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Thread: Self-confidence

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    I am An Egyptian Working in United Arab Emirates
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    Default Self-confidence

    Hi Everybody,


    name is Shehab El Din (Nick name is "Dino"), I am a new member to the forum, so I would like to introduce myself in

    breif. I am 30 years old single male,an Egyptian working in the United Arab Emirates since two years. I got to know

    love-scent 4 years ago, but I never participated in the forum before as I didn't have a PC or a laptop, and before

    six month I was not able to order anything as I couldn't afford it as my salary is the equivalant of 295 $ per


    I also want to thank all these guys out there like "Belgareth", "Freindly 1" and "Drsmellthis" whom

    their postings have been of great support helping me understand pheromones better, and ofcourse, special thanks goes

    to Bruce, the man behind all of this wonderfull acheivement whom has been always there to answer all my questions.

    Starting from this point, I want you all to read an E-mail that I have sent to Bruce 6 month ago and he have sent me

    the reply, but, unfortunatly, for some technical problem I lost his E-mail and never was able to know whatever he

    has sent me.

    ((((Dear Mr.Bruce

    I really thank you for your concern and your speedy reply,

    support and the information you are providing us with, and I want to grab the chance to thank everyone at love-scent

    for there efforts to deliver our orders on time.
    Three weeks ago I recieved my "new pheromone

    additive"bottle, and since that time I've been applying it daily while going to work ( This is the very first time

    in my life to use any kind of pheromones ), and I am very much asured of the good quality of the product as it lasts

    longer than my own perfum which is a high quality product for a reputed international cosmetics company, it even

    lasted for more than two weeks on my uniform costum as I only sprayed on it once, and as for the results, I've

    noticed changes in the behavior of some of my female colligues, and it was time for me to take the situation one

    step further as the pheromone additive has done its role to help me with my intention,
    but the only problem is that

    I am not able to seduce any woman to get to bed with me,and in the same time I do not want to take a step that could

    blow everything away.
    It is very hard to discribe you how painful it is to be alone on your own without

    any one to care for you, or have some feelings and affections towards you. believe it or not, it has been almost

    two years for me since I've last touched a woman, that was since I've broken up with my ex-fiance, and since that

    time I failed to be attractive to any other woman, as I've lost trust, faith and self-confidence within me.

    To get to the bottom line, I would really appreciate your help if you can send me the names of the products that

    contains pheromones responsible mainly and directly for alerting the sexual desire in women, as I want the women to

    be the ones to come to me and start everything, at least for the time being until I retrieve my self-confidence. I

    want them the moment they smell it and sense it to feel like they want to be taken to bed immediatly. Sorry if I am

    being vulgure, but this is how desperate I am.
    Thank you very much for your help and guidness, I do

    appreciate them)))))).

    I was very much depressed by that time when I've sent Bruce this E-mail

    and I know now that I was mistaken , as pheromones are not magical portions for having sex.

    One month

    later, I received a bottle of PI, TE and Phermol Factor, and since that time I've been using them on daily basis

    side by side with my NPA while going to work, and here when I started realising much more about using pheromones. I

    realised that it is all about having self-confidence, it is all about myself, how I started acting differently with

    much more self-confidence wether I was dealing with ladies or not, how I felt more relaxed, less tense, more

    cheerful, even more polite, not to mention that big noticble changes occured in the way people were dealing with me

    as they were freindlier, more personal and with more respect from everyone wether they were managers or colligues.

    Whenever I was going out for shopping or going around in a mall I was always noticed and paid attention for whether

    by ladies who have come in range ( because of the mones), or from other ladies from a distance (because of my

    self-confidence which grew stronger after using the mones). I started to be a differnet person who acted postively

    and I've forgotten all about my depression, I went back to my old sports routine, started hitting the gym three

    times a week at least, and most of all, I stopped worring about when am I gonna be noticed or admirred?, I even

    stopped worrying about when am I gonna have sex? because I know now that this will happen eventually with some nice

    lady whom I feel she cares about me the way I am.
    To be honest, I am not a fan of mixing, and in the same time

    I cannot afford buying too many products for a test drive, so mainly I stick to the basics, and here is what I


    PI + Phermol Factor @ 1: 5
    NPA + TE (Sandalwood) + my Perfume @ 2 : 3 : 10

    I used to

    apply to the usual spots, I started first ten days to apply to the wrists and behind the ears, afterwards I applied

    to the chest and inside the elbows as well, but here are special new spots that I've applied on, as they are very

    effective as well;
    1) Infront of the ears and the fore head ( there are some fine vains that you can feel with

    your own finger, this is a spot where the blood flows, and it is an excellent spot for appling, specially if some of

    your female colligues or freinds kiss you on the cheeks while greeting, this spot will be the closest to their nose.

    2) Back of the neck.
    3) On the tip of the shoulder (top of your arm close to the shoulder joint) is another

    excellent spot for appling.
    So by applying to these spots plus the regular spots you will be surrounded by an

    aura of mones all around you, so no matter where the ladies pass by you or stands behind you, or next to you they

    will always be electricutted with your perfume, and always make sure that you have some sprays on your clothes side

    by side with the sprays or dab on your body.
    I do not claim to be an expert, as I have started using the mones

    only six or seven month ago,not to mention that I am from a closed culture country where sexual relationship is

    absolutly forbidden and unapproved by the society. It is only my humble experiment through out the last six month

    which I am sharing with you over here. Personally,I like all of you guys out there, as I feel that we are a sort of

    newly born community or society that is trying to grow, as all its members are supporting and helping each other,and

    here is my word to all of you; Think positive, have self-confidence, practise some sport, be useful to your selves

    and to your families, be efficient at work,be helpful, be motivated, have courage, have high self esteem, spread

    positive atmosphere around you, enjoy life and help others enjoy it with you, as for those guys who say they did not

    get results!! I advise them to be more pateint as this stuff really works. For all of you guys out there, remember

    that pheromones are only giving you the edge, but you are the blade.
    I am waiting to get my salary in two

    weeks from now, and I will be ordering for Perception and Chikara. So until that time I experiment their effect on

    myself first and on others around me, I wish you all the best, and I will be back to give my feedback on the


  2. #2
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Jan 2003
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    Hey Dino, great post! I'm gonna give

    you a reputation. The points you get from it will help you accumulate the 5000 points necessary for a coupon that

    gives you 50 percent off.

  3. #3
    Phero Pro SweetBrenda's Avatar
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    May 2004
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    Hello there

    Dino and welcome to the forum. Sounds like you are a nice man and by reading your posting I can tell you are

    sincere. Is true any of this products aren't magic poison but it helps you to feel more secure by having a good

    attitude and confidance in yourself. So it looks like you are in the right track


    I'm glad after 4yrs you can come in and share with us

    about you and how the phermones are working for you too. Sooner or later you will find that special lady you want.

    Don't feel alone in this matter because you are not the only one searching for that special someone.. Good things

    happen to those who know how to wait.

    Best wishes to


    A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you can not do."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
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    Wow, best of luck to you. Talk

    about dedication.

  5. #5
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Eugene, Oregon
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    Hello Dino,

    Welcome to the

    forum and thanks for the great post. I remember your email now and I really did answer it. As everyone can guess,

    your writing is very touching. Your sincerity is amazing. We could all use more of that. Character comes from

    the harsh experiences of life I guess.

    I just donated you another 1000 points as has someone else obviously.

    Very soon you will have enough to buy a 50% discount coupon if/when you need it.

    Regards and best

    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
    Fair Trade crafts from Peru

  6. #6
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Jan 2003
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    just six more points away from

    5000!!! The dino telethon worked!

  7. #7
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Jun 2002
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    Thanks for the good advice,

    Dino. I'm happy to hear things are going so much better. You're on the right track for sure.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  8. #8
    Phero Dude
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
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    hey where do we redeem

    our points for the discount coupon?

  9. #9
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Eugene, Oregon
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    Click on the "store" link near the

    top of this page (between calendar and arcade) and you will get a list of options to spend you points on.

    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
    Fair Trade crafts from Peru

  10. #10
    Phero Dude
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Rep Power


    thanks bruce it is always

    right in front of you when u can't find something

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    I am An Egyptian Working in United Arab Emirates
    Rep Power


    Hi Everybody,

    I really want to

    thank you all for the warm welcome, I feel like I've got a very big family out there, Actually I don't know what

    to say as I am very touched. Thank you Bruce for your donation, and thanks for everyone who donated to me. See you

    all soon after a couple of month to give you my feedback about "Chikara" and "Perception". Best wishes and best of



  12. #12
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2002
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    Good luck

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  13. #13
    Phero Dude
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
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    As one of the donators, all I

    ask is that you come back to us with full reports about your experiences (as detailed as your first) and that you

    give 'em an honest shot before going off and saying they don't work, if your first few times out are less than

    "Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetetive electronic music." --Kristian Wilson, Nintendo Inc., 1989

  14. #14
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Jan 2003
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    Just to let everyone know, if you

    give a reputation it gives points, without you losing any of your own. My rep gives 840 or so. Someone else really

    high up here gives a couple of thousand or something. So if you want to give points, rep is a good way to go.

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