We are all flawed and imperfect.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Gegogi is obviously filled with remorse. Having realized that,

we should no longer be focusing on casting blame. I'm not even going to mention my personal beliefs on this

matter, because I feel like at this point they have no place. Does it matter if it is ultimately his fault or hers?

Gegogi came here with his story because he feels guilty and would like advice. Would more guilt, deserved or

underserved, be right here? Isn't this forum about support and friendship?

Gegogi, I think you need to consider

not only the needs of this woman's husband but your own as well. Telling him would make you feel better, but has

the possibility of either helping or hurting him. I would advise you to write him a letter...and then don't mail

it. Write it, read it a few times, and put it somewhere safe. After she is no longer in your class, take it out

again and consider it. Look back on this time in your life. Then decide if you want to mail it. However, I should

warn you, that if you do, type it and make it completely anonymous as best you can...I would hate to see you fired

or something over this, which is why I would advise you not to mail it. But at that point, looking back, do what

you feel is right.

Hope everything works out for you.
