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  1. #1
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    Default -Mone use/results in SE Asia

    Hi folks,

    this is my first post. I'm new to -mones, and have been reading the posts here for the last 3 weeks. I'm neither a

    skeptic or a believer, just curious like so many people here. I am fascinated by the subject and decided to give

    -mones a try as an experiment. This is a long first post so I hope you'll bear with me.

    This is a great forum!

    I am happy to be on board!

    First, to set out the parameters of why I am using -mones. I'm married and so am not

    using -mones for extra-marital purposes. I'm more interested in it's use as a social enhancer, especially in the

    professional context. The majority of people I work with/service are women. I attribute this to a unintended bias in

    the industry I work in (i.e. it just so happens that most of the people in my industry are women). I am also

    interested in enchancing the level of respect and friendliness from my male clients/colleagues.

    About myself.

    I'm 35, am 1.8 m tall, friendly and cheerful most of the time, and sociable. Medium built, but not

    athletic/muscular. I don't think I'm the alpha type, but I am both equally a leader and follower at the same time.

    How would I rate myself? This is a tricky question as I'd hate to gloat, but I am generally very well-liked by

    women friends, colleagues and clients. I get glances pretty often without -mone use, so I don't know whether -mones

    will make a difference for my purposes.

    I live in South East Asia where the weather is always warm and humid

    (typically 30 to 33 degrees C, 80 to 90% humidity, everyday). I belive this has an impact on the dosage of -mones,

    and this is one of the things I would like to investigate. I know this is unchartered territory so I would

    appreciate the thoughts and feedback from other users here. I will report my observations to the forum for analysis

    by all.

    Another aspect I'm curious to investigate is the effect of -mones on Asians. Where I live, we have

    Chinese, Malays, Indians (South Asian Indians) and mixed races, as well as a reasonably large expatriate community

    of European and American origin. I'm Chinese. If time and opportunity permits, I'll report my observations on

    reactions by different racial groups.

    I have read on this forum that Asians are not getting the type of

    reactions or "hits" as those reported by users in the West. Theories/opinions are varied on this, ranging from large

    proportions of Asians not being capable of "smelling" -mones, to conservative cultural tendencies (i.e. that Asians

    are generally more conservative and less outgoing, hence -mones will have a lesser effect). I'd like to

    investigate this.

    From what I understand, there is apparently quite a large number of -mone users from my part

    of the world, but most don't report their experiences here. I have spotted recent posts by users Navigator and

    Pheromaniac, whom I believe live in my part of the world, so hopefully our contributions will aid Asian users. (BTW,

    I don't know Navigator and Pheromaniac)

    OK, products I have/have ordered: APC (4 sample vials), and Perception

    (gold version). Have ordered Chikara (official release version), Pheros (official release version), NPA, and Chem

    Set (back ordered). Have used APC and Perception in the last 2 weeks so will start with these. Will add my

    observations on the other products as I go along.

    Since I am a newbie, I would appreciate the guidance of

    experienced users, and would welcome help and suggestions on -mone use/mixes. Please feel free to suggest

    experiments you'd like me to try out and I'll do my best. Hopefully, I can contribute to the wealth of knowledge

    on this forum!

    OK, I'll sign-off now for today and will start on my observations so far in my next post.


  2. #2
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Welcome Nitro. I look forward to

    your observations and experiences.

    I live in Honolulu and thus experience similar conditions as SE Asia:

    culturally international but with a high Asian population (50%), hot 'n humid tropical weather, gridlock traffic

    and high population density. Honolulu is a melting pot with lots of beautiful women of mixed blood and of every

    color and creed. I'm Asian but have found Asian women less responsive to 'mones than black or white women (it just

    may be me). However, without 'mones Asian women like me just fine. The mones I've tried seem to frighten Asians,

    especially younger women. Oddly, I've noticed a tendency for black women more than other races to hit on me when

    I'm primed with NPA and SOE. Next strong tendency is older women of any race, say 35-45 years old.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  3. #3
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    Hi Nitro, good to have

    another fellow South East Asian on board. You are right that Navigator and myself come from the same side of the

    globe that you are at. Some of the theories that you have brought up are also akin to what we have thought about.

    This would pertain to the rather conversative cultural characteristics of the country that we are in, vis-a-vis the

    majority of forumers here, who are from the West. That's why we reckon that we do not illicit any significant

    response from most women here, unlike in the US or Europe. Well, at least not in everyday situations. So wanting to

    know whether mones work or not is tough cos when we hit the clubbing scene, the motives of the people there are

    different. Mones could very well give us an edge but due to the environment that it is used in, it cannot be

    conclusive. Whereas obtaining a response in supermarkets, post offices, restaurants and similar establishments would

    speak greater volumes to the effectiveness of mones. Another would be that concerning humidity. Due to the higher

    tendency of sweating, I reckon that more mones are required.

    Gegogi, I agree with you wrt the women in

    Hawaii. Loads of exotic women! Hmmm, it is strange that you find asian women running away from you when

    you laced with mones. There has to be some scientific explanation to it. Strong BO perhaps? The lack of

    response, as explained above, could be cultural reasons. Interesting thread.

    So Nitro, do come us updated on

    how you go with the mones. Unlike you, we only have Chikara and Perception in our hands.

  4. #4
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    Thanks for the welcome Gegogi!

    As promised, here are some of my observations after two week's use of -mones.

    In the first week, I tried out

    APC. I didn't know at first that it has such a low concentration of -mones until after 2 days' use. But I used it

    throughout as I would a cologne. Used several dabs (5 or 6) to the front and sides of the neck. The fragrance is

    quite mild and never overpowering, so that suits me fine. I tend not to like colognes that hit you hard, and prefer

    a more subtle approach.

    However, the fragrance is quite simple (as in not a complex one) and it is sweet/fruity.

    I think the fragrance alone tends to elevate the wearer's mood, and since it is not over-bearing, does not cause


    After a week's use, I can't say that I've had any obviously noticeable reactions, although I did

    notice some of my male colleagues being a little chummier. I would notice them visiting my room more frequently than

    normal (perhaps 3 or 4 times more than previously). Whether it is a coincidence or not, I can't say, but 2 days

    after I started wearing APC, I noticed that 2 of my male colleagues (Chinese origin) who normally don't wear any

    cologne, start wearing colognes. (I, too, don't normally wear cologne). Any comments on this?

    As for the

    ladies, nothing out of the ordinary, except that at a boardroom meeting, one of the female directors (Chinese

    origin) sitting next to me sat *very* close to me. Our swivel chairs were basically touching throughout the meeting.

    She had lots of space on the other side. I did not observe any other special behaviour from her. None of the other

    directors (13 others) were so closely spaced. Is this unusual? Yes, I think so, considering her husband (also a

    director in the company) was also present in the meeting! I'm pretty new to the company, so I don't know her well.

    She's mid-40s and has 2 children.

    In the second week, I started using Perception. First day, I used 2 sprays to

    the neck and felt an immediate rush. Felt like the blood was pumping harder in my head. Slight woozy feeling. This

    stuff is strong! Since there's no alcohol in Perception, it is definitely the -mones at work and not a "glue

    sniffer's high". The musty smell of the -mones is very obvious to me. So I had to use one spray of the fragrance.

    Wow, also very powerful initially, but not overbearing. The fragrance is somewhat similar to APC in the sense that

    it is sweet and fruity, but it is obviously more complex. I would liken the fragrance in APC to the musical notes

    from a piccolo, and that from Perception as a recorder. Maybe a little like a harmonica. I prefer it to the APC.

    I was expecting the strength of fragrance to fade within an hour, but no! It was still pretty strong after 6

    hours! I could still detect the -mones signature underneath the fragrance after 6 hours as well, but not as obvious

    as in the first hour.

    Ok, so any reactions from the use of Perception? I can't say that I had any "hits" in the

    sense that many users from the West report in this forum, but I can say that there are reactions from women.

    There's a secretary who's about 22 years of age (Chinese origin). Not a looker but pleasant personality, reserved

    but not overly shy. Typical of most Eastern women. The second day of use, I stopped her to ask her some questions

    about a project. She starts talking and suddenly, after two minutes, she starts blushing, and fidgets a bit, but no

    DIHL type reaction. Eye contact is about the same, except when she blushes, she avoids eye contact, probably because

    of shyness. After the first blush, face colour goes back to normal after 10 seconds. Then about a minute later,

    blush again! I didn't say anything out of the ordinary and we were still discussing work. Two days later, I get

    the same reaction of blushing when I pay her boss a visit to discuss some work. She then leaves his room after 2

    minutes. As far as I can recall, she has had a slight coy look before when I've spoken to her previously, but not

    the blushes.

    Depending on how you want to look at it, such a reaction may or may not be a good thing. I think it

    depends on what you're trying to achieve. Given that Asian women are more conservative and sometimes shy, this sort

    of reaction may work against you, in the sense that they feel uncomfortable and may feel the need to extricate

    themselves from an embarassing situation. Now, unlike in Japan where women tend to be even more coy and shy, we

    have a pretty varied mix of values. Overall more conservative than in the West, but not the same as in Japan. I'd

    say we're exposed to Western culture (thanks to Hollywood!), but we're still Asian at heart.

    The female

    director I first mentioned has been noticeably more friendly in general, but no sexual overlays. That's the way I

    want it, so that's fine.

    Apart from these two female colleagues, I don't notice any other reactions from the

    other female staff in the office. Most of our staff are women, ratio of 3:1 women:men. I don't interact with them

    much unless I need to, so I can't say that this is a useful observation for now. No reactions when I walk past

    them, and I don't expect any unless I'm one-on-one.

    Surprisingly, my male colleagues are even more chummy than

    in the first week! More pats on the back (yes, i.e. more physical contact!!!) and more visits to my room for short

    chats. No aggression whatsoever! These guys are friends to me, but they've not been THIS friendly!

    BTW, the

    office is air-conditioned, temperature is typically 23 degrees C, humidity is approx. 60 to 65%. Since I'm in the

    office most of the day, except during lunch or out for meetings, I'd say Perception lasts pretty much 10 to 12

    hours as claimed.

    When I spend a substative amount of time outdoors, say 2 or more hours, I notice that the

    fragrance and the underlying trace of -mones disappears more rapidly. It is very humid and hot outdoors, typically

    30 to 33 degrees C, and 85 to 90% or more humidity. So one can't avoid sweating a little, or being a little damp

    under the collar. Now here's where I think the lasting effect of -mones will drop off. For several reasons:

    First, they might get washed off by perspiration more easily.

    Second, they would in any case dissipate off the

    skin more rapidly, because the air's much hotter. The skin's also warmer and trying to lose heat more.


    being more humid, there's more moisture in the air. Now I'm no expert on this, and I don't know how to interpret

    the effect of humidity on airborne molecules of -mones, but my guess is that there is one. If the air is more

    saturated with water molecules, there's less capacity in the air to accomodate the -mone molecules, correct? Or,

    alternatively, does the water molecules in the air bind more with the airborne -mone molecules since there's more

    water molecules in humid air? If so, they must be heavier and can't travel (or float) through the air as easily,

    thereby reducing the effective radius? I don't know, but it does seem to me that I don't detect the fragrance or

    the whiff of -mones so easily as when I'm indoors in an air-conditioned environment. Even applications to my wrists

    seem more faint after only 3 or 4 hours.

    OTOH, being in a more humid environment may have advantages. Off the

    top of my head, I am sure that just like any other scent molecule, the -mone molecule needs to dissolve in the

    moisture of the nasal lining before reacting and trigerring the nervous signals in the VNO. In a humid environment,

    I'm sure the nose is more moist than if it were in a dry and arid environment. If so, wouldn't this help in the

    process of the nose detecting the -mone molecules?

    If so, the weather affects -mone use. If -mones dissipate

    more quickly but with a smaller effective radius, outdoor users in hot and humid climates may need to "top-up" with

    fresh applications more frequently. But, there's also a greater danger of OD'ing especially if the intention is to

    get one-on-one in proximity. Wetter noses may make adsorption rates higher.

    I will investigate this further in

    coming weeks.

    Signing off now.


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Nitro, Very good

    feedback although you seem to get warmer reception from the boys rather than the ladies! I suppose it's

    good to have chummy office mates and all, but at the end of the day, that's not exactly what we are after,


    I consider your encounter with the 22yo to be a hit, although it's milder in nature compared to some

    of the HRs posted here. From your posting, it seemed that she did act rather strangely, with the continuous on-off

    blush and ocassional fidgeting.

    Wrt the rather strange, perplexed look that the ladies have, I don't seem to

    have got any. Perhaps, they were just pleasantly hit (pun not intended) by the new fragrance which you were wearing,

    I don't know.

    Nevertheless good feedback and some really plausible theories.

  6. #6
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    Good honest posting.


  7. #7
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    I've been thinking

    about humidity, too. On theory, I figured it would hurt pheromones, but it seems like I always get reactions in the

    subway, waiting for trains. It is often humid down there.

    I also don't feel the hits are as prevalent in

    air conditioned environments. Wierd, right? Maybe it is easier for people to localize the source of the pheromones

    if there is less circulation. The water molecules could shorten the distance from us that they travel from us.

  8. #8
    Stranger INDO's Avatar
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    Default PI/w + A1, works for ASIAN

    Hi I'm

    SE Asian too but live in Europe. My arsenal for asian is PI/w mixed with A-1 (3:1). I've tested this mix when I was

    on holiday in Indonesia. Try it, it works great and I still use this mix. Welcome aboard and good luck.
    Last edited by INDO; 09-19-2004 at 10:58 AM. Reason: miss spelling

  9. #9
    Phero Enthusiast einstein's Avatar
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    In my experience, scents stay

    closer to the wearer in cooler environments. I work in fast food, and I can smell my colognes (or mones) more

    strongly if I'm in the walk-in cooler than when I am in the kitchen. I'm not sure how humidity affects it, its

    humid everywhere.

  10. #10
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    Thanks for the warm welcome

    everyone! Glad to be on board.

    It's interesting that INDO suggests using PI/w and A-1. I have ordered neither,

    although I have the Chem Set on back order. I have a suspicion that -nol may play a more significant role in the

    Asian environment, that's why I ordered the Chem Set, to play around with the -nol component and see if I can evoke

    more reactions. I also hope the more natural scent and -mone signature of Pheros with it's greater complexity and

    natural -mones would evoke a better response than the simpler, synthesised -mone products. I also tend to like

    complex, fuller and more all-rounded (or balanced) scents.

    I don't see A-1 being sold on L-S. Is there a reason

    why? I don't seem to read much about it. How does it differ from the 3 most often used -mones?

    Bobby of BDC, I

    hear you're in the finishing stages of preparing the Platinum version for launch. To give my feedback, I think you

    have a great product! I like the fact that your product is water-based and that it is less prone to build-up and

    lasts longer. It seems to bear-out all these charateristics and lasts at least 8 to 10 hours no probs. Perhaps less

    if outdoors in this hot and humid weather here. I'd say 5 hours if used outdoors, although the trace of the scent

    and underlying -mones is still there after 12 hours. It also washes off very easily, achieving your stated


    I think the leaking problem during shipment is quite prevalent among users, but I'm sure that'll be

    solved with the Platinum release. Dosage: perhaps the spray volume could be reduced by half to two-thirds per

    squirt. This way, the -mones could be sprayed in more spots with less likelihood of OD'ing.

    My standard dosage

    now is a squirt and a half or two (total) of Perception to the sides of the neck, with one squirt of the cover

    fragrance. I carry with me a small glass vial, recycled from the APC sample vials, of Perception and the fragrance

    mixed together, to dab on as top-up when the -mones wear off after some time outdoors. Consists of 5:1

    -mones:fragrance, just enough to adequately cover the musty scent of the -mones with a very light and subtle

    fragrance overlay.

    More reports of reactions from the ladies.

    Today, I noticed one of my female colleagues

    had a make-over: changed her look over the weekend. From "plain Jane" with plactic rimmed glasses look to more hip

    look - new hairdo with colour, different dress style and she loses her glasses. I noticed it while walking by her

    desk. I comment to her that I noticed her new look and said she looked good. This was over-heared by her neighbours

    and they start teasing her that "he noticed!" She quips back to them, "yeah, just like we noticed you!". Gee... I

    wasn't expecting that! Caused by the -mones from the last two weeks? I don't know.

    Last week, had lunch with

    some friends, including one who's expecting her first child (8th month I think). She's a very nice lady, Chinese

    origin, 30 years old, very good looking and sophisticated. After lunch, it was drizzling very lightly and I decided

    to escort her back to her office building - it's a wet day and she didn't have an umbrella. We were about to cross

    this road as I held the umbrella up for her. While on the curb waiting for the traffic to clear, she holds on to my

    shoulder. I thought she slipped or something and was going to react in case she did, but no. To be honest I wasn't

    expecting it - seemed like a long while before the traffic cleared and she didn't need support. We had walked 300

    metres already and she's steady and nimble while walking despite her bigger size now. We cross the road and she's

    holding on all through till we reach the other side. A minute total. She then says she's organising lunch next week

    with other mutual friends and asks me to join them. I think this is more of a sign of trust than anything else; she

    is after all a mother to be! But that's a good thing, since if you recall, I'm looking more for the edge in

    everyday situations, especially in the professional context.

    Pheromaniac: Yes, the reactions from my male

    colleagues seems more overt than the ladies, but I would say that this is probably because the guys don't have the

    same inhibitions. They're not touchy feely or anything (goodness, no!), just seem a lot friendlier and pal-ly. Must

    be the -nol and -rone at work? BTW, as I indicated in my first post, I'm looking out for reactions from both men

    and women, more as a social enhancer than as a sexual arouser. I don't think we're going to get such blatant

    reactions from the women in this part of the world.

    My take on -mone use, backed-up by my 3 weeks of use now, is

    that -mones do work, they do have a subtle influence on others, but it is subtle (on the sub-conscious level

    perhaps) and depends very much on the existing mental framework and mood of the person on the receiving end. A

    person who is by nature (or normally) conservative is not likely to become suddenly liberal and primal. Humans,

    unlike animals, have a will and consciousness that control their more basal nature and urges, like hunger, thirst,

    and sexual feelings. So, even if a person feels an overwhelming attraction to another person evoked by -mones, he or

    she would still subject that to certain norms of behaviour, or controls it if the situation is not conducive for a

    follow-on response. What is the norm would differ from culture to culture, and the more conservative the culture,

    the less overt the reaction will be. But that doesn't mean the -mones don't work. You just have to be more

    perceptive (no pun intended) and observant to read the subtle shifts in behaviour.

    Einstein: yes, I would agree

    with your observation that the colder the environment, the more the -mones seem to stick to you and has a relatively

    smaller effective radius. But I don't think this would be so great if we are talking of an air-conditioned

    environment as opposed to a cold room in winter. If the air is colder, the rate of dissipation would I think be

    less, plus the air is denser (not with moisture but with more air molecules), so the -mone molecules don't travel

    so far. Once again, I'm no scientist, but that is what I remember from physics lessons on Brownian motion and some

    gas laws I vaguely remember from chemistry lessons.

    I guess one obvious question to ask is this: Has anyone

    ever done an experiment to determine the effective or detection radius of typical applications of -mones / scents in

    controlled environments where the environmetal values such as air temperature, humidity, etc. are recorded? At the

    moment, I can't see how anyone who is more than say, 4 or 5 metres away can detect my -mones at typical

    concentrations/applications of -mones?

    Another question is: how long does it take for -mones to work assuming

    there is detection/perception of -mones? My observation is that it would take maybe a minute to two minutes, perhaps

    a little less, but not likely less than 30 seconds.

    Ok, enough for now.


  11. #11
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    One of the better all-time quotes

    (should be in newbies click here):

    "My take on -mone use, backed-up by my 3 weeks of use now, is that -mones

    do work, they do have a subtle influence on others, but it is subtle (on the sub-conscious level perhaps) and

    depends very much on the existing mental framework and mood of the person on the receiving end. A person who is by

    nature (or normally) conservative is not likely to become suddenly liberal and primal. Humans, unlike animals, have

    a will and consciousness that control their more basal nature and urges, like hunger, thirst, and sexual feelings.

    So, even if a person feels an overwhelming attraction to another person evoked by -mones, he or she would still

    subject that to certain norms of behaviour, or controls it if the situation is not conducive for a follow-on

    response. What is the norm would differ from culture to culture, and the more conservative the culture, the less

    overt the reaction will be. But that doesn't mean the -mones don't work. You just have to be more perceptive (no

    pun intended) and observant to read the subtle shifts in behaviour."

  12. #12
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    Default Just received my Pheros, Chikara and NPA

    Today, I received my order for Pheros, Chikara and NPA. A new box of Perception was also included as

    compensation for the leaked fragrance in my last shipment. Thanks very much Bruce, I wasn't expecting this. You

    know, I don't think you'll ever come across better and more honest and fair business folks anywhere! I'll be

    testing new stuff in the coming weeks and doing some mixing as well.

    Unfortunately, the Pheros leaked a little

    (ouch!) and I wasn't expecting that to happen since most users have reported that the bottle was sturdy and didn't

    leak as often as some other products. Thankfully, the Chikara and Perception didn't leak. I won't be asking for

    anything for the leaked Pheros since Bruce has more than compensated for the leaked Perception.

    A suggestion to

    manufacturers if I may make one: I think the shipment by airmail causes the air gap in these products to really

    expand at high altitudes, and it would be a wonder if they didn't leak. The cargo holds in airplanes are not as

    pressurised as the passenger compartments, I think. Perhaps the products could be filled to the top so that there's

    no air in the sealed bottles to expand during air shipment. This should reduce leakage and whatever increased cost

    of filling up to the top should probably be offset by the reduced claims for "compensation" for leaked bottles.

    Anyways, as you can imagine, the moment I opened the padded envelope, Wham! The fragrance of the Pheros hits me.

    Phew! It's strong, powerful and extremely rich! But not irritating or noxious. I'm sure this is thanks to the

    natural ingredients. Wow, it is a very opulent scent, expensive smelling. Reminds me of incense. And if you ever

    want to know what "perfume" means, this is it! This is really sophisticated stuff, I've never had such an

    experience before. All I can say is, the fragrance alone is seductive. Forgive me for going on about this, but you

    know how after you hear a really catchy tune played over the radio, you're humming it hours later? Well, I kept

    "smelling" it hours later, even though I hadn't put any on... well maybe my hands had some on since it had leaked

    inside the envelope, but you get the picture.

    This was around 9.15 in the morning, and by 10 am, I was

    starving... my stomach was churning, the gastric juices must have secreted in response to the fragrance... Anyways,

    during lunch, I must have been on a cheery high, cos my lunch company remarks that I seem unsually cheerful and

    happy today. I had put on some NPA (2 dabs) behind my ears and had rubbed my hands around my neck, basically trying

    to rub off the leaked Pheros onto my neck. I don't think much got onto my neck at all. I wasn't wearing the

    Perception today, so that's all I had on.

    Anyway, everyone in general seemed a lot friendlier, especially the

    ladies. I can't believe this is caused by the Pheros I had on my hands (maybe my neck). I noticed more eye contact.

    This is a noticeable difference from wearing the Perception over the last 2 weeks. I'm looking forward to testing

    these new "toys" in the coming weeks.

    The Chikara scent is also very nice, not as complex as Pheros, but a lot

    more "grown-up" as a fragrance IMO than that of APC or the Perception fragrance. I still like the Perception

    fragrance a lot, as it is a different kettle of fish, and both kinds will have appeal to different people on the

    receiving end.

    As for the NPA, I was expecting it to smell similar to the Perception -mones, but no, there's no

    mustiness I could detect... if anything, I was wondering if it did contain a scent and maybe I ordered a scented

    version. But I checked L-S, and there's no scented NPA. Well, it's not "scentless" to me, unless I'm smelling the

    alcohol?. Doesn't seem very strong either, no blood rush or thumping like I would experience with the Perception

    -mones. Maybe my nose has been overwhelmed by the Pheros and I can't tell any better...


  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Keep up updated



  14. #14
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Thanks, Nitro, for the nice

    review of Pheros' scent! It is no accident that it smells opulent, given the rare, classic and precious

    ingredients. It was extremely expensive to make, compared to other products and other perfumes. That is why almost

    no one does it the ancient way any more.

    I'd expect it would be an unforgettable and striking experience for

    most others as well. This is the nature of natural smelling; and its potential to burn experiences into

    memory. I really like your description, especially the "seductive" part. I think a pheromone perfume should be

    immediately seductive
    in an overt, but tasteful way. Why skirt the issue? Very few perfumes in the

    world take that approach. I hope those who try it can understand why I chose the words I chose in marketing it

    (e.g., on the order page; and in posts). Though I am biased, I am trying to be objective in describing its

    qualities. You seem to be getting the point well.

    I finally achieved a longevity and tenacity with it, which is

    difficult with a natural perfume. For example, I split a dab between the backs of my hands tonight, and later washed

    my hands well with dishwashing detergent. But I can still smell Pheros clearly on my hands.

    But sorry

    about the leaky bottle!
    It makes me cringe to think of it leaking since there is such a limited supply. You are

    the first to report leakage for a Pheros product. How much leaked out? The bottle should be filled to maybe

    1/3cm below the bottom of the ring on the neck (I'm just guessing from memory here) to make 18ml. The only thing I

    can think of is that the lid wasn't screwed on well enough. Do you remember if it seemed tight? I can't imagining

    it leaking if closed tightly. Please tell me, folks, if anyone else notices any leakage.
    Last edited by DrSmellThis; 09-24-2004 at 10:43 PM.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  15. #15
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    What is your experience with

    perfume, Nitro?
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis
    What is your

    experience with perfume, Nitro?
    Basically, none. I've not been a fond wearer of colognes or scents in the

    past, mainly because I tried wearing some in my early 20s, and found them too overpowering and that tended to

    irritate my nose. Perhaps I've grown-up some and now appreciate them

    However, I have a nose for coffee.

    I've blended my own for espresso, and roast them myself. Coffees imported raw from gourmet coffee suppliers. The

    aroma of coffee can also be very seductive in a different kind of way. I wonder if there's a "Nez du Cafe"

    equivalent for perfumery? I might be interested in a product like that.

    I noticed that the Pheros really lasts

    on the skin, many hours later it's still there... and it looks as though once it's dried on the skin, there's a

    light translucent layer left that reminds me a little of the residue from a painkiller spray they use for sport


    My observations from Pheros use is already positive, and I'll post this soon.


  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis
    But sorry

    about the leaky bottle!
    It makes me cringe to think of it leaking since there is such a limited supply. You are

    the first to report leakage for a Pheros product. How much leaked out? The bottle should be filled to maybe

    1/3cm below the bottom of the ring on the neck (I'm just guessing from memory here) to make 18ml. The only thing I

    can think of is that the lid wasn't screwed on well enough. Do you remember if it seemed tight? I can't imagining

    it leaking if closed tightly. Please tell me, folks, if anyone else notices any leakage.
    You're right, I

    do recall that the bottle wasn't as tightly capped as it could have been, and now that you mention it, I was

    thinking to myself the day I opened it, that that could have been the cause. Thankfully, only quite a small amount

    leaked out, and the level was about 8mm from the bottom of the ring of the neck.

    How long can this product last

    if kept in a dark and cool-ish place? I'd like to get some more before it runs out! Are you going to make more of

    this or something along the same lines?

    BTW, would pre-mixing Pheros with something like NPA or Perception

    (without the fragrance) do any harm? What would you recommend?


  18. #18
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    * Looking forward to those


    * You might have lost around 3mm worth of product or so. I apologise for not screwing the cap on tight


    * I don't know how long the product would last if kept in a cool, dark place; and not contaminated by

    dirty fingers: Possibly a year, possibly centuries. There is a gap in my knowledge there.

    * I think

    mixing with NPA at 4:1 would be great to do in smaller quantities. People have reported that this mix works

    suprisingly well. Get a little, clean bottle and do it. You could do it with Perception too, but I don't think

    anyone has tried it. Though I'm not positive, it shouldn't hurt the special activity of Perception, due to

    the special construction of Pheros -- which brings me to your other point:

    * This is the first time

    anyone's remarked about "the film", and Pheros is so complex I haven't gotten around to talking about it.

    The film on your skin from Pheros is mostly a natural, heat-sensitive resin and fixative that is actually

    very healthy for your skin, in addition to being an aphrodisiac. There is also a little collagen in there, (no other

    perfumer uses this) which is what gives human skin its structure, and is the most plentiful substance in human skin.

    Together this combination makes a natural emulsifier that reduces transdermal penetration and helps the scent and

    pheromones release gradually; similar to what the special ingredient in Perception does, but in a more "primitive",

    nature-based manner. So strangely, there is virtual skin in Pheros! This was one of the secrets to its

    longevity, though there are quite a few natural fixatives in there. At this moment, in fact, I can still smell the

    aforementioned scent on the back of my hand, 11 hours after washing my hands with detergent!
    Last edited by DrSmellThis; 09-25-2004 at 03:26 AM.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  19. #19
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    DST, is the collogen responsible for

    the baby's head smell?

  20. #20
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Almond, all too human!


    question. Although pure collagen has a weak musky smell, that smell would be negligible in the quantity that I used

    it, as it is not primarily a fragrant compound.

    One of the things responsible for the

    baby's head smell in Pheros is almond. If you were going to create new life in a test tube, cyanide

    (this deadly poison is a primary ingredient in almond essential oil, but is removed before using it

    commercially, leaving the odor intact) would be one of the things you'd use, along with formaldehyde, ammonia,

    methane, and hydrogen. These were the elements around on earth when life was created, and that are used in

    artificial life experiments today (Scientists predict that within the next ten years we will create organisms from

    non-living matter in test tubes.) Since like things are so often found together in nature in multiple parallel

    places on that particular level, my (admittedly fanciful and intuitive) theory on that is that maybe the baby's

    head smell is a remnant of the life formation process, and is related to the smell of new life. If

    this were so, motherly love and nurturance (smelling the top of a baby's head puts it a breast level) would be

    partly a pheromonally triggered impulse to preserve newly formed life. I think almond is a very human smell

    in general, and is suggestive of the cycles of birth and death. So one reason I put almond in Pheros was to

    communicate humanness and its attached comfort. Almond is also a fairly strong narcotic. That and

    it's cyanide content are the two reasons that unrefined almond EO is a controlled substance.

    And so I'm

    not completely hijacking the thread, I'll mention that almond is often used in Southeast Asian cuisine!
    Last edited by DrSmellThis; 10-08-2004 at 12:31 PM.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis
    And so I'm not

    completely hijacking the thread, I'll mention that almond is often used in Southeast Asian cuisine!

    Yes! That's true, it is used in Asian food a fair bit. There's even a beverage made from it (or better put,

    flavoured with it) that's also used for mixing in some cocktail drinks. Almond jelly (jello) with Lychee and Longan

    fruit is also a very popular dessert.

    Now that bjf mentions it, Pheros is indeed reminiscent of the smell from a

    baby's head, albeit a much more powerful and fragrant version.

    And, I have heard it said that human semen also

    smells like almond.


  22. #22
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Quote Originally Posted by nitro
    And, I have

    heard it said that human semen also smells like almond.
    Smells like some sort of cleaner fluid to

    Blessed are the cross-eyed, for they shall see God twice.
    Products I own: AE/m, APC/m, NPA/m, TE/m, SPMO, SOE/m, WAGG, Perception, EW, Chikara

  23. #23
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    Default Mixing Pheros and Chikara

    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis
    * Looking forward to those reports!

    * You might have lost around 3mm worth of product or so.

    I apologise for not screwing the cap on tight enough.

    * I don't know how long the product would last if kept in

    a cool, dark place; and not contaminated by dirty fingers: Possibly a year, possibly centuries. There is a gap in my

    knowledge there.

    * I think mixing with NPA at 4:1 would be great to do in smaller quantities. People

    have reported that this mix works suprisingly well. Get a little, clean bottle and do it. You could do it with

    Perception too, but I don't think anyone has tried it. Though I'm not positive, it shouldn't hurt the

    special activity of Perception, due to the special construction of Pheros -- which brings me to your other


    * This is the first time anyone's remarked about "the film", and Pheros is so complex I haven't

    gotten around to talking about it. The film on your skin from Pheros is mostly a natural, heat-sensitive

    resin and fixative that is actually very healthy for your skin, in addition to being an aphrodisiac. There is also a

    little collagen in there, (no other perfumer uses this) which is what gives human skin its structure, and is the

    most plentiful substance in human skin. Together this combination makes a natural emulsifier that reduces

    transdermal penetration and helps the scent and pheromones release gradually; similar to what the special ingredient

    in Perception does, but in a more "primitive", nature-based manner. So strangely, there is virtual skin in

    Pheros! This was one of the secrets to its longevity, though there are quite a few natural fixatives in

    there. At this moment, in fact, I can still smell the aforementioned scent on the back of my hand, 11 hours after

    washing my hands with detergent!
    OK, I've tried Pheros, Chikara and NPA for a week now mainly to get

    accustomed to the scents and to note the actual physical characteristics such as how they smell, how long they last

    on the skin, does it wash off easily, and what's left on the skin upon drying up.

    My observations about the

    appearance of the filmy residue left by Pheros has already been described in a previous post and commented upon by

    DrSmellThis above. Pheros seems to really last a long time on the skin, and I would say longer than the fragrance

    from Perception. It really seems to "stick" to the skin and does not wash off so easily even when using soap.

    There's still a fairly noticeable trace after washing with soap and water. Is this good or bad? I guess if you're

    thinking about -mone build up, maybe not so good, but I doubt it since I don't think there's much synthetics in

    Pheros (am I right on this DST?). Since I love the scent of Pheros a lot, I'm actually glad it is so resilient.

    This characteristic is really appreciated especially when you consider that users in humid climates (like here in SE

    Asia) will need to re-apply their -mones or fragrance if they've been perspiring a little.

    Speaking of

    perspiring, I find that the scent of Pheros actually mellows and deepens somewhat when it reacts with the added body

    heat and sweat of a hot and humid day, and smells even better, more natural and all-rounded. When used with Chikara

    (2 dabs of Pheros smeared on the upper chest, allowed to dry, then 2 sprays of Chikara on top of the same spot), the

    combined fragrance is awesome! Somehow, the two fragrances blend exceptionally well! Chikara has a deep, warm,

    almost spicy-floral fragrance, and this complements the brighter, creamy and rich fragrance of Pheros. After about 3

    hours, the combination is in my opinion, the ultimate fragrance. I belive you really need some body warmth and the

    natural stuff in sweat to bring out the true character of each.

    I've also done some actual mixing of Pheros

    with NPA products in small quantities in a small vial to test out what happens (3 parts Pheros : 1 part NPA). While

    there doesn't seem to be any real harm in this in the sense that the product still smells great and is more

    convenient to apply, I don't think this is a very good idea, and would only recommend this for very small

    quantities you need to carry around for top-up use where you can't carry a spray or multiple products with you

    (i.e. while on the go).

    The mixture of NPA and Pheros seems to cause the Pheros mixture to convert from a

    suspension to a colliodal-solution, i.e. you don't see the oily mixture in Pheros any more and it becomes a

    slightly milky solution that stays that way indefinitely. The effect of this change in property appears to affect

    the longevity and long-lasting "stickiness" of Pheros on the skin. It no longer has that "filmy" residue, and seems

    to wash off more easily. I would use this mixture for application on the wrists and maybe on the sides of the neck

    as a quick and easy "boost".

    I haven't mixed Pheros with Perception yet, and will report my observations after

    I try this out.


    Strangely, NPA doesn't seem to have any observable effects for me. I've tried

    using 2 dabs behind the ears or on the sides of the neck. Nothing really. I had an accident while transferring some

    NPA liquid into the vial of Pheros, and spilled some. I decided to try an experiment, and dabbed it up and spread it

    on my neck and wrists. This was definitely a severe OD amount (equivalent to at least 20 dabs of NPA). I didn't

    have any reaction (good or bad) to the NPA like I have with Perception (even one spray gives me a rush). I went out

    the next couple of hours and came into contact with many people, including in a crowded shopping mall. No observable

    reaction from women or men. Why this discrepancy? I've read so much about the potency and efficacy of NPA, and I

    don't seem to detect anything, not even with the severe OD.

    I'm beginning to wonder if I have NPA/w

    instead.... I removed the label immediately after I opened the package in the mail, and threw it away the first day,

    so I honestly don't remember now what the label said. But there should have been some kind of reaction from even

    NPA/w right? I commented in a previous post that I don't seem to detect the musty smell of -none in the NPA, and it

    seems to in fact appear very lightly scented to my nose. Strangely, on my wrists at least, the musty smell of -none

    similar to the smell of Perception, begins to appear after about 5 hours on the spot where I applied it on my

    wrists.... strange!

    I'll need to experiment a little more with NPA.

    Results of Pheros:NPA mixed solution

    (3:1 mix) - I used this mix solely on two days. People definitely seem friendlier in general. The eye contact from

    young and single women is definitely up. No overtly sexual reactions, and like I said previously, I don't think

    we'll really get this sort of reaction from Asian women in general.

    I've been a little more busy to properly

    mingle and observe the subtle shifts in behaviour in the last week, so I'll need to keep at it. I have a couple of

    important business meetings this week with clients and I'll be using Pheros+Chikara and it'll be interesting to

    see the results.


  24. #24
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nitro
    Pheros seems to

    really last a long time on the skin, and I would say longer than the fragrance from Perception. It really seems to

    "stick" to the skin and does not wash off so easily even when using soap. There's still a fairly noticeable trace

    after washing with soap and water. Is this good or bad? I guess if you're thinking about -mone build up, maybe not

    so good, but I doubt it since I don't think there's much synthetics in Pheros (am I right on this DST?). Since I

    love the scent of Pheros a lot, I'm actually glad it is so resilient. This characteristic is really appreciated

    especially when you consider that users in humid climates (like here in SE Asia) will need to re-apply their -mones

    or fragrance if they've been perspiring a little.

    Speaking of perspiring, I find that the scent of Pheros

    actually mellows and deepens somewhat when it reacts with the added body heat and sweat of a hot and humid day, and

    smells even better, more natural and all-rounded. When used with Chikara (2 dabs of Pheros smeared on the upper

    chest, allowed to dry, then 2 sprays of Chikara on top of the same spot), the combined fragrance is awesome!

    Somehow, the two fragrances blend exceptionally well! Chikara has a deep, warm, almost spicy-floral fragrance, and

    this complements the brighter, creamy and rich fragrance of Pheros. After about 3 hours, the combination is in my

    opinion, the ultimate fragrance. I belive you really need some body warmth and the natural stuff in sweat to bring

    out the true character of each.
    * It will be interesting to see Pheros + Chikara.

    * Nice observation on

    the NPA + Pheros. I wondered how mixing in a bottle might affect the longevity, and so I guess it'd be

    better to dab Edge (preferably sandal or Arouser) or NPA on first, applying Pheros over the top.

    * I

    don't think the resiliancy can be bad with Pheros, because as you say, you won't really OD on Pheros

    alone (If you're near an OD with other things, however, Pheros could push you over the edge. Then again,

    the "comfort factor" could take the edge off a mild OD, depending on the circumstance.) The fragrance level protects

    you from that. You also don't have to worry about build up too much, unless you are doing something extreme over a

    long period and not showering. The pheromone profile is pretty balanced, with not too much of any one chemical.

    Conversions could be an issue if you use a lot of it and leave it on the next day, however, but some of those

    conversions might be good.

    * Also -- a nice observation on body heat. Pheros is unique among fragrances

    in being designed to blend with and enhance your body chemistry. The point isn't to "hide" your natural body odors,

    but rather to enhance them in a pleasing way. The point also isn't to "protect" the scent of the perfume, as with

    commercial perfumes. It's folk perfumery, for folk sake! So feel free to put it in your pits, privates,

    hindquarters, etc., and sweat to your heart's content. The effect should be positive. Some elements of

    Pheros are even heat activated. You can even use it in place of deodorant.
    Last edited by DrSmellThis; 09-27-2004 at 12:04 PM.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  25. #25
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    DST, you said not to rub in Pheros

    and to just let it dry. That was the general rule for all perfumes, as you said.

    If Pheros has heat

    activated substances, shouldn't we be rubbing it in to create heat?

  26. #26
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    bjf, I understand you

    wondering that, but... One should never rub perfumes to create even a slight amount of friction, as that

    destroys the scent, especially if there are natural ingredients. You can very lightly rub only to spread onto the

    desired coverage area. Your own body heat is quite sufficient to activate it.

    But it's fair to say that a

    little something of Pheros stays in reserve for when you sweat and become active, due to its several natural

    fragrant resins (some of which I had to microwave or put in a double boiler to liquidify.) If you wanted to take

    advantage of these properties, try applying Pheros before and after a workout. If I'm clean and have clean

    workout clothes, I often won't shower right after a workout, or will just shower with hot water except for my hands

    and feet, which I will soap. This enables me to combine an increased amount of natural pheromones (in the form of

    fresh sweat) with whatever I apply. In my experience, the ladies consistently love it! (Just this weekend a hot

    little 21 y.o. I saw at a bar invited me over at 1 am for a little "TV", after I had earlier worked out and saunaed,

    but only rinsed after. She was with another guy at the bar, BTW, but I sensed he was in LJBF territory.) Another way

    to take advantage of this property is to apply to armpits and "other hotter areas of the body". You can't do

    that with most colognes, as it would sour the scent, but this is a different kind of product, one that gives those

    neglected areas of your body a little TLC!
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

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    If possible, kindly

    experiment with Chikara standalone and post the results.


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    Default Perception + Pheros Mix

    SLK: I'll

    try the Chikara alone next week and post the results.

    In the meantime, I've tried physically mixing the

    Perception -mones with Pheros in a small glass sample vial I am re-using. The vial was washed thoroughly and air

    dried, and previously contained the NPA and Pheros mix.

    Unlike the 3:1 Pheros:NPA mix, the Pheros:Perception 1:1

    mix (call this "P:P 1:1") doesn't create a permanent collodial suspension (which suggests IMO a change in the

    physical constituency) as happened with the Pheros:NPA mix. If shaken, the P:P 1:1 mix gets milky, but after

    standing a little, clears up and eventually you see a brownish layer settle at the bottom of the vial, just as it

    does with Pheros on its own.

    The P:P 1:1 smells muskier due to the Perception, but the Pheros scent covers it

    well. As for the physical appearance of the P:P 1:1 on the skin, there is a light filmy residue after the

    application dries up, similar to Pheros on its own, but definitely not as "plastic" as Pheros on its own. Also,

    after wearing for half an hour, the filmy residue disappears, although the scent is just about as strong as after

    the application dried up. My conclusion then is that although Pheros and Perception each has its own "matrix" which

    gives each greater longevity on the skin, mixing them up reduces each product's "matrix" and "1 + 1 = 0.5".


    actual use of -mones in the last few days, however, has been 2 dabs of Pheros smeared on the front of my chest above

    the sternum, a patch of about 3 inches by 2 inches, allowed to dry, then 2 sprays of Chikara over the same area. I

    personally love the combined fragrance as mentioned in my previous post, and this really lasts at least 8 hours. The

    combination really "opens up" after about 2-3 hours' use, depending on how much body heat there is. Outdoors in the

    hot and humid weather here probably achieves the same in maybe 1 hour or so.


    Well, I haven't met

    that many new people in the last week since I've been tied up with work in the office. Two meetings were

    re-scheduled, so I lost the opportunity to try this combination out on new people in controlled environments. My

    busier state also meant that I was less attentive to observing the "subtle shifts in behavour". But, I must say that

    the women folk in general in the office are definitely more friendly and personal in their interaction with me over

    the last 2 weeks. A positive result to me, as this has enhanced the social interaction aspects.

    I've been

    using -mones now for just over a month. My experience from this so far (although still very early and using

    different products and combos) is that using -mones has 2 effects:

    (1) On the user: definitely elevates the

    user's mood (at least the products that I have), and can have a tremendous boost in the confidence level,

    especially when meeting new people. For those shy in meeting new women, my guess is that using -mones will, at the

    very least, act as a confidence booster even if this is "all in the mind", a kind of placebo effect. At least, the

    user is inclined to trying harder at the social interaction level. Small price to pay for a positive

    "self-improvement" result.

    And, although the "placebo effect" doesn't happen so much in the context of

    interacting with other males, the interesting thing is that -mones also appear to help in this department. Men in

    general appear more friendly as well, although I would describe this more accurately as the "nice guy" effect.

    Isn't this a sign that -mones do work for humans in general? Once you've learnt of this nice guy effect, it would

    also boost your own confidence in dealing with other men, especially in the professional or business context.

    (2) On others: as I described in my previous posts, there are observable results. The culture and social norms of

    the society you're in probably plays the biggest role in the kinds and types of reactions you're going to get. In

    my experience, just don't expect it to be "wham, bam, thank you ma'am!". It may be so for some, but don't expect


    Which brings me to my main point, especially from one newbie to another: if you reduce your expectations and

    are more realistic about it, you're better placed to see the results of -mone usage.

    Will continue to post

    results or observations in here.

    Next week, I'll try Chikara alone.


  29. #29
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    Default Initial reports on Chikara solo


    requested, I've started to use Chikara on its own beginning today. Decided to experiment a little with adding it to

    my hair gel before applying to the hair.

    Today I used three sprays to the chest spread out horizontally below

    the clavicle bones, plus one spray added to my small squirt of hair gel, mixing it up with some water, and applying

    evenly all through the whole head of hair, before combing. So total of 4 sprays of Chikara.

    Initial smell of

    Chikara scent is quite strong. It is quite different from Pheros and the Perception scent. As I mentioned in my

    previous post, it is a warmer, deeper, slightly spicy, slightly sweet (a dark sweet smell) scent. Quite a manly

    scent, and I would say reminds me of a cello musical instrument. However, the strong initial scent fades quite

    quickly to a more mellow, steady and soft warm scent that remains like this for about 3 hours. Then, it fades quite

    quickly so that within 5 hours, it's quite difficult to smell it unless I breathe deeply while tilting my head

    downwards towards my chest.

    At the same time, I can detect the distinct smell of -none, which I assume appears

    because the fragrance has faded. By about 7 hours after application, I can't really detect the Chikara scent except

    for some faint undertones, and by this time, the -none scent is what I detect more, although even this has faded


    I can't really say if this means that Chikara is less resilient than Pheros or Perception it terms of

    longevity on the skin. However, the fading to a faint remnant after 7 hours compared to the relatively stronger

    detection of Pheros or Perception after 8 to 10 hours would seem to suggest so. Keep in mind though, that I live in

    a hot, humid climate, and sweat or even a slightly damp skin would reduce the life of any application of -mones or


    I still prefer the scent of the combined Pheros + Chikara I reported previously. The 2 go together very,

    very well, IMHO. They seem to complement and balance each other exceptionally well.

    In terms of any reactions

    from those around me, I haven't noticed anything different today, but I haven't met anyone new, and my test

    environment is the office and the crowded busy central business district (outdoors). I will continue to wear it on

    its own for the next few days, although I think I need to carry a small vial filled with some Chikara to re-apply

    after 5 or 6 hours.

    Will keep posting my observations.


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    Default Chikara Solo - A Hit!

    Day 3 of

    Chikara Solo (well... nearly solo...).

    Today's application: 1 spray mixed with hair gel and applied to hair, 2

    sprays to chest below clavicle, and 1 spray spread between both wrists. Applied at 8.30 am. By 12.30 pm, Chikara

    scent still detected, but a little faint. Decided to do a top up application. I had filled a re-used sample glass

    vial one-third with Chikara sprayed into the vial. This vial had just been washed out after being filled previously

    with my Pheros:Perception 1:1 mix. I could not remove the scent of Pheros no matter how much I washed the plastic

    cap, and it still had a pretty strong lingering smell of Pheros on it. The glass vial itself washed off properly. I

    knew this meant that the Pheros remnant scent would bleed into the Chikara, and it did.

    When I opened the vial

    to top-up, I sniffed the open vial. Yes, the Pheros fragrance did indeed bleed into the Chikara. In fact, I was

    surprised that it was actually quite strong! Applied two dabs directly from the vial (roughly equal to one finger

    dab) on either side of my neck, two similar dabs to the upper side of each wrist. Total = 6 small dabs. Went for

    lunch. Set in a crowded food court at a table shared by 8 diners including myself. 7 ladies and me I only knew my

    lunch partner who's a colleague.

    Throughout lunch, I could definitely detect the scent of the fresh

    application, and what amazed me was that the Pheros scent was so strong even though it was only the trace left

    behind in the vial. It was a delicious scent I thought to myself, the Chikara scent being stronger but definitely

    enhanced by the Pheros trace.

    Two young ladies sat on my right side, one opposite and one next to me. As soon as

    I sat down at the table (I joined in at the table), I knew they noticed me. I noticed that before I sat at the

    table, they were chatting lightly, casual talk, but after about 10 mins, they become much more lively and animated

    in their conversation, with laughter as well. Of course, there's no way to be sure about it being attributed to the

    -mone mix, but to me it seemed that way.

    After lunch, on the way back to the office building, I meet a 25 year

    old lady marketing executive from one of our clients, I don't know her well, had met her maybe 4 or 5 times before,

    but on quite friendly basis. She's a bright and attractive lady (I'd say 8.5), well suited to the marketing role

    if you get my meaning. We smile, greet and exchange pleasantries, and I notice that as we are speaking, she begins

    to look more closely at me, more eye contact, and then about 45 seconds into the conversation, she has a subtle but

    definitely noticeable change in facial expression, as if she seems to wonder if something's different about me, and

    she has a somewhat "spaced" (but not lost) expression on her face for a brief moment, as if curious, and then

    looking into my eyes, searching. There's a hint of slight surprise in the look. I immediately realise this could be

    a hit, and made a mental note that I could smell the mix easily. We were only a foot and a half apart, so she could

    definitely detect it too.

    This is the second obvious possible hit in 6 weeks of -mone use, the first being with

    Perception. Although this one was essentially Chikara solo, nevertheless it was an accident that the Pheros trace

    leftover in the vial was also present. My apologies for not keeping it purely Chikara, but believe me, the Pheros

    trace was purely due to the Pheros scent being impossible to wash off the plastic cap of the glass vial. The Pheros

    would only have contributed as a scent.

    I am simply amazed at the lingering power of the Pheros scent even as a

    trace "stuck" to the plastic cap. I'm beginning to think that one bottle of Pheros could possibly last years if you

    wanted it to, just for its scent. Is this the power of Ambergris?

    I'm beginning to realise that a cover scent

    is actually very important to induce a hit, in the sense that it is an observable hit. I figure that the

    sense of smell is something that works on the conscious mind, i.e. a person would consciously notice or be aware of

    it, very much like how an attractive physical appearance (i.e. visual) works on the conscious mind to induce an

    immediate response of an attraction. Put in another way, without a cover scent, a person may not react consciously

    to the -mone stimulus, which may only have a positive but subconscious influence (i.e. not giving rise to an outward

    manifestation - an observable hit).

    Anyone share the same thoughts?


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