Every time I see this guy speak, his body language -- his gestures and postures -- just scream out "You cannot

trust me!".

I am just blown away by how powerful his body language is. I suspect he is being overcoached in his

gestures. They don't seem natural at all.

Whatever people think of Bush, I haven't heard many people express

doubt about his sincerity. He truly believes in what he says.

I just have this recurring image of living through

another 8 years of Clintonesque scandals with Kerry.

Why do the Democrats go for these scary candidates like

Mondale, Clinton, Gore, and Kerry? Are there no honest people left on the liberal side of the isle, or are they all

TOO honest to get up there and try to deceive the American people?

Growing up as a teenager in Georgia, I

didn't much care for Jimmy Carter as President, but at least he was sincere about his feelings. (Which is not to

say that some of the Georgia newspapers didn't brand him as the biggest liar since Cain, but he was very honest

about his beliefs.)