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  1. #1

    Default Re: Effective distance for using pheros.

    It would also linger for a while after yu had moved on which would mean if you move around the stuff will be spread a bit like a dog on a 2 day old trial so to speak. Remember it is human specific this stuff so the brain probably has a heightened sensitivity to these compounds.

  2. #2
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Effective distance for using pheros.

    Perhaps better to ask, how far away do you want to be noticed? Also, one should ask, upwind or downwind?

    Some of our contributors will load up and hope that they\'ll be noticed in a crowded dance hall and then complain about OD\'ing the babes when they get close (you know who you are, Jambat!)

    Personally, I think a better tactic is to keep the aromas within speaking distance, like a polite, gentlemanly cologne. That way you retain some control over who will be affected by your choosing to get close enough to both initiate a conversation and share your pheromones. I do that by applying under my clothes.

    I will admit that I\'m intrigued by the idea of applying to the hair as a way of broadcasting. I\'m going to try it this evening, in fact, two squirts of TE to a hairbrush then brush my hair immediately before going to our trendy after work bar. I don\'t expect it to last long but it might make a grand entrance effect.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Effective distance for using pheros.


    The hair test you are going to do should be great. I have noticed for a while now that when applied to hair, it holds for a very long time.

    Give it a whirl.

  4. #4

    Default Effective distance for using pheros.

    Hi all,

    I have a small question.I have read the forums but i couldn\'t find anything about the distance.

    What is the maximum distance that pheros are still effective ?

    I think, it must be something up to a few meters because they are related with scents and smelling.Or is VNO different than the nose and they are still effective when the persons are in the same room with more distance. [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]


  5. #5

    Default Re: Effective distance for using pheros.


    First off welcome to the forum. Now to your question.

    This has been asked many times and has gotten many answers. But let us put it to common sense. We are using a scent. The \"Scent\" has to be picked up by a receptor of another. So the more active you are in a room or environment the more the \"Scent\" will be in the air. But as for most a range of 5-7 feet seems to be the norm. Some say from 20-30 away. But when in a crowded room these claims are a bit misleading. Maybe the receipting fem had walked by you and caught the \"scent\" and was making eye contact at a greater distance later on. But ask yourself how far away can you smell cologne....then go from there.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Effective distance for using pheros.

    Yeah the hair trick is one of the best secrets followed by the underarm pit application and the neck.

    I wonder what ever happened to Kie from the original forum he started a bit of a flame war but he originally left us alone which was good.

    He came i think from one of the seduction sites but it was all way back about oh six months ago. Well better times now.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Effective distance for using pheros.

    925 posts only 75 to go, should be there in about a weeks or so. Do i get a pokemon tea cozie he he, well writer came up with a good idea he he. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

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