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  1. #1
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    Default Target in sight!'none-or-not-to-'none?

    Ok guys, here it goes. This weekend I'm hanging out with this male friend of mine that I'm very very

    interested in. We'll probably end up in his room, or perhaps mine, watching a movie. It's not a date, it's a

    just friends affair by definition, but our relationship isn't the usual just friends sort of thing. I met him a

    little while back at a university event that we both helped run. We didn't have much contact at the event proper,

    but there was a social/barbeque thing for all those involved where we first got to know each other. We ended up

    chatting alone, although t here were people around us, for about an hour. He gave me his jacket to wear when it got

    cold, and all in all, it was really kind of sweet. After the event, I gave it a day or two, and then I couldn't

    help myself...I imed him . We've talked online and our conversations have always been incredibly

    flirtatious, always just bordering the line of obvious. So basically, while our relationship is just friends

    technically, I feel like I'm not assuming much in thinking that it was fueled by mutual attraction and romantic


    Now my goal is to transfigure interest on his part into action and I'm looking for the best 'mone

    combo to help. My question is, what are the benefits of a woman/girl wearing -none? Will it give off this raw

    sexuality? Or will it just confuse him? I'm 19, asian, and quite attractive I'd say. I'm of average height,

    small build, with really long black hair, so the basic picture is quite feminine. Do I need a little agressive

    appeal? Or should I compliment my femininity? Thing is, we're both very talkative and eager to argue...we met at

    a debate event for crying out loud! Our flirting has included a lot of teasing, arguing, and flirtatious insults.

    I love this dynamic and I think he likes it, too. So maybe he'd be attracted to a little of the aggresiveness in

    -none? Or maybe I should just let the aggresive playfullness come out in my personality, while giving off that

    feminine beauty when it comes to appearance and mones?

    I've got PI/w, PCC, NPA/w, some little pro-edge sample

    sprays (is this a product? I got it as a sample from another order, but i've never seen it on love-scent before),

    and single SOE gel pack, plus my usual arsenal of perfumes. Suggestions on combos and feedback as to the

    to-none-or-not-to-none questions would be GREATLY appreciated.

  2. #2
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    I think cops are your best bet for

    getting a guy horney. They raise our t-levels, which makes us horney. Of course, you also want to get him to feel

    comfortable acting on his attraction. PI/w is like 90 percent NOL, 10 percent cops.

    I think women who are

    ovulating have higher none levels, but all in all, I am not so sure the none is what I'd be thinking


    NPA/w is a wierd one. I'd do some searches on NPA/w and TE/w. But for now, I'd slather on the PCC

    and PIw. I take it you will likely have other opportunities to see him if that does not work out. But you should

    try messing around with these things especially NPA/w just in class or something so you get a feel as to how guys


  3. #3
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silver
    Or should I

    compliment my femininity? Thing is, we're both very talkative and eager to argue...we met at a debate event for

    crying out loud! Our flirting has included a lot of teasing, arguing, and flirtatious insults. I love this dynamic

    and I think he likes it, too.
    I don't know enough about you (much less him -- though I'd probably enjoy

    meeting you myself) to be sure, but I think you may want to push this guy over the edge. So, here is my suggestion.

    Take it or leave it.

    Pick an intense subject (nothing personal, something you don't really care about, but

    something he has expressed a passionate view about) and argue him to the point of total frustration. Be careful.

    You don't want him throwing chairs through the wall. What you want is for him to get red-faced (increased blood


    Then pull the rug out from under him. Cave in. Agree. Admit he is totally right. Then just shut up.

    Give him all the power. He should be horny and he may just decide to go for it. His inhibitions will have been

    lowered by the argument. He'll need some sort of release since you have caved in. If you have done your part,

    you'll be red-faced too (assuming you blush well -- some Asian girls don't seem to show their blushes very well).

    If he is a normal, red-blooded male, he'll find that sexy.

    It wouldn't hurt to dress really nice, sexy.


    NOT dress like a slut. Do NOT act like a slut. Wear something which screams out, "I am SO above you, Dude".

    He'll be thinking, "Damn, how do I get in that?"

    Or, Plan B: Just wait until you're alone and start stroking

    his arm, shoulder, whatever. Give him a full body massage, go down on him, whatever. I doubt he'll try to stop

    you (unless he has a strong moral objection to pre-marital sex -- then he'll be terribly conflicted).


    remember that relationships built on sex seldom last very long.

  4. #4
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    Whoa there boy, slow

    down! I'm definitely not thinking anything like that! Relationship based soley on sex? Noooo thank you! When I

    said I wanted to spur him into action, i meant romantic action, not sexual action. I'd like him to make a move,

    you know, kiss me, or ask me out on a proper date (althought that doesn't happen a whole lot in college). I want

    to start a relationship with him. I really really like the boy. That having been said, he'd still be lucky to get

    anytime more than a goodnight kiss on a first date. And this isn't even a proper date.

    Hey, thanks for

    the advice. I think, unless I get a really strong recommendation for something else, it'll be PI/w, PCC, and my

    favorite perfume.

    On a more general note, for both you guys and everyone else, what are the benefits of using

    -none for someone like me? I obviously shouldn't go none heavy, but would a little bit help? Or should I stay

    away from it altogether? I'm really wanting to get this weeks TGIF special because I've heard good things about

    AE and i definitely want some EW. But is the -none something I should wearing? And what about the -rone?

    Thanks guys, I really appreciate your advice.


  5. #5
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silver

    there boy, slow down! I'm definitely not thinking anything like that! Relationship based soley on sex? Noooo thank

    you! When I said I wanted to spur him into action, i meant romantic action, not sexual action. I'd like him to make

    a move, you know, kiss me, or ask me out on a proper date (althought that doesn't happen a whole lot in college). I

    want to start a relationship with him. I really really like the boy. That having been said, he'd still be lucky to

    get anytime more than a goodnight kiss on a first date. And this isn't even a proper date.[/b]
    If he

    ain't asked by now, he probably won't, no matter how badly he may want to.

    Why not just suggest something

    together yourself?

  6. #6
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silver
    Whoa there

    boy, slow down! I'm definitely not thinking anything like that! Relationship based soley on sex? Noooo thank

    you! When I said I wanted to spur him into action, i meant romantic action, not sexual action. I'd like him to

    make a move, you know, kiss me, or ask me out on a proper date (althought that doesn't happen a whole lot in

    college). I want to start a relationship with him. I really really like the boy. That having been said, he'd

    still be lucky to get anytime more than a goodnight kiss on a first date. And this isn't even a proper date.

    Hey, thanks for the advice. I think, unless I get a really strong recommendation for something else,

    it'll be PI/w, PCC, and my favorite perfume.

    On a more general note, for both you guys and everyone else,

    what are the benefits of using -none for someone like me? I obviously shouldn't go none heavy, but would a little

    bit help? Or should I stay away from it altogether? I'm really wanting to get this weeks TGIF special because

    I've heard good things about AE and i definitely want some EW. But is the -none something I should wearing? And

    what about the -rone?

    Thanks guys, I really appreciate your advice.


    Silver, your curiosity about none for females is interesting. I am not enough is

    known in the general forum knowledge to really answer your question.

    To be honest, the old female regulars

    who are no longer here anymore generally didn't like using te/w or npa/w because of the smell. They hated


    I really can't recall off of the top of my head what others had to say about it.

    It has three

    pheromones in it: just one of them none.

    I guess you will have to do the experimenting for us. Hopefully the

    none won't make you feel to crotchity.

  7. #7
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    Well, he suggested

    this get together. He made a reference to a movie that I didn't get, I told him that I hadn't seen it, and he was

    like "oh my gosh you have to come over and watch it." Soo...yeah. *shrug*

    None is fine for me, I kind of

    like it. But I'm afraid it will scared guys off or make me seem unfeminine. AE/w contains nol, rone, and none, in

    that order of concentration, and I was wondering about the effect of wearing none on attracting men. I have no

    problem wearing it at all.


  8. #8
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    There have been plenty of AE/w users.

    It kind of seems though that they enjoyed more so the way it made them feel than obvious hits. They really got in

    great moods, and deduced it to be the rone in AE/w. Gave them a buzz.

    Keep in mind ae/w has low levels of

    none, although I would think npa/w is the same. The percentage is undisclosed in npa/w.

    Another thing, the

    fact that he set up the "date" probably means he's into you as more than a friend, although their are a small

    minority of young guys who really care about gaining female friends just to be friends with them.


    the latter isn't the case, the best thing you can do is be encourage him. I'm not saying be so blatant - you

    probably do no want to be - but don't be so damn subtle either as a lot of guys can't read the tea leaves and are

    wondering "does she like me? is it okay to make a move?".

    So be encouraging, and let him know you enjoy his

    company, and be flirty too, so he can get a clearer sense of the picture. Help un-confuse him.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Silver

    he suggested this get together. He made a reference to a movie that I didn't get, I told him that I hadn't seen

    it, and he was like "oh my gosh you have to come over and watch it." Soo...yeah. *shrug*

    None is fine

    for me, I kind of like it. But I'm afraid it will scared guys off or make me seem unfeminine. AE/w contains nol,

    rone, and none, in that order of concentration, and I was wondering about the effect of wearing none on attracting

    men. I have no problem wearing it at all.

    I am a guy and sounds to me like he wants you,

    because when a guy asks you to come to his house and do ANYTHING, its obvious what he wants.

  10. #10
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    As a guy I'll say this, the more

    feminine a girl seems to me the more likely I'll pick her up. If she reminds me of a "one of the guys" girls well

    that's exactly what she becomes in my head. I say be as feminine as possible, cut the none, and go with bjf's

    plan of Pi/w + PCC. Maybe go a little light on the copulins though, if a guy's too horny well, he'll end up with

    his own foot in his ass.

  11. #11
    Don Dio
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    I guess I might be too late, but

    if you end up seeing that movie later, you should sit really close to him. Half-way through, lay your head on his

    shoulder. If he's attracted to you, he'll probably put his arm around you. If not, he'll say something. If he

    doesn't do anything, he's probably nervous and trying to figure what to do(this is where you put your hand on his

    hand). Something will happen...

    I'm a Chinese male, 20. This is my personal feelings about it, if I was in

    that situation.

  12. #12
    Phero Dude
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    Default Forget Pheros

    Quote Originally Posted by DeMoKiLL
    I am

    a guy and sounds to me like he wants you, because when a guy asks you to come to his house and do ANYTHING, its

    obvious what he wants.
    I would also say that he is interested in you; no doubt whatsoever. The only

    question is, does he just want to nail you, or does he want more? From everything you have said, I have no idea why

    you even think you need pheros. He is clearly interested. You say that all you want is a kiss, but you want to use

    phero or copulins so that you can get the guy's hormones raging, and then reject his sexual advances. That's

    almost cruel isn't it? Isn't that being a tease?

    If you are being honest about what you are saying, forget

    the pheros.

  13. #13
    Enlightened One
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    Silver sounds like a typical girl

    will play mind games over and over

    Or perhaps she just wants some romantic attention without the sex i say

    if this guy is willing to spend time with you withou sex then he has rocks in his head but some guys just like


    Heck i use pheromones to teast some girls *usually stuck up ones that like playing mindgames lol* all

    is fair in love and war and good luck silver - me personally id give it up to 1 month and no bang bang then id be

    moving on.

    But to each his own keep us updated anyway silver on how it pans out.

  14. #14
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Jese, she just wants the guy to like

    her, is that so wrong?

  15. #15
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I agree. He's clearly interested

    so why fan the fire with 'mones if you're not ready to go beyond a kiss? Besides, most young men are horny enough

    as is. If they get any hornier they could hurt themselves due to reduced blood flow to the brain...
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Watcher
    Silver sounds like

    a typical girl will play mind games over and over
    Mind games? I think I'm insulted.

    I don't see

    what's wrong with dating a guy if I don't want to have sex yet. How come everyone encourages girls in high school

    "it's ok to say no if you're not ready" but in college you're a tease and a frigid bitch if you don't want to

    jump into bed right away?

    I have my standards. I absolutely will not have sex with a guy unless I love him, he

    loves me, and I trust him. For me, sex is an expression of love and trust. It's giving someone the gift of

    intimate knowledge of yourself. And I will not hand that over easily.

    I've had guy friends in high school tell

    me they knew people, especially the more popular types, that they would have asked me out despite the fact that I

    was such a nerd (which I'm proud of by the way) but they didn't because they knew they couldn't get in my

    pants. I don't see anything wrong with my attitude. I found theirs fairly jerkish, but I was glad of it. After

    all, these are the guys that I would want anyway.

    I do not consider myself a tease. With our without

    pheremones, it is safe to say I am very attractive. Do I need to start wearing potato sacks so that I don't get

    guys aroused since I don't plan on sleeping with them? Hell, at this age, guys get aroused at the sight of a

    crowbar. Should we ban those next?

    It is not as if I am interested in this guy only for kissing, messing

    around, or whatever. I'm not going to leave him frustrated for months and months on end, not progressing from

    kissing or simple emotions. I'm looking for a relationship, and the sexual aspect will progress with the

    remotional aspect of the relationship as I see fit.

    If he's a good guy, a guy worth my time, then he will date

    me and court me, and understand that I want to hold off on sex until the relationship matures. If he does not, then

    good riddance and fair thee well. I will NOT use my body to buy affection.


  17. #17
    Enlightened One
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    Very valid point silver - not

    trying to insult but trying to present all possible thoughts on the process sure youre ok to hold off and demand

    some romance and relationship attention but youre going to have to find a guy that isnt in it for the horiness and

    more for the long term. You might need a guy over 28 for that though.

    For me personally up to 2 months is my

    limit after that i get frustrated and have in the past just not bothered - you need to find out though if he is

    interested in a quick fuck so to speak or a longer term relationship because if he wants it now and doesnt get it

    you could ruin the friendship altogether - at some point you need to explain this to him and see if he is on the

    same level or not on the same wavelength.

    The trust element is important as you say - but there are plenty of

    women i have come across that say the same thing as you and i pursued one for 6 months and got pricked teased all

    the way - same sort of thing only to find out that within 2 weeks of me stoping the chase she had begun bonking

    another guy. So much for romance in that case - he dumped her 3 weeks later she came back to me but by that point i

    had moved on and took great pleasure in stripping her to shreads in terms of a nice blast on her so called morals

    and the way she treated guys. She got what she deserved - and i had my day in the sun.

    Suffice to say that

    was quite a few years ago when i was more inexperienced with that sort of attention whore personality (ie the whore

    means one that seeks attention from many guys - doesnt relate to sex but just those that soak it up and lead guys

    along) im single right now but had a good relationship before she took off overseas (mutual decision there) and

    right now just playing the field a bit.

  18. #18
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silver
    Mind games? I

    think I'm insulted.

    I don't see what's wrong with dating a guy if I don't want to have sex yet. How come

    everyone encourages girls in high school "it's ok to say no if you're not ready" but in college you're a tease

    and a frigid bitch if you don't want to jump into bed right away?
    For what it's worth, it didn't look

    to me like you wanted to play mindgames with the guy.

    Some of the guys here are more focused on sex than others.

    I assumed, wrongly, that you were trying to get the guy to come after you. But it's not all about sex.


    fact, I'm a bit old-fashioned myself. I don't pursue casual sex despite numerous opportunities for it.

  19. #19
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    Thanks bjf, for coming to my

    defense with a little sense. You too, friendly, I appreciate it.

    Plenty of controversial and non-conformist

    ideas have been presented on this board. Now, I am not in any way judging any of them. In fact, from my posts you

    can see that I am very and open to accepting ideas and values that are not mine. I'm a big fan of non-conformity.

    However, I find it very interesting that many people have voiced approval of adultry, prostitution, stealing another

    guy's girlfriend, and 13 year-olds having sex while I get blasted for looking for love and not just a simple fuck.


    Watcher, perhaps you didn't mean to insult me, but I find it very hard to take your first

    two sentances any other way. I'm just a typical girl who likes to fuck with men's minds? If any man actually

    acts the way I hope they would then they must have rocks in their head? I'm sorry you've had bad experiences in

    the past, but that doesn't change the fact that you can't assume all women are evil.

    Everyone, I think we're

    at the root of why there are so few women on this forum. I feel that most people on this forum are great, very very

    cool, and extremely helpful. However, there are some that occasionally speak of deeply misogynistic views. If I

    scared easy, and thank goodness I don't, a few comments like these and I might never come back. Men might get

    confrontational, argue it out, and so forth. Women are more likely to shrug and fuck it.

    Sorry, guess you

    can't get rid of me that easily.


  20. #20
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Good responses! I

    was glad to see you reply to what I thought was a crude and baseless attack. Don't think that most of us see things

    that way, there are as many points of view as there are poeple and your has a lot of merit.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  21. #21
    Enlightened One
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    silver the original sentence about

    girls playing mind games - just in my experience a lot of the younger ones do once they hit 25 they start to

    appreciate guys and not just use and abuse - perhaps its just the aussie culture - they like to lead their guys

    around and play the mind games - i do realise the american culture is a bit different.

    Not all women are like

    that i have been with quite a few nice ones but based upon personal experiences and the "aussie culture" where men

    are even in the media viewed as lower than women and not appreicated it does pee me off sometimes. I better give up

    thuogh before i annoy anyone else.

    You are right youre original post does state you just want to spend some

    time with him without the pressures of sex - fair enough. If he is agreeable to it then for sure both of you enjoy

    youreself but if he is like most young guys if you come on to strong then pull back then come on again you might

    find he is confused. As guys get older of course we like to do the romance but you state you are in university -

    90% of guys at that young 20s wont stick around to long without getting action.

    But see how things go you

    might find youreself getting some attention from other nice guys perhaps if you keep using the mones and or


  22. #22
    Enlightened One
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    oh i see the rocks in his head -

    yes that use of creative and upfront language i see can upset some - well yes perhaps that should have been changed

    in hindsight but as stated based upon personal experience ive had this happened and personally after 2 months would

    be moving on (in my life not youres)

  23. #23
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    Quote: “For me, sex is an

    expression of love and trust.”

    In my opinion, men who clearly identify as being male do not naturally

    see sex as a romantic gesture. They see sex as relief of tension; an act most easily attained by romantic gesture.

    In reality, they do whatever they have to do in order to get rid of an absence of sex. Sex is far more so a

    “pressure” for females, than males simply because of the inequal testosterone levels. This isn't to

    suggest it isn't equally fulfilling. Men would not court unless they had to.

    If you want him to notice you

    in a sexual context, follow the mones advice given above. If you are interested in a less sexual relationship, using

    mones is like being untruthful to him on a primal chemical level. It is not honest as the signals given do not

    reflect the intent of the wearer.

    I do not feel I have read any of the “deeply misogynistic

    views” you refered to. Misogyny is female hatred, is it not?

    You spoke of trust.... So be honest and

    truthful. In my view only wear mones if you want to encourage actual sexual response in him. He is a human being,

    don't mislead his instincts (the less direct way of saying, don't mess with his head).

  24. #24
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    Last edited by Have_Courage; 01-15-2005 at 01:51 PM.

  25. #25
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Silver, I don't know if you

    met your guy yet or not (I only discovered this particular thread today). Anyway, my personal perusings on your

    situation is like this:

    Quote Originally Posted by dundio
    you should sit really close to him. Half-way through, lay your head

    on his shoulder...
    I think this is a great idea. Personally speaking, I ended up making more female

    friends than I could shake a stick at. This was because, I used to be a little shy, not quite knowing for sure if I

    was picking up the signals correctly. Therefore, after a certain amount of time had passed I felt it was too late to

    make any kind of romantic advance as I had fell into LJBF territory.

    After you lay your head on his shoulder and

    If he doesn't put his arm around you, try this..."are you gonna put your arm around me or what?". Look him in the

    eye, say it in a whisper, really mean what you say and SMILE nervously, like you are fragile and precious. He will

    not refuse unless he is just plain stupid.

    It's obvious this guy likes you, but just doesn't know what to do

    about it (so many guys are like this, half of your male friends will fall into this category. Probably more than

    half if you are pretty). Help him along. You don't have to get any more physical than this for now, just be

    comfortable in each others arms to begin with. Let him know it's not just a physical thing, you really enjoy his


    As for 'mones. I couldn't say, as I don't have enough experience of them yet. However, I recently

    had a bad episode at a club (see post "Sleazy or just f****** tired"). Perhaps there was a lot of 'none in the

    teststerone fuelled environment, I don't know but maybe it doesn't help with what your goal is.

    I have a

    similar problem as you in terms of what 'mones (if any to wear). Recently, I was dissed by an Italian girl (she is

    so nice, btw) who I know likes me, but I can't figure out anymore than that. She totally disrespected me by

    ignoring my text messages. So, I called her and gave her a huge amount of abuse on the phone. Now she wants to see

    me?!? Anyway, like you, I'm not sure if I should wear 'none when we meet...there's the possibility of it all

    blowing up in my face, so I think I'm just gonna leave it, or maybe just have a couple of dabs with some 'nol.

    Please keep us updated what happens with you and what 'mones you used.
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

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