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  1. #61
    Phero Pro
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    It is the most ineffective product

    that I have ever used. I have tried the full pack treatment. I really think the stuff is just water. I don't even

    get the gamey smell on me like I do after I use every other product. That usually happens after about 10-12 hours

    after application. I may get a pack of this stuff checked out, if my lab director pal at the Uni can pull it off. I

    have no faith in BDC or the product.

    However, if the stuff magically starts to work for me, than I will

    happily retract my comments.

  2. #62
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    I have been using Perception

    frequently for about 1.5 yrs now with good results. I am 6'3'', 170 lbs, dark hair, blue eyes, very slightly

    chubby and very slightly muscular with boyish face. Average looks. I am developing more and more "game" by the

    day. Two sprays is my limit unless in a smokey bar or similar setting, then I use three small ones. They go on my

    throat/neck/chest area and maybe a small one on my forearms. Four sprays has gotten me occasional strong hits, but

    generally seems to put me in the OD range or gives no apparent results. Usually I notice the best hits in the first

    three to six hours after application, though certain chicks respond 8+ hours after, like maybe it's weakening to

    their "hit range". Almost every time I notice either very small hits from lots of girls (like good body language)

    or get the occasional massive hit (like blatant sexual come-ons being verbalized or being grabbed and kissed), never

    in between. One trick I have used with surprising success while wearing Perception with girls who are obviously

    into me is to "order" them to kiss me (politely but firmly), then point to my mouth. Perception smells about like

    water to me, but I am unable to really detect the scent of any phero product I've tried. Nobody has mentioned me

    smelling like cat piss, ever. The included fragrance is very good if you don't have anything else, but I prefer to

    use Chrome by Azzaro or my Amouage samples. I wish I could buy Perception w/o the fragrance. For me at least, I

    think Perception would be improved with a TINY TINY bit more -none. I have been too scared to try the strong -none

    products extensively so this is just a guess. At the suggestion of others on this site, I don't use regular

    deodorant (or soap) on my body, instead I use Pheros by DST. A dab of Pheros in each armpit seems to be a good

    combo with two sprays of Perception for me. I notice more and better hits this way. The only thing that would

    improve this product (as you already know) is putting it in a bottle that doesn't leak in transit, both in shipping

    and when I travel with it in my suitcase. Sorry for the long post, just trying to get my experiences out there.

  3. #63
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I'm completely in agreement

    with Tounge on this. After going through two bottles and a handful of gelpaks of Perception without a single hit, I

    gave up on the stuff.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  4. #64
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge
    It is the

    most ineffective product that I have ever used. I have tried the full pack treatment. I really think the stuff is

    just water. I don't even get the gamey smell on me like I do after I use every other product. That usually happens

    after about 10-12 hours after application. I may get a pack of this stuff checked out, if my lab director pal at the

    Uni can pull it off. I have no faith in BDC or the product.

    However, if the stuff magically starts to work for

    me, than I will happily retract my comments.

    let us know how that test goes if it happens.


    been using the spray form for years and i am lucky enough to get good results. but i must say i use it as an all

    purpose product not specifically for sexual hits. 1-3 sprays for me. any more than that i admit brings on od

    symtpons but its not exactly a heavy none type od.

    i messed with the gels for a while before the big specials

    went down. my opinion they were definately intriguing but not economical for me. i went as far as wearing 2 full

    gels to end up getting the same effect as about 1 1/2 sprays. the gel formula does work differently its not quite

    the same.

    dont quote me on this but i recall speaking with oscar about it and i believe he mentioned that 1

    full gel had slightly less mone content than one spray of the liquid. that conversation was over a year ago so dont

    quote me exactly but i do recall thats what made me push my testing to 2 full gels. didnt get much farther as was

    simply too expensive.

    i did have one strong result from the gel form. i saw a lady friend whom i see for fringe

    benefits many times. she always reacted well to me wearing perception. a few days after one said encounter i saw

    her again except this time i was wearing the gel as i wanted to test the sexualness of it. the gel did seem to have

    a more stronger profound effect on this one women. she took one whiff and went totally nuts ripped my clothes off

    almost instantly.

  5. #65
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jollysnowdevil
    i do recall thats what made me push my testing to 2 full gels. didnt get much farther as was

    simply too expensive.
    Man! Messy too!

    I saw a little potential with the spray. I get good

    results with a coworker who touches me alot when I wear it. Though she's always super friendly, she has never

    touched me when I wear other products. Also got a mouth opened DIHL from a woman in the post office with three

    sprays. But I had a bit of bad attitude that day and that may have been the reason for the surprise, though I

    thought I was keeping it to myself.

    The gels on the other hand were just too messy for my tastes. I'm not a

    fan of the gel packs in general though, other than the portability and sample factors.

    I was going to

    question your statement about using the spray version for years, as I was thinking that Perception had only been

    introduced around this time last year. But Chemo's original post in this thread is dated August 2004, so I guess

    that's close enough to more than one year.

    I think it's all a moot point though as from BDC Concepts'

    lack of participation here for several months, speculation in a thread started by Pongo, and a look at their website

    makes me wonder if they have dropped their research.

    I am grateful for this thread being pulled up though.

    There is a new sushi restaurant in town and the above mentioned coworker (half my age too) suggested we get together

    for sushi soon. I think I'll be wearing a spray or two of Perception then.

  6. #66
    Phero Dude
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    perception is like

    chikara it is either hit or miss for people.

    yeah the gels can be messy especially when u need to apply so much

    . kinda run out of areas to apply. i felt like i was going to lie on a beach for the day.

    last time bdc was here

    they were looking for feedback on the gels as they're upcoming platinum release is going to be in gel form so the

    current gels are kinda like a trial before they release platinum.

  7. #67
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jollysnowdevil
    last time bdc was here they were looking for feedback on the gels as they're upcoming

    platinum release is going to be in gel form so the current gels are kinda like a trial before they release

    Yeah, I was disappointed with that announcement instead of them staying with the spray but

    with better atomizers. Maybe with the pump dispenser the gel wouldn't have been so bad to work with. I still think

    Perception is a close out here though as direct links to the BDC website have been deleted here in the last few

    months and I just got a "cannot find server" page when I just tried to go there through a Yahoo search


    Too bad as though Chikara is a more consistent product for me (and my favorite), I had hopes for their

    polymer matrix.

  8. #68
    Full Member BizmanJoe's Avatar
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    Hey all.

    I actually had

    pretty good results with Perception/AE mix. 2-3 drops of AE with 1/3 pack of Perception was definitely a good mix

    for me. My base is primarily AE, as I've had such good results with it.

    Perception by itself was more like

    SOE but more subdued. Fems got close and friendly with one of out of eight getting noticeably turned on, but no

    overt responses from any.

  9. #69
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by BizmanJoe
    Hey all.


    actually had pretty good results with Perception/AE mix. 2-3 drops of AE with 1/3 pack of

    was definitely a good mix for me. My base is primarily AE, as I've had such good results with


    Perception by itself was more like SOE but more subdued. Fems got close and friendly with one of out of

    eight getting noticeably turned on, but no overt responses from any.
    How/where did you apply them, Biz

    ... separate application spots, or did you cover your AE with Perception?

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

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