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Thread: Hypnosis

  1. #1
    Full Member lordcrazyd's Avatar
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    Default Hypnosis

    Has aynone tried it.. Anyy

    experiences with it. What problems did you have and accomplished with it. I'm really considering it since i've

    seen it first hand but not in a therapuetic way.

    I've also heard that you can program yourself to release more

    pheromones and even grow taller. Anyone have any experiences...

  2. #2
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    Golly, grow taller?! Sorry

    to rain on your parade, lordcrazyd, but this is a little too far-fetched for me to believe in. I guess it could

    possibly happen if you practise self-hypnosis and make yourself believe that you are indeed taller by a few inches

  3. #3
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    I've had an

    interest in hypnosis ever since I was a kid. Tried learning self-hypnosis from a book or two without much success.

    In the late 1970s, I tried some tapes from one of the first companies introducing hypnosis into the mainstream. I

    think the company was called Potentials Unlimited. The tapes were low quality and looked like something someone put

    together in their own home. The hypnosist seemed sincere but they didn't effect me much.

    Flash forward to

    ten years ago. I was going through a lot of problems with personalities at work and had a general dismal outlook on

    life. I saw an infomercial on TV for Marshall Sylver's series, Passion, Profit, and Power. This was the

    first that I had any success with hypnosis. I got a promotion at work and bought a brand new Mustang.

    I have

    a good friend who is trained as a hypnotist. I had her make a custom session for me that I've recorded on CD.

    That's what I use most of the time anymore when I do self-hypnosis, though I keep thinking that I need to pull out

    Sylver's stuff and start using that again as I've hit a plateau. The CD that my friend and I made have some pretty

    grandiose goals, so I think I need to go back to the basics.

    All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. I had my friend

    make a recording with affirmations that I wrote because she has one of the nicest voices I've ever heard. I also

    recorded myself repeating the affirmations and used Sound Forge to edit it all together over a sountrack of

    relaxation music, which I bought in a store. I'm quite proud of my first sound mixing attempt.

    I've always

    felt that hypnosis is something you have to keep working at. At least I didn't change with just one listening and

    the boosts I get seem to wear off if I don't use it continually. I'm listening to a Nightingale-Conant series,

    The New Psycho-Cybernetics, right now. The theory behind this is that the brain is like a computer, you

    program it with junk and you get junk in return. Psycho-Cybernetics isn't a hypnosis series, but gives guidance on

    changing one's self-talk to change the brain's programming. I just heard the speaker say yesterday that you have

    to constantly keep at it, which reinforced my opinion on hypnosis.

    I don't do as much hypnosis now as I did

    when I got Sylver's set as I now meditate. It's hard finding time to do everything. I also use the lazy way to

    meditation and self programming by listening to brain wave synchronization CDs, specifically Mind Tek's "X-Mind"

    and "Ultra Meditation" series and sometimes certain CDs from their "Brain Supercharger" collection. I used to use a

    light/sound brain synchronization machine that they sold in the 1980s, but I've found that the CDs are easier to


    I recommend Sylver's PP&P series, though a look at his website shows that it sells for $89.95 +

    postage. That's about what I paid for it ten years ago. This set covers the three basics, love (Passion), money

    (Profit), and confidence/success (Power). He also has a book out based on this series.

    You can find

    self-hypnosis titles in most book stores in the books on tape section. You may be able to find brain synchronization

    titles there too, one to look for is the "Hemisync" series. Another place to look might be your local library. Also,

    Nightingale-Conant carries Sylver's set among other good self-improvement titles, though they are a little

    expensive, ranging in the $80 - $100 areas for most sets. Another thing to consider is "creative visualization," by

    such people as Shakti Gawain, who has a tape and book out by that name.

    I think hypnosis is a little like

    pheromone usage, you have to find what works for you. I don't think you could use it to grow taller though and I'm

    a little skeptical on increasing pheromone production. But if anything, at the least it's a good way to find

    relaxation in this tense world. Good luck!

  4. #4
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    I Playboy,
    You may wish

    to check out Marshall Sylver before you purchase more of his high priced self improvement kits. He is also know a

    Marshall Sylwesterzak he has nine felony counts in Las Vagas for fraud and other charges.


  5. #5
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elk Dreamer

    You may wish to check out Marshall Sylver before you purchase more of his high priced self improvement

    kits. He is also know a Marshall Sylwesterzak he has nine felony counts in Las Vagas for fraud and other


    Interesting. A look at his website shows that he hasn't developed any new

    products since I last looked three or four years ago. Guess there's another one fallen from grace.

    Do you

    know if any of the charges have to do with a real estate course based out of Salt Lake City that he offered several

    years ago?

  6. #6
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Never mind. A search

    of his real name brought up the info. It's some sort of “Millionaire Mentorship Program" that he's in trouble for.

    This sounds similar to the real estate program that he offered, which ended up helping me to amass an enormous

    credit card debt.

    It wasn't so much the course itself (though it was expensive), but the advice to get as

    many credit cards as you can, the idea being that you could use them to pay for renovations on your properties, then

    quickly flip the houses and pay off the debt before interest is due. I collected several cards under that advice,

    but due to my own fault, used them for their convience and amassed a debt in the tens of thousands of dollars, which

    I have just taken a loan off of my retirement fund to pay off. Again, though the advice is questionable, it was my

    poor money management that did me in. (The drawbacks of a life as an International Playboy with an income that's

    rather mundane. )

    I don't endorse the real estate program and don't know about his other courses, but I

    still stand behind my endorsement of "Passion, Profit, and Power," and feel that the price of that course is

    comprable to similar products.

  7. #7
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    He must have sold a lot of

    these packages as You can purchase Passion,Profit,and Power often on Ebay at greatly discounted rates. Why do you

    feel the course was helpful?



  8. #8
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elk

    He must have sold a lot of these packages as You can purchase Passion,Profit,and Power often on Ebay at

    greatly discounted rates. Why do you feel the course was helpful?


    I was

    going through a tough time at work, with personality clashes and no promotions. After using the course, I got a

    promotion that was long in coming, along with a substancial pay raise, I bought a new car, and started improving my

    very low self-esteem.

    Once I hit that mark though, I quit using the system and have since been stuck on the

    plateau I'm on now. I quit mainly because I branched off into meditation and just don't have enough time in a day

    to do all the mind techniques I know and would like to do.

    I keep thinking I need to get back on the program,

    but haven't yet. I should digitize the tapes so I can put them in my MP3 player. Right now, the only hypnosis I do

    on a regular basis is a custom CD a hypnotist friend made for me. And I usually only use that at bedtime.


    think with this sort of stuff, just like with a "guru," one has to find the teacher that "clicks" with you the best.

    Sylver's program happened to help me at a time when I really needed it. But YMMV, so that's why I recommend

    finding a used copy or try different products from the library to find what works the best for you.

  9. #9
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    The real estate

    course is another story. It cost a couple of thousand dollars and I now feel I was kind of pressured into it. I was

    contacted by a telemarketer who said that I had to make a snap decision. He told me to listen to one of the Passion,

    Profit, & Power tapes, can't remember which one, and he would call back in a half hour. I listened to the tape and

    when he called back, I was told this was the only opportunity to take the course. So I signed up.

    It wasn't

    much different information than the Carlton Sheets type of stuff, except for some motivational thinking thrown in. I

    did have a weekly teleconference with a real estate "mentor" from Salt Lake City but never went as far as making any

    offers on properties, which was a requirement for the guarantee.

    And now, looking back, I think the credit

    card advice is very wrong advice. Even if you didn't use the cards, I have since learned that having that much

    unsecured credit available is a red flag to mortgage lenders and can actually make it more difficult for you to buy

    a house. I did get some useful information from that course but don't feel it was worth a couple of thousand

    dollars, even with the "mentoring." And though it's nobody's fault but my own, I accumulated five or six major

    credit cards because of their advice and put myself in a bad financial situation with them.

    I still have way

    too much credit for my comfort. I mean, who needs $25,000 worth of unsecured credit on one card alone?

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