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  1. #61
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Wink Good Gawd... they take showers !

    Sure, there are nasty, funky no self respect skank ho types which we carefully avoid. The better ones are near

    clean freaks, they shower, they soap down. I think there are a whole passel of stereotypes that are mixed up in the

    public imagination. In practice there are substantial differences. A good place will have a stack of freshly

    laundered towels, fresh sheets, a clean bathroom, listerine mouthwash, pump hand sanitizer. Experienced travellers

    will always have their own listerine mouthwash and sanitizer to wipe down with after the festivities. It comes in

    cute little bottles. The most important skill you need to develop to play this game is how to suss out the level of

    the situation in a blink. A place that shows lack of care for hygeine, is disorderly, reeks of cigarette smoke,

    people are rude or demanding, or people that seem druggy, emotionally off base, too hyper or too dazed, spot that

    quick and bail out. I have been in situations where I've paid up, then things turned weird, I would walk out

    without looking back, forget the money, not worth the grief. After a while you know the ropes, you read the

    discussion boards, you know what's clean and what isn't.

  2. #62
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    No, I know they take showers, I am

    just have a little thing against the imagery of hundreds or thousands of men being where I am. But that's ok,

    probably my own thing.

    So, I thought escort services always made house calls. It sounds like YOU go to


    BTW, did you ever get in a situation where you tried to talk a girl out of being in the business?

    Also, do they get repulsed by the men or all of them just are so good at blocking it out that a nasty guy becomes


  3. #63
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    Talking Picture This!!!!

    Once again,

    Journeyman has nailed it! There's nothing, I repeat, nothing better than being in a room at "La Riviera" or "El

    Caribe" in Old San Juan, P.R. with a Heinekin in one hand, a joint in the other hand, a $20 bag of "Playboy" in

    your pocket and an 18 yo Colombian cutie just sent in for a couple of weeks to earn dollars. Or being in Thailand

    with incredible, incredible babes from Thailand/Laos/Cambodia. Or, for that matter, being in Mexico or the Dominican

    Republic with 3 women/girls at a time! Even though I do not drink/drug any more, this is reality in many parts of

    the world and quite a nice reality at that! Either you can relate or you can't. Anybody with me?

  4. #64
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    simple awnser : soap 3

    times that is & a bath :P

  5. #65
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Unhappy meanwhile, back in the here and now

    Had to go to a friend's party the other night. There were some cute civi women there, they knew how to

    stay on the right side of the line between sexy and trash... whatever, they knew they were flaunting it, obviously,

    you wouldn't put it out there like that if you weren't fishing for a reaction on some level... wine was ordered,

    some of the guys were getting into it, converstion flowed, and..... it was sooooo stupid, so banal... the mindless

    crap these folks were bantering about, do squirrels that never leave their cages think thoughts like these ? I was

    thinking an introspective thought, in years past, how often had I sat around engaged in similarly brain dead

    superficial social interactions basically on the long shot that I might score ? How pathetic is that ?


    mental tape to 5 days ago. I check in for some R&R at the sex place. There is an delightful girl there, deeply into

    meditative practices, I'm loaded to the gills with high octane mones. We have great touchy feely sex. Then an

    incredible mind opening, energizing conversation. The mones have this property of sometimes giving you direct access

    to other people's states of consciousness. I pick up a deep Baghwan hit that stays with me for days, a pretty

    profound shift in my conscious state. The sex gave me a direct hook up to her meditative energy.

    Back to the

    party... after the massive injection of Baghwan Sex-Consciousness-Jah Rasta One Love-Superjuice and hanging around

    in civiland I am struck, possibly a little shocked, and how low and flat that psychic energy is among these folks,

    they appear to have sex ocassionally and it doesn't connect them to much. But there's none of the clarity, the

    sense of fresh mind-body connection, just drifting chitter chatter. Yes, the this is so much like unto the that, you

    don't say, that's just precious, the that is as well so much like unto the this.... snooooooore... my head was

    imploding so I took one more glance at the beautiful lady with her argon filled brain as she was discussing the

    spices that they roasted the peanuts with, and thought, only out of courtesy to my friend who invited me did I waste

    one hour of my time here....

  6. #66
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    Quote: “ fishing for a

    reaction on some level... wine was ordered, some of the guys were getting into it, converstion flowed ... I was

    thinking an introspective thought, in years past, how often had I sat around engaged in similarly brain dead

    superficial social interactions basically on the long shot that I might score ? How pathetic is that


    Amen brother.

    Although I don't see it a pathetic necessarily, it's just (natural) libido

    doing its best to survive in a civilised (artificial) environment. They know no different, they're practicing what

    the moral authorities have preached to them and all that stuff. Still, I think a lot of guys might be jealous that

    you've let go of the small talk climate most of us choose out of ignorance

  7. #67
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    A little green man from a

    nearby planet came to earth. He wanted to get to know mor details about the human race, women in partikular and

    maybe even understand them (we all would like to...).

    He started to segment the US in West and East.

    First he visited a place in LA, where he met hundrets of young human beeings every morning, half of them female.

    They talked silly things and to his mind they behaved totally irrational. He could not help hyperbeamthinking 'All

    his self-respect he looses when such company he chooses'.
    The next place he went to was in a city at the east

    coast, where he met hundrets of young females every morning too. But unlike the first place, attending this place

    cost him a lot of money. But here he had interesting conversations, insights and ideas.

    Back to mars, he

    wrote a file for his superiors, that all women in the west were childish and irrational, wheras those at the

    eastcoast were entirely different, more educated, professional and even significantly taller.

    After he did

    so well, comparing westcoast girls at a public kindergarden downtown LA with eastcoast girls from the Harvard

    Campus, he received honors and a DVD with an earthly song from the beachboys ("The east coast girls...").


    next project was comparing well educated, well chosen, well travelled and highly paid hookers to a carefully

    selected bunch of uneducated, narrow minded, stubborn and superficial business-/housewives with egocentric


    At least his choice of what he would compare to what would always lead to obvious diffences and

    allow clear statements, confirming his perceptions.
    Last edited by PheroExplorer; 11-25-2004 at 08:21 AM. Reason: (typos)

  8. #68
    Phero Pro SweetBrenda's Avatar
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    I read every single

    reply from this thread.
    ( sooo much to read,, wow!!)
    What an interesting discussion.
    I would give the author of

    this topic some rep. You seem very honest/open. (but your rep is off)
    I may not agree with some of your points of

    view I still understand where you are coming from.
    Everyone have some pretty good points of view & some very

    "unique" lol
    ( I like Pancho's mind ) Silver I like what you said and I totally agree with you.


    me is pretty basic I wouldn't pay for sex or get paid for it either.
    For me is all about the four letter

    word (love I know what you dirty minds were thinking hahaha) because you give and

    recieve without having to $$ pay for it.

    • L-

    • O-

    • V-
    • E-

    Okay I'm stuck with V LOL....
    A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you can not do."

  9. #69
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Exclamation What is the meaning of this abbreviated term "REP"

    My rep is off ? I didn't rep anyone off, so that can't be it. My sales rep isn't

    working today ? I now have a bad reputation ?
    No comprendo, expand this meaning for us dumbo Martians,


    Obviously you can't establish a one to one correspondence between every feature of civi life and

    life on the edge, however the analogy with a naive extraterrestrial explorer sort of misses the point, although it

    is an amusing analogy.

    The concept of "a whore" may be socially uncomfortable, as we sell our time, our

    energy, our services legitimately on the open market... what precisely does it mean to be a whore ? Is an attorney

    who litigates a class action lawsuit that he knows to be of questionable merit a whore ? Or one who shamelessly

    overbills his clients, does mediocre work, and then becomes indignant when his client questions his integrity ? The

    fact is that a large percentage, by no means all attorneys, are as much whores, if not more so, than people selling

    sexual services. Pretty much the whole court system in Brooklyn has been revealed to be for sale, a hundred plus

    thousand dollars got you a judge's position where you had tremendous power over other's lives. Would you say the

    Brooklyn judicial system is populated by whores, people who will sell anything for money, have no sense of honor,

    for whom a totally corrupted existence is "business as usual" ? Is the FDA run by whores who let dangerous drugs on

    the market which are obscenely overpriced for the American consumer and nobody lifts a finger while the billions

    roll in, are these people whores ? Are state lotteries that are targeted at low income citizens with the endless

    scratch off cards and sleazy hustles they push at every convenience store conceived and operated by whores, that is

    to say, persons of no conscience ? Are people whose egos require them to own gigantic SUVs who serve no purpose but

    to impress their neighbors, guzzle millions of gallons of petroleum resources, crowd parking spaces, and drive like

    mindless assholes while they discuss pizza toppings on the cell phone and cut you off on the freeways, are they

    whores, showing off their surfaces ? Who exactly are the whores here?

  10. #70
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default this has to be rectified


    from above:

    "His next project was comparing well educated, well chosen, well travelled and highly paid

    hookers to a carefully selected bunch of uneducated, narrow minded, stubborn and superficial business-/housewives

    with egocentric behaviour.

    At least his choice of what he would compare to what would always lead to obvious

    diffences and allow clear statements, confirming his perceptions."

    This wasn't the case. These (the group I

    was critical of) were a fairly sophisticted, in a relative sense, group of cultural people in Manhattan, they were

    in no way, shape or form narrow exurban housewives or anything close to that. That's what shocked me. These were

    liberal beings who think of themselves as sexually enlightened, they can write well enough, have published things,

    part of the culture machine, some film production, West Bumdork it isn't.

  11. #71
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    Default ##########

    Last edited by Have_Courage; 01-15-2005 at 01:59 PM.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by WildBillTD
    Once again,

    Journeyman has nailed it! There's nothing, I repeat, nothing better than being in a room at "La Riviera" or "El

    Caribe" in Old San Juan, P.R. with a Heinekin in one hand, a joint in the other hand, a $20 bag of "Playboy" in your

    pocket and an 18 yo Colombian cutie just sent in for a couple of weeks to earn dollars. Or being in Thailand with

    incredible, incredible babes from Thailand/Laos/Cambodia. Or, for that matter, being in Mexico or the Dominican

    Republic with 3 women/girls at a time! Even though I do not drink/drug any more, this is reality in many parts of

    the world and quite a nice reality at that! Either you can relate or you can't. Anybody with me?

    all thoughts of love and emotions aside, as I respect everyone's different and very valid views on such things, do

    you realize how much crime you are supporting in order to live out this "international playboy" dream sequence?

    Remember that if you find such an incredible thai babe here in the US, she's most likely held prisoner there

    illegally, with her passport held hostage by some pimp. The problem of human trafficking did not die with the civil

    war, it is very real and very present and the UN struggles with it almost every session despite the fact that it is

    just about a useless body now.

    In an ideal world of theory, prostitution would not be an issue of morality. If

    there were only high class prostitutes who choose what they do and don't fund a drug ring or crime lord, then each

    person should feel no guilt going to a prostitute if they so desire. Having said that, we live in a less than

    perfect world, and prostitution funds and is funded by some of the shadier aspects of our world. This doesn't

    apply to many of your high class girls. Some of the classy whores are run by madams in an establishment soley for

    the purpose of prostitution. But a portion of even these high class prostitutes fund large crime lords and operate

    as part of their ring. Something to ponder.


  13. #73
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    Identifying the 'whore'

    phenomenon in all fields of employment, whilst valid in attempt to de-stigmatize the word, it entirely evades the

    bigger question:

    Why is the prostitution industry client base predominantly male, if women supposedly have an

    equal libido? In a world where males want sex for sex's sake more often than females, money seems the most

    convenient compensation. It makes perfect rational sense.

    “Love” was mentioned above. Possibly

    one of the most subjective and imprecise words I can think of. Broadly speaking, when a self identifying woman says

    she wants “love” I believe she otherwise stating she wants to be ongoingly worshiped as a manifestation

    of awe and wonder in a sense that constantly reassures her that the male will hang around long enough in sheer

    romantic fascination so as to contribute to the raising of the kids. That's love for her.

    When a self

    identifying man says he wants “love” I believe he is otherwise stating wants to feel as though the woman

    or women in his life will not only serve him satisfactorily, but do so pro-actively, and demonstrate that she deeply

    wants to do so as a matter of purpose. That's love for him.

    Women ovulate a single cell every 4 weeks. Men

    spray millions of cells every time they're sufficiently stimulated. To me, it's actually quite symbolic of the

    different sexual perspectives men and women hold.

  14. #74
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    brenda: what about V

    -oluptuous,"V-olage" & V-ideoxxx :P
    sprayit got a point there there is diffrent angles here for Love
    but what

    the heck has love to do with it? we are talking about RAW reproduction
    in other means SEX! love go to a bar & try

    to seduce a girl for once if that is what you whant its soooo hard [quite the oposite for a woman!]

    i figure

    that last point like this: male can reproduce with several women in a given time frame & women cant so they make

    sure we wont go here & there to plant seeds evry now & then (SPMs?) by a given concensus or simply enherited by mom

    or somthing.
    women wont date men who arent faitful (planting seeds evreywere) so that way they ensure fecondation

    of a sole egg by there man.(instead of dozens:P)

    im telling ya the give tags to men so they know who to date ...

    unfortunatly they tag the wrong ones the good guys(it's called the let's be friends tag...)

    that is why im for

    Payed Sex Services.PSS has a fault in it. It's not too legal & fairly not legislated & totaly unmanaged by

    authorities resulting in gansterism prostitution of minors drugs STDs all that stuff ... PSS is one of if not the

    oldest job on this planet
    so why the hell isnt it accepted : Girls ! Why bcause it treatens the consensus & there

    monopoly over there man !

    That is what i think makes perfect sense no ?the woman pushes her holy man so that he

    makes rules against it but still the men whant it so they make illegal but dont put the funds against it :P so that

    in bad luck they can come back to it....

    Read theories against humanity :P j/k

  15. #75
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Wink I'm not sure if that's the right bigger question

    I can't speak for every participant. I don't do sex tourism. If the vibe isn't right, I

    don't participate. The only women I'll deal with are doing this out of choice. I've never been in a place that

    had any sense of traffic in women. I have been known plenty of women who are single mothers who are trying to pay

    down their credit card debt. The credit card industry can now charge rates of interest that were once regarded as

    usurious, and illegal. Only the mob once charged interest rates like that. Now it's the way things are. These women

    do what they feel is in their best economic interest. They also enjoy the sex. Motherhood doesn't stop the sexual

    drive, it seems. The great irony here is that the place where the wiseguys have got their hooks in is the

    pornography industry, especially the material that is generated in Eastern Europe and Russia.... Somehow, porno is

    on its way to being legitimate entertainment, merging with the soft porn T+A numbers that girl musical acts now

    emulate, all of this pioneered by our buddies in Las Vegas, which has made the great leap from Myer Lansky

    laundering millions from his mexican heroin operations through the casinos to the "new" sexy Vegas, like the ad says

    "what happens in vegas, stays in vegas"... indeed. BTW, the Vegas scene has a pretty bad reputation, qualitywise.

    Well, anyway, the big money is in the distribution of sex fantasies. The Devil, as always, is in the details. There

    are places, if you know how to find them, low key, off the radar, decent people, adult women, not teenyboppers, free

    will sex between consenting free agents, no slaves. Mob guys have always preferred running the strip clubs, its more

    their style, easier to manage, makes a freaking ton of money, fewer law enforcement hassles, more of less the

    genesis of the whole Las Vegas Experience, does it bother your conscience that every nickel that goes into a slot

    machine in Las Vegas, Reno, etc... is feeding a monster mob based system that has slowly morphed into legitimate,

    eeeeech... entertainment ?

  16. #76
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Wink What's love got to do with it ? This just in from ABC news

    according to them:

    "Cheating on your spouse is always immoral, sometimes

    illegal, and if that doesn't matter, a wide range of Web sites are ready to help you play around.

    Are you

    married and looking for a one-night stand? Need a soul mate to fill the void that's been growing since your wedding

    day? Even if you just need an alibi to explain where you were last night, there are companies especially designed

    for the married-but-looking clientele.

    The ease of the Internet is one reason women are quickly catching up

    to men in the arena of extramarital nookie, according to Newsweek. Nowadays, an estimated 30 percent to 40 percent

    of wives are unfaithful, compared to 50 percent of husbands, therapists told the news magazine.

    To show how

    fast the world is changing, only 10 percent of married women admitted to infidelity in 1991, according to a poll by

    the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago. Ten years later, that number jumped to 15 percent

    for women, while the level of unfaithful men stayed a constant 22 percent."

  17. #77
    Phero Pro SweetBrenda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by surfs_up
    My rep is off

    ? I didn't rep anyone off, so that can't be it. My sales rep isn't working today ? I now have a bad reputation

    No comprendo, expand this meaning for us dumbo Martians, puleeze..

    What I was trying to say is: I can't give you a good rep because I noticed is off. I see a black square so

    this means you wouldn't be able to read my note to you or even get the rep point for it either. Sorry if I don't

    make sense to you. Maybe someone else can explain it better.
    A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you can not do."

  18. #78
    Phero Pro SweetBrenda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eric_pelletier_tw
    brenda: what about V -oluptuous,"V-olage" & V-ideoxxx :P
    Hey,hey now!

    not bad at all!! I was clueless...LOL I like the first one.
    A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you can not do."

  19. #79
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Unfortunately there’s also”

    Vanity, and

    But getting back to the topic at hand... At

    $250 a pop, I think I would be a very grumpy man. My girlfriend’s lucky if I spend that much in a month.
    Give truth a chance.

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