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  1. #1
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    Question A mone for any occasion..


    I'm fairly new to mones. I ordered some mones for about a year ago, but didn't notice any difference at first

    and got into the military soon there after forgetting all about the world of mones..

    Well no I'm back from the

    military and want to try out the new products that has come since my last order. I am having troubles deciding which

    ones to try out though, so I was hoping someone here would be able to help, so I'll describe myself a little, what

    i've already got and what sort of occasions i intend to try mones..

    - 20 yo boy
    - 5 feet 9 inches

    (176 cm)
    - weight: 72 Kg (160 pounds)
    - well trained, but no body builder..
    - Blond hair, blue/gray eyes,

    fraggles. light skin color
    ..let me know if there is anything else which should be added to the facts?
    Not sure

    how to describe myself.. I get along fine with most people, not a strong alpha guy. I'm a thinker, not a doer.

    hmm.. I might be considered a nice/charming guy..? I'm not sure.. hmm, will have to get back to this self biography

    part - must do some thinking

    My current mone cabinet contains:
    - Andro 4.2
    - Androstenone (bought

    from some other site when i first heard about pheromones.. some oily stuff)

    1. Party situations -

    nights on the town... I want to attract girls 18-24. Thinking maybe SOE? I have a tendancy to attract girls below/at

    the lower end of that range..

    2. Work1 - I work as a watchman/guard and would like something i could

    use that would make people, both sexes, more friendly/calm etc.. you catch my drift?
    Work2 - I am also involved

    in a mlm company that sells services, and i was thinking maybe there are some pheromones that make people find you

    more trusthworthy or similar? I am really not a salesperson, get all nervous etc, so maybe there is something to

    ease my nerves as well?

    I would like to know where chikara fits in here, as it does sound very promising and I

    also like the fact that I read somewhere on the forum that it has a sort of coconut scent..? And i love that


    I know some of the things i've asked are already answered on the forum, but i have a hard time

    concentrating these days. I recently started a new job and have to get up at 4:30 am every morning making me a bit

    out of wack

    Sorry for making this post a bit long, just not sure how to post my question.

    Anyway, I think the most important question I have before ordering is which products work with girls in their early

    20s (18-24)?

    Gratefull for all feedback

  2. #2
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Dec 2003
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    SOE may be a good choice for

    you, but you might also want to try WAGG. If you have better luck attracting teenage girls then you may also want

    to look at your image. How do women in your desired age range treat you? What are the differences between you and

    the guys they hang with?

  3. #3
    Phero Guru
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    Default none

    I think that for both your

    jobs that Chikara would be best. It just seems to make people relax and also respect you.

  4. #4
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    Default hmm..

    Well i'm definitely

    gonna at least order a set of SOE gel packs after reading various posts here on the forum..

    Hmm.. well, i might

    have wrote the previous post a little wrong.. The situation with attracting more teenage girls might have to do with

    me being more relaxed and myself with them perhaps, since i really don't care much how they feel about me compared

    to the girls my own age, or something in that manner. Also, some of the teenage girls i've been a volleyball

    trainer for way back, so maybe they are looking up to me or something because of that.. plus a combination of not

    giving them so much attention - you know, women want what they can't have..

    Being more myself is probably being

    a bit more playfull, maybe they find it charming or something

    And maybe the it all just make me come off as

    more self-condifent..

    Don't get me wrong though, I get along okei with girls my own age also, and I actually

    had quite a nice time with this 24yo girl a few months back. If it wasn't because i hadn't been wearing mones for

    ages i would call it a mone hit.. She sort of had her eyes on me the whole evening and it was really easy to make

    contact with her.. And we're not talking just any 24you girl here, she was without a doubt the prettiest girl there

    that night.. Got a lot of questions from my army buds afterwards how the he** i managed to end up with that girl

    Ah, by the way, the WAGG would be for everyday usage like for my work situation etc right?

  5. #5
    Phero Guru
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    Default none

    oh, geez, just wanted to

    say thanks for your service to your country!!!! Welcome home and, go get those girls you've been waiting for!!!

  6. #6
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    Thanks koolking And I'll

    do my best

    Norwegian military by the way. Oh, if any norwegian read this please pm me, i'd like to know if

    we have to pay any duty to the customs department for importing to Norway...

    I know it's marked with "cologne",

    but does it say a price? ..Don't think i paid anything extra last time i ordered, but i might just have been lucky

    that the customs didn't notice it or something, and i don't remember how it was marked..

    Well chikara is

    surely on my to-buy list also. So chikara for work and SOE for the girls then now i gotta go find that post that

    said something about adding something to chikara.. hmm..

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