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  1. #1
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    Default Serious q for the pro's, newbie chikara/perception results, feedback, praise!

    Hi everyone, first things first, I am a new

    user, but don't have any of the new user questions (no need with such a comprehensive newbies thread on offer). I

    thought I would quickly post my experiences, plus ask a question I would love if the professionals in the game could

    debate and or answer. First off the serious stuff. I only have one concern in regards to using pheromones, and that

    is, can long term usage effect the bodies own natural pheromone production in a negative way? I will use an example

    to explain what I mean. When bodybuilders use steroids, or more precisely testosterone (and its many off shoots),

    there own natural production of testosterone lessens and eventually ceases because, so I have read, the body sense

    an abundance of testosterone in the blood and figures that it doesn't need anymore thereby closing its own

    testosterone production down. This is what gives bodybuilders the dreaded ball shrinkage. After they stop taking

    testosterone supplements, there natural production once again slowly resumes and eventually gets back to normal. Is

    it or could this be possible for pheromone production as well? We breath in the mones we are wearing all day long,

    does the body have a mechanism to detect pheromone amounts and adjust its own production accordingly? In extreme

    case bodybuilders own testosterone production never recovers to its former glory, I'm worried if long term mone

    usage could have the same effect? It would be great if someone in the know could answer/debate this as I am not a

    physiological theorist by any stretch of the imagination.

    Anyway, on to the more fun stuff. My first experiences with

    using pheromones! I ordered perception once I had read some of the feedback people had given in the forums. It

    looked like a good starting product, and I didn't want to get into mixing just yet. You know, there is always a

    small part of you that wishes mones would be a miracle cure, a love potion so to speak, and make woman swoon over

    you like you were the last man on earth. The first time I used it, I had that small hope, but I knew what to expect

    after the reading other peoples experiences. I applied 2 sprays of perception to my neck and wrists and went to

    collage. I must admit, I didn't really notice any more attention that what I usually get all day - that is apart

    from one girl I sit next to in a computing class. After I arrived, she couldn't seem to sit still. She kept

    constantly taking her top on and off and couldn't seem to concentrate on her work. She kept asking me how to do

    something when I knew she knew the answer. usually she is miles ahead of me in class but she couldn't seem to get

    any work done. She kept on leaning in close to look at my screen, and stay there for what felt like ages - yet there

    was really nothing I was doing on the pc for her to look at. I found this all quite amusing as you could imagine -

    more so because she is really quite attractive

    In the subsequent weeks I really haven't notice much attention. I'm pretty ok

    looking, and it seems girls haven't been acting any different that what they would usually since. I also bought

    Chikara in the process and have try combining the two (perception/chikara) with similar results. I never use more

    than 2 sprays total. I have been getting quite a few possible dates of late though, more than usual, but I have been

    going out more than usual, so I m not sure if I can attests these possibilities to mone usage, or more of my own

    availability! I must admit though, it is a nice little confidence booster. What I love the most is when you forget

    you are wearing it,

    then, while talking to a girl, you remember you

    are, and that little boost of self assurance I think is worth its weight in gold. That for me, is enough to warrant

    their cost.

    Anyway, one

    reason I have figured that I may not be getting the attention that others are is that I am one of those typical, non

    threatening nice guys with a slightly - hate to admit it - feminine or 'metro sexual' personality. If Chikara and

    perception are more you friendly chatty type mones - which is an ability I think already posses – im thinking maybe

    the more alpha male aggressive mones might suit me better. I am by no stretch your mucho male type (in personality,

    I have a quite a masculine look though), maybe THAT is the area that I need to boost. So I am thinking of purchasing

    Primal Instinct or NPA, they are basically the same thing right? And is this logic



    thanks if you read this, I'll keep you posted on my further results. oh, and to the makers of perception (BDC

    Concepts?), I think the sprayer is a little faulty. The spring pushes the button out to far and the lip of the

    button gets caught on the edge of the bottle which prevents it from depressing. The annoying thing is when you move

    it to the side and down a little to get it unhooked, some of the mones spray and leak out all over my fingers, plus

    it never feels like you get a proper spray afterwards Anything I can do to fix this?

    ciao for now! oh an big

    clap to lovescent for getting my orders shipped in prompt time! cheers!


  2. #2
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Hello and welcome to the


    starting with 2 sprays of Perception is much. I know this is the recommended dosage, but you can read

    in some threads of people getting overdose effects on 2 sprays and really good results on one spray. Just try one

    spray for a few weeks!

    What you have to look for when searching for "hits" is the body language of the women

    you are interested in:
    Do they smile more, do they tend to touch you more when talking to you, twirling their

    hair etc..

    The experience with the girl sitting beside you seems to be a clear hit IMO and perhaps even a OD

    BSW Perception is supposed to be a much more sexual product compared to Chikara. So stick at that for now

    and observe peoples reactions carefully!

    Best regards

    Last edited by Indigo; 09-23-2004 at 04:04 AM.

  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Hello Lucid,

    PI only

    coontains Androstenone in high concentration. Its Price per mg of none is highet that that of other products, like

    PPA/m, Andro 4.2 or RM. NPA ha Androstenone and a secret ingredient only known to Lacroy ( the manufacturer ) and

    Bruce ( Love-scent ). I have used none several times and got NPA last week. Believe me, it is extremely potent. I

    diluted it and that way applied 1/500 of one 5ml bottle. And this was a OD ( Overdose ) for me and giving me strange

    reactions from others!
    So be careful when trying it!

    Best regards


  4. #4
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucid
    I only have one concern

    in regards to using pheromones, and that is, can long term usage effect the bodies own natural pheromone production

    in a negative way? I will use an example to explain what I mean. When bodybuilders use steroids, or more precisely

    testosterone (and its many off shoots), there own natural production of testosterone lessens and eventually ceases

    because, so I have read, the body sense an abundance of testosterone in the blood and figures that it doesn't need

    anymore thereby closing its own testosterone production down. This is what gives bodybuilders the dreaded ball

    shrinkage. After they stop taking testosterone supplements, there natural production once again slowly resumes and

    eventually gets back to normal. Is it or could this be possible for pheromone production as well? We breath in the

    mones we are wearing all day long, does the body have a mechanism to detect pheromone amounts and adjust its own

    production accordingly? In extreme case bodybuilders own testosterone production never recovers to its former glory,

    I'm worried if long term mone usage could have the same effect?
    This reminds me of Meat

    Loaf’s character in “Fight Club”.
    I’ve been using pheromones for over 5 years and haven’t noticed the need to

    increase dosages. So even if there is an effect on natural pheromone production it can’t be that serious.

    no man boobies, so far.

    A more serious side-effect IMO is psychological: the tendency to develop an

    overblown ego. So I recommend taking days off of mones, on a regular basis, just to keep perspective.
    Give truth a chance.

  5. #5
    Man of La Pancha
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    My take on the -mone

    production question:

    Going from straight logical reasoning...

    No, it's not like steroids. Steroids, crack,

    cocaine, heroin, etc...they all OD your body on a certain chemical, which causes your body to shut down production

    of it. This is what causes the 'shrinkage' in men with steroids and the withdrawal in drug users. Your body is

    extremely efficient in maintaining proper chemical levels, so when it gets a shot of dopamine, testosterone, etc.,

    it immediately stops production.

    As far as -mones go, however, it would not be the same in a chemical production

    sense as you're not ingesting the -mones in a way that would have the body be emitting more -mones than usual (hey,

    that made me think of that -mone pill product...maybe that would cause your body to lower its own -mone

    production in response to the pill's production...I don't know). In fact, since it's not being produced from your

    body, it may cause your body to think it's coming from an outside source...thinking of how a person may react to

    someone else's -mones in the area, that might increase your own production. However, if it did somehow

    decrease your personal -mone production because it thought it was producing more than it was, then it would return

    to normal after stopping -mone usage, I'm sure. Again, unlike drugs, you're not actually causing a chemical

    shutdown by replacing your own production with outside're kind of just adding to it on the outside.

    A final thought:

    Synthetic -mones are not your own. If other people's -mone production shut down your own,

    then no one would be producing -mones because you are theoretically sensing many -mone signatures every day.

    Therefore, I believe comparing -mone application to steroid injection/ingestion/intake to be

    comparing apples and oranges.

  6. #6
    Phero Pharaoh
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    The girl in class was a

    definite hit. Subsequent apparent lack of interest could be due to any number of reasons: she just hooked up with

    some hot guy; you showed too much interest at some point; you creeped her out; she is still interested but is

    holding herself back; etc.

    If you are absolutely certain you are not getting any results whatsoever, then the

    best thing you can do is change what you are doing. It doesn't matter what you change. Just change SOMETHING.

    Doing the same thing over and over, knowing you aren't going to improve your results, makes no sense.


    your hair style, your clothes, your pheromones, how much you talk to other people, HOW you talk to other people,


    Experiment. Go slowly.

    I don't know how we would be able to detect a decrease in natural pheromone

    production. None of us is measuring our pheromone content now. All I have noticed through the past couple of years

    is that if I go a day or two without applying the pheromones, I drop off the radar screen. But then, I normally

    apply high doses and "SCREAM" pheromonically.

    If you want to mesmerize girls, try doing some OD levels. Just

    keep in mind you may have the opposite effect. But experimentation will tell you more about what you need to do

    than our anecdotes.

  7. #7
    BDC Concepts Chemo (BDC Concepts)'s Avatar
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    allow me to answer your question pertaining to natural pheromone suppression.

    First, you are keenly aware of

    HTP axis suppression with exogenous hormones (such as 4-AD, 1-test, test, deca, dbol, etc.) but this affects

    internal systems. Natural pheromone production takes a different route and starts with the METABOLITES of natural

    hormones. Have you ever wondered where all those hormones go once they are metabolized? Well, a portion of them

    are excreted through skin where bacteria (c. form) CONVERTS it to an active specie.

    Now, the entire process

    starts with a person's INDIVIDUAL baseline hormone levels and also the c. form bacterial content of their skin.

    Neither of these are affected by supplementing with a synthetic pheromone product.

    What about if someone were

    on cycle? As should be obvious by now, if you are suppressing the HTP axis with exogenous hormone levels your

    pheromone signature will be altered as well since the metabolites will be different. If you would like to ensure an

    even signature while on cycle be sure to include something 1,4-andro based such as 1,4-diol,

    1,4-dione, or EQ (boldenone). The metabolites should provide a spectrum of pheromones after bacterial


    With respect to the atomizer: we are moving forward with the Platinum release which uses a top

    shelf atomizer. This will eliminate further quality issues.


  8. #8
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    I think the main point is that

    pheromones have little to no direct effect on the endocrine system (in think -rone is an exception, but it only has

    a weak activity), as opposed to steroids...

    They only really become active as airborn agents from the skin (via,

    in most cases, bacterial action on the skin), and their only "biologically intended" effect is as a sensory

    , as apposed to steriods...

    As Pancho said, it has been discussed that perhaps wearing pheros causes

    the body to release more pheromones.


    Have you done research on the effects of supplimenting

    various steriods/PHs on pheromone production?

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  9. #9
    BDC Concepts Chemo (BDC Concepts)'s Avatar
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    I've done a bit of

    tracing metabolite paths...but will have to defer the full explanation until my article is complete. I'm currently

    writing an article for publication targeting bodybuilders.


  10. #10
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Keep us posted, sounds


    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast ManBeast's Avatar
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    IMHO from a little experience

    using `mones when on.... I had to be VERY careful about OD`ing on the ratio of -none applied with respect to the

    -nol and -rone, whereas now I don't have to use nearly as much (if any) SOE to help balance the ratios out when

    using products with -none in them. (I am fully recovered and "normalized")

    "You are a sick f*ck, but I wouldn't have you any other way. "

  12. #12
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    This might sound strange to a

    hard core bodybuilder, but any more than 5mg of DHEA increases OD risk and can lessen results if I wear

    high-normal phero doses. Buildup is probably more of a concern too. Just know that the situation's different and

    take due care.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  13. #13
    Phero Enthusiast ManBeast's Avatar
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    Heh.... So what do you think

    50mg of testosterone is doing

    "You are a sick f*ck, but I wouldn't have you any other way. "

  14. #14
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    If you are going to be taking

    that much I'd think you should be sure to work out consistently, so that it's utilized appropriately and doesn't

    just become excess random hormones. Otherwise you probably lose too much control of your pheromone situation.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  15. #15
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    Thanks a lot to everyone for

    considering my question and reading my experiences thus far. I sort of figured in my non-educated way that there

    would be no long term effects of using pheromones but it is nice to hear it from the guys in the know! And the

    steroids comparison porbably wasn't the best but all I could think up! I didn't realise that perception was such a

    strong product, I'l definitly reduce the dosage and see how I go. I'm sure the mones are doing something but i

    haven't clued up on the signals yet, I've always been hopeless at reading women anyway

    Just something off

    topic, has anyone experienced intense dreams on days that they wear pheromones?? I only where them two to three days

    out of each week, and without fail on those days I'm sure to have the most vivid and easily remembered dreams, its

    really quite strange, but a rather enjoyable and suprising after effect. I might post a new thread with this topic

    to see what people say.



  16. #16
    Phero Enthusiast ManBeast's Avatar
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    Well... Duh I workout

    consistantly, and with a drive and intensity that very few in my (college) gym can match. The Testosterone is just a

    helper after everything else (diet, training, rest) are in order.

    "You are a sick f*ck, but I wouldn't have you any other way. "

  17. #17
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucid
    Just something off

    topic, has anyone experienced intense dreams on days that they wear pheromones?? I only where them two to three days

    out of each week, and without fail on those days I'm sure to have the most vivid and easily remembered dreams, its

    really quite strange, but a rather enjoyable and suprising after effect. I might post a new thread with this topic

    to see what people say.


    Yeah I do. They get very sexual if I sleep with NPAw or EW


    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  18. #18
    Phero Enthusiast ManBeast's Avatar
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    I rarely remember dreams...

    With or without pheromones. Even when using melatonin I don't get the standard "wierd" easiliy remembered dreams.

    "You are a sick f*ck, but I wouldn't have you any other way. "

  19. #19
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBeast
    I rarely remember

    dreams... With or without pheromones. Even when using melatonin I don't get the standard "wierd" easiliy remembered



    Usually to remember dreams, you have to wake up immediately after it, even for

    just a few seconds, and even if you don't remember wakeing up.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  20. #20
    Phero Enthusiast ManBeast's Avatar
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    Ahhh... While I'm a light

    sleeper... I've found places to live that I can do complete REM cycles... I usually wake up between them normally,

    but yah.. when I'm jarred out of sleep, I remember them for like.. 30 seconds then I get busy with my day and

    *poof* they are gone.

    "You are a sick f*ck, but I wouldn't have you any other way. "

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