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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast ManBeast's Avatar
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    Default Perception field tests.

    I've been

    experimenting with Perception this past week and have nothing but positives about it. First time I used it, had some

    minor hits, but didn't end up in the social situation I was expecting that day. I used it exclusively the last few

    days (Thurs-today (sat)), and let me say that it is truly amazing how well this product leads to hits...
    I Applied

    Thursday around 10:00 AM, went to work from 11-3, Definite hits, guys and girls were friendlier and chattier, Got a

    good amount of DIHLs from girls, or ones that couldn't take their eyes off of me.
    On Friday I woke up early to

    work from 6:30-11 before working out. I had many many hits the second part of that shift, just due to a lack of

    people during the first part. Usually at the front desk, people can get hostile and irritable over stupid stuff, I

    didn't seem to have any of those problems this shift, even with "regulars" who are difficult. Lots of girls who

    came in had DIHL, or trouble concentrating on things. Amazing that this stuff was still working at this

    Later friday (after a shower/scrub/re-application) The hits were just left and right, basically anyone who

    came near me just wanted to talk, hang out, and flirt (especially if they didn't know me). Even my boss (who

    usually doesn't seem to like me much) was friendly, chatty, and overall nice.
    Today, I again put on a small

    application after showering and went out to lunch with 1 dude and 3 girls. 2 of the girls have long term boyfriends

    (1 LJBF'd me, and the other is definitely attracted based on past non-`mone experience), and the other really

    wasn't my type it seemed. All the girls were really excited and chatty (even the normally quiet one), and I caught

    the one that is attracted to me looking at me, playing with her hair, smiling, and not looking away when I made eye

    contact unexpectedly.

    To sum it up... I love this product. The scent is great, it lasts (and I sweat like a mofo

    when it's not HOT, and it's been... HOT), and it works. I've never gone above 2 sprays of the `mones, and 2 total

    sprays of the scent.

    "You are a sick f*ck, but I wouldn't have you any other way. "

  2. #2
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Congrats on the hits!! Can't

    wait to hear more results.

    Sounds to me like a good alternative to AE, and that it could even be mixed with

    Chikara with success for some (perhaps scentless).
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  3. #3
    Phero Dude
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    I tried Perception for the first

    time Friday night at a couple clubs. I tried two sprays on neck and chest. I found both males and females pretty

    chatty. A couple possible DIHL's. The reason I say possible is because it's hard to distinguish true hits at clubs

    for alcohol is added to the equation. I find many people that post here tend to count certain actions from others as

    pheromone hits when perhaps they may not be due to the use of them.

    There was one unmistaken hit I had. While

    on the dance floor someone kept pinching me the butt. I know it was someone I didn't know but I couldn't figure

    out who was doing it. The person did it at least 6 times and I was coy trying to figure it out. Yet I


    I have to admit that since using Chikara and Perception I have had much more success meeting others

    at clubs. Especially good looking girls. Coupling that with DeAngelo techniques I get phone #'s very easily


    It seems these products both have a positive effect on me. They help give me a relaxed, positive, and

    confident attitude. This radiates and others notice. That's why I often wonder if they affect the user or others


    I do know that products with more nol or that are balanced are the way to go. The 'old' only None

    way is not. Heavy None makes me more aggressive and agitated. It makes others that way too.

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast ManBeast's Avatar
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    Dr: I've definitely been

    kicking the perception/chikara idea around myself.
    bd: I too find that I have to watch the amount of `none I'm

    using or it brings out stupid amounts of aggression in those around me. I'm very calm and laid back and don't get

    worked up easy and haven't noticed more aggression when using `mones, but then again, I've never gone too heavy on

    the `none.

    "You are a sick f*ck, but I wouldn't have you any other way. "

  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast ManBeast's Avatar
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    Ok... Good solid hits tonight

    in a very suprising setting.
    I was out at my favorite sushi bar here, and I'm a bit of a regular, so most of the

    staff recognizes me. But tonight they were extra friendly, but not like the time where they were "making up" for

    having me wait 30 minutes to get a seat, this was more genuine. The big hit of the night was this lady in her mid to

    late 20's I'd guess, not bad lookin, seemed (and proved through some conversation) that she was a bit of a

    hippie-type (as long as they know how to use a razor, I like hippies ). She came into the resturant and initially

    sat at a table, but a few minutes later basically bolted over to the bar and asked me fif she could sit right next

    to me when there were plenty of empty seats around, then her male friend (seemed platonic) sat next to her. She

    immediately introduced herself and him to me and made some small talk. Throughout the night she would ask me what I

    was having, and try and strike up conversation with me whenever she could. Wenever we made eye contact she would

    look right into my eyes and get a bit of a DIHL going, and frequently when she wasn't looking my way, she was

    playing with her hair. When I got up to leave, I said goodbye and see ya around, and she was very happy to hear that

    and gave my hand an extra squeeze when we shook goodbye (I figured she introduced herself with a handshake, I could

    say goodbye with one). All in all, a very good night I think, great sushi, good hit(s). All that could go better is

    winnin the lottery!

    "You are a sick f*ck, but I wouldn't have you any other way. "

  6. #6
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    Bigdog, talking about Mones and

    clubs! Are you saying that the scent of Perception and even Chikara cuts through all those evil stinks:

    cigarettes, weed, cigars etc., that hang around night clubs. If so, 'what a miracle'!

    ...The last time

    I went to a club the only thing on me party wear and even body at the end of the night was cigarette stink,

    'even colognes bow to the strong smell of stink in night clubs'.

  7. #7
    Phero Enthusiast ManBeast's Avatar
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    So far, perception, when

    applied to the layer not in direct contact with a massively offensive odor has lasted 8-10 hours at a noticable

    level in a normal day. I still have to take it out to a club here, but there are major smoking/non-smoking areas and

    rules here, so I do my best to avoid that area in the first place, unless some hot chicky that I'm tryin to hookup

    with drags me out there so she can smoke. (although if I do end up taking her home, I slip her a couple pieces of

    gum on the way home )

    "You are a sick f*ck, but I wouldn't have you any other way. "

  8. #8
    BDC Concepts Chemo (BDC Concepts)'s Avatar
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    Wow! Great


    We're still trying to assess the claims we are making concerning (1) extended release, (2) ability

    to wash off completely [no buildup], and (3) of course, how well it works with actual use.

    Do you find it to

    be extended release and wash off easily?


  9. #9


    There is definitely a longer

    period where you notice Perception on you, but I've noticed that rather than an extended period where it remains

    constantly noticeable, it is more like something that "comes back to hit you" every few hours or minutes sometimes.

    So I'd say that the timed-release is defitinely working as advertised but it's as if it comes back in

    installments rather than staying at one level.

    It does wash off fairly easily, but as Mtnjim noted in one of

    the threads, it seems to be harder to get it off if the area you spray it on is hairy. As in the chest area.

  10. #10


    Oh, one more thing, Perception

    seems to do its thing the best when you use the Perception scent, probably because the other scents are not


  11. #11
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cuddlebear
    There is definitely

    a longer period where you notice Perception on you, but I've noticed that rather than an extended period where it

    remains constantly noticeable, it is more like something that "comes back to hit you" every few hours or minutes


    So I'd say that the timed-release is defitinely working as advertised but it's as if it comes

    back in installments rather than staying at one level.
    Probably just fluctuations in body

    heat and sweating as well as different environmental conditions.

  12. #12
    Phero Enthusiast ManBeast's Avatar
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    1) Definitely would say it has

    extended release properties.
    2) I can get it all off with a scrubber and soap in the shower.
    3) See above posts

    "You are a sick f*ck, but I wouldn't have you any other way. "

  13. #13
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    I used Perception last night on

    a blind date, 4 sprays covered with Lagerfeld, neck and forearms with one drop of P10 mixed in with my hair gel. I

    know this may seem near OD quantites, but I cannot get results with smaller quanities regardless of product. The

    results where very favorable.

    I arrived at the resteraunt about half an hour early and had a drink at the bar.

    The bar maid is doe eyed as she fixes me a drink, I all ready know that I have a good mix going....

    A young

    couple comes in and sits down next to me...shes smiles and stares at me..immediately distracted from her date...he

    forces a smile...and brings his date back to his world, just as date comes thru the door at the same


    To my suprise this woman looks like Jennifer Aniston at 45. She sits down next to me and by the time the

    bar maid gets her a glass of wine, she is doe eyed and playing with her hair. I know I have a good thing going....

    We sit down to dinner, and the waitress who can be more the 21 becomes doe eyed taking are drink order and becomes

    a near babbling idiot. My date is fixated on me and is non stop playing with her hair.
    As we eat dinner, I look

    breifly around the room, and every woman with in 15 feet of the table is staring at me. I have never had results

    like this...

    I pay the hostess and by the time she processes my credit card, she becomes disoriented and doe


    My date and I go to the pub up the block for an after dinner drink. We have one drink, where there maybe

    a half hour and every woman is staring at me I am really digging this attention, though it is getting a little

    scary. My date gets its time to leave.....

    The scent definetly has consistent long lasting

    results. It almost seams to "pulse" when you have initial contact with people. I could still smell it when I took a

    shower this morning. No phermone hangover the next day, no cat piss smell ever. Good product, wierd "texture" and

    color, but who cares, it works.

    The next time out we will retire the P10 in the hair gell and see what


  14. #14


    It seems to "pulse" ? Hmm ...

    similar to my observation ... Perception does seem to come back to you as time goes on (which I like) ... when I

    first read bjf's note that it was probably just fluctuations in body temperature, I thought "yeah, he's probably

    right", and perhaps that IS right, but there is more of it with Perception than I have noticed with other products

    ... and it is more pronounced when you use the Perception fragrance, the commercial colognes I used with it seemed

    to tamper with the time-release quality ...

  15. #15
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Cuddle, maybe the water base carrier

    (non transdermal absorbtion) allows body temperature to have more of an effect (heating the mones into the air)

    because everything is on the top layer of skin, while the alcohol and oil products get put deep enough in the skin

    where body temperature doesn't affect the pheromone broadcasting as much.

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