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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast Snoopy's Avatar
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    Default Foot Tendon Pain

    I've been having an

    immense amount of pain while walking, running, and even just curling my toes forward. I believe it is because the

    tendon(s) on the top of my feet (both) are inflamed or something. The specific area of pain is along the bone which

    runs to the big toe, near the middle of the foot, on the top. I'm taking Accutane right now (if anyone remembers my

    post a few months back regarding this, yes, I finally gave in and started taking it in October) and one of the side

    effects is bone/joint pain and difficulty moving.

    I do a lot of physical activity. I'm on my school's varsity

    badminton team and we do hard physical drills a few times per week. This often involves lots of hard sprinting,

    jumping, and changing directions.

    Does anyone know any over-the-counter remedies good for what I'm

    experiencing? I'm going to have to stop playing altogether if the pain keeps up.

  2. #2
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    So you're on the school's

    varsity badminton team eh??
    I guess when someone flips you the bird at school it's ok??


    perhaps your shoes need more padding because of the sprinting and jumping??
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
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  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast Snoopy's Avatar
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    No it's not.. I haven't been

    able to play because of my feet pain. I've found drenching it in cold water for a period of time helps it a lot

    though. With ice cubes for 20 minutes I might be able to play for 1 day after, but then the pain will come back.

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast
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    You should fit your court

    shoes with orthotics. Alternate icing pad and heating pad on your feet before and after playing will give you some

    temporary relief. Ibuprofen can ease the inflammation too.

  5. #5
    Full Member HK45Mark23's Avatar
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    The best thing is to use warm water and a whirl pool to stimulate the blood circulation. Ice it when

    it is swollen to reduce the swelling. Use a lineament with cotton sheets wrapped around it followed with saran wrap

    this is a sweat and will also reduce swelling, sleep with this. Last but most important make a solution with about

    2/3rd’s cup whit vinegar and 1/3rd cup Epsom salt. Make this in a bowl and user the back of a spoon to crush the

    salt and make sure to take the time to mix it completely. It will take a while to get all the salt to dissolve.

    Then take a paper towel and soak up the vinegar salt solution and wrap it around the affected aria. Saran can also

    be used to hold it on. Use this for 15 min three times daily. This will draw any impurities out; it will reduce

    soreness and stimulate the lymph system in the affected aria to heal the prob. Also go to a doctor that specializes

    in sports medicine. If you do nothing else the salt and vinegar solution mentioned above it the key. Only use the

    Epsom and White Vinegar. Not some brown vinegar and table salt. You will be wasting your time.

    I was a jockey and

    this is what we used on the horses as well as on our selves. I learned how to do this from a pro football coach

    also. I got busted where I could not walk many times and was swollen black and blue. This method reduced total

    healing time to 1/4th and got me back in the game in a few days instead of a weak and a half.


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