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  1. #31
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    A girl could sell her body if

    that's what she so chooses to do. But if there were no STDs, this world would just be one giant orgy. One

    wonderful giant orgy. And I don't think prostitution would be necessary. Of course there would be the people who

    look for meaningful sex, but I think the main thing that holds people back from *boinking* every cute chick they

    meet is fear of STDs. Sorry for being so crude but I just got home from a very good day in terms of sexual hits,

    and that's what's on my mind. I might think differently tomarrow when I'm awake and less horny.

  2. #32
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pyke
    I think the main

    thing that holds people back from *boinking* every cute chick they meet is fear of STDs
    I suppose everyone

    has their own reasons for holding back. Personally, I feel human beings and society are cursed by certain emotions

    brought about by certain situations. For example; the thing that stops me going after what I want (every nice girl I

    see) is guilt. This emotion derives from the hurt & jealousy (other emotions I hate) experienced by other people in

    response to my actions. If my actions didn't produce these emotional responses under said circumstances, then I

    could enjoy every woman I met who felt the same way about me. Alas it is not to be. It could be said that this is a

    cop out wish, because I don't have the backbone to be a morally upright person and therefore make good decisions.

    However, doesn't matter how I look at it, I want to love more than one woman at one time. I have done so before and

    I'll do so again. This feels natural to me, and to be monogamous feels very unnatural. Why must we quell our

    emotions to have moral fibre? Why do such desires (which feel right to me) produce negative emotions? I do not in my

    heart feel that it is just.
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  3. #33
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Celticbhoy
    I suppose everyone

    has their own reasons for holding back. Personally, I feel human beings and society are cursed by certain emotions

    brought about by certain situations. For example; the thing that stops me going after what I want (every nice girl I

    see) is guilt. This emotion derives from the hurt & jealousy (other emotions I hate) experienced by other people in

    response to my actions. If my actions didn't produce these emotional responses under said circumstances, then I

    could enjoy every woman I met who felt the same way about me. Alas it is not to be. It could be said that this is a

    cop out wish, because I don't have the backbone to be a morally upright person and therefore make good decisions.

    However, doesn't matter how I look at it, I want to love more than one woman at one time. I have done so before and

    I'll do so again. This feels natural to me, and to be monogamous feels very unnatural. Why must we quell our

    emotions to have moral fibre? Why do such desires (which feel right to me) produce negative emotions? I do not in my

    heart feel that it is just.
    Would u feels the same way if your girlfriend came to you with the same



  4. #34
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Of course DCW, because I am

    currently suffering from emotionitis like every other member of the human race. If none of us had any of this to

    deal with there would be no problem for anyone.
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  5. #35
    Man of La Pancha
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCW
    Would u feels the

    same way if your girlfriend came to you with the same arguement?

    That's the million-dollar

    question. If you can live with it, then I say be polygomous. If you can't, though, then you've better give up

    your ways or you're not being fair to other people.

    Note: by polygomous I mean multiple relationships, not

    multiple wives. You have the right in this country to sleep, live, and be with many different women.


    couldn't do it because I couldn't take a woman wanting another man besides me after making a commitment and

    therefore would never do that to anyone else. Hell, I won't even suggest a threesome with someone I really cared

    about (not that I would suggest one with two random women, but you get what I'm trying to say) because I wouldn't

    want the roles reversed and it's not fair (It's like saying, "You're not enough for me, honey."). I don't feel

    it would be possible for me to ever get the emotional closeness I would eventually want to have with someone if I

    wasn't willing to make that kind of commitment, and to me that's sad. I'm introverted, so that probably explains

    my desire for one seriously close person who knows me so well and can talk about anything rather than many

    relationships with less emotional depth. In other words, I'm willing to sacrifice sex with more than one person to

    have all of the benefits that I will receive. I do realize, however, that not all people think that way and I do

    hope they find happiness in being single and having many relationships. I just hope they are moral about it and let

    their gfs know what their philosophy is.

  6. #36
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pancho1188
    That's the

    million-dollar question. If you can live with it, then I say be polygomous. If you can't, though, then you've

    better give up your ways or you're not being fair to other people.
    This is a true statement.
    It's sad

    that we as a species are forced to choose like this because we are at the mercy of a conscience. I feel that we would grow spiritually by widening our experiences in

    life...not limiting them. Unfortunately I suffer the same affliction as everyone else (the conscience) therefore I

    am faced with the same choice also. It is silly that we are at the leash of this unseen force that tells us "look!

    There's a yummy chocolate cake and a sweet cookie, but you can only have one???" OK, cakes and cookies don't have

    feelings which are affected adversely by our choices, but that is my point...we do and suffer as a

    result. I thought variety was the spice of life, but clearly this only applies to things our conscience

    (malfunctioning conscience imo) doesn't object to. Thanks God.

    So, we trade

    guilt, bitterness, sadness for what...bitterness, sadness and a desperate hurt inside that we can never truly get to

    know the most special person in the world, because our conscience won't let us sleep. Strange trade-off in my


    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  7. #37
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Celticbhoy
    This is a true

    It's sad that we as a species are forced to choose like this because we are at the mercy of a

    conscience. I feel that we would grow spiritually by widening our

    experiences in life...not limiting them. Unfortunately I suffer the same affliction as everyone else (the

    conscience) therefore I am faced with the same choice also. It is silly that we are at the leash of this unseen

    force that tells us "look! There's a yummy chocolate cake and a sweet cookie, but you can only have one???" OK,

    cakes and cookies don't have feelings which are affected adversely by our choices, but that is my point...we

    do and suffer as a result. I thought variety was the spice of life, but clearly this only applies to

    things our conscience (malfunctioning conscience imo) doesn't object to. Thanks


    So, we trade guilt, bitterness, sadness for what...bitterness, sadness and a

    desperate hurt inside that we can never truly get to know the most special person in the world, because our

    conscience won't let us sleep. Strange trade-off in my view.
    I got the solution for you.
    Try swinging then

    you won't feel any guilt because you will be associating with like minded adults and you can move around as you



  8. #38
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Haha...good idea. Maybe we

    could start a new religion. Swingdianity!
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  9. #39
    Man of La Pancha
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    Quote Originally Posted by Celticbhoy
    This is a

    true statement.
    It's sad that we as a species are forced to choose like this because we are at the mercy of a

    conscience. I feel that we would grow spiritually by widening our

    experiences in life...not limiting them. Unfortunately I suffer the same affliction as everyone else (the

    conscience) therefore I am faced with the same choice also. It is silly that we are at the leash of this unseen

    force that tells us "look! There's a yummy chocolate cake and a sweet cookie, but you can only have one???" OK,

    cakes and cookies don't have feelings which are affected adversely by our choices, but that is my point...we

    do and suffer as a result. I thought variety was the spice of life, but clearly this only applies to

    things our conscience (malfunctioning conscience imo) doesn't object to. Thanks


    So, we trade guilt, bitterness, sadness for what...bitterness, sadness and a desperate

    hurt inside that we can never truly get to know the most special person in the world, because our conscience won't

    let us sleep. Strange trade-off in my view.
    I'm confused. All I was saying is, "Don't be a hypocrite," or "Do

    unto others as you would have done to you." If you can accept your girl hitting other men, then you should feel

    fine sleeping with whoever you want.

    My conscience doesn't keep me from being conscience keeps

    me from being a hypocrite. I don't want my gf hitting on/sleeping with other guys, therefore I won't. It's only

    fair. To do it myself and not 'allow' my gf to do it would be irrational and unfair to me. Yes, immoral as well,

    but I don't think I could get away with doing someone myself and not expecting the other person to have a choice to

    do so as well. My conscience tells me that if I was okay with my gf sleeping around while I did, everything would

    be fine. My conscience would be perfectly okay with that situation. In other words, it's not that my conscience

    keeps me from being polygamous; it's that it keeps me from being a hypocrite.

    Like I said...I have nothing

    against polygamy if everyone agrees to it and understands the rules (aka cheating without your spouse knowing is

    wrong, but both of you sleeping with a bunch of people and each other sometimes isn't much different than being

    friends with benefits with someone while dating others). You have the freedom to do so, and more power to you. If

    you can't accept the possibility that your gf will sleep with others, then you shouldn't do it. If you can,

    though, then go and be happy together.

    Like I said, I can't do it...not because my conscience says

    polygamy is wrong but the fact that I...or, rather, my ego...could not handle my spouse/gf being with someone else

    as I would start to feel inadequate and unfulfilling to my partner. What does that guy have that I don't ("It's

    not that he's better; he's just different." Yeah, like my mind will make the distinction)? Am I not good enough?

    Why does she need him if she has me?

    I couldn't handle that. If you can, then you can do it. That's all

    I'm saying.

    I'm not at the mercy of my conscience; I'm in control of my understanding of what is fair and

    right and live by my values. If that is the type of life you would like to live, can accept your partner doing the

    same, and can meet someone who agrees with you, then you can be just as fulfilled as someone who believes in

    monogamy and follows it.

  10. #40
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    I think what it all comes down to

    is that we want more than we're willing to give.

  11. #41
    Man of La Pancha
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    I'm a humble guy who doesn't

    ask for much. I only need one.

  12. #42
    Phero Dude Surreal's Avatar
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    ^^^ I as well ^^^

    "The whole world must learn of our peaceful ways, by force!"

  13. #43
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Pancho, I agree with the vast

    majority of what you are saying. You are explaining the reality of life on earth as most of us see

    Quote Originally Posted by Pancho1188 conscience keeps me from being a hypocrite.
    I'm afraid I don't

    share this view with you. You can be a hypocrite if you like, nothing to "keep" you from being one. I think what you

    and I both mean to say is that being a hypocrite will result in our consciences punishing us. This is a more

    accurate description and is what I meant when I said I am at the "mercy" of my conscience. "Mercy", meaning it can

    choose to dish out punishment or refrain, i.e. maybe it will have "mercy" on me.

    Also, I don't know about your

    personal conscience, but mine is a wildly erratic tool. I have been morally incorrent many times, yet it had mercy

    on me...not a peep, even for things it probably should have taken action over.

    Conversely, I have been

    reprimanded whilst being morally correct. Sometimes choosing the correct moral decision results in another party

    being hurt in a different way (justly or unjustly) The function of the conscience may be to protect...self and

    others, but I feel it doesn't work as often as not. This is my beef. I can't change it. I should probably just get

    on with it. But, it doesn't stop me being sad about it anyway.
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  14. #44
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    Cool what happens when you open 2 or more cans of worms

    life bumps along... you learn a few tricks about emotional survival. Unexpected things began to

    happen when I turned 45 or thereabouts... young things found me magnetically attractive after a decade of tune out.

    Must be a father figure, protector, font of wisdom archetype that young women feel a buzz for. When you arrange

    parts of yourself just so, say you've studied subjects like vocal production on the side that might give you a

    subtly hypnotic voice without thinking about it, you have learned how to dress, hold yourself, how to restrain your

    more idiotic impulses, and perhaps there's a -mone residue on your clothing or skin, it can be too easy, the sweet

    thing looks at you and shes ga-ga-ga...

    Older women too, unhappy in their marriages, not cut out for the

    dating scene, feeling the midlife testosterone surge...

    Looking at the easily available pleasures, and the

    considering the consequences of offering up a heap of promise to someone who may be wading in deeper than they will

    admit, or allowing fantasies and idealized ideas to run out of control,
    it was infinitely better, more ethical,

    certainly fairer to women whom I had no intention of taking advantage of, to (for now, and as long as circumstances

    are this way) keep my erotic life strictly seperated from the rest of my social life.

    Nobody get hurt this

    way. I don't use women for sex by suggesting that there's more if there isn't more, I don't beat myself up for

    using women, I don't feel the need to play flirty games to reassure myself that I am still desirable, there is no

    pressure to get all needy and manipulative, there doesn't have to be an undercurrent of whatever. This strategy

    keeps matters clean, fair, and all the cards on the table.

    That isn't to say that you choose a life without

    feeling. Au contraire, deeper, more genuine, and less contaminated feeling is possible when the inherently selfish

    power of sexual drive is reduced to the level of a nuance. There's an absolutely gorgeous married woman in my

    building, we have a tremendous rapport, there is a lot of feeling that passes between us, she, however is married

    into a family system that would cause untold problems if she were to change it around at this point, and I have no

    desire to look back at myself in five years and think, "so you're the guy who tore all that down for a little

    nookie", and she knows my libido is firmly managed, she doesn't know where, how, or with who, but she senses I know

    where the important boundaries are and I'm not going to mess with them. This seems to free her to show me sides of

    herself she might not if she thought I'd take it as an invitation to go after her.

    Should the right girl

    come along, she's have to be one hell of a sharp cookie, I would stop my activities, wait the necessary time, have

    the full battery of STD tests, ones I regularly have anyway, and I would re-enter the civilian world of romantic

    love and stay on the civi side of the fence as long as the relationship was viable.

  15. #45
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    Default interesting thread surfs up


    envy your experience. In a good way.
    I hope I get half of the culture in the next 20 years.

    And I agree with

    you after a fashion.

    I am 23. Started dating an older woman at 16(starting college). She was 27. Got married

    at right before age 20(had a good free sexual run in college). The relationship went to pieces when I was 22.

    Funny thing is it went belly up because I never believed in the religious/marriage/structured thinking I was raised

    with.(born atheist and cynic-out of all the strictness/homophobia my family raised me with they always seemed to be

    taken advantage of).
    And she constantly complained that I wasnt emotional or docile enough.

    Anywho, my

    problem isnt really meeting women, but just finding a good healthy sexual friendship with a woman with no


    I would not mind committment, if I had a guarantee fidelity would be there. But no way I am

    getting an STD because the person I was trusting backstabbed me.
    My best friend got HIV from his wife.

    out after their divorce).
    So I choose my own path. But the majority of women locally seemed to want to be 'wined

    and dined' from the beginning.
    I have no money to be spending money on dates for a month or so to hear 'I am not

    interested anymore.'

    So any good tips on relocating to somewhere where the ladies are a higher percentage of

    my type?

    Seems like in traveling the coastal and northern states have more openminded ladies. I am smack dab

    in the 'bible belt'.

  16. #46
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Unfortunately, we are railroaded into much life crap

    social pressure is amazingly effective at making you do things you would not otherwise do. Even

    social pressure to have lots of sex. The hardest thing is to know yourself well and live in a way that truly fits

    who you are. Most people don't do that. They're afraid of judgement or rejection.

  17. #47
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    So how much does this all cost?
    Give truth a chance.

  18. #48
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by nichirenx
    I envy your

    experience. In a good way.
    I hope I get half of the culture in the next 20 years.

    And I agree with you after a


    I am 23. Started dating an older woman at 16(starting college). She was 27. Got married at right before

    age 20(had a good free sexual run in college). The relationship went to pieces when I was 22. Funny thing is it went

    belly up because I never believed in the religious/marriage/structured thinking I was raised with.(born atheist and

    cynic-out of all the strictness/homophobia my family raised me with they always seemed to be taken advantage of).

    And she constantly complained that I wasnt emotional or docile enough.

    Anywho, my problem isnt really meeting

    women, but just finding a good healthy sexual friendship with a woman with no obligations.

    I would not mind

    committment, if I had a guarantee fidelity would be there. But no way I am getting an STD because the person I was

    trusting backstabbed me.
    My best friend got HIV from his wife.
    (found out after their divorce).
    So I choose my

    own path. But the majority of women locally seemed to want to be 'wined and dined' from the beginning.
    I have no

    money to be spending money on dates for a month or so to hear 'I am not interested anymore.'

    So any good tips

    on relocating to somewhere where the ladies are a higher percentage of my type?

    Seems like in traveling the

    coastal and northern states have more openminded ladies. I am smack dab in the 'bible belt'.
    For 23, you

    have a good grip on things, if you're speaking your true thoughts. I've been that way all my life. In

    areas where money is plentiful, you'll find the kind of women you're looking for. Tis vonderful to have someone

    that want's you for YOU, and not what you have in which they can get. How strange is it ... when men have money,

    they have a choice of many women, but when women have money, their choices are limited. I will not, knowingly, be a

    piece of soeone's missing puzzle, but I would happily build a puzzle with someone worthy. Yes, coastal as in

    Cali, and northern as in DC and up ... where the money is plentiful, and chances of finding someone that's really

    after companionship are great! Stay the course. Don't let lack of change you, as it does sooooo many.

    BRAVO ZULU, Signor Nich!
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  19. #49
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    Default Journey

    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57

    23, you have a good grip on things, if you're speaking your true thoughts. I've been that way all my

    life. In areas where money is plentiful, you'll find the kind of women you're looking for. Tis vonderful to have

    someone that want's you for YOU, and not what you have in which they can get. How strange is it ... when men have

    money, they have a choice of many women, but when women have money, their choices are limited. I will not,

    knowingly, be a piece of soeone's missing puzzle, but I would happily build a puzzle with someone worthy.

    Yes, coastal as in Cali, and northern as in DC and up ... where the money is plentiful, and chances of finding

    someone that's really after companionship are great! Stay the course. Don't let lack of change you, as it

    does sooooo many.

    BRAVO ZULU, Signor Nich!
    I am building towards those goals.

    online/weekend training in electronic/computer engineering and will probably go into physics and mechanical

    engineering later.

    Its refreshing to be myself, but it alienated most of my family because they cannot seem to

    respect my choices. Tis sad when we cannot live different yet in peace and communication.

    I have been through

    a whole lot in my short years.
    Muchas Gracias for the good wishes
    Mobley - well appreciated.

  20. #50
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Wink more experiences = expanded perspective

    To answer question one. One hour with a nice girl w/ tip if you know what to look for in a big city

    should be about $300... you can pay more and get less, many often do

    When my little padruga was at the top of

    her game she charged $400 hr and most guys said that was a screaming bargain...

    A higher level place like

    Mona Lisa Models in New York City will run you $600 hr however the girls are a lot more "accomodating".... I prefer

    less accomodating for health reasons... you don't know how many other guys they've accomodated before


    Top end, blow the doors in, porn star experience, with stunninngly beautiful women, NY Confidential is

    the spot, can run between $1200-$2000 and HOUR... too, too expensive in my way of looking at it, they guys who do go

    rate these girls 10/10 (ten for looks, ten for performance)

    If, and when you mutually decide maybe you'd

    like to hang out and do non-sex business related things, have dinner, go walking, take pictures, rent an F-16 for

    the afternoon and practice air combat, hang glide over active volcanos, have an audience with the Pope, or other

    typical things, that's known as "going off the clock".

    On the clock or off the clock you can meet some

    pretty far out people if your mind is prepared for the experience, imperfect, human people with their share of

    problems, true, one thing that escorts learn to do by instinct is powerfully associate or powerfully dissociate, far

    more so than average people are able, its an unconsciously learned skill...

    That means they can really,

    really BE with you, the best ones, the top level, as my padruga defintitely was, it isn't about physical sex so

    much as this mind boggling capacity to be totally focused on your being, the Vulcan mind meld... then they can "go

    away" into their own private mental spaces so deeply they become pure psychological silence, like an ancient

    obsidian mirror. It is then strange to be back with civvies who don't have this wide range of hyper-thereness/

    hyper-not thereness. I think I learned a massive amount about pure being, how to be totally focused on another


  21. #51
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by surfs_up
    One hour with a nice

    girl w/ tip if you know what to look for in a big city should be about $300.
    Wow. That's good money.

    How much of that is tip, and how much goes back to the escort service?i
    Give truth a chance.

  22. #52
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    Talking compare this with an expensive NY haircut

    a part of an article you might find interesting:

    "On a recent weekday afternoon, Orlando Pita,

    hairdresser to celebrities like Jennifer Connelly, Naomi Campbell and Kirsten Dunst, received a client in his new

    salon, Orlo, on the third floor of a nondescript walkup on Gansevoort Street.

    Mr. Pita, 42, stood mesmerized

    behind the woman's brunet head, puzzling in a way that suggested he was examining a compelling piece of abstract

    art. He worked in monastic silence, his scissors venturing only the most tentative stabs. With each move, he stepped

    back, occasionally blowing the hair with a drier, watching the way it waved under the heat, his brow pressed in


    The entire process lasted about 80 minutes. And each minute cost about $10: Mr. Pita charges

    $800 for a haircut. "

    If you're a regular, typical hour is $250, tip is $50, normally you aren't expected

    to tip indies, only agency or house girls, but generosity is the best lubricant...

    That easily better than

    setting up a date, hitting a decent restaurant, putzing around town, doing the romantic crap unless you're

    genuinely in the mood for romantic, then some nights the girls at the sex place are mediocre, so that's sort of a

    waste, you're out of there quickly though, other times you hit paydirt, hot stuff, if you're in the mood, you can

    see two girls in a row, or two at the same time, always like having one flavor of sex with one girl, then another

    hour of a different flavor, black girl, chinese, venezuelan, native american...

  23. #53
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    For me (in dont speek by past experience) pros are nothing more than doing a job
    & that is the way it

    shoud be well acounted,legislated et overseen.
    I'm a virgin(male) at 27 & i dont like that idea i keep looking for

    a GF but with no success.The dating seen is kinda hard on me... ?badluck?

    I also started to think that it

    might release some of the stress to have sex with a payed girl. it may be a solution ... but with STDs & all that

    stuff man is it hard to pick up that phone .Also note i dont realy have a big budget...

    As for morality think

    of it as a need sex is like food a need so why is it legal to sell food
    simple : its a NEED!! so since so many

    single male (also female btw) need to get some
    it should be legalised (especialy when you think weapons who do

    far more damage are legal ...)

    i was listening to a doCULmentary (an interview on a XXX dvd) this guy said "we

    see war,blood,killig, horror,movies on TV so why somthing NATURAL as a body of ppl repoducing(btw we see animals

    reproducing all the time on TV we are some of those no?) should be so restricted ?" --may not be word for word

    so i think this sex shouldnt be that much restricted,more prone... (we should restrict more science lab specialy

    the chemichal warfare labs...oh! did your realy think all those sickness where natural ?)

    ps: wow! did i ever

    wrote so much in here? :P

  24. #54
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    "I'm a virgin(male) at 27

    & i dont like that idea i keep looking for a GF but with no success.The dating seen is kinda hard on me...

    Normally I wouldn't say this, but at 27 it's time to go with a pro. Just wear a raincoat.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  25. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    Normally I

    wouldn't say this, but at 27 it's time to go with a pro. Just wear a raincoat.
    I don't see why it's so

    restricted either, but I don't think you should have ur first experience with a hooker... Most of em ain't that

    great anyways... a one nite stand might suit you better but in all truth i'd save the first time for somebody


  26. #56
    Enlightened One
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    27 go with a hooker.

  27. #57
    Full Member Elvis's Avatar
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    Surfs are da f/ man

    (no arse licking intended...well not literally)

    I have agreed with you often through this thread. My

    personal view is that the human spirit and it's emotions/responses have not kept up with the lightning fast changes

    in society. I realise prostitution is the oldest vocation on earth, but when I say fast changes, I mean it may take

    tens of thousands of years for this aspect of mankind to evolve.

    We have the bodies, the technology and all the

    rest of the crap...but taboos will exist for a long time to come because of imperfect emotional systems. Why is it

    that the natural instinct of man is to conquer all and sundry, shag everything in sight, if emotionally speaking he

    can only have one wife? Should our instincts evolve to our emotions or vice-versa? You cannot control instinct, but

    we can make an effort with our emotions.

    For me, sex and love are two different systems...each operating

    individually/independantly from the other.

    I'm glad you had the guts to come out and share your experiences

    with us despite their childish taboos in "society".

    Thanks man.
    "Some days will stay a thousand years, some pass like the flash of a spark...who knows where all our days go?"

  28. #58
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Talking not that Family Values America doesn't have its share of hypocrisy

    many of the padruga's gentleman aquaintances were high level guys, respected

    family men, corporate executives, pillars of the community types, ministers... many of them rich, ambitious,

    powerful who had married to advance their ambitions, gain more power, make more money by being attached to dynamic,

    materialistic, social climbing women. There weren't any innocents in this game. They had willingly traded peace of

    mind, the chance to be oneself when one pleased, not having to keep the facades up at all times for their shot at

    the big time. These are not men who can afford the reputation as womanizers or be seen hitting the trashy clubs.

    That's where talented women like her come in. Absolutely discreet, not too flashy or obvious, punctual,

    businesslike, and as many men described it, capable of giving them the experience of their first great lay in high

    school. They got to be 17 and carefree for an hour or two, then return to their schedules, their church, their

    proper wives, the country club, good reasonable republican suburbs and expensive educations... all the while they

    are tormented with visions of dancing sluts, natives pounding on log drums, eunechs bearing hookahs filled with

    afghan hasish, the girls locker room, Miss January running her perfectly lacquered finernails down their backs... it

    should come as little surprise that her #1 city for business was Washington DC.

  29. #59
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    Talking You Got It, Journeyman!!!!!!


    think Journeyman is essentially correct in his well-thought out, if wordy, post. But it's even more appropriate in

    an internationl context. I'm 48 and have spent 8-9 years of my adult life living overseas in 5 countries in Latin

    America & the Caribbbean. I've also travelled extensively in Europe and have spent time in Thailand. I realized

    many years ago the value of just picking out exactly the type of woman I want that night and paying for it. No

    frustrations, no BS, no STD's (use condoms always)! Just fun. The problem is coming back to the States where it's

    all messed up, IMO. The USA, which I love and would give my life defending, has too many girleymen, metrosexuals, &

    militant homosexuals. You'll pay for it anyway, so go & get what you want when you need it!!

  30. #60
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    So it doesn't bother either of you

    guys the number of penises that share your space, sort of speak? What about all the man-spit that has been

    deposited on their nipples?

    Or was that something that did bother you, and you just learned to get over it?

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