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  1. #1

    Default The Power of SOE

    I don't really

    notice any hits with perception + SOE, people just act like im their best buddy, which is always cool. But I did

    notice two times girls did the same thing, in the morning I put on 1 spray perception to the neck then like 10" of

    SOE. I went to take a test and sat next to this girl and I sat down and after a while she looked down (common thing

    I get with this combo). Then she like started talking alot and couldn't sit still, messed with hair, obviously I

    knew that the mones had an effect on her;-) because right after she said she had to go to the bathroom, which is

    usually what happens, but im assuming once she got there she was like wtf, what just happened! Anyways a few periods

    later I reapplied some SOE and sat behind a girl, she looked down then like could sit still at all, she would like

    mess with her hair, squirm in the seat and she like couldn't stop talking. lol I see all the girls doing these

    things but I never actually have got a real "hit" from it.
    Anyone else seen this?
    Last edited by DeMoKiLL; 10-31-2004 at 10:01 AM.

  2. #2
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Try five inches of SOE.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
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    try the 5 inches of SoE like my

    man bjf suggests. but alone. i've gotten those results with SoE alone and I'm not trying to discredit Perception

    in this hit but it may be interesting to know that SoE alone can do the trick for you.

  4. #4


    Ok here is a little time line

    of what happens, because I am pretty sure SOE has this effect on every woman.

    2 minutes-
    She looks says

    nothing just notices your presence
    5 minutes-
    She looks down in suprise at the crotch area
    5-10 minutes-

    starts squirming around, not being able to sit still, then starts getting VERY chatty and flicking her hair every 5

    10 minutes-
    Notices where she is getting this strange feeling (sometimes) and will start talking to you

    making a lot of eye contact
    15+ minutes-
    She might, if she likes you enough, start flirting with you, touching,

    smiling, eye contact

  5. #5


    Pretty sure SOE has that

    effect on EVERY woman? Cool, but how did you come to that conclusion? I didn't know any one product was that

    consistent ... I've used it and am happy with it overall, and will certainly continue to use it, but my results

    with it, good as they have been, have not been THAT consistent ...

  6. #6


    almost EVERY girl I have been

    near with this stuff does the same things and I can almost perfectly time when they will do each step. SOE is a

    great product, I would just be careful on using it when you are around people that you wouldn't want to hit on you,

    or when you just want to chill and have no one talk to you. But I am wondering what does a girl exactly feel when

    they breathe this product in, Because I see constantly the looking down thing etc with practically everyone.

  7. #7
    Phero Pro
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    Although I rarely wear SoE,

    it's the one product that gets me most compliments about how good I smell...

  8. #8
    Full Member
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    SOE = 4:1 of Nol to Rone.

    Adding SOE to Perception simply increases the nol and rone amount of your application without adding more None.

    Perception already is 2:1:1 nol to rone & none. In other words, it already is a nol dominated product. So lets say

    you apply a dosage of SOE which would presumably be .04mg nol & .01mg rone. Add that to a spray of Perception and

    you will have .06mg nol, .02mg rone, .01mg none. This could potentially be effective if one believes they will see

    increased benefits of using nol above the .04mg per application mark.

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