
Sorry for being a

pig-headed old fart but it has always worked for me.

The way I understand you, and please correct me if I am

wrong, is that you would like me to agree that it is pragmatic to vote Bush out of office. I agree that it is

possibly so. However, as I was trying to point out, there are many good honest people who believe Kerry would be a

far greater disaster than Bush. I don't know if that is true either. What I do know is that both the democrats and

republicans have been responsible for whittling away at our rights, that both parties have supported and condoned

policy decision after policy decision that are destroying the world we live in, that both parties continue to work

on reaching deeper into our pockets which harms every person in this country. I listen to each side and hear the

same noises I heard in the last election and the one before that and so on; "We are going to change things for the

better." But it never happens!

Certainly, there are differences between the democrats and the republicans, but

to my eye they are miniscule. Maybe Kerry would do some small good but maybe he would follow the party line while

bowing to those who paid good money to get him elected as has happened so many other times. History teaches us that

the later is more likely than the former.

There is a large segment of the population that believes Bush is doing

a good job, there is another large segment that believes he must be replaced with anybody. I am saying that we can

no longer afford either of the parties; we cannot afford the petty bickering and we cannot afford the the unkept

promises or the business as usual games that come out of Washington. In your view, pragmatism dictates that we vote

for Kerry because Bush is such a danger to this country, from other's view we must vote for Bush for the same

reasons. I reject both arguments as inherently flawed. They are both extremely dangerous to this country and the

difference between them is inconsequential.

I'm not trying to be difficult and I respect your right and desire

to vote your concience and your belief that you are doing the right thing to help this country. I intend to do the

same but mine tells me that my every political action must be directed towards changing the system rather than being

willing to compromise any longer.