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  1. #1
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    Default Pheromones around couples

    Well ive been

    experementin with pheromones lately mainly te gel some soe and chikara/perception are the few ive tried.


    ive noticed that if i am wearing pheromones around friends (couples) they tend to be a lot more physical with each

    other im thinking that its got to be the pheromones because when i observe them without pheros they are usually not

    as physical around others.

    This leads me to think how would females know who is the actual one wearing the

    pheros if in close proximity with 2 or more males?

    I myself havent had any strong hits with

    pheros as of yet but ive only been testing for a few weeks i noticed little things such as the typical arm touch and

    hair flipping mainly minor things like this. I also notice that the none products are the ones to make me feel good

    when i smell them and perception when i am wearing tends to keep me kind of quiet and uneasy so to speak not

    drasticly but a noticeably diffence in sence of ease

  2. #2
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Quote Originally Posted by bryanm
    Well ive

    been experementin with pheromones lately mainly te gel some soe and chikara/perception are the few ive tried.

    This leads me to think how would females know who is the actual one wearing the pheros if in close proximity with

    2 or more males?
    in my experience girls usually will attribute the mones to the more 'alpha'

    male of the group. either more confident, better built or better looking. this is one of those rare occasions

    where mones will actually backfire and sabotage the wearer.

  3. #3
    Phero Guru
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    Once long ago I was with

    this woman on a date and was wearing mones. We went to the movies and the young female ticket taker went into this

    sort of trance-like state when she took our tickets. She rationalized her feelings by saying to us: "You two are

    such a lovely couple, I wish I was as happy as you both". Unfortunately, I wasn't too impressed with my date's

    looks and had to listen to her for the remainder of the evening about "how we made a great pair". So, perhaps

    people affected by the mones will rationalize their attraction with whatever suits their own needs/expectations in

    any given moment.

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast ManBeast's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lifetransform
    in my

    experience girls usually will attribute the mones to the more 'alpha' male of the group. either more confident,

    better built or better looking. this is one of those rare occasions where mones will actually backfire and sabotage

    the wearer.
    I find that very interesting. A couple weekends ago (August 28th) I went to a

    friend's birthday party and It was me. The girl (I see her as my sister), another single girl, and four couples

    whom I've seen and interacted with before I had `mones. Now I was neither the most alpha behaving/acting or the

    best looking, but I had no problems with either of the single girls, and all of the "taken" girls were way more

    friendly than the last few times we've hung out. So if anything, my experience here is the complete opposite of

    this prediction. Even a couple of the guys were wayyyyy friendly and talky (not normal for them at all... hardass

    types, LoL).

    "You are a sick f*ck, but I wouldn't have you any other way. "

  5. #5
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    thats a good point, im sure

    they cant tell if its you or not when the're across the room. im assuming the mones just activate them, and just

    puts them in a differnt mood. and if they sense the mones, they are prabably just more attracted to whoever they

    were atracted to before. i would think it would be important to get "close" to someone if there are alot of people

    around so she knows who she is getting that scent off. also, its kinda like perfume, you dont have to be an inch

    away from a girl to know she is wearing a nice perfume, your body subconciously knows what scents your getting from

    certain individuals, within reason...

  6. #6
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    When i'm with a group of people

    (or in a club), i usually try to make my way to get close enough to each girl (that i'm interested in) so that they

    get an imprint of my mones signature. This way they know where the mones are coming from and won't easily run off

    with the first alpha that passes by. This has worked well for me...

  7. #7
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I think it will depend a lot on

    the envoronment and how much you are wearing. If you are wearing a lot with little ventilation you'll create a

    cloud of mones that will make it hard to determine the source. If you keep the amounts small or are in an area with

    good ventilation you have to be closer to your target but it will be much easier for others to get a good idea of

    where the subconcious feelings are coming from.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  8. #8
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    Good points guys... sounds

    like you gotta get these girls alone before the real fun starts. So that way they know who is REALLY attracting

    them. Make sure they know.... then they should be all yours if ur by their side.

  9. #9
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    Yea... you just can't rely on

    the mones to do all the work for you. You have to know how to approach and girl and be able to hold her attention.

    Mones isn't a magic bullet where chicks will just take off their clothes and beg you to do them. What they do is

    give you an edge and enhance whatever charisma you already have. The more game you have the better mones will work

    for you.

  10. #10
    Phero Pharaoh
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    A few days ago, I was attending

    a live presentation by two male actors who are younger than me. I stood at the back of the room. The girls

    standing near me shifted their body positions and started glancing at me. One standing next to me mirrored my

    stance, even after I changed position.

    Not long afterward, several women positioned themselves so they could be

    closer to me.

    I think proximity is important. The women in the area may associate their sense of excitement

    with the most "alpha" male they are aware of until you move closer and they realize that it is YOU who is making

    them feel whatever it is they feel.

  11. #11
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    I agree but for me I need to go

    until there's 4-5 feet between us and that's really hard if you are hunting in public places.

  12. #12
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bryanm
    This leads me

    to think how would females know who is the actual one wearing the pheros if in close proximity with 2 or more

    The old "fill the role your pheros describe" problem. If you are consistantly not doing it, your

    results will be considerably less than if you did.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  13. #13
    Phero Pharaoh
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    When in doubt, I move around.

    The women who change position to face me are definitely interested.

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