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  1. #1

    Default The Elusive MAGIC Dose

    Hey all...

    I wrote out the numbers based on some info I had along with \"Wilde Oscar\'s\" and \"Scientist\'s\" research as well. Hope it helps others get and idea of just \'what\' and \'how much\' phero\'s they are applying. This way, when someone post\'s about a positive or negative hit, they can also calculated exactly how many mg\'s of what type of phero\'s they had been wearing at the time. Please let me know if I have anything wrong.

    According to \"Scientist\'s\" numbers and the info below I figured out that I have been wearing anywhere from a minimum of 0.1104mg (0.0456N + 0.0498L + 0.015R) to a max of 0.1472mg (0.0608N + 0.0664L + 0.0200R) -- that\'s WAY over the findings for recorded hits. Duh... no wonder I didn\'t notice anything major goin\' on! I\'m going to try staying within the recommended dose range this Saturday and see what happens. I\'ll post my experience in... as per \"Jambat\'s\" request.

    Until the weekend...

    Androstenone: (N) gives an air or semblance of dominance and power for the wearer.

    Androstenol: (L) creates an atmosphere of attraction, playfulness or silliness toward the wearer.

    Androsterone: (R) enhances the effects of other pheromone derivatives.

    The target range for a delivered dose of pheromones found by \"Scientist\" through evaluating all the recorded hit\'s and misses posted was usually about 0.020 - 0.032 mg, while anything past 0.040mg would begin approaching the overdose level.

    The following are the amount/single dose for several products (these are straight doses from each product)

    Sprays: (0.13 ml.) A full spray measured with a bottle of Edge by \"Scientist\"

    Andro 4.2: 0.14mg/ml. -- One dose = 0.0182mg (0.0182N)

    The Edge (TE): 0.12mg/ml. -- One dose = 0.0156mg (0.0078N + 0.0078L)

    Attraction: 0.11mg/ml. -- One dose = 0.0143mg (0.0052N + 0.0091L)

    Drops: (0.05 ml.) The industry standard formed by a free-falling drop from a dripper cap, eye dropper, or bottle mouth lip. Note: if using a Dab, just cut the numbers in half.

    Primal Instinct (PI): 0.50mg/ml. -- One dose = 0.0250mg (0.0250N)

    NEW Phero Additive (NPA): 0.48mg/ml. -- One dose = 0.0240mg (0.0075N + 0.0165L)

    Alter-Ego (AE): 0.45mg/ml. -- One dose = 0.0225mg (0.0100N + 0.0075L + 0.005R)

    Androstenone Fragrance Additive (AFA): 0.39mg/ml. -- One dose = 0.0195mg (0.0100N + 0.0095L)

    Passion Pheromone Attractant (PPA): 0.15mg/ml. -- One dose = 0.0075mg (0.0075N)

    Androstenone Pheromone Concentrate (APC): 0.05mg/ml. -- One dose = 0.0025mg (0.0025N)

  2. #2
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Elusive MAGIC Dose

    Great work! We owe you a debt of gratitude.

    However, two confounding factors need to be considered. First, one needs to consider the release RATE since effects are probably dependent on local air concentrations. I presume that oil-based \'mones are released more slowly and perhaps more consistently than those in an alcohol base. I think this is supported by observations here that oil bases last longer than alcohol bases.

    Second, we\'ve also observed that location of application has an effect too. Arm pits release slower than head hair, for example.

    So let\'s categorize by oil vs. alcohol bases then standardize on locations. That shouldn\'t be too much additional effort and we don\'t want to complicate the matters beyond our data or technique.

  3. #3

    Default Re: The Elusive MAGIC Dose

    One question -- where did you find NPA\'s mix info?

  4. #4

    Default Re: The Elusive MAGIC Dose

    Ok guys the kits are in so it will be good to see that added to the other data seeing as though the info is through on that and it is the same as perfect 10. That is strong i might order just the rone i think to begin with, and get adding it to my other products, you know the edge and andro 8.4 (that will really boost it up) and maybe attraction but maybe not. Make it a lightweight alcohol version of AE it has a decent scent anyway.

  5. #5
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Elusive MAGIC Dose


    I\'m going to re-ask Scientist\'s question. Where did you get the A-Nol info on NPA and the Edge?

    Oscar [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

  6. #6

    Default Re: The Elusive MAGIC Dose

    You still with us NYBlues.
    It would be interesting to find out wouldnt it. If NPA has nol in it or not.

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