Psalm 115: 9 - 14

Thank ye o lord, for providing us with daily sustenance by way of your servant

here on

For no longer shalt one be a chump, spinning in a sea of proverbial human

excrement and taking it on thy chin.

Positive alpha-male shalt I be, scalding my adversaries with a bottle of

brimstone and a gelpack of fire.

I maketh the lowly ones seek my company by building up their faith, hope and

desire. Whilst, in the bowels of depravity the legions of negative-alphas burn with rage at my immortality,

presence...untouchable in one's greatness.

Mayeth the negative-alpha self-destruct to my profit o lord and

mayeth Bruceth the Boldetheth condemn them forever to a handshank, under the judgement of the humble 'mone wearers.

For we shalt seek bread and cheese no more, pickled eggs, nor gherkins no more and beautiful chicitas no more.

Mayeth the chump of old become the alpha of new.
