Wow! Received my order of perception and pheros today. I must say that the shipping is really fast, considering

that I live in Oz.

Anyway, I think that perception was leaking a bit, both the scent and the pheromone. But

both bottle looks full, although both of the atomisers were a little wet. The scent is heavenly!!! I'm not sure

whether it's perception or pheros, but I am simply addicted to the smell. Haven't tried out both of them yet. Will

try them out tomorrow.

Anyway, has anyway combined the P&P (Perception & Pheros) combo and received any


DST, could I also suggest that maybe the pheros could come in a dark bottle? Cuz since it's all

natural stuff inside, I heard that a dark bottle would block the light and thus prolong the life of the product. A

dark bottle always comes with my organic body wash. Anyway, the current bottle for pheros is really nice and
