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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast platinumfox's Avatar
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    Default What mones work the best for certain races?

    Now that I have Chick-ara most of my hits come from Hispanic women.Do you attract different races with

    Chick-ara or just one race.This doesnt have to be for just Chikara any mone that you use.I know it has seven

    phermones in it but find it weird that Im just attracting one race but IM NOT COMPLAINING LOL!

  2. #2
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    That's interesting! Even

    though my preference is for hispanic or latin women, I mostly seem to attract northern european types while wearing

    Chikara. Would you please tell us about your skin, hair and eye color? I am blond haired (well, grey now) and blue

    eyed with very light skin.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast platinumfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth

    interesting! Even though my preference is for hispanic or latin women, I mostly seem to attract northern european

    types while wearing Chikara. Would you please tell us about your skin, hair and eye color? I am blond haired (well,

    grey now) and blue eyed with very light skin.
    Im 31 black male.Hispanics and Asians are my favorites.I never

    had a hit from an Asian woman while wearing Chikara just all Hispanic

  4. #4
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I'm Asian and live on Oahu.

    Asians are in the majority here. My personal experience is 'mones are less useful on Asian women than white or

    black women. Asian women are attracted to me without 'mones, but mones don't seem to enhance it much. In fact, it

    seems to frighten them. On the other hand, there are few black women here but they seem to seek me out when I'm

    ODed on 'mones...
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  5. #5
    Journeyman StandingTall's Avatar
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    I'm like

    you, I've gotten most of my hits from hispanic women. I've gotten one hit from an asian woman since I've been

    wearing mones. She was a woman who would always be in the workout room in my apartment complex. Everytime I saw

    her she would give me this scowl, and then continue working out. The last time I saw her she was working out and

    she struck up a conversation. She told me that she was moving to North Carolina the next day but that she had to

    talk to me finally because "she always wanted me to talk to her but I never did". I would have never known by the

    way she scowled but it did teach me to at least try a conversation with every girl I meet. You never know I


  6. #6
    Enlightened One
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    What does work on Asian women (im

    white myself)

    NPA and Attraction (dont ask why but they do NPA moreso - attraction for me personally yeilded

    to many gay hits)

  7. #7
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    "What does work on Asian

    women (im white myself)"
    As I menioned above, 'mones don't seem to enhance your chances with Asian

    women. In fact, they seem to drive them away. It's a stereotype, but since I'm Asian I'll say it, Asian women

    tend to be sensitive to body odor. Most Asians don't need deodorant and often mistakenly assume other races neglect

    showers due to their obvious perspiration odor.

    The best thing is to be ultra clean, fashionable, avoid facial

    hair, carry a thick wallet and make friends with Asian men (you'll meet more Asian women that way).
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  8. #8
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    <<It's a stereotype, but since I'm

    Asian I'll say it, Asian women tend to be sensitive to body odor. Most Asians don't need deodorant and often

    mistakenly assume other races neglect showers due to their obvious perspiration odor.>>

    A scientific fact

    actually, with regard to acropine sweat glands, or something. Someone smarter can elaborate.

    As for avoiding

    facial hair, this sort of has to do with this, as acropne sweat glands are in areas of hair, hair broadcasts

    pheromones and helps smelly pheromone converions.

    Another thing: Gegogi, have you tried wagg? I've had

    success with asian women with that. Some other people have told me of the same. Also, V-5 was another product that

    might work well with asians.

  9. #9
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    WAGG? It's one of the few

    products I haven't tried yet. Actually--and I have to pinch my self--I'm about as busy as I can possibily be with

    Asian females, so a test drive of WAGG will wait until my next "dry" period. Once an Asian woman is comfortable with

    you, even an OD of NPA won't keep her off you.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  10. #10
    Enlightened One
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    Oh yeah i forgot about wagg - NPA

    is also a "clean" smelling Anone product and that is probably why it is effective at least for me - i got sexually

    involved with one asian girl a few years ago while using NPA - she was only visiting from overseas met her at a

    singles bar not far from here backpacker hotel she was in town for a few weeks seeing the sights and she got some

    good ol australian lovin on the side.

  11. #11
    King of the coupons!
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    PFOX & STANDINGTALL, are you

    using the recommended dosages (2 sprays), and is it the new Chika or the old Chika?

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  12. #12
    Journeyman StandingTall's Avatar
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    I wasn't

    using Chikara at the time, I was using The Edge. I use Chikara now but the area I live in doesn't have many asians

    to experiment on

  13. #13
    Phero Enthusiast platinumfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjf
    <<It's a

    stereotype, but since I'm Asian I'll say it, Asian women tend to be sensitive to body odor. Most Asians don't

    need deodorant and often mistakenly assume other races neglect showers due to their obvious perspiration


    A scientific fact actually, with regard to acropine sweat glands, or something. Someone smarter can


    As for avoiding facial hair, this sort of has to do with this, as acropne sweat glands are in

    areas of hair, hair broadcasts pheromones and helps smelly pheromone converions.

    Another thing: Gegogi, have

    you tried wagg? I've had success with asian women with that. Some other people have told me of the same. Also,

    V-5 was another product that might work well with asians.
    Could you please tell me how much success using

    WAGG on a scale of 1 to 10.10 being best."Old Realm" was my ace in picking up Asian women but Im tapped out.I havent

    tried WAGG yet.

  14. #14
    Phero Enthusiast platinumfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57
    PFOX &

    STANDINGTALL, are you using the recommended dosages (2 sprays), and is it the new Chika or the old Chika?

    Yeah two or three on the neck.

  15. #15
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by platinumfox
    Could you please

    tell me how much success using WAGG on a scale of 1 to 10.10 being best."Old Realm" was my ace in picking up Asian

    women but Im tapped out.I havent tried WAGG yet.
    I couldn't make a good judgement because I don't

    use it often since getting chikara. I prefer that to "comfort" my npa, as it takes out the scare equally well, but

    also does some other things.

    However, it is a different product, and I still think wagg is better for asian

    women targets. Since I am not too into asian women, I don't wear wagg too much. But I think it works well with

    asian women, maybe with small amounts of none, based on what I've seen and heard.

    It'd probably be best

    if guys going after asian women with wagg chimed in.

  16. #16
    Phero Enthusiast
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    What works best to attract

    white North American men?

  17. #17
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    One reason that asian women might

    seem to be put off by -none is the body odor factor, yes. Once again, like gegogi, I can say this because I'm

    asian lol. I think asians as a race just don't sweat as much, or rather just don't produce as much body odor. I

    personally almost never produce BO. I'll work out or go running and I'll sweat, but I almost never smell. Maybe

    if I didn't shower for like 4 days and worked out all the time, I would. As it is, I don't really use deodorant

    because it doesn't make much of a difference...all it does is get my clothes white >.<

    I find that I'm pretty

    sensitive to BO on guys. However, this doesn't mean it's all about the clean, fresh scents. I love slightly

    musky, spicy, warm scents on a guy, especially with woody notes like sandlewood mixed in. While I do like the fresh

    scents, I find the warm sensuous ones more attractive. That having been said, muskiness to the point of BO is

    something that I am quite sensitive to.

    Hope this helps in nabbing the asian chicas

  18. #18
    Phero Enthusiast
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    What do you consider to be

    warm and sensuous smell?

  19. #19
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Asians have less acropine glands

    which let out the smelly mones as well as different bacteria cultures which basically determine


    Basically, asians just let out less mones and they are therefore more concious of their smells (less

    de-sensitized or nose fatigued or whatever).

  20. #20
    Phero Enthusiast
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    bjf, what's your background?

    How come you know so much?

  21. #21
    Phero Pharaoh
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    When I wear a strong

    Androstenone mixture, Asian women crawl all over me (I mean, LITERALLY). I have reported this before. I am part

    Hispanic, part Anglo. I think the strong Androstenone mixtures help guys with women not in their ethnic group.


    There must be some sort of ethnic group signature bandwidth (for

    lack of a better description). That is, all the men in a particular ethnic group probably have similar pheromone

    scents (common ancestry) within a certain range of parameters I am not qualified to define.

    If a man alters his

    signature so that he stands out from his own ethnic group, he may be more interesting to women from other ethnic

    groups simply because he is so different. Biologically, different is good (it complements the woman's body

    chemistry and DNA, thus -- hopefully -- enhancing the benefits of reproducing with someone outside the woman's

    ethnic group).

    The appeal of different ethnic groups is evident in frequent male fascination with "exotic"

    (foreign, strange, ethnically different) women.

    Within the white, Anglo, Caucasian community, there are many

    ethnic sub-groups (usually most easily denoted by differences in height, skin tones, and hair coloring). These

    sub-groups have intermarried so much through the past few centuries that there may be a super-ethnic signature band

    for pheromones.

    Now, women (and men) are probably naturally disposed to react well toward pheromones within

    their native ethnic bandwidth (similarity assures compatibility of DNA, body chemistry while allowing for some of

    the benefits of biological dis-similarity).

    So, let's say there is a Weak Pheromone Factor which determines how

    much appeal we have to members of the opposite sex within our own ethnic group and a Strong Pheromone Factor which

    determines how much appeal we have to members of the opposite sex outside our ethnic group.

    The Weak Pheromone

    Factor doesn't need to scream so much because there are benefits to marrying within one's ethnic group. Hence, the

    pheromonal signatures within the group will be similar and distinctions between them need not be significant.

    The Strong Pheromone Factor needs to scream so that members of different ethnic groups will be pre-disposed NOT to

    intermarry. That is, biologically, we may be prone to fix successful traits within our bloodlines because successful

    traits help assure the survival of future generations. We may look outside the local group if compatible but

    substantively different potential mates become rare (too much inbreeding) or if an exceptional potential mate from

    another region suddenly appears.

    Increasing one's pheromone output would thus increase one's exceptionality.

    That is, the negative effect of being outside a woman's native pheromonal bandwidth is more than offset by the

    positive effect of generating strong pheromones. Her body chemistry may react to the heightened pheromone output


    A man's reaction to a woman from another

    ethnic group may be based on something else, though. Men, after all, seem to be predisposed toward seeking more

    mates than women. So, for a man, variation is good. It helps ensure the survival of at least SOME of his offspring

    if he sows his seed in different valleys, so to speak.

    So, that may explain why ovulating women are more

    attractive to men. Their pheromones are declaring their fertility. A woman who enhances her pheromone signature may

    be screaming "I AM FERTILE. IMPREGNATE ME!" I don't know, never having knowingly experienced a woman wearing

    supplemental pheromones.

  22. #22
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Amazing theory !

  23. #23
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Amazing theory !

  24. #24
    Phero Enthusiast
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    What would an Asian girl wear

    to attract a fair skin blonde guy?

  25. #25
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by Newbie gal
    What would an

    Asian girl wear to attract a fair skin blonde guy?
    Tight, skimpy clothing?

  26. #26
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by Newbie gal
    What would an

    Asian girl wear to attract a fair skin blonde guy?
    On a more serious note, my hypothesis is too rough to

    produce much in the way of refined advice. I think just increasing your pheromone signature may be sufficient, but

    people with more detailed knowledge of how the women's pheromones work may be able to suggest more effective


  27. #27
    Phero Enthusiast
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    too funny - but what


    Now that I just ordered the TGIF AE and EW, with TE/w and SPMO, SOE gel, I guess I could mix

    something to attract a 40ish fair skin blonde guy.

    What's most effective mix? Help, Friendly !!

  28. #28
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Newbie gal
    What would an

    Asian girl wear to attract a fair skin blonde guy?
    A friendly smile, a sharp wit, a good mind and a fresh

    clean smell. You'll have men following you around in droves. My older sister's husband was Japanese. His sister is

    the same age as me. She's one of the few women who can cause me to be tongue tied with just a look. It drives me

    crazy. She is a lovely women but other women with as good of looks don't do that to me.

    Friendly's post has a

    lot of merit. I'm average height, blond/blue and seem to attract mostly northern european women. That's kind of

    disappointing because I am most attracted to hispanic and asian women. My circumstances put me in contact with women

    of all ages frequently. For some reason, the ones in their late twenties to early thirties seem to be most attracted

    to me, I'm 48.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  29. #29
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Newbie gal
    too funny -

    but what pheromones?

    Now that I just ordered the TGIF AE and EW, with TE/w and SPMO, SOE gel, I guess I could

    mix something to attract a 40ish fair skin blonde guy.

    What's most effective mix? Help, Friendly !!

    I'd suggest starting with small amounts of EW just to see what results you get. Once you know that, try adding

    AE. Asian women don't produce a lot of scent so be very light in your applications. I think you could OD easily.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  30. #30
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    but what should an asian guy

    like me use to get some attraction from young (18-25) asian girls? I'm thinking goin with 2 sprays of Chikara and

    a single drop (maybe half drop) of PI. (i haven't bought into anything as of yet).

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