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  1. #1
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Default Newbie with hit report

    Man, this

    stuff is great! Last night I went out with a friend of mine for a couple of beers. Nothing major, just a chill out

    session in some cruddy boozer. Anyway, he is a player/leechy type who never hides his obvious lustful twitchings for

    a woman (any woman) and at times it can be quite embarrassing, but sometimes useful depending.

    He introduced me

    to the hot brunette barmaid I've been laying my eyes on recently (at last!) and we just had some small chat.

    female friend of my player buddy came in to the bar and at first was reserved, polite. After about 2 minutes

    standing next to me she gave me a huge hug saying "nice to see you" (I could hear her breath in deeply through her

    nose since it was pushed up against my ear). I was! I don't even know her (I spoke to her for 5 minutes

    two weeks ago) but she was treating me like some long lost friend or something. First hit of the night methinks.

    10 minutes or so later she grabs my arm saying "OK, we have to go and get my friend to come for a drink", leaving

    my player at the bar guarding the drinks. I say "fine" (The bargirl wasn't best pleased judging by her facial

    expressions) So, next thing I'm at a party at her friends house, and a beautiful mousy blonde girl (I mean TV

    quality, a real star) is getting ready to come out with us, all the time looking at me with various glances, smiles

    and occasionally turning a bit red about the cheeks.

    On the way back to the bar, both girls were walking real

    close beside me, brushing my thighs as we walked. We got back to the bar, drunk more beers, everybody flirting a lot

    (ok that's normal) and then went to a disco. There, I met the Italian girl I met last week and her female friends

    (didn't know Swede, a Canadian, and a Scots lass) Within 5 minutes they were all over me, wanting me to

    dance with each of them in turn. I had forgotten about bargirl and the two previous girls by this stage because

    although they were all extremely good looking, this Italian girl has the x factor, you know... chemistry.


    Italiana and her friends drag me to another disco without taking no for an answer. I told my target that I really

    liked her, and when I did so I could actually see the capillaries in her face dilating and her whole face king of

    lit up like a lantern. That was nice! Next thing some really heavy/serious guys were coming up to me (really macho

    dudes, well built, hairy, 40's, cowbar moustaches and stuff) We ended up having this major conversation about their

    lives, children...started getting emotional, I got their whole life story, the works, took ages.

    Then I lost the

    girls but spotted them on the dancefloor. So, briefly standing watching them (I can't dance) 2 fights break out

    behind me in the space of a few minutes. I was feeling like superman so I broke both of them up, (even though theses

    guys were quite big...I am not) Afterwards, one of the guys in the last fight came up to me and thanked me for not

    letting it get out of control, really grateful like. Also, a bouncer was patting me on the back saying "thanks, I

    could see the action but couldn't get there in time...blah...cheers)

    Later, I went with Italiana back to her

    flat and we spoke until 4am, just cuddling and stuff. She is so beautiful, btw. I think some people want to kill me!

    Or shake my hand.

    Anyway, in summary...these things did NOT happen to me before I started using pheromones. I

    can 100% say, they have an effect on me, alters MY behaviour/perception of myself, and I believe my behaviour plus

    pheromones = hits from the girls. I am not great looking...maybe 6 out of ten, balding, pot belly, short...not a

    hero by any stretch of the imagination!...but these things work! Jeez, I sound like a commercial. I have the hottest

    girls hanging on my every word and movement, and I feel spectacular. Anyone not experiencing good hits...all I can

    say is NEVER give up, I only discovered pheromones a short while ago and they are changing my life.
    Thanks for

    reading this post. I'm happy to answer questions about products used, ratios...etc.
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Sounds great [

    What were

    you using that night?

  3. #3
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Comptek56
    Sounds great

    What were you using that night?
    Okapa, thought I missed that part. Yeah, Celticbhoy, what is this!? Sharing

    such an outstanding report without saying what ya had on. Come ooooooooon, share the name of the

    product(s) you used. Who's your buddies, who's your pals?

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  4. #4
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    I made up a batch of

    2.5:1 'nol:'none. Sources were SPMO and TE. I searched the forum for information about, dabs, drops, sprays, nauseum and eventually ended up with a mix in the atomiser. I calculated (probably with

    significant error?!? haha!) that each spray of the mix would give me:

    0.00294mg 'none
    0.00735mg 'nol


    used 3 sprays of mix (one on each 'pit and one to front of T-shirt chest area)
    I put on 4 dabs TE unscented (one

    on each side of neck, one on top of head and one to back of neck)
    I then smeared a half pack SOE gel over wrists,

    forearms, neck, face, shoulders and chest...very thinly.

    3 sprays mix * 0.00294mg 'none = 0.0088mg

    3 sprays mix * 0.00735mg 'nol = 0.0221mg 'nol
    4 dabs TE = 0.00739mg 'none
    Half SOE gel pack = 0.065mg


    Total 'none = 0.0169mg
    Total 'nol = 0.0871mg
    Total 'mones = 0.104mg...roughly done...
    Ratio 5.15:1


    I know this isn't exact but I think it's close. Please correct if I've made a glaring error (I

    probably have, hehe)
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  5. #5
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Is this taking into account that te

    is only 1/2 none?

  6. #6
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Yes, seems like a lot of

    'mones doesn't it? But as far as I'm aware I've taken everything into account before measuring the mix into the

    atomiser. Quantities stated for one spray from atomiser takes ratios into account before declaring final total.

    As far as I can gather from some posts, this seems like a huge OD but maybe the large amount of 'nol:'none

    bailed me out. I don't know...but I didn't hold back with the 'mones last night that's for sure!
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  7. #7
    Phero Enthusiast Icehawk's Avatar
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    Well, generally unless your

    total None is over .030 you should be fine, ODing with Nol, A1 or Rone is rather hard to do, in terms of negative

    responses. The worst you might get nol OD = headache, A1 = men depressed, Rone = 2 alpha, fatherly(non sexual). My

    mixes have Nol at roughly .08 and A1 WAY over .1, though generally Rone should be kept at equal or lesser level

    than None.

  8. #8
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Icehawk, how do you find your

    mixes work for you? What kind of reactions do you get? I'm thinking about trying more' none with the same amount

    of 'nol. Maybe I'll go up to the 0.03mg. If I OD...I OD hehe.
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  9. #9
    Phero Enthusiast Icehawk's Avatar
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    Well, basically I quickly got

    addicted to reading everything I could on this forum (I love to get into things) Inthe end, I figured that

    I needed to get a mix that fit my character/appearance and what results I wanted. I'm young, medium height and

    rather fit, and I shave my head (slight threatning look). Im basically after (as any self proclaimed scentologist

    would) the ultimate phero formula. As a basis I'm using the average male skin phero levels for a universal mix, one

    that I can use en masse.
    A1.............. 17.9
    -nol ..............6.9
    -none ...........2.5

    beta-nol ........1.8
    From that I figured that I didnt really need that much none as I spend alot

    of time around females (worried about general ODs as well as adverse reactions when on period), Wanted to get the

    stuff from NPA (secrets) for the sexual hit, so used that, PLENTY of Nol for its obvious effects on the younger

    crowd/ negating of personal space, equal rone to none to get that alpha vibe, just a hint of Beta-Nol to get those

    deep conversations (I love to talk/connect with) and top it off with a huge load of A-1, as after reading realized

    that this was perfect to use as it affects the females attention and mood and the more you use it the better the

    effects, impossible for them to OD on. As for the men that you have to be carefull of, as either you or your friends

    might get depressed by it. As stated on other threads, I suggest trying a small amount first with A-1 and that

    increasing, as others including me have managed to build up a tolerance to the stuff.

    So my mix per ml equals

    out to
    A1.... 0.17
    nol.... 0.085
    bnol... 0.015
    none.. 0.02
    rone... 0.022
    npa.... 0.032 (including

    npa/m=npa/w at1:1)

    Cover it all with Amouage Dia and I'm off
    Daily application is roughly 1/2 to

    2/3 per ml so as you can see none od is unlikely unless counting conversion of nol or A-1. Due to that I only apply

    on non hairy/sweaty areas of my body, and shower often with any bacterial soap.

    Now as for effects.... Ohhhh

    boy, well first off I dont use it near my guy crew as they all get irritable and depressed in the long run, BUT

    otherwise short term effects (pretty much every woman near me goes DIHL, and the nol ensures that they follow up

    with a conversation (my demeanor is usually happy, relaxed so this helps) as for guys not 2 happy so far (their gf

    all end up focusing on me) It's hillarious really I feel like a superstar with this on (though I dress to match).

    Imagine that classic scene when a hot girl passes by a couple and the guy stares at her to his gf displeasure, but

    Insert me instead of the hot girl and the gf simply freezes and stares priceless...I'm an attention


    As for long term effects, A1+Bnol creates a mood craving effect (they always feel great

    around me, deep conversations, very intimate), nol takes away the personal space + instant chemistry (Im sure

    you've noticed that by now) and none+rone cement the male alpha peackocked aura. God I love this stuff, only

    problem that I dont get ot use it much, this past and next month being very hectic. In a month or so I'm heading to

    Tel Aviv and in Jan or early Feb Australia with alot of free time so Im gonna abuse the hell out of this as much as

    possible. You'll get day by day reports on this stuff than, but you'll have to wait a little.. love those detailed

    hit reports as you get to take the whole thing appart in your mind, so Ill post some of the same than. I also dont

    get how people are not getting results for this. When I first got into it I purchased PI form Bruce but didnt read

    anything and found it to be completely ineffective. After, I purchased a bunch of products from another site got

    increasingly possitive results, and found this forum. Read up like crazy and since have had sucess like never

    before. So to all the newbies out there I say READ UP FIRST.

    As for my next purchase I'm getting

    Chikara to replace some of the Nol as it appears to be creating better emotional effects on the women in general +

    that wounded/caring vibe that I ohhh love so much. Also some Oxytocin for some long term experiments on apocrine

    glands (do people in love relase love pheros???) and maybe some Estradiol if I can find it somewhere... Overall I

    think you should create a base mix of none and nol and simply build around it to round out your profile and effects

    you desire...I know I've found my love potion #9, now If I can only mix all these bottles into


  10. #10
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Great post. Couple of


    1. Is your none content of .02 accounting for the None in NPA? Or is it seperate, and is the .032

    all npa? Or is .032 just the secrets? And how do you know the none amount in NPA/w?

    2. I've been thinking

    about getting oxytocin myself. How do you plan on playing with it? The hormone itself likely won't do anything.

    I'd like to try and convert it into something that may be its waste product on the skin (pheromone).


    Regardless of women going into DIHL, how do you deal with making your male friends not feel so great? I've never

    been able to stick with a mix that did just that, no matter what it did to females, because it just didn't seem

    worth it.

  11. #11
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Celticbhoy

    I made

    up a batch of 2.5:1 'nol:'none. Sources were SPMO and TE. I searched the forum for information about, dabs, drops,

    sprays, nauseum and eventually ended up with a mix in the atomiser. I calculated (probably with

    significant error?!? haha!) that each spray of the mix would give me:

    0.00294mg 'none


    I used 3 sprays of mix (one on each 'pit and one to front of T-shirt chest area)
    I put on 4 dabs

    TE unscented (one on each side of neck, one on top of head and one to back of neck)
    I then smeared a half pack

    SOE gel over wrists, forearms, neck, face, shoulders and chest...very thinly.

    3 sprays mix *

    0.00294mg 'none = 0.0088mg 'none
    3 sprays mix * 0.00735mg 'nol = 0.0221mg 'nol
    4 dabs TE = 0.00739mg

    Half SOE gel pack = 0.065mg 'nol

    Total 'none = 0.0169mg
    Total 'nol = 0.0871mg

    'mones = 0.104mg...roughly done...
    Ratio 5.15:1 'nol:'none

    I know this isn't exact but I think it's

    close. Please correct if I've made a glaring error (I probably have, hehe)
    So then are the


    Total 'none = 0.0169mg
    Total 'nol = 0.0871mg
    Total 'NPA secret ingredients =



  12. #12
    Phero Enthusiast Icehawk's Avatar
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    Ok to awser the questions:

    Total none content is .02 none and .032 secrets. I've read in the archives that NPA/m is 1/2 none and by my smell

    of it and I believe some earlier posts (cant remmember right) that NPA/w was NPA split 3 ways with none and the 2

    secret ingredients. I could be a little off on that but it seems about right, hence the slightly larger amount of


    2. As to the oxytocin, so far my idea is along the lines of Athena, work it into my skin and over

    'several months' is might convert? Sounds kinda weird but may be work a try, all in the name of science. The Oxy

    nasay spray works thorugh the nose, but no VNO like you said it's a hormone, however putting some under your nose

    or somewhere where it will be likely inhaled by the woman might be effective, thought more research is necessary on

    effects on male. The spray is 40IU/ml so I'll experminent and see, unless others have a better idea?

    3. As for

    negative male reactions, I tend to be fine with it as I keep my friends and women rather seperate. I dont get

    violent male responses when using this mix (rone seems to make you untouchable) but rather most men that hang around

    me tend to loose their vibe/selfimage. They get all passive and sad, so I dont really use this mix around my

    friends, at least I keep away from the A1, as theyre practically all alphas and I hate to get them all pissed at

    eachother for no reason... As for my trips overseas, I don't much care, Im going to be hanging out with my Ex-gf

    there and her freinds so keeping the competitions spirits down seems like a good thing

  13. #13
    Phero Enthusiast Icehawk's Avatar
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    hahaha, I just realized that if

    I use Chikara to supplement the Nol/Rone use ill be looking at a 10-11phermones in the mix, DST would be


  14. #14
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    For some reason I don´t get

    very strong hits with TE. Maybe it just don´t work well with my body...

  15. #15
    Phero Dude
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    I see you are another believer in

    A1 IceHawk. Someday I'm gonna have to spring for it!

  16. #16
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knuuttipukki
    For some

    reason I don´t get very strong hits with TE. Maybe it just don´t work well with my body...
    I never could get

    TE/NPA to work until I started mixing it with WAGG. Now I love it.

    somewhere between amused and obsessed...

  17. #17
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    Thanks bass, I think I´ll

    try that out tomorrow. Any mix suggestions?

  18. #18
    Enlightened One
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    Great report celtic. Sounds like

    you have hit youre magic batch - still at some point if you have the $$$ suggest you try perception - lots of fun

    and games with that one.

  19. #19
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knuuttipukki
    Thanks bass, I

    think I´ll try that out tomorrow. Any mix suggestions?
    I've been going 4 none to 3 wagg, phero

    concentrations, not volume. The none is coming from a 1:1 mix of A4.2 and TE/m (with the TE/m considered 1/2


    somewhere between amused and obsessed...

  20. #20
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    Thanks for the info. I´m

    too tired to do any math right now(past midnight here) so I´m just going to apply few dabs of TE and WAGG when I

    wake up.

  21. #21
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    3 dabs of TE and some wagg

    and I got some clear hits today. Hair flipping, smiling, touching and lots of eye contact happened. Gotta love this


    Thanks for telling me to try wagg Bass (I love you)

  22. #22
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Watcher
    still at some

    point if you have the $$$ suggest you try perception - lots of fun and games with that one.

    Watcher. In a week or two I'll be placing an order, I may try that. As you know, I have the newbie kit. The SOE

    gelpack is finished, so maybe I should get some more. Also, I read in the testimonials that AE is the best

    all-rounder (3 'mones) and entices sexual this so? I'm looking for the "great presence" thing where

    people can sense the x factor/magnetism thing, almost like a hypnotic affect on targets....coupled with aggressive

    sexual hits (I'm so damned lazy!)

    I'm sensing my current target is beginning to mind/f me as I sent her 2 text

    messages with no reply. So, I sent a 3rd saying how pissed off (pissed in US) I was that she hadn't replied and

    that I didn't have time to waste on people who say nothing (perhaps, OTT but I meant it, and I don't want to fall

    into the LJBF trap) Her behaviour has confused me as in public we are pretty flirty together, but in private it's

    like toned down a couple of notches, although she still is open to mild physical contact. Last time, I went to make

    a move but I could sense her backing out as I got close, so I just accepted a hug and a peck on the cheek instead

    (sigh!) Real pisser. I wish I had a mix that would just make her attack me!!! Aaaarrrggghhh!
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  23. #23
    Enlightened One
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    Any response yet ? u could ask

    here if she wants to do a LJBF on ya (if she asks what it means its the lets be friends trick that you aint

    interested in ) lay it straight on her either things go further or youre spending less time with her.


    proceed to get with other female friends etc and move on - keep her as a freind but um spend less time with her as

    you are in trying to get into relationship mode.

    In terms of perception it is also 3 mones similar to AE but

    of course being water its slow realise and you retain much more of the mones. Whereas AE evorparates much


  24. #24
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    No reply yet. I think I'm

    resigned to just getting on with my life. It's a shame 'cause she is quite incredible, but I'm not gonna be her

    chump, so it's bye, bye. As for 'mones. I'm thinking about spending £45 ($85) on something new. I think I will

    try perception...the slow release interests me. I'm also gonna get some gel packs, maybe 2 batches. Any

    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  25. #25
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Was that the Italian girl


    Get chikara.

  26. #26
    Enlightened One
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    perception you get a couple of

    chikara get packs - i think this girl is gone time to chase something else and something else should be along for

    celtic any day now lol.

  27. #27
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Yes bjf, that was the Italian

    girl. I can't work out if she thinks I'm the most original inspiring dude ever and she's so freaked she doesn't

    know what to do...or if she just thinks I'm a dickwad. Hahahahaha! I favour the latter.

    I currently have a

    possible 6 targets. 3 Spanish girls (one a 6, others 8 - 8.5's)
    1 Scots girl a 9(gorgeous bargirl mentioned

    1 French girl an 8, with amazing black eyes. (Yes, I said black!!!)
    1 American girl from Seattle...a

    7.5 (bargirl #2)

    I have been receiving lots of looks from these said specimens.

    I like the foreign crowd, as

    there is more emphasis on a connection rather than content, since language is sometimes an issue, hehehe.


    funny, I'm not looking to get laid (shock, horror and gasps from the gallery!), I just want them lusting after me

    for my ego boost. It's a great tool for positivity. I feel more upbeat now all this is going on.

    BTW Watcher, I

    have one Chikara gel pack so I'll give it a try maybe Thursday/Friday and report observances, thanks man.
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  28. #28
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Celtic boy, that is just wierd. I

    thought you had Italian girl. Maybe all of these folks are only in the neighborhood a short time and don't want to

    get close with someone?

  29. #29
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    I think I arsed up that

    target 'cause I was a bit overpowering and the girl was younger mentally speaking. I'm thinking back to the night

    out and realising that both fights (only fights at the disco all night) broke out right behind me. Also, I remember

    a lot of guys clearing paths for me to get to the bar on several occasions (this never happens...I usually have to

    beg and grovel to get them to let me through) Maybe I should hold back on the 'none a tad, although I don't think

    I'm using much. Equivalent of 1 spray at the max!
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  30. #30
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by Celticbhoy
    I think I

    arsed up that target 'cause I was a bit overpowering and the girl was younger mentally speaking. I'm thinking back

    to the night out....
    Keep experimenting, keep learning. A little analysis is good. A lot of analysis

    will just slow you down.

    Try to trust your instincts. Your gut feeling will usually serve you better than your

    analytical skills.

    Remember, you can only analyze what you consciously perceive, but you are unconsciously

    perceiving many more details.

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