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Thread: DIHL

  1. #1

    Default DIHL

    Hello Everyone,

    I have been reading a lot of posts lately regarding deer in the headlights look ( DIHL ). This got me thinking. How far away are the females that are giving you the DIHL ? If you are in a nightclub seeting and the female is way across the dance floor or bar from you ( say 20 FT ). How does the female know the pheromones are being coming from you and not another guy ? Maybe the female just finds the guy visualy attravtive and it has nothing to do with the pheromones. This also raises the question, how far away can a female detect the pheromones ?

    Some food for though.
    Milk man [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

  2. #2
    Full Member
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    Default Re: DIHL

    I\'ve read somewhere in the radius of 3 feet. I\'m pretty sure they can detect it a lot farther than that but they won\'t know it\'s from you. They\'ll start popping their heads around looking where the source came from.

  3. #3

    Default Re: DIHL

    Your right on it being a little bit further 5 metres of 15 feet seems to be about a good range, ive had DIHL from this range and even further it seems when I OD it carries further [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] which is a good thing actually i get more range that way he he. Women seem to be able to latch right onto the source of pheros(androgens) and of course couplins and oxytocin and popping their heads and or snapping their necks seems to be the order of the day.

  4. #4
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: DIHL

    See now this is the type of reaction I want to see, a genuine DIHL . I get smiles, sidelong looks every now and then with what I\'ve been using but never DIHL. Which brings me to another question. Of the \" hits \" you phero pros get, would you say more often than not you either:

    a) are able to go all the way with the particular gal, if you choose too,


    b)get their attention but only now and then actually score with the gal (sorry if I offend any ladies reading this with my question, but I\'m doing this phero stuff to \"get\" with the gals and so I\'m interested in hearing what the pros experiences have been like.

    I know pheros only do part of the job and the rest is up to you, but I guess what it boils down to is, have you found a definite increase in your success in getting gals to have sex with y\'all as a result of pheros, or is it more limited to more attention/looks from them, but not a great increase in actually hooking up and having sex? Hope I haven\'t offended anyone by my post and if I have I apologise in advance.

  5. #5
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: DIHL

    I\'d say it DOES help / increase the likelihood, just because it gets you NOTICED. As you yourself said though, if you ACT like what you HAVE, all the pheros in the world won\'t help you.


  6. #6
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: DIHL

    Well, I knew my question would be offensive to some (maybe many or everyone in fact) and accepted that in advance, but wanted to ask the question anyhow as I do want to know what to expect if I find a combo that really gets me major \" hits \" and I couldn\'t think of a more delicate way to frame my question - guess I\'m often a little too blunt as I\'ve been told in the past :-). But thanks for your answer to my question regardless, and my apologies to you and anyone else I have offended.

    I\'m basically trying to gauge what to expect as generally once gals get to know me they generally like me, but I\'m often put in the category of a \" nice guy \" so I\'m hoping pheros will change this somewhat. I have gotten moderate hits with PF already, but nothing like the hits I read on this board some have gotten from things like Jambat\'s mix, but planning on spending more money to see if I can find what will get these types of hits for me.

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