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  1. #31
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snoopy
    No, I heard it on

    another forum.
    Snoopy, most girls from say the age of 16 to about 24 feel like they need boyfriends for

    social events (weddings, church socials, school dances, big birthday parties, etc.) and so their girlfriends will

    know that they are "okay" (it's a social vindication thing); and if they cannot find a keeper they'll find a

    placeholder. A dickless boyfriend, if that is how the girl views him, is a placeholder.

    A girl in that age

    group who doesn't have a boyfriend is a rare find. A lot of you young guys think you have to limit yourselves to

    those girls, but keep in mind that a lot of them have boyfriends who are slowly sinking their own boats, and the

    girls will trade up if they think they can do so.

    Some guys tend to do the same thing, but in general girls seem

    to need boyfriends more than most guys need girlfriends.

  2. #32
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Friendly, keep in mind things might

    be different in the south, let alone Canada. What you describe certainly doesn't ring true in the northeast.

  3. #33
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjf
    Friendly, keep in

    mind things might be different in the south, let alone Canada. What you describe certainly doesn't ring true in the

    You're right, of course. And I usually try to point out where I live, so thanks for the


  4. #34
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    well here in canada it

    dosent seem they need boyfriends... only a hot blanket

  5. #35
    Newbie Felstorm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjf
    Friendly, keep in

    mind things might be different in the south, let alone Canada. What you describe certainly doesn't ring true in the

    I used to live in Maryland. And I've noticed something. I've traveled around a bit,

    (Currently live in Minnesota), and the further south you go, the "warmer" and more approachable women seem to be.

    I'm a single guy largely because I don't know how to deal with Minnesota women. They are just plain frigid,

    (well until just very recently ) IMO. I get along better with people in general that aren't from Minnesota.

    The ratio to men to women here is at least 2-1, so girls if you are looking for a lonely farmboy, here's the

    place to go shopping. Got plenty to go around.

  6. #36
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Life is all pretty different in the

    different regions of the country. Sometimes it is kind of shocking, it is almost as if we have many different

    nations within one. The cultures vary.

  7. #37
    Phero Enthusiast Snoopy's Avatar
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    Well I just had a little chat

    with "her" about what "love" to her is. I've found this out from her:

    Love to her is:
    - racing heartbeat

    (her) doing/saying sweet things
    - kissing, etc
    - being liked

    Hmm.. Christmas break coming up, -mones arsenal,

    plus she misses me and I have the above new found knowledge of her definition of "love".

  8. #38
    Phero Enthusiast Snoopy's Avatar
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    Found out last nite she's had a

    bf for the past 2 months. That would explain her flirty behaviour in the summer and her non-responsive actions in

    October (thats when she got her bf). This is the 2nd time she's done this to me (not tell me she had a bf). I'm

    pretty angry now.

  9. #39
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    You missed your chance man! We all F

    up like this and the best thing to do is develop your sense of self so you can seize the day when opportunity


  10. #40
    Phero Enthusiast Snoopy's Avatar
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    Right on. I'm still angry that

    this is the second time she's done this to me though. I'm going to have a little bit of fun with the situation. As

    of right now, she still thinks I'm clueless, so next time I see her I'm just going to go straight out and try to

    kiss her.

  11. #41
    Phero Enthusiast Snoopy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Have_Courage
    Don't get

    angry, get even. It doesn't matter if she's got a bf, polish your seductive skills and go at it again.

    You can

    decide what to do with her once you've got her. It will be an accomplishment to yourself and for your efforts. Let

    this be a benchmark for yourself.

    Get even, yeah that's more what I meant.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snoopy
    Well I just had a

    little chat with "her" about what "love" to her is. I've found this out from her:

    Love to her is:

    racing heartbeat
    - (her) doing/saying sweet things
    - kissing, etc
    - being liked

    Hmm.. Christmas

    break coming up, -mones arsenal, plus she misses me and I have the above new found knowledge of her definition of


    Neither of you know what love is.

    It is time for you to take the diapers off

    and become a man. Get over the oneitis and move on with your life and get your education and develop a mature

    outlook with women.

  13. #43
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Default dickless boyfriend...

    "Snoopy, most girls from say the age of 16 to about 24 feel like they need boyfriends for social

    events...and so their girlfriends will know that they are "okay" (it's a social vindication thing); and if they

    cannot find a keeper they'll find a placeholder. A dickless boyfriend, if that is how the girl views him, is a

    Ah yes, what a wonderful thought, the "dickless boyfriend." Unfortunately, it's not

    limited to the South. When I was a stupid college student I served as a "dickless boyfriend" more times than I care

    to admit both in the Pacific NW and in Hawaii. Sometimes I was tricked into it unknowingly while other times I knew

    I was dickless but hoping to sprout new manhood. However, once you go sans wang, it's nearly impossible to change

    that role. The worse part about being a dickless boyfriend is you get all the expectations and bitchin' of a real

    boyfriend but no nookie. And, yes, you're forever dickless to all her friends.
    Last edited by Gegogi; 12-28-2004 at 01:18 AM.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Have_Courage
    To get even can

    be used to your advantage to motivate yourself. The key is to improve continuously and don't let a single episode

    get you down.

    By the time you *CAN* get even with her, you might realize there's no need to do it.

    Forgive and be thankful for the opportunity to improve yourself. It worked for me. Good luck.


    : As much as I respect everyone's opinion and their rights to voice them, it serves no purpose to pass judgement

    on other's level of maturity.

    Perhaps something more constructive like a link to a guide/book is better,

    rather than comments and not helping in any way.

    Reserve the judgement for yourself as the way things work

    are different for each individual, that includes the motivation to change. Neither is right or wrong, it's the end

    result of self-improvement that matters.


    Getting even is for children. Time to

    grow up. You'll get no self-improvement from getting even.

    There is no need to read a book on becoming a

    man. It is something you do. All the pyscho babble is not going to help.

  15. #45
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Snoopy, I am all for moving on.

    You have no right to be angry at her since you not only failed to read her clear and open signs of interest, you

    completely refused to take the collective advice of the people on this forum about doing something with her. Your

    lack of confidence is all that stood between you and the girl.

    Big deal. All guys have similar experiences.

    After we realize we screwed up, we kick ourselves, blame the world for our problems, and call the girls bad names.

    The difference between a boy and a man is that the man has learned what the boy still doesn't know.


    that there are other girls out there, and that this one is NOT a one-boyfriend girl (you say she has had more than

    one boyfriend). She hasn't yet found what she wants in a man. So, relax, live your life, ignore her, and time will


  16. #46
    Phero Enthusiast Snoopy's Avatar
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    Time to move on. I told her I

    wasn't interested in a bullshit relationship. She's pretty upset, but whatever.

  17. #47
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snoopy
    Time to move on.

    I told her I wasn't interested in a bullshit relationship. She's pretty upset, but whatever.

    probably slaughtered your chances with her in the future.

    I wish you young guys would learn NOT to blast these

    girls when they get to you like that. I am sure MtnJim could say something appropriate about us Old Farts and

    Experience, but, really, moving on does NOT mean giving a girl a piece of your mind.

    Especially in a girl's

    view, one of the differences between a man and a boy is how the man controls his anger (whereas the boy has no


  18. #48
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friendly1
    That probably

    slaughtered your chances with her in the future.

    I wish you young guys would learn NOT to blast these girls when

    they get to you like that. I am sure MtnJim could say something appropriate about us Old Farts and Experience, but,

    really, moving on does NOT mean giving a girl a piece of your mind.

    Especially in a girl's view, one of the

    differences between a man and a boy is how the man controls his anger (whereas the boy has no

    Not burning your bridges is a good general rule of life anyway. It didn't serve you to

    say that too her and it's likely that she'll repeat it to most of her friends so you've probably screwed yourself

    with all of them too.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  19. #49
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    snoop : i know its too

    late to say this but did you at least "get some" before you dump her like that ?
    Id say same as friendy1 as for not

    reading clues & blaming her for it !
    And Belg. got a point now you are blacklisted man!

  20. #50
    Phero Enthusiast Snoopy's Avatar
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    No. She and I BOTH knew we've

    had a fucked up relationship for the past 4 years, we both agreed on it, so it's not like I blasted her out of the

    water on it.

  21. #51
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snoopy
    No. She and I

    BOTH knew we've had a fucked up relationship for the past 4 years, we both agreed on it, so it's not like I

    blasted her out of the water on it.
    We only have what you tell us (and our own experiences, which may or

    may not be similar to yours) to judge by. But you need to remember that she won't look at what happened the same

    way you do.

    Don't ever assume that any girls share your opinion of anything.

    Even if they SAY they do, they

    may NOT be hearing what you say the way you think they are.

    That's just the way it is between the sexes.

    I've unloaded on girls in the past. When I was in college, there was one girl who begged me for two hours to set

    aside some time to help her study for a test. Come the day we were supposed to get together, she was nowhere to be

    found. I waited 4 hours for her to show up, and by the time she DID come, I wasn't waiting to help her, it was a

    total ambush.

    I unloaded on her and yelled and screamed and had a total temper tantrum in front of dozens of

    people in the student center. Could I have handled it better? Don't know. I could have handled it more

    privately, but she had just walked all over me and I let her know in no uncertain terms she would NEVER do that


    Years later, I understand that she was testing me. She LIKED the fact that I wouldn't put up with crap

    like that. But at the time, I was just totally pissed.

    Nonetheless, that is not the same as me being advised by

    other guys to go after a girl, not doing it because I lack the confidence to do so, and then blaming the girl for a

    screwed up relationship after she turns up with a boyfriend.

    You're only justified in getting angry at her when

    she specifically does something to you. She is allowed to have all the boyfriends she wants. She is allowed to

    sleep with every guy you know but you. She is allowed to fall in love with and marry your best friend's father.

    She is nobody's property but her own. You have all those freedoms and privileges, too. But neither of you has

    the right to get mad at the other for a missed opportunity.

    I hope that makes my point better. Don't try to

    rationalize or explain it to us. We just don't know what is going on with you and her. But do stop and think

    about whether unleashing your pent-up anger and frustration at someone who has meant so much to you is really going

    to make a difference.

    Sometimes, you gotta let the steam blow, but if you do, make sure something positive comes

    from it. When I blew my stack at that girl in college, I told her I didn't ever want to have anything to do with

    her again. It was a long time before I talked to her again. She screwed up royally and knew it.

    She admitted

    as much afterward.

  22. #52
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    lol im upping this... SO SNOOPY

    YOUR IN ENGINEERING TOO, i feel the same way buddy i get to talk to alot of girls in different programs and hang out

    with several old friends(girls)...... its just i dont got time to do anything special with them because of the

    hectic schedule, and without the pheromones i have to break the ice with them and try to make friends with the new

    females i meet (tons)

    i might get the same combo that you have... just curious what year are you in. Im at a

    university for a 5 year engineering management prog... and its my first year of a 5 year-hellacious work load

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