would say, "Okay", and just be their friend, and damn if

    they didn't fall in love with me after I'd started mooning over someone else.

    If love were easy to figure out,

    we'd all have what we want right away.

    Who wants to go through all the grief and crap?

    Anyway -- sounds

    like you actually like the guy, but aren't feeling the attraction for him. You could always go out with a few jerks

    to remind yourself of why the nice guys really ARE worth pursuing.

    Or buy him a bottle of Chikara for

    Christmas and see what happens.

  25. #55
    Journeyman chococat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friendly1
    Anyway --

    sounds like you actually like the guy, but aren't feeling the attraction for him. You could always go out with a

    few jerks to remind yourself of why the nice guys really ARE worth pursuing.
    You're doing the same

    thing he is doing.

    I grew up in a very *male* household, so I'm very used to seeing males as friends (that

    is, no sexual contact with my family, duh.) Remember that in general, women feel that men and women can be friends

    without having any attraction towards eachother. I'm definitely not attracted to him and I couldn't see myself

    *ever* being attracted to him. He's been in the "friend zone" ever since I met him and our interests jive. The

    only thing we seem to have in common is that we happen to be taking the same class. When he asked me if I wanted to

    be his girlfriend, I was utterly in shock. I had given him no signs, body language or intimate (kissing, hugging, et

    cetera) contact that could have brought him to believe that I would like this kind of thing. I treat him like I

    treat my female friends, so his question really threw me for a loop.

  26. #56
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by chococat

    that in general, women feel that men and women can be friends without having any attraction towards

    I mean this in the kindest, gentlest, George Bush Seniorist way when I say, "Chickweed, you

    have MUCH to learn about men."

    Especially YOUNG men.

    They are re-evaluating every girl they know constantly.

    They notice when her breasts poke out of her sweater. They notice when she leans over or kneels and shows off her

    sweet, curvaceous butt. They notice how smooth and silky her hair is. They breathe deep when she is wearing THAT

    perfume. They curse the sons-of-b*tches who get to go out with (and sleep with) their "friends".


    definitely not attracted to him and I couldn't see myself *ever* being attracted to him. He's been in the "friend

    zone" ever since I met him and our interests jive. The only thing we seem to have in common is that we happen to be

    taking the same class. When he asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend, I was utterly in shock. I had given him no

    signs, body language or intimate (kissing, hugging, et cetera) contact that could have brought him to believe that I

    would like this kind of thing.
    See, women just don't get it. Look at it from the evolutionary point of view.

    Men didn't ASK women to be their mates. They strode in, knocked a few heads around, and took the bodacious female

    of their choice. The ones who failed were probably killed off, or fled to the hills to try again until they could

    pull it off.

    Men are programmed to just WANT women. We don't care whether you have chosen us. We see you bend


    The emotional stuff happens because

    you're NICE to him, spend time with him. Intuitively, that tells him that you feel safe with him, so he gets to be

    your big, brawny protector.

    I treat him like I treat my female friends, so his question really threw me

    for a loop.
    Remember: He's NOT a girl. He's a GUY. He has his own agenda. If you don't want to be a part

    of it, then be scarce.

    It's probably too late to avoid hurting his feelings, but the longer you allow this

    situation to continue, the more hurt (and angry) he will be in the end.

  27. #57
    Enlightened One
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    Good advice friendly - tell him

    you find him unattractive - make up something about wanting a guy that doesnt look like him at all.

    be nice

    and let him know yu just want to be friends. At least then he can sulk for a while then pull himself together and

    go find a real girlfriend

    He might spend a bit less time with you in that case but if he is wanting a girl

    he is going to devote his time elsehwere but at least you let him know up front that its just friends and thats it =

    you should be able to keep the friendship as well all going well



    Sorry to shout im sure youre

    already aware of this but i have been strung along before so this bit of watcher advice is directed at any girls

    reading this thread in a similar situtaiton.

  28. #58
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Being friends with an attractive girl

    is not fullfilling. Having sex and being friends with her is, so men will always strive to be more than just friends

    if you are attractive and he is single.

  29. #59
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjf
    Being friends with an

    attractive girl is not fullfilling. Having sex and being friends with her is, so men will always strive to be more

    than just friends if you are attractive and he is single.
    Absolutely. Being "just friends" with almost

    any girl (attractive or less so) is torture, almost to the point of it being impossible, in my experience. A man

    will want to do any girl that doesn't physically repulse him...that includes all of his female friends. This is as

    important to the man as is the friendship is to the woman. It's not the thought of losing the friendship that stops

    a man from making a move on his female's rejection.

    Chococat, men and woman think very differently.

    Men want IT from everyone, women want IT only from a select few, women need don't.

    I would tell this guy straight out. He probably won't get the hint otherwise.

    Isn't life strange?
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  30. #60
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    I do kind of feel bad for her. She

    did reject him once and he didn't really get the point. She really did nothing wrong, yet the situation obviously

    isn't great. It is probably best to just not make friends with guys you are not interested in unless they are gay

    or are with somebody already. If you do, have some friends for him t try and get with. Otherwise, our goals just

    clash. Because yea, we don't need companionship. We can get that from our hairy friends or the tv. We need


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