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  1. #11
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default A pet peeve: Our weakness for black/white thinking

    I'm skeptical about this characterization of Kerry to say the least. I'd like to look at

    the "top ten" examples of Kerry's indecisiveness -- if there are ten important ones -- in detail, considering the

    context in full; to see how many of them -- if any -- really represent "indecisive flip flopping"; versus

    merely refusing to look at things in a simplistic, black and white manner. As you said, wisdom looks at all sides of

    an issue, and goes on information it has available to it at the time.

    Must we demand all our leaders be fools?!

    Too much of this country is allowing it's thinking to be formed by prejudice, fundamentalism, and the classic

    stinkin' thinkin' of substance abuse recovery (and sudden conversion to charismatic, evangelical religiosity, like

    Bush also experienced), all of which rely on simplistic, black and white thinking to a dangerous degree.


    has been one of my pet peeves for a while as a psychologist. In fact, one of the most destructive forces in all the

    world right now is this meta-idea -- an idea behind ideas -- that the world is nothing but clear examples

    true/false, good/bad and right/wrong! It's a thought disorder, and a world-wide epidemic. Though in reality this is

    as much of an "evil in need of renouncing" as any "evil", we tend to admire those who think in this way --

    when they tell us they know The True and The Right, and are fighting for it.
    How could we? It is an extremely

    seductive from of wish fulfillment, enabling our addiction to this artificially soothing form of sick thinking.

    It is also classic Carl Rove to take someone's strength, in this case thoughtfulness and

    circumspection (characteristics of wisdom), and recast it as a weakness -- "flip-flopping". He uses that

    deadly weapon in every campaign. (He's doing the same thing with Kerry's war record.) Most of our country is

    swallowing it, hook, line and sinker.

    How can Rove get away with this?

    It is a blatant manipulation of our

    lust for artificial mental and emotional comfort. How many people think about thinking enough to recognize

    this malaise in themselves and fight it off? One out of a hundred?? If so, 99 out of 100, whether conservative or

    liberal, would be fundamentally defenseless against Rove and company. And if so, even liberal leaning folk would be

    buying into the flip-flopping BS and criticising their own man for it. But isn't that precisely what we are

    observing? It's sad.

    In fact, letting go of black and white thinking is one of the most stress-reducing and

    healthy things somebody can do. I've personally experienced this enormous relief to some extent as a recovering,

    former religious-Republican. If everyone did it, no war would be psychologically possible. Pragmatic

    diplomacy would reign. And true peace on Earth would be within our reach.
    Last edited by DrSmellThis; 09-18-2004 at 01:46 PM.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

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