Quote Originally Posted by koolking1

I'd like your take on Cheney's body language in that particular debate.

Also, life was better for me under

Clinton: gas was $1.30; the stockmarket was booming; there wasn't any major war with our GIs getting killed daily;

employment was good; health care costs hadn't spiralled out of control; NORAD/CIA/US Air Force/FAA had never let us

down before (strange, huh?); France and Germany were reliable allies and friends; North Korea and Iran had no nukes;

the Israeli/Palestinian conflict was simmering but not raging out of control; our military wasn't stretched thin

beyond danger level; the National Guard guys and gals had their usual one weekend a month of socializing (and

training!) and were available for hurricane/disaster relief; airlines were making money and not laying off

people/shutting down pension funds; and - seemingly no hope is in sight to boot!!! Do I think Kerry would do a

better job - no.
I believe alot of what you say is exagerated myself (Especially the US Air Force comment,

I dont see How we let you down)... Almost everything you say is in response to Sept. 11... not Bush. Bush at least

had the Kojones to do something about it. Things change.... and you gotta respond to them.
