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  1. #1
    Phero Dude
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    Default it never happens

    me and my buddy have an

    argument. i say if a female initially interacts with you, there is always some attraction and if nothing happens

    from it. it's b/c you screwed up and landed in LJBF land. he says if a girl interacts with you initially and they

    have a real interest in becoming just friends. i'm not gonna post this up in the female forum b/c females tend to

    lie about everything even if it's the truth. what is everybody's take on this.

  2. #2
    Journeyman StandingTall's Avatar
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    I do believe the

    if a female does an initial approach to start a conversation that there is an attraction, but that doesn't mean

    that you are any kind of zone yet. At that point you can put yourself in the friend zone, don't talk to me again

    zone, sex buddy zone or relationship zone.

  3. #3
    Phero Dude
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    My take is you have a lot to

    learn about women. If you think they lie about everything, you have a lot of growing up to do, whether it's

    maturing, getting over some traumatic event, or some combination of the two.

    As far as the question posed, if

    a woman approaches you, it's not always that she's wanting you to eat crackers in her bed. Some ladies are just

    naturally friendly, and will approach anyone who looks interesting, regardless of what they deem the target's

    relationship potential. Usually, it's a safe bet that there is some interest present on their part. Social

    conditioning and innate psychology dictate that human females wait to be seduced. Those who break such behavior are

    very confident, extremely interested, don't care about societal norms, or some combination thereof.
    "Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetetive electronic music." --Kristian Wilson, Nintendo Inc., 1989

  4. #4
    Full Member HK45Mark23's Avatar
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    Smile Hey!

    "My take is you have a lot to learn about women. If you think they

    lie about everything, you have a lot of growing up to do, whether it's maturing, getting over some traumatic event,

    or some combination of the two."

    This is


    Try a book called

    "Body Language Secrets"

    Last edited by HK45Mark23; 09-29-2004 at 09:27 AM. Reason: up date info

  5. #5
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by camusflage
    My take is you

    have a lot to learn about women. If you think they lie about everything, you have a lot of growing up to do, whether

    it's maturing, getting over some traumatic event, or some combination of the two.
    women play all types

    of games with guys and test them all the time. from talking to guys that are either pua's or rafc, alot of them

    take that attitude. and the best way to become a pua is to model their behavior.

  6. #6
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Nobody knows what the hell those

    things stand for. This is a pheromone discussion, not a seduction board, so you are going to have to educate us.

  7. #7
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    Don't let anybody tell

    you otherwise:

    You're dead on! If a women approaches by herself AND you don't screw up (pheromones or

    not...) you're in!

    That's only my personal experience, but it happened many times this


    Just don't blow it!

    EDIT: @camusflage+mark:

    Sorry, but in my opinion it's you two

    that need to do the learning and growing up...

    Most women do lie (certainly the more attractive ones) and

    there is LOTS of stuff about women, you guys don't get.

    I only mean to give constructive critisism, plz

    don't flame...

  8. #8
    Phero Dude
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    from talking to guys are who used

    to not have success with women, who became guys that are starting to have success with women or became guys who have

    success with women, they say take a machevellian approach to women. separate your emotions from the job that needs

    to be done, which is doing the pick up. because if you listen to what the girl says or concentrate on her and you

    fail the pick up, you will mess up your ego.

    by the way every pua/pick artist, used to not be successful with

    women. so anybody can become one with hard work.

  9. #9
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    Women do not lie about everything. However, they often lie about what they are attracted to. That is why lots

    of guys treats women nice, expecting that flowers and dinners and courting behaviour will eventually make her want

    you. If the truth were widely known women would lose much of their power. So of course they mislead.

  10. #10
    Full Member phinmone's Avatar
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    traggard, you're right. men who

    do not know what you just told, are just going to loose their money and chances! confidence and attitude is all a

    man needs!

    the worst thing you can do in order to make a woman attracted to you, is to buy flowers and / or

    take her to dinner. they don't need this, they need attitude and edge!

  11. #11
    Man of La Pancha
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    I c---


    The only 'games' are the ones you create inside your head.

    There is one game that everyone plays...and it

    has very basic rules.

    First of all, everyone's different. Secondly, if you're going to generalize,

    generalize for everyone. There are no differences in what members of each sex do, just how they do it.

    Men and

    women both lie. Men and women both test each other. It has nothing to do with gender. Think about it. Do men

    walk up to women and say, "I don't really care about anything you have to say, I just really need to have sex

    because I haven't had it in a while and I'd like to have it again." No. A lot of men think this, but they'd

    never say that. I guess that'd make you liars, wouldn't least according to the definition that men have

    for women who keep their defenses up while being approached by many men over the course of a night. You pretend to

    care even if you don't, and you put on a little show that convinces a girl you're worth sleeping with even if

    it's not you at all inside. That is a big lie according to this little definition we're using if I've ever seen


    It goes the same for women. Is a woman going to---even if she's interested---tell a man hitting on her,

    "You don't have to butter me up, I'm ready to go now." No. They can't say that, either. What would a

    man say to a woman who said this? "SLUT!" As much as they want it, they wouldn't be able to respect the person,

    and neither would anyone who knew about it. What a double standard. So what do you do? You lie. You put on a

    little show that convinces everyone you're not a slut and you get to know the guy you're interested in to make

    sure you're not making a mistake...but you couldn't ask that one, either, could you? "Hello, are you a decent

    person?" Guess what answer you're going to get to that, you find this out through other


    Men 'test' women all of the time...the biggest 'test' being the, "Are you willing to sleep with me?"

    test. Women return the favor with their own 'test' called the, "Are you worth sleeping with?" test.

    If a guy

    could walk up to a girl and say, "Do you want to have sex with me?" and a girl could respond by saying, "Well,

    you're attractive enough to sleep with, but I don't know if you're a decent enough guy. Could I find out more

    about you before I make my final decision?" everyone would finally be honest, wouldn't they? It's not going to


    Therefore, everyone man must put up an offense and every woman must put up a defense in the most

    common approach situation. The ironic part is that the defense is actually there to help the offense score

    if it's good enough...otherwise, its ability to reject an offense it doesn't like is inpeccable...the odd time

    that an offense gets past a weak defense only shows that nobody's perfect...some offenses are amazing at confusing

    a defense.

    This role reverses when a girl asks a guy out...but no one thinks about this for some reason.

    Men bitch and whine and complain that girls never ask them out, but when they get one girl that does ask them out

    that they don't like...what do they do? They complain about getting asked out. Did you ever stop and think that

    women think the same thing? "Why don't any hot guys ask me out?" "Why is fugly here asking me out and not that

    gorgeous hunk over there?" "Why do I only date assholes?" The 'asshole' is the male equivalent of the

    ugly girl. They're the only ones asking them out...what else are they going to do? Guys go for the attractive

    ones because it is socially acceptable to do so...women are more likely to take from what is freely available.

    The 'Pickup Artist' is just a person that understands this system and exploits it to sleep with women. The

    average guy does not have enough confidence to accel in this system...and the rare guy who is decent and good with

    women just mastered the system for the right reason - to meet someone and see what happens.

    That, my friends, is

    the game. Everyone has to play it to win.

    That all said, we can all now refrain from calling women liars and

    game-players. If we do that, we have to turn it on ourselves as well. There is one game, we all need to 'play our

    best' (if that means make yourself look good or stall until you find out if a person is worth being with, so be call that a lie, then you don't get the art of seduction) to win, and each person has their own strategy

    when playing. Some work, and some don't. Some are nice, and some are just plain nasty. What are you going to do?

    If you want to pick someone up you like, you've gotta play...if you want to be picked up by someone you like,

    you've gotta play.

    I choose not to play this game because I think it's stupid, but I will also

    never 'pick up' a girl in my lifetime...they will all come from someone I meet, hit it off with, and try to take

    it further through a stranger->acquaintance->friend->lover transition. This requires patience, which I don't have

    but must accept since I don't play the game. Such is life.

  12. #12
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Good post Pancho,

    Does it

    seem we see the same discussion about every 6 months? Same type of guys with the same attitudes trying the same

    approaches. We can hope that some of them will learn the difference eventually.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  13. #13
    Phero Dude
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    pancho, i just assumed everybody

    knows men lie. that's the majority of men's game. they lie about their wealth, possessions, and any other thing

    they think will impress a woman. i used to do that too until i got the rule book and understood how the game is

    meant to be played. what i should have said is, people don't assume women to be liars.

    anybody can become a

    pick up artist if they devote time to it like if they were practicing for a sport. confidence is a big thing but you

    get confidence by getting shot down.

    i have no problem with saying guys play games. it's all part of the

    "game". matter of fact i'm aiming to win a championship down the line, lol.

  14. #14
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    TRock, I like your attitude. Many guys here seem to get many "hits" (approach invitations), but they do not

    capitalize on them. What is the point of getting hits/approach invitations if you do not at least try your best to

    convert them into lays?

  15. #15
    Phero Dude
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    ^ or atleast a phone number. what

    i've been doing lately is, since i know how to use mones well now, i'll just approach any girl and just say stupid

    stuff. it doesn't matter what you say but more how how the delivery of what you said was.

  16. #16
    Full Member HK45Mark23's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TRock
    ^ or atleast a

    phone number. what i've been doing lately is, since i know how to use mones well now, i'll just approach any girl

    and just say stupid stuff. it doesn't matter what you say but more how how the delivery of what you said

    This is true, I went out and got a lot of hits my first time out, but I did not

    capitalize on one of them.


  17. #17
    Phero Dude
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    hey man don't worry, i used mones

    for 3 months until i got it into my head to stop being passive. i hope i saved you 3 months.

  18. #18
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TRock

    i just assumed everybody knows men lie. that's the majority of men's game. they lie about their wealth,

    possessions, and any other thing they think will impress a woman. i used to do that too until i got the rule

    and understood how the game is meant to be played. what i should have said is, people don't assume women

    to be liars.
    I missed that handout. Must have been absent that day.

    Good post Pancho.

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