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  1. #31
    Phero Enthusiast phersurf's Avatar
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    Very interesting, surfs


    The seduction system I've been using for the last few months, Nonverbal Sexual Cuing, stresses working

    on voice (resonance, tempo, pausing). I guess I should take that part of it a little more seriously.

  2. #32
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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  3. #33
    Man of La Pancha
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    Surfs Up:

    Are these

    effects permanent? For example, if you quit training, would you return to normal? Obviously, you would see no

    additional benefit, but does your mind literally change its abilities forever after a certain point? For example,

    after being in a culture for a long enough time, you adopt the accent. However, in some types of speech or when

    you're tired or lazy or drunk, you'll see a relapse into old, bad habits. I notice that when I start joking

    around about trash talking, my voice goes straight "ghetto" and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between

    me and a thug. I'm not sure how that happened, actually. Anyway, I just wanted to know because I've been

    interested in voice coaching since my voice really sucks...but I wouldn't want to train and then have it go back to

    the way it was...the human brain can make permanent changes as if you were always like that, but at the same time

    can easily relapse. Any thoughts?

  4. #34
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Talking that all depends on a multitude of factors

    I guess this first thing is that you learn what causes a voice to communicate an emotional "tone". A

    good teacher understands how the larynx operates as a coordinated set of muscles. The average person doesn't know

    which throat muscles do what or how. When you have become educated about muscle use you could leave off your

    training and regardless you would know what parts of your voice mechanism have become weak, what you would need to

    do to get it back. Typically, one doesn't know about the coordinations that make good voices sound the way that

    they do.

    It is important, actually it is essential, to find a teacher you like personally and enjoy working

    with. If there isn't a good rapport you won't get the interest level you need to make progress.

    In another

    way, I think you'll find that good (read: socially productive, fortune enhancing) behaviors are self encouraging.

    If you begin to do something well, and maybe you were never aware of how your life was being controlled by this

    skill or lack of it, your life starts to change so you receive major positive feedback to do more of what is

    bringing you luck. Quick example: I went to the store today to buy some winter clothes. The customer in front of me

    was being a flaming prick. The cashier was in a vile mood when I stepped up to the register. I started talking to

    her lightly about the labels, nothing of any profound depth. I could watch her relax and get back into her positive

    groove so she was pretty OK by the time we were done. If I had been in my old tone she may have been more bent out

    of shape and I would have been walking around thinking how was it that so many people are perpetually bent out of

    shape, when they were reacting to my unconsciousness about my tone. It is finally dawning on me why I had a hard

    time connecting with girls when I was younger, I sounded like a perpetually irate, narrow minded, white trash hick

    and nobody wanted to know from my sensitive inner self. Powerful stuff you're working with here. Do not

    underestimate. Will it be the blue pill or will it be the red pill ?

  5. #35
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Where do you find teachers

    for this sort of voice training? What does it normally run?
    Blessed are the cross-eyed, for they shall see God twice.
    Products I own: AE/m, APC/m, NPA/m, TE/m, SPMO, SOE/m, WAGG, Perception, EW, Chikara

  6. #36
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CollegeStudent
    Where do you

    find teachers for this sort of voice training? What does it normally run?
    My voice coach (I'm a semipro

    singer, among my other problems) is $50/hr, same as I get for bass lessons.

    somewhere between amused and obsessed...

  7. #37
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    can you write it off?

  8. #38
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Talking my teacher charges $60 per hour

    was lucky to find him. Unusually talented man, totally devoted to his craft. I had called around and spoke with one

    studio that handled the schedule for a name teacher, I should be grateful to work with her, she was so in demand you

    have no idea, bla bla bla. After some hard questions with the usual back and fourth she came off like a self

    important but needy headcase. Then I called around and found the guy who is probably 300% better than Wonder Woman

    and he was asking $60. Promptly blew off the prima donna... like, how dare I ?

    BTW, check out this guy Seth

    Riggs. A number of hot voice teachers suggest him as back up material. You NEED a good teacher to correct your bad

    habits, learn skills in the correct order, all that basic groundwork. Riggs is still great supplemental


  9. #39
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    Thanks for

    bringing me back to reality! I'm 42, recently back in the 'game', and I had forgotten about the things you

    mentioned in your post. I remember, in my 30's, of how I used confidence and some balls to get phone numbers, dates

    and, subsequently, relationships. Sometimes I just wanted a one-nighter, and confidence and a spine was all it took.

    Now 'mones have been added to the mix to help out, but you can't rely on just those. Thanks again, Friendly1, for

    bringing it all back to me!

  10. #40
    Phero Pharaoh BassMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by surfs_up
    Then I called

    around and found the guy who is probably 300% better than Wonder Woman and he was asking $60.
    Can I ask

    where you live (a generalization is fine)? I intend to retire from writing after a bit and make my living teaching

    bass; I am always curious about places that pay better than where I live.

    $50/hr is on the high end here.

    somewhere between amused and obsessed...

  11. #41
    Journeyman Emmiefree's Avatar
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    Well men are not the only ones

    with low self eesteem and self confidence.. I am just ashamed at myself that it took me 43 years to find it..LOL

    Everyone has a different outlook on life, and how they view it.. no one persons view is ever the same as anothers.

    You have to take from life what it gives you, and make the best of it..

  12. #42
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    Self-confidence is extremely

    hard to come by, and I only really acquired it in my last relationship. It's all too true that they won't listen

    to you, but when they finally realise the truth of what you said, they'll be kicking themselves in the behind.


    Something someone told me once, that I'd like to append to your advice. "Events never ruin one's

    life, they only change it. And, as with any change, those changes aren't permanent." Think about that a lot, until

    you really believe it. It's more true than most people think.

    I'm almost done here... I just wanted to say

    that I count myself very lucky in that I've learned these lessons and more before the age of nineteen. I don't

    think I particularly need pheros to get women, but it's a nice enhancement for my natural charms. For example,

    today I met up with a female friend whom I find very attractive, and applied half of one of the Chikara gel packs I

    got in my Newbie Kit. We went back to her place and watched a movie, after which she promptly pounced me and started

    kissing me. We're going to a halloween party this weekend together, and I suppose we're officially going out. I

    love those Chikara packs, and actually ordered eighteen of them a few minutes ago. Frankly, Bruce is the man.

    Oh, and if there's any question... yes, I'm only eighteen.

  13. #43
    Livin' the life of Riley
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    Thumbs up

    Bump to this old post. It's a

    good one, and is still applicable to many of the threads started here.


  14. #44
    Newbie Flash1's Avatar
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    hey thanks Friendly1, great

    subject that I have been overlooking I will definately look into these links for info and some self help on speaking

    and voice tone.Any more advice appreciated.

  15. #45
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Wink Now you positively gotta check this one out

    there is a behavioral consulting company in New York City called First Impressions. Among their

    services they have a dating simulation. A psychologist meets with you in a public area, a restaurant or something,

    and you have a pretend date for two or three hours. Then the psychologist prepares you a detailed report of your

    communication styles, strengths, weaknesses and which specific behaviors, attitudes, personal approaches are

    hindering the way other potential (mates, girl/boyfriends, hookups, business associates, and so on) will perceive

    you IN SPITE OF how you believe you are perceived. I read their book where they detail the long list of behaviors we

    have that we think are sending positive or neutral signals that are in fact turning people off, shutting down

    communication, running the interaction into the ground.... I guess the take home message is that the great majority

    of us don't have high quality feedback that will let us fine tune our presentation, and that many of us suffer life

    long "social underachievement" as a direct result.... and that's a horrifying thought...

    here ya go


  16. #46
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    As far as what a woman wants in a

    man, I think it depends on the woman and the situation. One size does not fit all. Some women want to be your mama

    and run your life (I flee from those). Others like independence. Still others just want to get banged and have fun,

    not wanting or expecting emotional involvement or comittment. How you respond to those female needs depends on your

    desires and goals. I say go with what feels good and is right for you. Everyone is different. Thank God for that,

    otherwise life would be really dull if we were all the same. So, if you're a mama's boy, let her take care of you.

    If you're a lone wolf with an occasional itch that needs scratching, bang and run!
    Last edited by Gegogi; 03-20-2005 at 11:52 PM.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

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