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Thread: PCC update

  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default PCC update

    I've been experimenting

    with PCC alone and in conjunction with other pheromones for quite some time now. By the way, I am a 36 year old


    Here are the things I've noticed in me:

    Increased assertiveness, confidence and somewhat of a "buzz"

    not too much different than what I get from none only.

    I tend to have sexual fantasies about just about every

    woman in site, even the uglier ones. I feel more of a desire to approach and say something to women I don't know.

    I also tend to be more outspoken and feel more of a need to assert myself and even speak out of turn.

    As far as

    the reactions of women are concerned, it's hard to say because there are times when I've gotten a strange look

    from women. This strange look is hard too explain but it can be described as a "you have something I want, but I'm

    not necessarily attracted to you" look. Not a DIHL look, but a very subtle look as if she's a little jealous of me

    for some strange reason. Any man who puts a little dab of PCC on the neck or under the chin with nothing else knows

    the look I'm talking about.

    In summary, I like how it makes me feel but using it alone to attract women

    doesn't seem to be a good idea. I believe the key in attracting women is in making them submissive and receptive,

    but PCC does almost the opposite.

  2. #2
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    Isn't PCC designed to be worn

    by women??

  3. #3
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Great post Tiger.

  4. #4
    Full Member phinmone's Avatar
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    i'm not sure if it's this that

    causes the "you have something I want, but I'm not necessarily attracted to you"-look: i have read that PCC gives

    you partly (?) the "smell" of a woman. now, women are competitive and what i have noticed, when i walk with an

    attractive woman on my arm or other ways show that we are close / intimate / whatever, i tend to get much more looks

    from other attractive women that walk by me and the woman on my arm. as i said, women are competitive and if you are

    succesful with women, you draw women to you. ever had that feeling of when you're out with women (gf, friend, etc),

    you get more looks or attention from the opposite sex? from this reaction i draw my conclusion that when you wear

    PCC, women sense (unconsciously) that you have been with a woman, because you smell sort of like one or something

    and they feel that i they should compete for you, because you are succesful and / or scarce.

    any other


  5. #5
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    I'm not sure if it's a

    competitive thing so much as a value thing. Women are fairly competitive, but this rarely applies to strangers who

    are already "with someone." For example, if I see a guy out with a girl, I'm not about to try to compete with her

    for him. This competitiveness is much more likely to apply with a guy who's not necessarily with anyone. For

    example, usually I'm the type to wait for guys to come to me. But if I see an attractive guy at a party who has

    lots of women flirting with him, I'm more likely to go flirt with him as well because I'm competitive. Keep in

    mind, however, that this only applies with the bolder ones. If a woman is naturally shy, the fact that a guy is

    surrounded by other girls will make her shy away. Also, if a woman feels like she is less attractive than the other

    girls, she also might stay away. After all, we fear rejection too.

    More likely, the reactions you are getting

    that seem to stem from competativeness is actually coming from a woman reassessing your "value", if you will. If a

    guy is with a girlfriend, out on a date, being pursued by other girls, or seems like it (due to pheromones or

    whatever) has been confirmed, in a woman's eyes, as worthy. A not-so-attractive guy with a girlfriend is more

    attractive to us because we know that she must see something in him we can't tell from the surface. Maybe he's

    really nice, or really charming, not afraid to committ, or any number of things. This especially applies to

    potential relationships because a guy might be hot as all get out but simply not boyfriend material. So if he does

    have a girlfriend, we're not more attracted to him because we want to steal him away, but rather because we know

    he's tried and true relationship fodder.

    Bottom line: If we know that a guy can get girls, we are more

    attracted to him because it means he's doin' something right.

    Hope this helps.

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Quote Originally Posted by phinmone
    i'm not sure if

    it's this that causes the "you have something I want, but I'm not necessarily attracted to you"-look: i have read

    that PCC gives you partly (?) the "smell" of a woman. now, women are competitive and what i have noticed, when i

    walk with an attractive woman on my arm or other ways show that we are close / intimate / whatever, i tend to get

    much more looks from other attractive women that walk by me and the woman on my arm. as i said, women are

    competitive and if you are succesful with women, you draw women to you. ever had that feeling of when you're out

    with women (gf, friend, etc), you get more looks or attention from the opposite sex? from this reaction i draw my

    conclusion that when you wear PCC, women sense (unconsciously) that you have been with a woman, because you smell

    sort of like one or something and they feel that i they should compete for you, because you are succesful and / or


    any other thoughts?
    When I wear PCC alone I still get attention from women but more often

    than not, the looks I get are mostly blank expressionless stares. Unlike other pheromones, in which I get a lot of

    bright smiling faces.

    I have a theory that perhaps they (the women) are actually "undressing me with their eyes"

    and are concealing thoughts with their blank expressions. I have no way of telling since I can't read their minds.

    More experimentation is necessary.

    By the way, PCC + nol or beta-nol is a powerful combination. There's no

    doubt that it works.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silver
    I'm not sure if

    it's a competitive thing so much as a value thing. Women are fairly competitive, but this rarely applies to

    strangers who are already "with someone." For example, if I see a guy out with a girl, I'm not about to try to

    compete with her for him. This competitiveness is much more likely to apply with a guy who's not necessarily with

    anyone. For example, usually I'm the type to wait for guys to come to me. But if I see an attractive guy at a party

    who has lots of women flirting with him, I'm more likely to go flirt with him as well because I'm competitive.

    Keep in mind, however, that this only applies with the bolder ones. If a woman is naturally shy, the fact that a guy

    is surrounded by other girls will make her shy away. Also, if a woman feels like she is less attractive than the

    other girls, she also might stay away. After all, we fear rejection too.

    More likely, the reactions you are

    getting that seem to stem from competativeness is actually coming from a woman reassessing your "value", if you

    will. If a guy is with a girlfriend, out on a date, being pursued by other girls, or seems like it (due to

    pheromones or whatever) has been confirmed, in a woman's eyes, as worthy. A not-so-attractive guy with a girlfriend

    is more attractive to us because we know that she must see something in him we can't tell from the surface. Maybe

    he's really nice, or really charming, not afraid to committ, or any number of things. This especially applies to

    potential relationships because a guy might be hot as all get out but simply not boyfriend material. So if he does

    have a girlfriend, we're not more attracted to him because we want to steal him away, but rather because we know

    he's tried and true relationship fodder.

    Bottom line: If we know that a guy can get girls, we are more

    attracted to him because it means he's doin' something right.

    Hope this helps.

    here's a question to the guys on this forum....after reading Silver's post, don't you recognize how good it is AT

    CERTAIN TIMES (no offense, Silver, but most of the posters in this section are guys--lol) to have a woman around to

    explain things from their point of view?

    To respnd to your comment, Silver, dang right, it helps. You made your

    point pretty clear to me.

  8. #8
    Full Member phinmone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silver
    Maybe he's really

    a really nice guy with an attractive woman? i don't think so...

  9. #9
    Full Member phinmone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silver
    I'm not sure if

    it's a competitive thing so much as a value thing. Women are fairly competitive, but this rarely applies to

    strangers who are already "with someone." For example, if I see a guy out with a girl, I'm not about to try to

    compete with her for him. This competitiveness is much more likely to apply with a guy who's not necessarily with

    anyone. For example, usually I'm the type to wait for guys to come to me. But if I see an attractive guy at a

    party who has lots of women flirting with him, I'm more likely to go flirt with him as well because I'm

    competitive. Keep in mind, however, that this only applies with the bolder ones. If a woman is naturally shy, the

    fact that a guy is surrounded by other girls will make her shy away. Also, if a woman feels like she is less

    attractive than the other girls, she also might stay away. After all, we fear rejection too.

    More likely,

    the reactions you are getting that seem to stem from competativeness is actually coming from a woman reassessing

    your "value", if you will. If a guy is with a girlfriend, out on a date, being pursued by other girls, or seems

    like it (due to pheromones or whatever) has been confirmed, in a woman's eyes, as worthy. A not-so-attractive guy

    with a girlfriend is more attractive to us because we know that she must see something in him we can't tell from

    the surface. Maybe he's really nice, or really charming, not afraid to committ, or any number of things. This

    especially applies to potential relationships because a guy might be hot as all get out but simply not boyfriend

    material. So if he does have a girlfriend, we're not more attracted to him because we want to steal him away, but

    rather because we know he's tried and true relationship fodder.

    Bottom line: If we know that a guy can get

    girls, we are more attracted to him because it means he's doin' something right.

    Hope this


    sounds all pretty nice, but this does NOT concern only the guys with their

    girlfriends, but also a men surrounded by girls.

    my experience. i was with my female friends at a club and i

    was making some jokes and they were laughing and standing close to me (3). after awhile there was this one girl,

    which was quite forthcoming and was seeking for my attention. nice


    Why do women compete anyway? I

    think men are not as competitive as women are, when it comes down to chasing an already taken woman in a club /

    party etc.

    it is harder for women to find a good, loyal partner than a just a short term partner. women's

    behaviour for seeking a partner is a result of women's biology and the creation of the evolution. if a woman gets

    impregnant, she has to carry the child for 9 months. but a guy can make a women imgregnant in a few minutes (or

    seconds! ). this is one of the reasons why women seek for good partners. it does not really matter if someone is

    taken, as soon as he has good genes / is loyal, they seek for these men, because they have more "value" (thank you

    silver). of course the social barriers mostly / sometimes prevent this kind of a bad behaviour (taking someones


  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by phinmone
    a really nice guy

    with an attractive woman? i don't think so...
    Oh darling, a lot more often than you'd think. My

    roommate dated an ass-ugly guy for about a year, and she's the cutest thing.

    Besides, it happens a lot more

    often than a really nice woman with an attractive guy :-P

    Thanks always glad to help.


  11. #11
    Full Member phinmone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silver
    Oh darling, a lot

    more often than you'd think. My roommate dated an ass-ugly guy for about a year, and she's the cutest

    sweety, she dated him for about a year and then got sick & bored of him, because HE was

    doing everything for her, followed her around, called her everyday and never said no for anything she asked, changed

    his own plans after her plans, paid her all the dinners in the first dates, had NO control in the relationship =

    nice guy = WUSSY = DOORMAT = PROVIDER. that's why she dumbed him, right?

    silver, attraction is not a

    choice and this kind of relationships do exist, MASSIVELY. they do not last long, because most women want

    unconsciously to be leaded, altough the opposite usually happens. most women "train" their boyfriends into nice guys

    as the relationship developes. and this leads to something that women do not feel attracted to.

    it's a

    twisted world.

  12. #12
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    "sweety, she dated him for

    about a year and then got sick & bored of him, because HE was doing everything for her, followed her around, called

    her everyday and never said no for anything she asked, changed his own plans after her plans, paid her all the

    dinners in the first dates, had NO control in the relationship = nice guy = WUSSY = DOORMAT = PROVIDER. that's why

    she dumbed him, right?"
    Or maybe he dumped her. I've dumped really nice women after I got tired of them.

    The fact is, you can get bored with anyone after awhile and variety is the spice of life. Plus, most humans don't

    mate for life. Hmm, my girlfriend just dumped me, but that was only after her husband found out about us. He's such

    a nice guy he forgave her. But she's a total nympho so she'll be back in action again I'm sure.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by phinmone
    sweety, she dated

    him for about a year and then got sick & bored of him, because HE was doing everything for her, followed her around,

    called her everyday and never said no for anything she asked, changed his own plans after her plans, paid her all

    the dinners in the first dates, had NO control in the relationship = nice guy = WUSSY = DOORMAT = PROVIDER. that's

    why she dumbed him, right?
    Or he dumped her...yeah...assumptions like that shouldn't be made until

    you ask for details, hun.

    She dated him because he was nice, really really smart, ambitious, and caring...the

    same reason a girl dates an attractive guy, if she's smart. They broke up the same way many relationship do,

    because they had grown apart and always seemed to be fighting for no reason. My friend didn't want the breakup

    because she wanted to try and salvage the caring relationship they had had, but even she could see that the problems

    were evident.

    These assumptions you make about women in general are simply not sure, at least not for most

    educated women. I most definitely do NOT want a man to lead me. I don't want a guy who does everything I say,

    true, but that's because I wouldn't consider a guy worthy unless he's a fabulous person in his own right. I want

    a guy with his own opinions, his own sharp mind, and his own LIFE that doesn't 100% center around me. I want a guy

    who will challenge me, who will tease me, whom I can have fun with, and who will grow with me...but never have I

    ever sought a guy to lead me.

    Bottom line? Men - I want them, I love them...but I sure as HELL don't need

    them. So if they want a place in my life, they better earn it.


  14. #14
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Dang Silver, you a real woman!

    Incidentally, maybe it's because I work on a college campus (60% female!), but I meet lots of women with Silver's

    attitude and views. Many a time I've seen clueless (read: unprepared) but extremely confident young males boss

    around females in group projects, only to leave the assignment dickless and with balls in hand. The next time around

    they still don't get it...
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  15. #15
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phinmone
    sweety, she

    dated him for about a year and then got sick & bored of him, because HE was doing everything for her, followed her

    around, called her everyday and never said no for anything she asked, changed his own plans after her plans, paid

    her all the dinners in the first dates, had NO control in the relationship = nice guy = WUSSY = DOORMAT = PROVIDER.

    that's why she dumbed him, right?

    it's a twisted world.
    Or maybe she dumped him because he was too

    demanding and domineering. I've seen that a lot too. You have a very narrow view of a wide world.

    I'd pick a

    woman who challenges me and I can challenge over one who wants to be dominated anytime. I want a woman beside me,

    not a pet.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  16. #16
    Enlightened One
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    How about perception and PCC - or

    couplins in the perception water based formula (now there is an idea !)

  17. #17
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    "or couplins in the

    perception water based formula (now there is an idea !)"
    Couplins products are too stinky to mix. It will

    probably fester and ruin perception. If you need couplins, apply directly to yourself.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silver

    assumptions you make about women in general are simply not sure, at least not for most educated women. I most

    definitely do NOT want a man to lead me. I don't want a guy who does everything I say, true, but that's because I

    wouldn't consider a guy worthy unless he's a fabulous person in his own right. I want a guy with his own opinions,

    his own sharp mind, and his own LIFE that doesn't 100% center around me. I want a guy who will challenge me, who

    will tease me, whom I can have fun with, and who will grow with me...but never have I ever sought a guy to lead


    Bottom line? Men - I want them, I love them...but I sure as HELL don't need them. So if they want a place

    in my life, they better earn it.

    I don't think the word is "lead." Women want a man that will

    protect them, most do. A provider, caregiver, and friend. Saying women want men to lead them is wrong. I think it is

    really meant to say women want a guy to be "the head", so to speak. Not like Stalin or anything, but in terms of a

    family, she wants a guy that can handle things, look out for the well being of his woman and/or children. A take

    charge kind of guy, but not one who will abuse that power with her. I think this is it. Silver, am I close?

  19. #19
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    Well, you're closer.


    you said may be true for some women, especially perhaps more old fashioned ones, but many parts of it also no longer

    apply to most.

    While I can't pretend to speak for ALL women, I think I can safely say I speak for most young

    20-some college or post-collegiate women.

    We do want a man who will protect us, who's quick to defend our

    honor, who sees us as worth protecting...but we don't want a man who leaps to assume that we always NEED defending.

    I like a man to stand up for me, and a protective gesture is always much appreciated, but I wouldn't want him to

    treat me like a child and assume I can't handle my own problems. Protect me from the drunken guy at the bar,

    protect me from the pain I feel after a particularly bad phone call with my mother, but don't assume I can't deal

    with the rude guy in the grocery shop or an unfair boss.

    Some women are looking for a guy to be "the head", but

    I have never myself. What I, and most modern women, are looking for is a partner. I want him to be a provider and

    caregiver for my children, although that's a lil' far to be thinking in the future, but I can provide for myself

    thank you very much. Caring for me is essential, and a little TLC and pampering after an especially trying day is a

    godsend, but caregiving on a regular basis is unnecessary.

    I want a take charge kind of guy, yes, but take

    charge as in "takes charge of his own life", not mine. I've got a perfectly good head on my shoulders, why would I

    need another?


    (btw, sorry to kind of take over your thread, tiger, I know we've lost the copulins

    subject sort of, but hope you don't mind and find this useful. if not, just say the word. )

  20. #20
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Silver, does this apply to homeless

    women, too?

    Just kidding, good post.

  21. #21
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    I'd like to hear more about

    copulins and perception.

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