My idea that any fraud would be

easy to detect was based on the assumption that auditors would have access to the voting machines. Data should still

be stored on them, if the numbers don't match with the tabulator you have a good idea that somebody was playing


My assumption or presuppositions is that both sides are equally capable of deceit and fraud, not that

they are predominantly wrong. I haven't seen any reason the believe otherwise. It seems a lot safer and more

realistic to start from that presumption. As an example not an accusation, why couldn't the democrats tweak the

results in some of the smaller precents in order to be able to claim cheating by the other side? It certainly

wouldn't be the first time that tactic had been used. They did lay a lot of groundwork for that claim prior to the

election. Frankly, if I was a republican considering cheating, after all the noise the democrats made about the

possibility prior to the elections, I would have found some other method less likely to be scrutinized. It was

pretty obvious that this would be looked at carefully and the slightest irregularity would be called. Neither of us

believes the republicans are honest, but I don't assume they are stupid.

Without trying to offend you and I

apologize in advance if I do, you come across as extremely biased. So long as Bush won, I don't believe you would

have accepted any results without claiming fraud. Nor do I believe you will agree that the democrats are just as

capable of fraud. Your every comment has seemed to be an attempt to demonize that one group while implying the other

is pristine and pure. I don't accept that.

I don't believe the majority of what I have heard so far, much of

it falls under "Me thinks he protests too much" philosophy. I would very much like to see an unbiased audit done of

the entire election process. But to do that you'd have to bring people in from another country, IMHO. If we can

manage an honest audit, I would like to see every person who had a hand in decieving the public in prison,

regardless of their reasons or political affiliation or the office they hold. Tampering with an election is one of

the worst possible crimes against an entire country.