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  1. #1
    Phero Pro
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    Default Why can't I get a discount coupon?!

    I have enough points for it but the option is not available... it says I do not have enough points

    (which is not true)!

    Are there any rules concerning the 50% discount coupons that I don't know? Any


  2. #2
    Phero Enthusiast
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    The price has been advanced to

    10000 points !
    I just saw it in the Shop menue!

  3. #3
    Phero Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by Indigo
    The price has

    been advanced to 10000 points !
    I just saw it in the Shop menue!
    Ok, thank you.
    I think that's fair!

  4. #4
    Full Member DAdams91982's Avatar
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    Dammit.. I was saving so

    long for that... and I was going to get it when I got back from Iraq... oh well.


  5. #5
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    I really didn't want to raise the

    price on the discount coupons, but things got so out of control, I didn't know what else to do. Some guys have

    amassed hundreds of thousands of points. There are guys on the forum with enough points to buy 40-50 discount

    coupons at the old rate.

    The problem however is/was the way the arcade was set up. Thru a loophole in the

    system, it was possible to amass huge amounts of points by beating your own score at a certain game over and over,

    each time playing until you just barely beat your previous score and then quitting and playing again. Everytime the

    jackpot was one it reset to 500 points.

    It seems to me that 5000 points is a fair price for folks whe have

    earned their points posting useful threads and replies. I just didn't get in and fix the arcade problem quick

    enough. Also there was a problem with the banking system. To be specific, I accidentally set the interest rate at

    365X what I had intended!!!!! So, that caused a problem too.

    Now, what to do? Some options:
    1. Revamp

    the scoring system so you can't win all that many points in the arcade and make it more for fun. I tried to do

    this, but it needs some work and there are already fortunes amassed in the arcade and banking goof.
    2. Create a

    limit on what you can make in the arcade. Make it lucrative, but when you hit the ceiling, you are out of the

    arcade. This would give others a chance. At the moment a handful of folks are dominating the arcade and nobody

    else can enjoy the place.
    3. Put the price of the coupons back down to 5000 and put a max on the number of

    points you can have.
    4. Have a one time "wealth tax" lopping off the huge excess points amassed by a


    Any thoughts on the subject?

    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
    Fair Trade crafts from Peru

  6. #6
    Phero Pro
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    Honestly, I think you did

    well by raising the price of the discount coupons. In fact, it's funny that some days ago I was thinking about

    sending you an honest PM explaining that you really should raise the price of those coupons, because it was so easy

    to get enough points to buy a coupon (and I'm sure that's not very good for LS).

    Just an example, 3 or 4 weeks

    ago I had enough points to buy 6 discount coupons and I am sure several members could buy a lot more than that! But

    I didn't do anything special to have so many points... I just put them in the bank... (it's nice that you have

    fixed it)

  7. #7
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Honestly, the arcade stuff is silly.

    People want to play for fun, fine. But I'd take the cost of playing in the arcade out, and only offer a small

    reward for all-time high scores.

    Contributors to our collective phero-knowledge need to be rewarded, the rest

    is just entertainment.

  8. #8
    Man of La Pancha
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce
    Any thoughts on

    the subject?

    Yes, make your final decision before I repost my recommended L-S forum newbie


    I would have to be a good example of 'normal' usage to get to 5,000 points. I've

    been here since it started...but have only accumulated enough for maybe 2 or 3 coupons...and I post a lot...

    Obviously, my lack of points can be attributed to:

    1. Never playing in the arcade
    2. Never starting new

    threads (only posting on other people's)
    3. Never getting many responses when I do start a new thread


    are obviously the folks that accumulate mass points from the arcade and folks (like DST) that could accumulate mass

    points without ever posting ever again because they started many of the longest and most popular posts on the


    That all said, you could raise the point value of Pheromone Forum posts vs. other posts (is this

    possible? Maybe this is already being done!)
    + More good for people who talk about -mones

    - More irrelevant posts in the -mone forum; point hoarding

    That said, Bruce, you have the right to do whatever

    you want with the system. I hope you find a delicate balance that satisfies all parties.

    The point max sounds

    like a good idea (use 'em or lose 'em), but what about the max in the bank vs. max on hand? I'm sure you could

    figure that out. Getting rid of the arcade points would be good (both cost and prize) as you don't have to

    contribute to the forum to get them. However, it prevents people from posting useless stuff and gives them a way to

    get points if they have nothing to say. You'd have to make the decision whether you want the coupon to benefit all

    people or just the ones who contribute to the forum.

    "A lot of ins and outs, a lot of what-have-yous..."

    Good luck with all that...

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce
    I really didn't

    want to raise the price on the discount coupons, but things got so out of control, I didn't know what else to do.

    Some guys have amassed hundreds of thousands of points. There are guys on the forum with enough points to buy 40-50

    discount coupons at the old rate.

    The problem however is/was the way the arcade was set up. Thru a loophole

    in the system, it was possible to amass huge amounts of points by beating your own score at a certain game over and

    over, each time playing until you just barely beat your previous score and then quitting and playing again.

    Everytime the jackpot was one it reset to 500 points.

    It seems to me that 5000 points is a fair price for

    folks whe have earned their points posting useful threads and replies. I just didn't get in and fix the arcade

    problem quick enough. Also there was a problem with the banking system. To be specific, I accidentally set the

    interest rate at 365X what I had intended!!!!! So, that caused a problem too.

    Now, what to do? Some

    1. Revamp the scoring system so you can't win all that many points in the arcade and make it more for

    fun. I tried to do this, but it needs some work and there are already fortunes amassed in the arcade and banking

    2. Create a limit on what you can make in the arcade. Make it lucrative, but when you hit the ceiling,

    you are out of the arcade. This would give others a chance. At the moment a handful of folks are dominating the

    arcade and nobody else can enjoy the place.
    3. Put the price of the coupons back down to 5000 and put a max on

    the number of points you can have.
    4. Have a one time "wealth tax" lopping off the huge excess points amassed by

    a few.

    Any thoughts on the subject?

    I think it's fair to raise the price of the

    coupons, but I don't really like any of the options presented. I like the fact that you can earn points from the

    arcade, because that's how I amassed my fortune! Plus, letting me earn points through the arcade stops me from

    wanting to make useless posts on the forum, which I reallly do not want to do. If you took away points from the

    arcade, you would see a great deal of repetitiveness in the forum, more so than there already is now, which would

    lower the quality of the forum. Creating a limit on the points you can make or have, and taxing people seems a

    little harsh to me.

    However, I understand the concern about users (like me!!) making too many points. So

    one thing I would do in your situation Bruce, if possible, is to make it so that if a user gets the #1 ranking in an

    arcade game, he/she can no longer earn points on that game until their high score is beaten. They can keep playing

    the game, but they would not make points until they are beaten by someone else. I think that's fair and would be

    effective. I don't know if that's possible to do, but that would be a good way to control the amount of points

    given out. That way, the same person cannot just keep beating their own score to load up on points.

  10. #10
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjf
    Honestly, the arcade

    stuff is silly. People want to play for fun, fine. But I'd take the cost of playing in the arcade out, and only

    offer a small reward for all-time high scores.

    Contributors to our collective phero-knowledge need to be

    rewarded, the rest is just entertainment.
    What bjf said.

    The arcade is just for fun, the whole point

    of the forum is to encourage discussion about pheromones; sharing of ideas, knowledge etc. If people feel like

    consistantly making stupid post to amass points, ban them.

    I was going to post something about the points issue

    anyway, and also about the rep system.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  11. #11
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    It might be fair to raise the

    points for the discount coupons if it was easier to earn points with real contributions. Earning points for playing?

    That makes no sense to me at all. I sympathize with those who have made an honest effort to write good posts and all

    the sudden and without warning, the goal of a discount coupon just got moved further away.

    Silly posts just to

    make points is easy to deal with, we do it on an almost daily basis anyway. Delete the post and warn the member. Too

    many warnings and they get banned.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  12. #12
    Phero Enthusiast
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    geez...the discount coupon

    is 10,000pts now??

  13. #13
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the feedback. I

    already made some major changes to the arcade point system with Webby's help. I like Hotrocks idea though I think

    it might be hard to implement the programming. Actually, points asside, it is discouraging to see the same name

    occupying the first 3 pages of high scores in your favorite game. I would like to introduce a friendly "rule" (ie:

    not programmed into the system) that once you make a jackpot in a game, that you simply *stop playing that game* for

    some set period of time. Let's say 10 days. I set the scores to flush out every 5 days. So that will give others

    a chance to have some fun too. Then after the 10 days are over, you can play the game as many times as it takes to

    win some points again (I think that includes second place too, doesn't it?). Then you have to walk away from the

    game again.

    As it is now, the 500 points a whack gambit is gone, but personally, I would like to see some

    fresh names at the top of the high scores. We started the "auto pruning" (regular deletion of top scores at a set

    number of days), but that just made it worse as the usual high scorers spend hours playing all the games day after

    day, so l would like to hereby start the 10 day "get a life" program for arcade addicts. Furthermore, I think it

    might be a good idea to do away with the arcade pass system and delete all the passes. That would mean that in

    order to use the arcade, you have to perform some sort of service to the forum. eg: posting useful material. Side

    note on Hotrock's post: dude... posting meaningless threads/posts is not an option. They make a lot of work for

    the moderators and it can get ugly sometimes as Bel pointed out.

    On the good news side though, I have been

    thinking about starting a payroll system of some sort where forum members could earn large numbers of points

    relatively quickly by "working" for the forum or Love Scent somehow. EG: working on the newsletter, moderating the

    forum, or running the PheroLibrary like Capt K does.

    Last but not least, an option would be to keep the

    coupon relatively easy to attain, but reduce the amount of the discount from 50% to say 35%. Then I could say to

    myself "Well, just about anyone who makes him/herself useful around here can get whatever they want whenever they

    want at 35% off". That seems pretty reasonable considering the great service that regular forum contributors make

    to Love Scent. It's just that the 50% we have now is too hefty for that sort of thing. It was intended to be a

    relatively hard to reach treat, that regular posters might hit a couple times a year. Then all of a sudden

    somebody posts "Hey what happened to my 200,000 points man!?! WTF?" Bzzzzz red alert red alert....

    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
    Fair Trade crafts from Peru

  14. #14
    Man of La Pancha
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    I'll be applying for the

    moderator position tomorrow. (Yeah, Pancho the Moderator...I could see people loving that idea..."Hey, who

    corrected my spelling in my post?!?!?")

    As for perception of the "50% off coupon"...

    I think the following

    post, Bruce, may have made the coupon a prize for the arcade rather than reward for good posts:


    should now be able to "buy" discount coupons (50% off on orders up to $100.) in the forum "store". This system will

    supercede my previous plan of giving discount coupons as prizes to winners in the arcade. As you probably know, you

    can win large numbers of points in the arcade, which can now be used to buy these coupons. The differences are that

    this is all automated and you can use points regardless of where you get them.
    If you would like to make

    it easy to regulate the number of coupons, you may just want to give points strictly for posting. Otherwise,

    you'll have the division of points because you get many more points from the arcade than from forum posts. One way

    to fix this would be to have two types of points (arcade vs. forum) and make the arcade point coupon 200,000 and the

    forum point coupon 5,000...but that might be really complicated for the web master. I don't even know if

    that's possible...probably not. The other thought would be to remove points for the arcade but award high scorers

    with discount coupons once per week or something. head is starting to spin thinking of all of the

    options...but I see the main problem being that points are much easier to accumulate from the arcade than the forum.

    If you could fix this discrepency, all would be fixed. Honestly, how many people have 200,000 points because

    they're interesting posters?

  15. #15
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    I think that should be no

    points at all for the Arcade, but resetting the scores every week is is a good idea and keeps it fun.


    the good news side though, I have been thinking about starting a payroll system of some sort where forum members

    could earn large numbers of points relatively quickly by "working" for the forum or Love Scent somehow. EG: working

    on the newsletter, moderating the forum, or running the PheroLibrary like Capt K does.
    I am very much in

    favour of this. Myself, the mods and others helping LS would have worked very much harder to get our points than

    people who won them in the arcade or by post whoring, work that actually contributed to Love-Scent aswell. It's a

    bit of a kick in the nuts to see loads of people more or less getting something for nothing, when you have put the

    time and effort in.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  16. #16
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    well heres a thought. Would

    it be possible to have like a 25 percent discount for 5000 and 50 percent(the max discount) for the 10,000


  17. #17
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    Tough issue!

    I only learned of

    this point reward system a couple of days ago by chance, and I immediately thought it was a fantastic idea to keep

    this forum alive and abuzz.

    Needless to say, I am disappointed to see the 50% discount moved from 5,000 to

    10,000 points, but reading this thread, I am shocked to learn of the small fortunes amassed by the arcade experts

    and how easy it is/was to do so (relatively speaking), and can fully understand why Bruce had to bump it up to

    10,000 points, if only as an interim measure.

    But those who earnestly have abided honestly to the system of

    contributing to the forum should not be made to suffer for someone else's abuses either. It hurts too many at the

    expense of so few, and erodes confidence in the system. One thing that could, IMHO, help hugely in preventing

    knee-jerk reactions is to provide advance warning or notice of any change to the point system.

    I too do not

    believe in easy points by simply "post whoring". I think it should be remembered, however, that this is a public

    forum, and people should be encouraged to contribute as much as they can, and if the best way to do this is to award

    points, great. After all, the basic premise is still that people want to earn points so they can use it to buy more

    products. If people start getting flippant and post garbage in an attempt to artificially inflate their points, let

    the rules of the forum take care of that. Perhaps penalties in the form of point deductions could be one form of

    discouragement to such abusive practices, in addition to a ban. Posters who try "too hard" also get flamed, and

    this helps as a form of self-regulation too.


  18. #18
    Man of La Pancha
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    Quote Originally Posted by nitro
    Posters who try

    "too hard" also get flamed, and this helps as a form of self-regulation too.
    Someone mentioned me?

    Seriously, though, you have good points. Just remember that the moderators work hard to keep posts where

    they should be, and to 'let the rules of the forum take care of it' means to risk putting too much pressure on the

    mods if it gets out of hand.

  19. #19
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    All I have to say is that I

    prefer a system that is fair for everyone and hope affected individuals would be OK with that. Points are absolutely

    no big deal, and easy to come by if you participate normally in a positive manner. Most everyone gets more points

    than they can possibly use. Why does anyone much care?
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  20. #20
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Points equal discounts.

    They are also the way I am supposed to be "paid" for running the Pherolibrary.

    I like the idea of being able

    to buy different levels of discount (25%, 50% etc.). Maybe a development of this, which would only be fair on LS if

    the points situation gets sorted out, could be a "free shipping on any order" token, and/or a 50% off $150 worth of

    products - all suitably priced of course. It should really take a long time to achieve the discount tokens.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  21. #21
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CptKipling
    It should

    really take a long time to achieve the discount tokens.
    That depends. You are putting a lot of effort into

    the phero library and deserve something for the effort. Other members put a lot of time and effort into some well

    done and informative posts and should be rewarded for their efforts. The guy who starts 6 threads , all asking the

    same or similar question doesn't deserve any points for it. Especially when the question has been answered a dozen

    times recently and they were just too lazy to bother searching for it.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  22. #22
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Your right, effort is more



    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

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