long story short, i underestimated how

much natural pheromones the average 19yr old girl produces on a daily basis. now that im living with one i find

myself becoming easily aroused(and easily frustrated too)whenever she's walking around the apartment. most probably

due to her natural pheromone buildup, i can smell a very strong and distinct 'odor' whenever she opens her door or

finishes taking a shower(the odor doesn't smell good or bad, it's just really...potent). when i interviewed her i

didn't notice this at all so i wasn't anticipating this to become a 'problem' for me...

i usually

only wear mones when i go out or when im with my gf so my supplies would last longer. but now that im in a situation

where im being 'assulted' by a 19yr girl's natural pheromones on a daily basis i needed to arm myself even at

home. and that's where things got interesting, i noticed that as soon as i started wearing mones at home my mood

gradually became more stable and under control. it's almost as if my applied mones were sort of countering her

natural mones and protecting me from the effects. so of course i started wearing more, as much as 5-6 sprays of TE

sandlewood and arms full of SOE and 10 drops of WAGG, or 5 sprays of chikara by itself(chikara's scent is so

special it can't be mixed with anything else) at any given time. and im starting to notice that im not so easily

aroused by her smell anymore and that she's actually beginning to act more 'sheepish' around me. which im

assuming is a positive sign and not an reaction to OD cuz i've experienced severe OD b4 and she's not showing any

of the 'repelled' expression or the 'u make me uncomfotable' body languages.

this is an

intriguing observation for me as i always believed in the battle of the sexes but i never made the connetion that

male and female pheromones can also battle and cancel the other party out...in a manner of speaking.
oh well

another example why mones and lovescent changed my life and why i'll most likely die if bruce stopped selling

pheromone products hehe.

anybody else ever notice this phenomenon?