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  1. #1
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Default Sleazy, or just f!*£^$! tired???!!!

    Believe it or not, this is a pheromone related post (I’m glad I found this site, thanks Bruce)
    I think I

    suffer the lone wolf thing. Terminator effect, Clint Eastwood, Marge’s sisters…whatever you want to call


    I’m just f/ pissed off. I have a friend who can lay any girl he likes…one time only. I argued,

    “do you not want it more than one time?” He says, “No, there are plenty more fish in the sea,

    blah…” I say “So, if you meet the most amazing woman in your Universe, you want her company one

    time?” He says, “Eh…(long pause)”

    F/ exactly…Eh?!?…Eh what?

    I told him so and we had a big argument.
    Last night I wore 2 sprays from 10ml atomiser of 1:1

    TE/SPMO. About 3 hours later I put on a half pack of Chikara.

    The whole dance floor parted like I was


    The only woman who I couldn’t freak out was about 35 – 40 y/o, not bad… but not my


    I spoke to the hottest girl in the club, ‘bout 17/18 y/o (you are legal and can be married at 16 in

    UK). “My name is Cecilia”, she says. This is my auntie’s name, so I respond…”Wow my

    aunt is Cecilia”

    She says, “Yeah yeah I’m sure…blah”

    I was so f/ mad. Like she

    didn’t believe me or thought I was trying to impress her, hahahah! Yes, like I wanted to impress her with my

    auntie’s name, stupid cow!

    So, I cursed her like a f/ madman in front of all her friends and some

    strangers (they seemed surprised but pleased…she clearly is the focus of good attention 99.9% of the time) She

    says I’m crazy. Ok, I’d rather be a crazy, spooky bastard than her f/ poodle, like the rest of her


    I don’t say all this because I like her. I don’t. I’m just noting the Clint effect


    I don’t believe this is because of the age difference; I experience the same reaction from 90% of

    women regardless of age.

    Anyway, I’m just trying to say, I think women are intimidated by me. This

    surprises me because I am generally easy going. I am small for a man, not an ugly bastard at all, (I’m not

    Burt Lancaster, but I’ve been complimented on my looks many times by hot girls even though I'm maybe only a

    6). I maybe have crazy blue piercing eyes that freak people (even guys 3x my size)… but I like people and

    I’m usually nicer than this, but she made me f/ mad. Like she was the f/ Queen of England.

    I can’t

    help it, but I wish I could meet a girl who was brave enough to level with me and not be a f/ wallflower, or a

    stupid haughty bitch.

    Maybe, I should make more of an effort. But, I used to do that and looked like a real

    desperate bastard. (Pardon my language, I am annoyed)

    So, in summary, 2 sprays of TE:SPMO 1:1 mix + ½ pack

    Chikara = intimidatory (is that a word?) reactions for me. I know some people are going to say, “Oh man, you

    should have use 1/3 gel pack + 1 spray of your mix…blah” OK, you’re probably right.


    problem is I speak my mind…people don’t like it…so, are they not worth knowing? Are they dicks

    because they can’t level? Or am I the dick? I think I am a nice guy, but people just talk shit to me. I am

    bored; tired with the crud that comes out of people…where are their souls? Where is the real

    ‘them’ and not the f/ clone like the rest of the world.

    I guess I am just tired.

    Anyone else

    feel like that?
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  2. #2
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    One suggestion is to stay away

    from the none heavy products. The lone wolf syndrome is probably made worse by none.

    The next is a suggestion

    that you try some different scenery. I have never been in a singles bar and do alright with women. IMO, bars and

    xlubs attract a cerrtain crowd and the games played are normal for that crowd. Since I don't have any patience for

    that BS, I don't go there. Instead I meet women, or more accurately people in general, in everyday activities. Met

    my ex-wife in a continuing education class and met my girlfrind at a lecture. Met a luscious blond a couple weeks

    ago at a business function and met pretty mexican lady while doing some computer work in an office building. The

    approach you have to use is different but there is little if any of the BS I hear about from people who frequent the

    bar scenes.

    Some people enjoy bars, I don't. To each their own choices but you might try something different.

    You could find you like it.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  3. #3
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    Hear ya buddy. I'm pretty new

    to the boards and this phero stuff but I agree with belgareth – consider omitting 'none heavy products next

    time you hit the dancefloor, just to experiment. You never know, you might already produce naturally higher 'none

    levels which make it easy to OD.

    Don't let it get you down, plenty of BS on the nightclub scene. Just gotta

    keep experimenting to find that perfect mix of 'mones for yourself.

    Pheramones. Why say it, when you can just SprayIt?

  4. #4
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    I know what u mea bro and

    dont worry about it. Take the guys' advice.
    Also dont think about it too much just relax and dont let it be the

    focus of everything.
    U'll get over this..

  5. #5
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by Celticbhoy
    Last night I

    wore 2 sprays from 10ml atomiser of 1:1 TE/SPMO. About 3 hours later I put on a half pack of Chikara.

    The whole

    dance floor parted like I was Beelzebub.
    You don't say when you had the argument with your friend, but

    Androstenone can take a bad mood and amplify it. I get the impression from what you wrote that you applied strong

    pheromones on top of a bad mood.

    The only woman who I couldn’t freak out was about 35 – 40 y/o, not bad…

    but not my type.
    Older women don't scare so easily. That is both good and bad.

    I spoke to the

    hottest girl in the club, ‘bout 17/18 y/o (you are legal and can be married at 16 in UK). “My name is Cecilia”, she

    says. This is my auntie’s name, so I respond…”Wow my aunt is Cecilia”

    She says, “Yeah yeah I’m sure…blah”


    was so f/ mad. Like she didn’t believe me or thought I was trying to impress her, hahahah! Yes, like I wanted to

    impress her with my auntie’s name, stupid cow!
    Well, just going by what you wrote, I would say you made two,

    maybe three serious blunders:

    1) You OD'd in a bad mood (I am guessing).

    2) You went after the hottest girl

    in the club (rather than letting her come after you)

    3) Instead of making her feel special, you compared her to

    your aunt

    AND THEN....

    So, I cursed her like a f/ madman in front of all her friends and some

    strangers (they seemed surprised but pleased…she clearly is the focus of good attention 99.9% of the time) She says

    I’m crazy. Ok, I’d rather be a crazy, spooky bastard than her f/ poodle, like the rest of her world!

    acted like a little boy. Gave her all the power. Vindicated her judgement in you.

    You and you alone are

    responsible for your actions.

    But this is why so many of us recommend that guys experiment. You need to find

    your boundaries.

    Success requires patience, diligence, and self-control. Those are possibly the three most

    difficult skills for a young man to acquire.

    It takes time. The pheromones are not a miracle cure for

    loneliness. They are a helping hand. You still have to do most of the work. They can make you SEEM interesting, but

    it is up to you to BE interesting (and you don't do that by trying to impress anyone).

  6. #6
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Friendly has a couple very good

    points there that apply no matter where you are or what you are doing. You are personally responsible for your

    behavoir and attitude at all times. You make the choice of how you are going to act or feel. You reacted instead of

    taking action. At that point you lost control of the situation. Don't let others control you like that.

    For me

    it's a matter of believing in one's self. Learn to like who and what you are and remember that the only one you

    really have to get approval from is yourself. If there is some part of you that you dislike, change it for your own

    happiness, not somebody else's. Once you can honestly say you approve of you, no other person's opinion matters

    enough to upset you. The freedom it gives you is incredible.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  7. #7
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    Never EVER lose control of your

    emotions. Everytime I flipped out and went crazy made things worse for me and just about any situation I was in,

    including things with my ex. If you are in a bad mood, don't look it. If you're tired don't act tired. Once

    you lose your cool, it could mean game over man.

  8. #8
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    You reacted

    instead of taking action. At that point you lost control of the situation.
    For me it's a matter of believing in

    one's self. Learn to like who and what you are and remember that the only one you really have to get approval from

    is yourself.
    Thanks belgareth. I react though, because I am a human being. I cannot and do not have the

    right to control every situation. I believe in myself, but maybe too much. I like myself, but am maybe misguided. I

    approve myself, but perhaps to the detriment of others.

    And other times, I feel the exact opposite from all the

    statements above.
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  9. #9
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Smile better get the -dienol on the market quick !

    Androstadienol was made by God for times like these... great mood lifitng -mone... petition the phero

    champs to make Icebreaker, a 5x Chikara unscented love grenade you can toss into the crowd. Maybe there was too much

    -none in the air already, some other guys doused with a sexuous pheromone also trying to score, and this had

    everyone in the room on edge.... -none CAN make other people nutty as hell if they're already stressed, paranoid,

    high on drugs. Could we whip up a batch of beta-andostedienol and see what THAT does ?

  10. #10
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by surfs up

    Androstadienol was made by God for times like these
    This has gotten (got?) my attention.
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  11. #11
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    celtic: try OD on non

    hevy poduct purpusly & compare with no none poduct
    i thats prety much how i realised i had no none in my mones

    (almost none Anone ...hehe)

    i would sugest (like lots of post) using SoE [nol/rhone]gives more of sweet & low

    profile effect unlike none witch is more of a focus mone[focus on your clint eastwood/bad wolf stuff ] i read

    somwhere that it gives more trust in you to other ppl

  12. #12
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Celticbhoy

    belgareth. I react though, because I am a human being. I cannot and do not have the right to control every

    situation. I believe in myself, but maybe too much. I like myself, but am maybe misguided. I approve myself, but

    perhaps to the detriment of others.

    And other times, I feel the exact opposite from all the statements

    You misunderstand me. I don't seek to control anybody but myself. But by controlling myself I

    rarely react but choose how I am going to act. We're all human but we all have minds and can control how we behave.

    The only part of a situation you need to control is how you yourself respond to it. A couple seconds to take a deep

    breath and think before responding helps.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  13. #13
    Enlightened One
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    Celtic boy i suffer the same

    problem - lone wolf you need some Anone but Anol and Arone -

    As before youre next purchase should be AE for

    women or perception - perception is cheaper and you should give that a go with Chikara.

  14. #14
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by Celticbhoy

    belgareth. I react though, because I am a human being. I cannot and do not have the right to control every

    situation. I believe in myself, but maybe too much. I like myself, but am maybe misguided. I approve myself, but

    perhaps to the detriment of others.
    I have quite a temper, and through the years, a small group of people

    have figured out how to draw me out almost at will. It has taken me a long time to learn NOT to give up that kind

    of contol just because they choose to be sleaze balls.

    I almost feel like I need to get into a 12-step program

    when I encounter those guys. I made a conscious choice a few years ago to stay away from them, and it's really

    only because some of them insist on chasing me that I still occasionally have to deal with them.

    But I am

    getting better at restraining myself.

    So, yes, you ARE human. But the world is a wide place. I once thought

    otherwise, but time has proven that it really is.

  15. #15
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    A couple

    seconds to take a deep breath and think before responding helps.
    I like this idea, I think it can help.

    Thanks for everyone's replies. I'm realising this stuff isn't easy, but I know I am not the only one who needs

    to learn to bite his lip.
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Celticbhoy
    I'm realising

    this stuff isn't easy, but I know I am not the only one who needs to learn to bite his lip.
    AMEN to

    that! Sometimes when I'm out with a girl, it will be going great. I'll be getting good body language from her

    telling me that mones are working in full gear. Then all of a sudden, I'll start talking about something and I'll

    go off track and continue to ramble and talk very fast. The girl will usually end up turning her head the other way

    while I'm talking. They'll make it so obvious, that I know they want me to shutup. I can't help it though.... The

    girl will tell me about herself, then I will immediately shine the spotlight back on myself by saying something "Oh

    yeah, I'm the same way.. BLAH BLAH BLAH....." It's really bad it hasn't helped me in any situation at all.

  17. #17
    Phero Dude Surreal's Avatar
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    yeah, I am a quite person. but

    when I am with other quite people I can't stand it! I start to converse about something ANYTHING!!! When I am

    giving somone a ride that I dont know I just haf to make converstation.

    I learned this.....girls are like

    fawns......they spook EXTREMLY easy.

    You can sneeze and they will run into the forest. We should think to

    ourselfs and come up with a set critaria for talking with a chick for the 1st time. As in have topics ready to go

    for any thinkable situation. ummmmmm..... somthing interesting....... other countries customs. Well I dont know any

    at the moment. But it is a good start. find out her favorite movie and talk about that. anthing she likes.


    hope I made sense I been up all night


    "The whole world must learn of our peaceful ways, by force!"

  18. #18
    Enlightened One
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    Friendly if you want to change

    youre personalty or more so youre approach to life - you could try some NLP internal changing methods - it works by

    helping you alter youre mindset quickly and efficently.

    Ive been able to "program" myself to remain calm and

    controleld where i use to lose the plot at times.

    Hypnosis is a similar option get some of those calm

    thinking, positive thinking etc self hypnosis tapes - make sure you get a reputable one but they do help

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    Last edited by Have_Courage; 01-15-2005 at 01:49 PM.

  20. #20
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by Celticbhoy
    I’m just f/

    pissed off. I have a friend who can lay any girl he likes…one time only. I argued, “do you not want it more than one

    time?” He says, “No, there are plenty more fish in the sea, blah…” I say “So, if you meet the most amazing woman in

    your Universe, you want her company one time?” He says, “Eh…(long pause)”

    I spoke to the hottest girl in the

    club, ‘bout 17/18 y/o (you are legal and can be married at 16 in UK). “My name is Cecilia”, she says. This is my

    auntie’s name, so I respond…”Wow my aunt is Cecilia”

    She says, “Yeah yeah I’m sure…blah”

    I was so f/ mad.

    Like she didn’t believe me or thought I was trying to impress her, hahahah! Yes, like I wanted to impress her with

    my auntie’s name, stupid cow!

    So, I cursed her like a f/ madman in front of all her friends and some strangers

    (they seemed surprised but pleased…she clearly is the focus of good attention 99.9% of the time) She says I’m crazy.

    Ok, I’d rather be a crazy, spooky bastard than her f/ poodle, like the rest of her world!

    The problem is I speak

    my mind…people don’t like it…so, are they not worth knowing? Are they dicks because they can’t level? Or am I the

    dick? I think I am a nice guy, but people just talk shit to me. I am bored; tired with the crud that comes out of

    people…where are their souls? Where is the real ‘them’ and not the f/ clone like the rest of the world.

    1. some guys prefer the chase vs settling down.

    2. it's good that you told her off instead of accepting her

    bad behavior, but you can tell somebody off without letting your emotions go free. but seeing as how you said you

    weren't interested in her, then i would say you did nothing wrong by letting your emotions get free.

    3. do

    whatever you want. what people think about you affects them, not you. if you're not bothered by your behavior

    don't worry about it.

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    Last edited by Have_Courage; 01-15-2005 at 01:49 PM.

  22. #22
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    There are at least two good

    reasons to control your behavoir in a public situation.

    1. You end up with a reputation for being an ass at best

    or a psycho and you chances of getting together with worthwhile women drop.

    2. Most people who will treat you

    like that do it to make themselves feel better and a lot of them will gloat later at your reaction. When you blow up

    at them, they win. Never letting them see you react to to their shitty behavoir is the best revenge. It takes all

    the fun out of it for them and they end up angry instead of you.

    Getting mad is fine, letting it show is another

    thing altogether.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  23. #23
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    Never letting

    them see you react to to their shitty behavoir is the best revenge. It takes all the fun out of it for them and they

    end up angry instead of you.

    Getting mad is fine, letting it show is another thing altogether.

    detto, Bel.

    Walk away ... out of eye view, find the nearest dog and kick the schitt out of him. Come

    back, smiling. Never good to let anyone that doesn't like/respect you to know they got under your skin.


    Was joking about the dog.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  24. #24
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    You have to understand, I have

    a hot temper and used to be in fights pretty often in high school. Martial arts and some wonderfully wise teachers

    taught me better ways to deal with things. In recent years I have been accused of being unflappable. It isn't true

    but the inability to get a rise out of me does wonders for my standing with almost everybody.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

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    Last edited by Have_Courage; 01-15-2005 at 01:47 PM.

  26. #26
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    In similar situations I would

    simply ignore her unless my work required contact. Then it would be professionally friendly and no more. If she ever

    got around to asking me what the problem was I would answer in the same manner. Be honest, no anger or animosity and

    in a friendly manner answer while making every attempt not to hurt her feelings. Anybody can change anytime they

    want to but none of us is capable of seeing ourselves from another's perspective. If you handle it right you might

    even be doing her a big favor and that can't hurt you.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

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    Last edited by Have_Courage; 01-15-2005 at 01:47 PM.

  28. #28
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    Getting mad

    is fine, letting it show is another thing altogether.
    Belgareth, I appreciate your opinion, it is valid.

    However, I am finding it difficult to understand our vastly differing viewpoints on this comment. What is the point

    of emotion if not to emote others as well as ourselves?

    If I am mad, my emotion will tell you...words are just

    words (listen to any politician and you may gather my idea).

    Quote Originally Posted by Have Courage
    Be polite, say thanks and

    move on. If you must be upset, do it elsewhere.
    Similarly, I realise you are trying to help, but why be

    upset in private? Do you think carefully worded scripts are more meaningful or powerful than a raw emotion? Why do

    emotions therefore exist? Not for our own benefit, I am sure. I feel more compelled by someone's emotions than

    their words.
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

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    My personal

    opinion is it is not about -mones in your case.
    I was just like you explained ... 3 weeks ago ... a lot of problems

    with girls. But then I went into the disco with a big smile on my face, and just laughed all girls into their face,

    and I was impressed of the reactions.
    I think it is more about attitude and body language. Try to look more

    Girls have this, special genetic possibility to estiminate a men's mood within milli seconds just when

    looking into their face. And I personally would never go to a girl that is not having a big smile on her face, if

    you know what I mean.
    So give that a try, i am pretty sure that works out! :-)


  30. #30
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Thanks Private. I really want

    to accept some advice. However, I will try to have fun with a girl, smile, have a laugh, whatever. It used to work.

    I find more often than not, they just don't care. Not because I am ugly or anything (I don't think I am, I have

    had some beautiful girlfriends, real model types, prettier than most f/ models some of them)...even though I don't

    beleive women find this as important as men, but I sense a general apathy these days towards male advances. Perhaps

    it's uncool, un PC, anti-equality, blah, in 2004...I don't know...maybe I am behind the times, I am 28 years old.

    What do you think/your experiences?
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

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