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  1. #1
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Thumbs up Edge OD versus Chikara OD for older guy around younger guys

    During my trip a few days ago, I decided to throw caution to the winds and try some

    experiments with Chikara and The Edge. I cannot remember all the details because so many things were happening

    around me (nothing to do with me, mostly -- just a very active Labor Day Weekend festivity).

    In general, I found

    that when I was mixed in with a younger crowd, I had better results when I wore The Edge with Amouage Dia than when

    I just wore Chikara. By "better results", I mean, more interest from younger women, more flirting.

    When the

    crowd is mostly young, a mature man can stand out but he needs a bit of authority. You can be Michael Douglas or

    his valet, if you get my point. Well, I am no Michael Douglas, but I try to avoid looking like (and acting like)

    anyone's valet.

    I went out of my way with one girl to be a bit of a jerk. I found that she would talk to me

    and let me touch her, but she didn't really seem interested. I think she felt a little confused. Her body

    language didn't indicate much of an opinion one way or another.

    With another girl, very young (maybe only 18),

    I just played it shy. Every time I saw her looking at me, I smiled and she smiled back. Eventually, she started

    smiling at me first. We never talked, so far as I can remember.

    When I wore Chikara, I could generally move

    through a crowd without having to fight for space but I didn't feel like I was getting any special attention. On

    the other hand, I got great service at restaurants.

    One girl, about 18 or 19, sort of followed me around for a

    day or two. She finally admitted she thought I looked familiar and started a conversation with me. When another guy

    about my age rudely butted in to take over the conversation (he wanted to talk to me about business), she waited

    patiently until I could politely blow him off with a promise of a future conversation.

    She returned to talk to

    me and we've exchanged emails since then. I don't expect anything to come of it. She did loiter in the area

    until I left, so she could teasingly accuse me of stalking her as she finally left with her friend.

    On the

    occasions I am sure I was around her, I was wearing The Edge. I was by no means the alpha male in that venue,

    although I was better dressed than all the other men and also probably smelled the best (to some women -- I have

    learned that not all women like the Amouage Dia).

    There were a couple of days where I touched up with Chikara

    after wearing The Edge for 8-10 hours. I went with 4-6 sprays of The Edge and then 4-6 sprays of Chikara.


    those days, I found that the touch up seemed to excite women who were around me. It's hard to explain. One night,

    I attended a party and a 21-year-old girl gave me a DIHL. I figured she had had a fair amount to drink, but she

    told me she had only had one drink so far. We got into a pretty good conversation but then her platonic male friend

    came over and joined us and I had to include him in the conversation.

    The girl was very open. I had also

    flirted with another girl just a few minutes before going to the party. I was standing with some friends at a cafe.

    We decided to get a late snack before going to the party. A couple of girls came by and one of them said something

    to the other, using the other girl's name. So, I greeted the other girl by name and started talking with her. She

    was very open, too, but I lost track of her when my friends interrupted us.

    So, I think that, in a large crowd

    where you don't know many people, if you're a mature guy (35+) and the crowd is mostly younger than you, starting

    out with The Edge helps you draw out the younger girls' interest -- you probably feel more like one of the boys but

    don't look or act like one. Chikara can then help them relax when things calm down.

    Throughout the weekend,

    there were many occasions where I was surrounded by young women and I could tell by their body language that they

    were excited. On one occasion, two young girls gradually moved closer to me in a large crowd and started rubbing up

    against me. One did it as she stood next to someone I think was her mother. This was a very subtle exercise, as we

    were listening to live music and the girls were sort of swaying to the tune.

    There were several occasions where

    girls would turn around and stare at me repeatedly. I deliberately overdressed for this event, although I did not

    wear a tie. Most guys, including many men my age and older, were wearing jeans, shorts, etc. I wore nice shirts

    and slacks and my best shoes.

  2. #2
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    I am still baffled how you use 4-6

    sprays of edge, but what I wanted to say is that edge + chikara = best of both worlds.

    Notice how chikara

    gave you no special attention, but when you touched up with it after wearing the edge, it (they) seemed to excite

    Last edited by bjf; 09-10-2004 at 12:30 PM. Reason: spelled "no" as "know"

  3. #3
    Full Member lordcrazyd's Avatar
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    i thought the edge was to

    potent for younger women. Was it the combo... Have you tried TE in a similar situation and did it work just as


  4. #4
    Phero Pharaoh
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    I have been using The Edge for

    several months. I always had pretty good results with it. But earlier this year I was in different social

    situations. I was taking dance classes and had that "authority" kick because I was helping new students. I also

    had plenty of friends to hang around with so I looked safe. Belgareth's

    Nice evening thread supports bjf's conclusion and is

    similar to what happened to me last weekend.

    I am wearing The Edge with Jaipur by Boucheron today and got a

    great hit from a young medical student. Very beautiful girl. She couldn't take her eyes off me and kept turning

    to face me as I moved around. We had some good eye contact.

    A couple of other, much younger girls (perhaps

    still teenagers) were also hanging around, keeping an eye on me. The funny thing is that I was treating my mother

    to lunch at a Subway. I've always felt it would be difficult for me to attract women's attention if I were with

    my mother.

    Guess I was wrong. But then, I don't live with her, so maybe that has something to do with it. I

    was just a caring, respectful, manly son in their eyes, spending a little quality time with Mom.

    Not sure I want

    to use my mother to meet women, though.

  5. #5
    Full Member lordcrazyd's Avatar
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    you outdress yourself all the

    time. Don't you feel uncomfartable like that? Sometimes when i go out to a place i get embarrased that everyone is

    wearing sporty clothes and i wear the casual stuff. Maybe it's just me. Dressing different does give you attention

    i guess.. I'm trying to wear alittle bit different clothing mixing and matching sporty one day and real causual the

    next to school. I always get those stares like wow this guy is sure different.

  6. #6
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordcrazyd

    when i go out to a place i get embarrased that everyone is wearing sporty clothes and i wear the casual

    I would infinitely rather be overdressed for an occasion than underdressed. Even though my office

    is business casual every day, unless I'm going out dancing that night, I'm always wearing a tie. Hell, even when I

    am going dancing, sometimes I'll wear a tie anyway. When salsa is on the menu, typically I'll wear a silk shirt,

    distinctive in either color or print.

    That being said, I do enjoy being well-dressed. There's some truth to

    the old ZZ Top song when they said "Every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man." I notice A LOT more initial

    looks when I'm dressed up. Shoes, as Friendly alluded to, are key. My most casual shoes are probably more formal

    than most folks' most formal. Only one pair, aside from my sneakers, have rubber soles.
    "Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetetive electronic music." --Kristian Wilson, Nintendo Inc., 1989

  7. #7
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordcrazyd
    i thought the

    edge was to potent for younger women. Was it the combo... Have you tried TE in a similar situation and did it work

    just as good?
    Where did you read that?

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  8. #8
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordcrazyd
    you outdress

    yourself all the time. Don't you feel uncomfartable like that? Sometimes when i go out to a place i get embarrased

    that everyone is wearing sporty clothes and i wear the casual stuff. Maybe it's just me. Dressing different does

    give you attention i guess.. I'm trying to wear alittle bit different clothing mixing and matching sporty one day

    and real causual the next to school. I always get those stares like wow this guy is sure different.

    Dressing one step above everyone else may or may not seem pretentious. Part of why it works is that I don't feel

    uncomfortable. Part of why it works is that I have some experience with a lot of the situations I put myself into.

    I will usually try to check out a new venue by myself before taking other people there, or before participating in

    an activity.

    Generally speaking, if you are dressed stylishly, you make a good impession rather than a bad one.

    If you act stuffy then you'll make a bad impression.

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