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  1. #1
    BDC Concepts Chemo (BDC Concepts)'s Avatar
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    Default Post Your Perception Feedback!

    We strive to remain dynamic in our catering to the customers and cordially request those that have

    tried Perception offer feedback on performance of the product. This will help expedite the release of the Platinum

    version and ultimately a better product.

    Things we are looking for:
    • Estimated life of applied

      dose (how long it lasts)
    • Impression of scent intensity (how strong the pheromone scent is)
    • General

      impression of fragrance (too weak, masculine, feminine, etc)
    • Recommendation for pheromone ratio


    We have already noted the sporadic reports of leaking atomizers during rough shipment and

    trust we are hard at work engineering a bullet proof solution. Now the attention has to be focused on refining the

    formula for maximum effectiveness...but before we can do that we need feedback!

    For those that have tried

    Perception keep in mind that we are breaking new ground in delivery of pheromones. The currently available

    pheromones have been used in most every possible ratio and blend. If we don't advance the field of pheromones the

    choice of products will become rehashed versions merely differing in brand or manufacturer. So who will develop new

    products? The answer is YOU and ME. By giving us your feedback we can continue refining Perception and

    other products. This is your chance to help make an excellent product even better!

    The fundamental questions

    • Does the extended release of Perception work?
    • Is the pheromone ratio effective?
    • Would

      you buy Perception again or recommend it to a friend based on the above?

    Thank you for your



  2. #2


    I will definitely post my

    impressions on the product and I will make sure to address all the questions as well

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by cuddlebear
    I will

    definitely post my impressions on the product and I will make sure to address all the questions as well

    Ok I have Perception but only use the unscented version (mainly because the scented stuff leaked all

    out before I got it in the mail)
    I must say that I have many other pheromone products. I have been trying one

    here aand there since the days of Date Mate pheromone cologne so I do have some experience here.
    1.Scent is a

    little harsh and sharp even in the unscented form

    2.!YES! the scent stays there and you can smell the pheros

    on yourself all day! No doubt. I cannot beleif it stays as it does only with a water mix? That part you definately

    did very well on. That impressed me. It stays there almost indefinately 10, 12 hours later no problem, hell even 14.

    It is there until you wash that area and it is there with decent potency even after 10-12 hours.

    3. It has

    Spark! No doubt. It has alot of sexual stimuli to it. I have recieved blatent strong hits. It has much more sex than

    SOE. Although I have been using the two at the same time and it seems to do well.

    4. It has a musky, sharper

    pheromone scent. Very musky. It almost feels heated or something. No exaggeration.

    5. I use just one spray on

    the chest and I rub it in some although I do not know if I should because it is not designed like normal cologne. It

    is meant to sit on top. Does rubbing it in some matter? It doesn't seem to with me.

    6. I use it like every

    three days or so. It makes you more confident but watch it can make you a little mad? I think.

    7. It seems

    all women smell it. They look and act different around you than normal.

    8. I have not had a chance to try it

    in the club but I bet it is killer.

    9. My hits have been strong. Stronger than any other pheromone cologne. I

    guess it just suites me for that. More so than others. Although I liked Pheros and the concept although it makes me

    a little tired.

    8. I am male, 33 years old, single.

    That is my experience with it. Thanks



  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chemo (BDC Concepts)

    strive to remain dynamic in our catering to the customers and cordially request those that have tried Perception

    offer feedback on performance of the product. This will help expedite the release of the Platinum version and

    ultimately a better product.

    Things we are looking for:
    • Estimated life of applied dose (how

      long it lasts)
    • Impression of scent intensity (how strong the pheromone scent is)
    • General impression of

      fragrance (too weak, masculine, feminine, etc)
    • Recommendation for pheromone ratio adjustment


    have already noted the sporadic reports of leaking atomizers during rough shipment and trust we are hard at work

    engineering a bullet proof solution. Now the attention has to be focused on refining the formula for maximum

    effectiveness...but before we can do that we need feedback!

    For those that have tried Perception keep in mind

    that we are breaking new ground in delivery of pheromones. The currently available pheromones have been used in

    most every possible ratio and blend. If we don't advance the field of pheromones the choice of products will

    become rehashed versions merely differing in brand or manufacturer. So who will develop new products? The

    answer is YOU and ME
    . By giving us your feedback we can continue refining Perception and other products. This

    is your chance to help make an excellent product even better!

    The fundamental questions

    • Does the extended release of Perception work?
    • Is the pheromone ratio effective?
    • Would

      you buy Perception again or recommend it to a friend based on the above?

    Thank you for your


    The unscented is Strong. Very musky. You can't miss it.
    The ratio is

    effective for sexual stimuli for sure but I may want to add something that makes you a little more at ease with


  5. #5
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    I've had perception

    for over a week now. I've used it mainly at work and one afternoon of shopping. Have not had the opportunity to try

    it in a social situation yet. Given that, I will answer what questions I can at this time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chemo

    (BDC Concepts)
    Things we are looking for:
    • Estimated life of applied dose (how long it

    Applied before work, approximately 4:30 AM each day. First three days, I used the

    fragrance supplied with the product. This week I used an alcohol based fragrance, Ralph Lauren Silver


    In days I used it with the supplied fragrance, they both seemed to last until I arrived home around

    5:00 PM and washed it off.

    With the alcohol based cologne I tried applying it two different ways. The first

    way was applying the cologne directly on top of the pheromone, after the mone had dried. The two mingled and the

    scent of the cologne seemed to change to a more funky, but real pleasant smell as the day progressed. Again, it

    seemed to last all day.

    After reading the suggestion at the forum to apply an alcohol based cologne next to

    the pheromone application, yesterday, I sprayed the Perception mones on either side of my neck (1 spray each side)

    and 3 sprays of the RL Silver on my neck, stomach, and chest. The fragrance seemed to fade away several hours before

    work ended but I could smell the mones until I washed them off at home.

    • Impression of

      scent intensity (how strong the pheromone scent is)
    The pheromone scent is noticable to me,

    but no where as strong as The Edge is.

    • General impression of fragrance (too weak,

      masculine, feminine, etc)
    I really like the fragrance! Don't see any needed changes in the

    formula. The spray seems quite large for the amount of fragrance supplied though, and I can see a drop in fluid

    level in the bottle with just one spray. Again, I want to comment that I would like to see the scent offered alone

    as a refill, it's that good.

    • Recommendation for pheromone ratio

    Am not experienced enough with mixes to make recommendations


    • Does the extended release of Perception work?
    I think so. As

    I said above, I can smell the scent late in the afternoon, even after sweating. I assume that the pheromone release

    is happening the same way.

    • Is the pheromone ratio effective?

    having worn it in any social situations yet, I can't comment fully. I do feel a feeling of well being when wearing

    it and people seem respectful when I wear it. I've only had one blatant hit from a woman so far, that was in a

    bookstore last Friday. I was getting disappointed to see no reaction from the few women there, but they were with

    their spouses or SOs. But then, one girl, In her mid 20s of average looks and a bit overweight walked between me and

    the book shelves I was looking at a couple of times. Then at the Starbucks counter as I was waiting for my drink,

    she again passed me, walking between me and the counter. There was no line, but she had entered through the exit

    instead of the entrance to get to the cashier and commented about doing so as she excused herself and passed me. I

    just kind of ignored her and noticed out of the corner of my eye she turned to look at me when I didn't react to

    her passing.

    • Would you buy Perception again or recommend it to a friend based on the

    Truthfully, at this point, Chikara is still my #1 product. But I think there is

    potential with Perception. I would recommend it to others, after Chikara and I do think I would buy it again. I do

    like it better than a straight none product like TE or NPA. I don't notice the self-consciousness or impatience I

    seem to get when wearing Edge or NPA. I am much more comfortable wearing Perception than with those two.


    have a big month planned in October, so I plan to give Perception a good workout. A week in San Diego, then perhaps

    a business trip to Phoenix the week after for a couple of days of school, then an Alice Cooper concert at the

    Arizona state fair in Phoenix the Sunday following the class.

    The school thing is "iffy" right now, but I

    plan to make the San Diego trip and the Alice Cooper concert and will be wearing Perception during those


    I think you do have a good product here. And I'm impressed with your participation at the forum to

    get feedback and help people with Perception's application.

  6. #6
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by InternationalPlayboy

    school thing is "iffy" right now, but I plan to make the San Diego trip and the Alice Cooper concert and will

    be wearing Perception during those times.
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  7. #7
    BDC Concepts Chemo (BDC Concepts)'s Avatar
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    First, Alice Cooper

    rocks and it's nice to see fellow old school rockers on here

    So, the time extended release is definitely

    working but can anyone estimate the length of duration? 10 hours? 12 hours?

    As for the fragrance, I'll see

    if I can get a few hundred bottles over to Bruce so he can use them for free promotions.


  8. #8


    I'm hoping to get mine on

    Monday and be able to start field testing Tuesday

    And of course I'll report whatever happens

  9. #9


    I just got mine today but

    haven't had a chance to field test it yet. But, as far as the scented portion of it, I really like it a lot.

    It's very nice, but subtle. Not nearly as overpowering as some products.

    In theory I like the ratios of nol,

    none, and rone you've put in this product. I'll just start field testing to see about results now.

  10. #10
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    I dunno whats wrong with

    me, but I can't smell a dang thing with it. I feel like I could put a gallon on and not smell it. I wish I could

    tell if it was lasting a long time but for me its impossible.
    Its kind of hard to tell if the attention I'm

    getting from the opposite sex is from the mones, I've been wearing it at work for a few days but things seems about

    the same. Tonight I'm going out to party with it so we'll see how things go. Wish me luck.

  11. #11
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Recieved mine yesterday. Lost

    about 30 percent of volume in the scent bottle but the mones didn't leak. It looks like the leak may have come

    from the seal where the bottle joins the spray head rather than from the sprayhead itself. Nice smell.


    leaving on vacation tomorrow and will try it while traveling. Let you know when I return.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  12. #12
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    Great Feedback thus far.

    Keep it coming!

  13. #13
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    Things we are looking

    • Estimated life of applied dose (how long it lasts)
    • Impression of scent intensity (how

      strong the pheromone scent is)
    • General impression of fragrance (too weak, masculine, feminine,

    • Recommendation for pheromone ratio adjustment

    1)I know that it lasted atleast 6


    2)I couldn't smell any "scent" to the pheromones.

    3)The scent is nice not wow. I don't think

    it's neither too weak or too strong. A little sensual. Can't think of anything to compare it to.
    (4)I think

    it's a good ratio. If to make any alternative adjustment i would go with 2 -none: and 1: 1 with the -nol or -rone

    if to change anything. But the current ratio is ok.

    The fundamental questions are:
    • Does the

      extended release of Perception work?
    • Is the pheromone ratio effective?
    • Would you buy Perception again or

      recommend it to a friend based on the above?

    Thank you for your help!




    2) yes

    3) I believe I will definately buy it again and would recommend it.

  14. #14
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    I've noticed

    something in the last few days. I'm a pretty hairy guy and when I use Perception on the upper chest area, even

    after scrubbing with a brush and antibacterial/deodorant soap, I can still catch whiffs of the pheromones the next

    morning. I was wondering, though Perception is designed to prevent absorption by the skin, would that be true also

    with hair? Or do I just need to sand my chest more? (And I'm not going to go with this modern fad of removing

    all body hair. Too much maintenance. Not to mention that I think with my body, I'd look worse bare chested than

    with hair.)

  15. #15
    Stranger some808guy's Avatar
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    Just got perception and NPA

    in the mail today, will try it out later and see what happens. Considering a newbie to this whole pheros stuff,

    I'll probably end up screwing myself over by OD-ing on the stuff. Wish me luck... I'll post if something

    interesting happens later.

    By the way Bobby, Perception came in today without any leaks or problems so I guess

    thats a good start. The scent that comes with it is actually pretty good. Would you recommend using that scent with

    perception because your tests proved it to be more effective combined? or its just purely a cover scent? Thanks...


  16. #16
    Phero Enthusiast ManBeast's Avatar
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    Just use 1-2 sprays of the

    pheromones in perception and cover however you want (2 sprays of the fragrance is PLENTY) for a first run, NPA is

    powerful and deserves mucho respect.

    "You are a sick f*ck, but I wouldn't have you any other way. "

  17. #17
    Stranger some808guy's Avatar
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    Thanks for the tip MB,
    I did

    that yesterday for my first trial, I didn't really expect much since I have totally no experience with these

    Well... expectation was met and nothing did happen
    I used 2 sprays of perception on my neck, I didn't

    catch the pheromone scent as the day progressed probably because I wasnt really paying attention and other factors

    may have come into play such as people smoking or other peoples cologne. But I definitely smelled it when I got home

    which means it does last that long.

    So I guess for now, all I can answer to Bobby is his first question about

    the time release and the answer is yes... the timed release does work.

    I'm pretty sure I still need to find out

    the most effective application for me, if anyone has ideas, I would sure appreciate them. I have tried looking for

    info in this forum, but its either the info I'm looking for is not here... or I'm just too sleepy already LoL

    Anyways, for everyones info... I'm male, 24 and 100% chinese, about 180lbs. 5'6" 1/2 (yes, there is a 1/2 inch

    right there! heeheehee)

    How should I use NPA? I also tried NPA today, just 2 dabs and wiped it on my wrist

    and neck, then covered up with my cover scent. Still nothing, should I try going to Borders or something so that I

    have more "test subjects"? No offense to the ladies in this forum


  18. #18
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    Default Disappointment........The case of the Screwcap Mishap

    I have Perception since it's release........recieved it in good shape without any noticable

    leakage. Funny thing happened to me today.

    I've only used about 6 sprays so far....haven't been in many

    situations other than work... I work in and operating we're pretty covered up with

    masks and all. The few times I've worn it...I Applied two sprays ..then singles... I've found the scent lasts all

    day....a good 10 hrs. Quite fragrant...and when it gets under your can be

    overwhelming . (Once at work-two sprays and once out to a few stores-two sprays before I tried single sprays) Again

    not really having the opportunity to judge the effects....but nothing noticable....yet. Though with 5 sprays of

    Chikara .....even in the operating room ... I've seen noticable results. So I need to figure out how much to

    apply....then adding the cover scent.

    Anyway..the bottle has remained upright thus far on the counter at I put it in a separate small well padded comparment of my lunch the front take

    to work. It being in the container that it is .....I had no fear of breakage.

    Looking at the bottle...with the

    crimps around it....the thought never crossed my mind... unlike Chikara and other cologne bottles I have ....that

    the nozzle is SCREWED ON !! Unbeknowst to me...Somehow the screw cap was loose.... I haven't been handling

    it....Can't figure how.

    I generally stand my bag up in the refrigerator...but today, of all days... due to

    lack of space... I placed it on it's side. Bad move...very bad move...I didn't check till the end of the

    day.....and when I opened the pouch to share with a coworker......much to my surprise the container was

    wet....bewildered I examined it closer... looking for where it might be leaking. Moving it around is then I

    discovered this unfortunate SCREW ON fact. Sadly I lost about 2/3 of my Perception! Shit happens I

    guess..I learned a valuable lesson. Too bad...

    Perhaps I'm not wearing enough....but I can really smell the

    mones I hesitate to up the quantity....fearing an OD. I'm 47 and probably could stand upping my none levels

    but even with a cover scent.......I find it strong.

    So anyone having a problem with leakage....check to see

    that the nozzle is screwed on tightly. Thanks
    Last edited by Jazsy4; 08-20-2004 at 02:23 PM. Reason: to add a phrase to title

  19. #19
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    Coincidentally..........If I

    happen to notice an unusal amount of doting over my Eddie Bauer lunch bag.....I'll be sure to let you know. Though

    with 2/3 of the bottle in it........It's sure to be an OD

  20. #20
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    If this thing screws off, has anyone

    tried dabbing perception? Or would bacteria contamination be a problem?

  21. #21
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    Just got mine in today... can't

    wait to try it out. I've been using mostly Chikara so i want to see how Perception compares. Will post my

    experiences soon.

  22. #22
    Phero Enthusiast ManBeast's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chemo (BDC

    • Estimated life of applied dose (how long it lasts)
    • Impression of scent intensity (how

      strong the pheromone scent is)
    • General impression of fragrance (too weak, masculine, feminine,

    • Recommendation for pheromone ratio adjustment
    • Does the extended release of Perception work?
    • Is the

      pheromone ratio effective?
    • Would you buy Perception again or recommend it to a friend based on the

    Life: I'd say 10-12 hours before it becomes very hard if not impossible to detect on skin,

    on clothing it lasts longer. Keep in mind I sweat a LOT.

    Pheromone scent is not very noticable, I have to almost

    be "smelling for it" in order to actually notice it before I put the cover on, afterwards I can't notice it.


    really dig the scent... very clean and not uber-fancy, but not trashy... Sorry for being so vague, but I think that

    it is aweesome!

    Can't comment.



    Yes, and yes.

    "You are a sick f*ck, but I wouldn't have you any other way. "

  23. #23
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Day 1
    I started with one

    full spray to the chest.
    The “spray” was more like a blast. It seemed to deliver about twice the volume of

    the Edge dispenser. The product performed as advertised however. At first I smelled heavy pheromone fumes, but after

    a few minutes the smell was pretty subtle.
    So I tried to spray a small amount of cover scent, but that came out

    in a burst as well.
    Also the perfume didn’t seem to disperse as well as the pheromone spray. I waited about 15

    minutes for it to dry, but it just turned into a syrupy little splotch. So I tried to gently spread it around, put

    my shirt on, and went to a Whole Foods supermarket.
    As I was walking towards the enterance a lady (mid thirties)

    with a clipboard (probably doing surveys) started to approach me and seemed about to say something. I smiled and she

    just froze there, with her mouth ready to form the “h” sound, as I walked past her.
    Pretty funny, but

    this was just the start of my DIHL’s. There was the elderly lady that stared at me as I got my shopping basket. A

    tall blond girl that froze up when I tried to pick out a bag of coffee. A little boy, walking with his father, that

    stopped to stare at me in the produce section. A lady that couldn’t get her words out at one of the sample stands.

    Two girls that stopped talking just to stare at me in the cereal section. And the girl standing behind me at the

    check out line.
    I didn’t get many smiles. Just lots of “excuse me’s” and people stepping out of my way like

    I was armed and dangerous.
    After that I rushed home and took a quick shower. The stuff came right


    Day 2
    I tried to give myself a partial spray on the chest, and seemed to get something about the

    size of an Edge dosage. The cover scent came out in a big splotch once again.
    My first stop was a coffee

    shop and the vibes seemed pretty good this time around. The girls behind the counter seemed extra cheerful and the

    barista seemed extra polite. I felt encouraged and struck up a conversation with a lady (mid thirties, nice legs,

    kind of cute) that was working on a crossword puzzle. She seemed a bit nervous at first, but things got better after

    I broke the ice. She said that she’d noticed me at the coffee shop before and figured that I was some kind of artist

    or musician. (I wish.) Turns out she’s a history professor, so I didn’t have to fake any interest in her. We had a

    nice conversation and she was visibly disappointed when I said I had to go. So I invited her to my Labor day party

    and she perked right up. (Let’s see what happens when she meets my girl friend.)
    Next stop was a bike shop

    that was advertising a clearance sale. There wasn’t a single female in the place but the salesmen where very nice

    and respectful.
    I felt good about my dosage so I kept the stuff on when I went to pick up my gf for a

    She figured out I was wearing pheromones right away. She liked the scent but didn’t seem to be

    particularly turned on or off. And she wasn’t cuddly when we got to the theater.
    After that we stopped for

    ice cream and the girl behind the counter struck me as somewhat nervous.
    So I started to think that maybe my

    dosage was still a bit too much. No real negative results just a subtle vibe that I had to keep projecting my charm

    at all times ot avoid the “lone wolf” effect.
    But I still got laid, so I’m not


    Quote Originally Posted by Chemo (BDC Concepts)
    [*]Estimated life of applied dose (how long it

    [*]Impression of scent intensity (how strong the pheromone scent is)
    [*]General impression of

    fragrance (too weak, masculine, feminine, etc)
    [*]Recommendation for pheromone ratio

    [*]Does the extended release of Perception work?
    [*]Is the pheromone ratio

    [*]Would you buy Perception again or recommend it to a friend based on the

    * over 12 hours
    * relatively subtle considering the volume
    * nice all purpose scent,

    lasts a long time
    * maybe half the Androsterone and 25% more Androstenol (Rone gives me a sort of authoritarian

    aura. Nol makes me a fun guy.)
    * dunno
    * yes
    * probably (I like the easy clean up), but I would DEFINITELY

    buy it if it dispensed Chikara sized sprays
    Give truth a chance.

  24. #24
    Newbie Flash1's Avatar
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    Yep will start using my

    perception next week then I will keep you posted.

  25. #25
    Enlightened One
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    If you dont keep the atomiser

    upright the original ones leak. ABleit slowly im assuming the next shipment will be fixed.

  26. #26
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    I got the gold version. The

    pheromones and scent leaked considerably in delivery. The spray shoots out in streams instead of sprays. I think the

    only problem is with the atomizers.

    Lasted 11 hours or so.

    Puts women in a really good mood for me, but

    nothing sexual. Almost as if it were androstenol. I'd keep the current ratio because I personally will start

    applying a none heavy product next to the perception application points.

    I enjoy the cool masculine scent a lot,

    and it also lasts a long time.

  27. #27
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    I have the unscented edge

    spray and perception. I sprayed shots of both onto some paper and smelled them every 10-15 minutes for two hours.

    I could always smell the perception and never the edge, but after I smelled the perception the first time I

    couldn't smell it again unless I gave my nose a break. I can smell the pheros in perception easily on me all day

    unless I do a good cover up job. Apparently I can't smell rones which would explain the odorless edge. When I

    got my perception in the mail (two weeks ago) there was some leakage in both bottles, but only a little. I'm still

    a newbie at this and haven't gotten any hits from anything yet.

  28. #28
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    The fragrance lasts for about

    10 hours or so which is good in my opinion. The intensity of it is just right, what needs to be increased is the

    amount. As I posted earlier, the fragrance bottle is empty when the mone bottle is still half full.


    extended release seems to be working. However, the results seem to be very inconsistent. My guess is that the

    majority of the female population use contraceptive pills which lessen the effect of the mones. I.e. perception

    seems to be working better on young women or older ones, not those in their 20s and 30s who typically uses

    contraceptive pills.

    For adjustment of the ratio: Lessen the amount of none and increase the amount of nol. I

    really wish there were a product that had about 5 times as much nol as it had none.

  29. #29
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    I just finished a 2-week test run of

    Perception and sorry to say I got no results/reactions. I have however seem to be having problems with the spray

    head and dosage. The volume of product I get seems pretty small in comparison to a Chikara spray, but maybe that's

    what it's supposed to be? Doesn't seem to spray very well. Have tried both with and without a cover scent, and in

    amounts ranging from 1 to 4 sprays.

    And yes, I discovered the "screw-on" nature of the atomizer when I first

    tried to remove the cap and the whole bottle pulled out of the base. Was very slightly loose but not enough to


    Leakage in shipment was confined to a small amount of the cover scent container.

    Of the four products

    I have tested in the past 6 weeks (near end of Feb thru mid April 2005) SOE and Chikara have both produced possible

    positive results. Adding some NPA to those (eg one drop or even less) have given me some possible negative results

    (nervousness/defensiveness). Perception has given me zip. Am moving on to test AE for next couple of weeks.


    stats: Male, 50's.

  30. #30
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
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    Maybe you need to clean the spray

    head. Soak it in alcohol and spray until shoots clean. Most of my atomizers need occasional maintenance.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

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