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  1. #1
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    Default Chikara plus NPA: strange reactions !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Chemo
    However you decide be sure to post your feedback!
    Hello folks,

    first of all

    thanks for your detailed an very helpful answers. It helped me very much to come to an decision!
    I got my Chikara

    and NPA ( I read much about this combination, I just had to test it) !
    So here finally my first feedback about the

    first test weekend:

    At first some history about the mixture I used in the last two years ( before I got to know

    LS ):

    The mix that finally worked quite well for me was a combination of P10/w, PPA/m and PPA/w
    with a ratio of

    2:6:3. I applied mostly about 0.275 ml so I got about 0.0335 mg None, 0.03625 mg Nol
    and 0.005 mg Rone plus some of

    the copulins of P10 and PPA/w per application, which is a decent amount I think regarding the recommended dosages

    her at the forum.
    This ratio gave me the most acceptable smell, although I don't like it too much.
    The latter is

    the one reason why I wanted to test something new. The second is was to get more consistent results:
    On many

    occasions I was not able to recognize any difference in behavior or body language. But
    in about 2 of 10 cases

    wearing the mones, some women acted clearly different than thea normally did:
    They were much more chatty and

    touched me lightly when talking, what they never did before. I got these hist in most cases with women I already

    knew for quite a time ( probably because I know their normal reactions better ).
    Well, the point of the experience

    of the last 2 years is, that with mones either nothing happened ( at least nothing I was able to perceive) or

    surprisingly positive results ( rarely ). But.... I never had any negative reactions.

    Not until using

    Chikara plus NPA:

    As I knew what pheromone amounts approximately worked for me before, I used them as an

    As I read much about the extreme OD risk of NPA I was very careful with it.
    The first evening I

    applied 0.1 ml Chikara ( 0.067 mg pheromones ) plus 0.1 ml of TE ( I dilluted my NPA exactly to TE level, so that

    were about 0.01mg of the NPA mones).
    I did sports afterwards ( about one hour after application ). The first woman

    I met ( I don't know her very well, but´I see her every week and simply get along with each other, not more and not

    less ) was in an normal positive mood during the 2 houers of badminton, but every time I got near her she didn't

    even look into my direction, even when I said something. It was like " Ooohh, you stink, go away ). I really never

    experienced a that bad reaction.
    I thought "OK, let's do another test". The next day I met with some friends (

    most very close friends ) at 14:00pm.
    This time I applieda reduced dosage of 3 drops of Chikara (0.075ml) and 0,075

    ml of TE.
    One of the woman ( the girlfriend of my best friend, I have a very good relationship to her, she is

    normally always smiling at everybody especially to me and mostly in a great mood). This afternoon she was in a good

    temper as usually . But... she also hardly looked into my direction when I was near her. No smiles, no friendliness,

    really nothing. I have never seen her acting towards me like that, it was really strange. From what I read here it

    was a total OD reaction. We split up to meet again in the evening. I took a long shower rubbing all mones away. Then

    I applied 4 drops of Chikara and only 2 drops ( 0.05 ml ) of TE . The reactions of the mentioned woman were clearly

    less negative, but still definitely out of the ordinary ( towards me ).
    How can that be?????? 2 little drops of TE

    ( one bottle would gibe 500 applications) an OD !??!?
    What the hell is in NPA ??????
    NPA is supposed to be a very

    sexual pheromone product. So what shall I conclude:
    Woman react irritated and adverse when something sexual is

    dispersing from me ??????
    Grrrrreat... that is what I wanted to find out by using mones

    Well, all joking aside. I am definitely not a man beeing considered as very masculine ( in fact that is the last

    attribute woman asssign to me, although I look relatively decent and have a good build ).
    So don't think my body

    produces so much None ( that fits the experience withe the relatively high amounts of None before ).
    But taking

    that as a fact, I am totally confused about the reactions with only the slightest amount of the NPA secret

    ingredient, it can't be the none. Anyone an idea.
    If I reduce the NPA dosage even more ( so little that I get no

    negative reactions ) I guess I could leave it away completely ?!?!?!.

    Another question about Perception. Most of

    you said that it is much more sexual oriented compared to Chikara.
    May it be that it will probably not make very

    much sense to test it after the recent experience ???

    I will test Chikara alone for the next few days and see

    what happens. BSW I don't like the scent very much but after about one hour of wearing it is slightly better than

    my old mix ( the old mix was quite sweet, it smelled a bit like a woman's fragrance ).

    Best regards

    Last edited by Indigo; 10-11-2004 at 01:31 PM.

  2. #2
    Full Member
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    Interesting read. Are you sure you have no mone build-up? A female friend of mine once said that I smelled

    different from how I used to smell. This was after I had showered extensively and I had not put on any mones that


  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Quote Originally Posted by Traggard
    Interesting read. Are you sure you have no mone build-up? A female

    friend of mine once said that I smelled different from how I used to smell. This was after I had showered

    extensively and I had not put on any mones that day.
    I didn't use mones for some weeks

    before the mentioned weekend, or let's say I used my old mixture 2 or 3 times in this period. So build-up should

    not have been the problem. Perhaps the secret ingredient doesn't fit my personal body chemistry at all.

  4. #4
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    You may be a guy where 2 or 3 dabs

    works best of TE. A poll actually indicated that was the ideal amount, although it isn't for me. Also, when you

    do physical activity after applying pheromones, changes are going to occur. Conversions to none, which JVK states

    do happen, BDC Concepts doesn't believe so, funkier smells.

    The fact that you are getting reactions is good.

    Now you just have to learn to use the stuff.

    BTW, don't play sports with pheromones on - around women at


  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjf
    You may be a guy where

    2 or 3 dabs works best of TE. A poll actually indicated that was the ideal amount, although it isn't for me.

    Also, when you do physical activity after applying pheromones, changes are going to occur. Conversions to none,

    which JVK states do happen, BDC Concepts doesn't believe so, funkier smells.

    The fact that you are getting

    reactions is good. Now you just have to learn to use the stuff.

    BTW, don't play sports with pheromones on -

    around women at least.
    Considering that one dab is between 0.02 and 0.03 ml I only used 2 dabs and

    got bad reactions. If I use so little that I get no bad response (probably only one drop) , do you really think i

    could get any positive effects? Shouldn't I leave it away at all? Dosaging like that my 10ml bottle will last for

    more than 6 years! Does NPA stay good for such a long time?

  6. #6
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    You may get the positive effects, if

    the negative effects were so strong on you. There are guys on the forum who see reactions in very small amounts

    with that stuff.
    I'd cut down your dosage in incriments until you see the reactions you want.

    NPA will

    stay good for a long long time.

  7. #7
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    I had some strong results (got

    asked to coffee by a beautiful 18 y.o.) wearing one dab of edge (and other stuff, including a perfume similar to

    Pheros and a drop of V5, IIRC) but it was my only source of -none). Yesterday I wore four dabs Edge and a guy

    picked a fight with me at a bar where I was sitting with my back to him, reading and eating dinner. Edge is 1/4 the

    strength of NPA, but the dabs are bigger due to the sizes of the bottle openings. Maybe I had buildup too, but -none

    (and whatever else is in NPA/Edge) is powerful stuff. You have to use it in a very sensitive manner to get

    consistent good results.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis
    I had some

    strong results (got asked to coffee by a beautiful 18 y.o.) wearing one dab of edge (and other stuff, including a

    perfume similar to Pheros and a drop of V5, IIRC) but it was my only source of -none). Yesterday I wore four

    dabs Edge and a guy picked a fight with me at a bar where I was sitting with my back to him, reading and eating

    dinner. Edge is 1/4 the strength of NPA, but the dabs are bigger due to the sizes of the bottle openings. Maybe I

    had buildup too, but -none (and whatever else is in NPA/Edge) is powerful stuff. You have to use it in a very

    sensitive manner to get consistent good results.
    Hello DST,

    so one of your dabs is probably

    about 2 of my drops, giving me bad results. I will try Chikara plus one drop ( 0.025ml ) TE in the next few weeks

    and see if there is any difference to Chikara plus no drop of TE!



  9. #9
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    I don't understand your

    reply, but just know that Edge is weaker than NPA, but not as weak as you'd expect compared to NPA if you are

    dabbing both to compare.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis
    I had some strong

    results (got asked to coffee by a beautiful 18 y.o.)
    Did you take her up on her offer?


    starting to lay off of the NPA. I actually mixed half of the bottle with a half a bottle of Andro 4.2 the other day.

    BIG MISTAKE! I mixed in Andro 4.2's original atomizer and that disperses A LOT with just one spray. I got a massive

    headache and guys at work couldn't even look me in the eye. I also got very, very irritated for no reason at all.

    I'm going to try doing 1 or 2 dabs of TE with 4 dabs of Pheros and see how that pans out.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis
    I don't

    understand your reply, but just know that Edge is weaker than NPA, but not as weak as you'd expect compared to NPA

    if you are dabbing both to compare.
    Well, you said you had used one dab of TE and that an TE dab is

    bigger because of the bigger opening. So I estimated that one of your dabs is probably about 0.04-0.05ml opposed to

    the 0.03 ml of the dabs yout get from the NPA bottle ( withput inlet ) or the PPA bottle.
    I diluted my NPA to

    the exact concentration of TE and used 2 drops ( 0.05 ml ). I just wanted to say that the relatively low amount

    which gave you a good result, was even too much for me.
    Sorry for my misunderstandable english. I am working on


  12. #12
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    At dab at 0.04 ml?? I find that

    hard to understand...

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  13. #13
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    The phero calculator was actually

    using 0.01 for a dab, and 0.04 I think for a drop.

  14. #14
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjf
    The phero calculator

    was actually using 0.01 for a dab, and 0.04 I think for a drop.
    I measured a couple of mls of EtOH in an edge

    bottle and got somewhere about 88 dabs / ml.

    We have to remember that repeatedly measuring dabs does not

    necessarily give us a very accurate result. The first dab has to wet the skin of the finger involved, and therefore

    uses more product than subsequent dabs. On the other hand, the first dab has to wet the skin of the finger involved

    :-) and therefore delivers less product to wherever you put it than subsequent dabs (leaving a lot behind on the

    finger). Once the finger(s) is wet, the process is quite different.

    When I measure dabs, I use all ten fingers,

    wiping them on a towel between uses, and getting them fairly dry before continuing. Since we do actually reuse

    fingers in applying the product (assuming we apply more than one dab to each side of the body), this would seem to

    be a model that represents our usage fairly closely. I'm certainly open to discussion of methodology, since dabs

    seem to be the most difficult application method to measure accurately.

    - Bass
    somewhere between amused and obsessed...

  15. #15
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    How about measuring with the pointer

    finger (what I assume we mostly use) and then rubbing your finger on a piece of leather or some skin like material).

    Then do this over and over. This would simulate the experience, I think.

  16. #16
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Thanks for doing all that

    work, BassMan.

    Water or oil will give bigger dabs, in that order. I think the average product here is like

    50/50 water/Etoh.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  17. #17
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    That is the

    methodology I used aswell, and ended with slightly less dabs per ml than you (I used closer to 50/50 alc/water from

    an alcoholic drink). It would seem that most dab volumes for alcohol based products would fall between 0.015 and

    0.02 ml (factoring in what DST said about the water content of the products), with the top range for the oily

    products not much higher than 0.03 ml.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  18. #18
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Well, the tests I did were with

    pure Ethanaol and pure water.
    And I didn't use a dropper inlet, just the free opening of the bottle. That way I

    always got about 30-35 dabs per ml for the Ethanol and around 40 dabs per ml for the water. The bottles Iuse have

    exactly the smae opening as the NPA and the PPA bottle without inlet!

  19. #19
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Those dabs seem very big, can

    you describe exactly how you made the measurements?

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by CptKipling
    Those dabs seem

    very big, can you describe exactly how you made the measurements?
    No problem:

    I used the bottles without

    any inlet. Then I put one finger on the bottle, turn it around, wait a second, turn it back, wait another second,

    ant then apply it.

    BSW, because of all this confusion and I found out that PPA ( di-propylene-glycol) behaves

    different than pure ehanol and water when dabbing i will never dab anything again. As I said in other

    Applying with tha pipettte of an pipette bottle is the only way of precise dosaging. And you don't

    contaminate your product.
    You only have to test one time for every product and don't have the hole confusion about

    the different dabbing tecniques and dry or wet fingers and so on. The bottles doesn't cost more than about 2$, so

    regarding that most users have products for more than 100$
    that doesn't carry much weight! But I will be sure to

    get the exact amounts I want to get and can give the forum more precise information about the ratios I used !
    Last edited by Indigo; 09-24-2004 at 06:17 PM.

  21. #21
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    I'm still puzzled, but thanks

    anyway Indigo. Maybe I'll test it again.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by CptKipling
    I'm still

    puzzled, but thanks anyway Indigo. Maybe I'll test it again.
    Well, I admit I am also a bit confused about

    the totally different results of different users! That is why I only drop all products with a pipette.
    I found a

    american page where you can get very similar pipette bottles like I use for less than 2$. You can also get roll on

    bottles there:



    Last edited by Indigo; 10-04-2004 at 04:55 AM.

  23. #23
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Thanks for the link.


    look useful aswell:
    Attached Images Attached Images

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  24. #24
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    When I mix, I use a small

    hypodermic syringe (with needle) to measure small amounts that I put into (well washed) perfume sample vials (cost:

    free). When I am mixing a spray source (Chikara or a cover scent for NPA), I first spray into a tiny funnel into the

    vial, measure the height of the fluid, and then inject the mixer accordingly.

  25. #25
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    Default Smellof Chikara and NPA


    I have got some new questions after more experiments with Chikara and TE ( my dilluted NPA ).
    Unfortunately I

    could do the most test only with mainly male colleagues.
    My impression rigth now is that, except for club

    occasions, everything above 1 drop ( 0.025ml) of TE is too much for me. Wearing only Chikara ( plus a bit PPA/m for

    the scent ) and one or even no drop of TE I got a lot of friendliness and chattiness frommost people. One drop more

    of TE and the effect was totally gone. In factI was not able to see a difference between Chikara/PPA alone and the

    combination with one drop of TE. I find that really strange.

    But now to the points confusing me most:

    perception of the smell of NPA and Chikara:

    First about Chikara:
    Most people describe it as a light musk. Well

    the reason I mix Chikara with PPA/m is that Chikara, at least for me, has a certain note of vanilla or coconut ( I

    am not sure how to describe that ) that I don't like too much.Withh PPA together it gives a pleasant compex over

    all scent. I habe the new bath of Chikara with silver cap and spry head.

    After reading so much about the

    stink of NPA, I was a bit shocked about my perception. I is not only that I might not be able to smell it,
    it is

    even more confusing. When I put my nose over the open NPA bottle, I smell a light pleasant smell!?!?! In

    fact I like that scent more than smelling at the Chikara bottle !!!!!

    What I'd like to to know from

    you is:

    Taking that perception of NPA and the results I got from it, can I draw any general conclusions

    regarding the type of pheromones I should use or try in the future?????

    Best regards


  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Indigo

    reading so much about the stink of NPA, I was a bit shocked about my perception. I is not only that I might not be

    able to smell it,
    it is even more confusing. When I put my nose over the open NPA bottle, I smell a light pleasant

    smell!?!?! In fact I like that scent more than smelling at the Chikara bottle !!!!!

    What I'd

    like to to know from you is:

    Taking that perception of NPA and the results I got from it, can I draw any general

    conclusions regarding the type of pheromones I should use or try in the future?????

    Best regards

    Hi Indigo, like you, I have found that when I try smelling NPA from the bottle, I do not detect

    the musty smell of -none. In fact, like you, I find it very lightly scented, a somewhat sweet, ester-like scent. In

    my post on "-Mone use/results in SE Asia", I even thought I might have been sent the NPA/w or the scented version

    (which doesn't exist!). Now that you, too report this, I guess I have my answer. (BTW, the sweet smell could be the

    alcohol base in NPA).

    I have tried wearing NPA (one dab below each ear) at night at home without other -mone

    products. Initially, for the first 15 to 20 minutes, I don't detect any typical -mone smell. However, after about

    30 mins but definitely after 1 hour, I could really detect the familiar smell of -none. The musty smell was

    unmistakable, very much like the Perception -mones. So, I can conclude that the other ingredients in NPA (besides

    the -none) seem to mask the smell of the -none in it, but once applied to the skin, the -none smell gradually

    becomes obvious.

    I will be reporting more of my results on Chikara in my thread.


  27. #27
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    DUDE, no wonder you OD,

    too many sprays of Chikara, 1-2 drops at most; especially with NPA added to the mix.
    Last edited by THE ALPHA MALE; 04-01-2009 at 11:30 PM.

  28. #28
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    It seems like you did a

    massive OD. When I've ODed women have litterally ran from me. (Happened at a club). Try the 70/30 mix. If at all

    possible use the Liquid Trust bottle to disperse. (Put LT in some other bottle and wash the bottle with bleach then

    soap and water then dry).

    I recently got a job. Last Friday the department head called me into the office. I

    shot on some JB#1 (using the LT bottle) and walked in. Normally this woman is jittery and always seems in a hurry.

    She calmed down, was very pleasant and smiling (she doesn't really do that).

    The mix you're using is known to

    be pretty good. Try a different ratio an a different dispersal method. One spray should do it. You can spray it into

    the air and walk into it or spray directly. And yes, NPA is pretty strong. That's why I originally mixed it with


    I never had any luck with TE and I see no need to water NPA down but make sure NPA is on the 30% side

    of the ratio when you mix it.

    -The Bat

  29. #29
    Phero Enthusiast chicago's Avatar
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    This is an old thread it

    dates back to 2004.
    Cholesterol Advice
    Last edited by chicago; 04-08-2011 at 04:02 PM.

  30. #30
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chicago View Post
    This is

    an old thread it dates back to 2004.

    But some things don't seem to change a lot...

    Stories are

    still much the same.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

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