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  1. #1
    Phero Dude
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
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    Default NPA Fun (and some insight about using it)

    I made a post recently in response to someone "getting boobed" saying why I don't wear NPA to work.

    The last time I did, I was boobed twice by my department's admin. Since it had been some time since I'd worn NPA

    all by itself, I decided to give it a whirl again, with some extremely positive results.

    Last night, before

    hitting the mall to do a little shopping, I put on two reasonably wet dabs of NPA from a dram vial. Less than an

    open-mouthed NPA bottle, but more on my thumb than wiping it across the dropper-mouth. I went into a department

    store and found a fantastic bargain on a pair of dress pants, along with picking up some new boxers. The registers

    in the area were crowded, so I headed to the young mens' department where I saw an open register. As I approached

    the register, the associate manning it returned. She asked how I was, I asked how she was, and used her "Good," as

    an opening, it being less than a half hour to closing and thinking how I feel when I know I'm leaving


    My boxers rang properly, but the pants came up $15 too high. It took ten minutes to sort it out, but

    eventually it was (she was somewhat flustered through this). Afterwards, we talked for awhile. Through tone, words,

    and body language, I did everything possible to convey non-threatening signals despite a high -none dosage. It

    apparently worked as she asked me to hang around while she took care of another customer, after whom we talked for a

    few more minutes, during which time she smoothed out her shirt and twirled her hair several times, along with giving

    me spooky eye contact. As we bid our goodbyes, she said she hoped to see me next time I stop at (store name). What

    struck me about the encounter was that she couldn't have been older than 21. I've *never* experienced a reaction

    like that with -none alone in someone so young.

    After shopping, I walked to the mall-attached TGIFridays. The

    waitress was initially apathetic, but quickly became much more responsive. Whether it's the NPA or my choice of

    reading material, Mary Batten's _Sexual_Strategies:_How_Females_Choose_Their_Mates _ that intrigued her, I don't

    know. She ended up chatting for something like fifteen minutes before leaving to tend to other duties (the

    restaurant was emptying out). During this time, again, there was a lot of eye contact, though I wasn't consciously

    trying to display non-threatening signals. That's not to say I was threatening, just that I wasn't consciously

    trying not to be. My natural state is something of a lone wolf-type, so solo -none needs some behavior modification

    for me.

    So.. The insight is that regardless of what you're wearing mone-wise, an open, friendly demeanor is

    necessary. If you're not going to approach someone, instead hoping to be approached, you damn well better be as

    approachable as possible.
    "Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetetive electronic music." --Kristian Wilson, Nintendo Inc., 1989

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
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    Ahhh... NPA the good ol'


  3. #3
    Phero Guru
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
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    Default none

    I've been playing with it

    a little myself and getting good results - this might sound weird but I'm putting a good size drop right on the

    bottom part of my pants zipper (crotch area) - I can't stand the smell of it so this distance away from my nose is


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