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Thread: Vitamin E Study

  1. #1
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Post Vitamin E Study

    Vitamin E May Do More Harm Than Good, Study Finds

    By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Correspondent


    (Reuters) - Vitamin E supplements, which millions take in the hope of longer, healthier lives, may do more harm than

    good, researchers reported on Wednesday.

    In fact, people taking high

    doses of vitamin E may in some cases be more likely to die earlier, although the reasons are not clear, said Dr.

    Edgar Miller of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, who led the study.

    "I think people take vitamin E because they think it is going to make you live longer, but this (study)

    doesn't support that," Miller told reporters.

    Miller and colleagues

    re-analyzed 19 studies of vitamin E and health between 1993 and 2004. The trials involved more than 136,000 mostly

    elderly patients in North America, Europe and China.

    People who took

    200 international units of vitamin E a day or more died at a higher rate during the study, which lasted three years,

    than people who did not take supplements, they told a meeting of the American Heart


    "It's about a 5 percent increased risk at 45 years in

    the trials pooled together," Miller said.

    "That doesn't sound like

    a lot but if you apply it to 25 percent of the (U.S.) adult population taking vitamin E, that is significant."

    Miller, whose findings are also being published online by the Annals

    of Internal Medicine, said two-thirds of people who take vitamin E supplements take 400 IU or more.

    "We don't think that people need to take vitamin E supplements,

    that they get enough from the diet," he said. Nuts, oils, whole grains and green leafy vegetables are all rich in

    vitamin E.



    The average U.S. diet supplies six to 10 IU of E, Miller said. The Institute of Medicine, which sets

    recommended doses of vitamins and minerals, gives 1,500 IU of E as a daily upper limit.

    "I would say it is too high," Miller said. The U.S. government's

    Food and Drug Administration is barred by law from regulating dietary supplements so the limits are voluntary.

    People take large doses of vitamin E in the belief that it helps

    counter oxidation by unstable "free radical" molecules, which damages cells and can accelerate aging and lead to

    heart disease and cancer.

    Miller, who was surprised by the findings

    of the study, said there could be several ways the vitamin supplementation is damaging the body.

    While vitamin E in low doses is a powerful antioxidant, in higher

    doses its effects may promote oxidative damage, and may also overwhelm the body's natural antioxidants, he said.

    Dr. Raymond Gibbons of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, said

    the evidence has been building against vitamin E supplements.

    "Despite this ... I see many, many patients still taking vitamin E and I have to convince them not to," he

    told a separate news conference.

    But the Council for Responsible

    Nutrition, a trade group for supplement makers, criticized the report.

    "This is an unfortunate misdirection of science in an attempt to make something out of nothing for the sake of

    headlines," said the group's John Hathcock.

    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  2. #2
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    The key word in these studies is

    "replication". If another study produces similar results, then it is time to worry.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
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  3. #3
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    I read the original study

    (not the almost universally crummy popular press coverage of studies), and there is a glaring problem: the studies

    are of alpha-tocopherol, not the mixed (esp. gamma) tocopherols that have much more consistently been shown to be


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