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  1. #1
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    Default A Young One Needs Helps Also A Newbie


    Yea I know another new guy right, but what I need I think would really help me out. Dont get mad at me if

    someone else has posted this, I didnt check every thread so let's start out on a good foot.

    Ok here it is

    i'am 15, black, weight dont know but i guess im a little to heavy for my age, hight well my brother is like

    6'2'' or 6'3'' I think, and im almost taller then him. Alright my main thing is of course about pheromones.

    What I was really needing to know is what pheromone is best for me for my age group. Im not racisets or anything (I

    would never be) but I was really trying to attract mostly black chicks asians and latina chicks. I dont know if

    there are certain pheromones to to attract diffent raceis. And i dont know what pheromone to use for my age group

    ether, So I guess you can say im a dummy when it comes to pheromone's,
    Thats why I need you guys help so if

    yall could help me with that I would apricate it thanks. Anyhting helps.

    Ps. Well I did order AE (alter Ego)

    off of "The Pheromone Store but I didnt like it, it didnt work for me ether it was a fake or it was useless to me.

    Oh sorry if i spelled anything wrong I errrrrr forgot to by a dictionary, And my language arts teacher is mute


  2. #2
    Phero Pharaoh
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    What did you do with the Alter

    Ego? What is your competition like? What is your goal? Who are your targets?

    At 15, you have plenty of time

    to figure out your game. You may or may not benefit from pheromones. There is a lot more to it than just wearing

    pheromones. The pheromones are supposed to give you an edge over otherwise equal competition. If you're not close

    to equal, at best they can only help you get close to equal.

  3. #3
    Phero Dude
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    Considering your height & age

    I'd say you're probably producing plenty of your own none. Do you think you project an alpha male presence? Are

    you a lone wolf? Sounds like you'd benefit from products like SOE, Wagg & Chikara...I really think the Chikara

    would be a good fit for you because its not too overtly sexual...

  4. #4
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    I'm 18 and I've found that

    AE/m has never really worked for me. I think this is because I'm a bit shy and I'm not the type to be agressive

    and go after girls like some guys do. I think AE/m is made for that type of guy, not for the guys who are more laid


    The SOE gel has worked somewhat for me, I think, because I've noticed that people tend to be more open

    with me and have also started conversations with me, or simply that they noticed i was there and that helped me get

    my "foot in the door" which is a good thing because i'm usually shy and don't assert myself unless I'm already in

    a conversation or in a one on one (As a sidenote, I will say that that's changed now, I'm more outgoing, lol, i'm

    referring to when i used pheremones a long time ago when i was shyer). Anyway, if anyone else agrees or has an

    opinion on what i just said, i'd like to hear it.

  5. #5
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    Ok i will try answer some of you

    question as clearly as possible for me. first (friendly1).What did you do with the Alter Ego. actually nothing

    becuase i noticed nothing was happening with it no difference at all really.i let my friends my mom my dad grandma

    ect. smell it and they all really said the same thing. it was kind of a long time ago so i cant really remember

    everything but they said it smelled like a oil of some sort. they said the oil kind but cant remember. i put it on

    and asked people how it smelled then just in case you had to put it on first they said nothing (the lable was kind

    of worn out after a while so they didnt know what they was smelling and i didnt ell them exsept my dad my mom and my

    grandma knew about it though). i took it out to the street parties book store ect. and seen no diffrence. what is my

    competition like i really cant answer that because i dont know were your going with that. what is my goal to get

    more girls have more confidence and be able to talk to them without loseing my words all the time (cant speak at all

    tung tided). targets well i guess all girls young ones in my age group and up mostly black chicks asians and latina

    chicks. ok next (metroman) Do you think you project an alpha male presence? Are you a lone wolf? I know what you

    mean by that but i really cant tell you if i do or not.

    And last but not least (Lagrimas) I seem to be what

    you used to be shy, laid back and just watching everybody else around me get the girls. and sometimes in a boys life

    a girl aproaches you and what do i do i get tung tided and smile alot. and i dont know what i do i guess my game is

    real weak but they kind of stop talking and and lose intrest (i can tell) then it goes bad. and uselly dont get the

    number i know its sad i run out of things to say quickly i dont have anything interesting to say. so hey maybe you

    guys can give more some pointers on how to over come that. and exspeciall to get the knowleadge i need and the nuts

    to aproach a fine female. and pheromones should be able to be a helpful sidekick to. ok i got choices to make

    lagrimas i dont know about gel packs i perfer the whole thing becuase it last longer or does the packs and the whole

    item have differnces.

    so i have choices of SOE, WAGG, and Chikara i just want to get one for now to see how

    it works and plus im 15 no job little money and got to get it through my dad lol. oh yea and when i do get which

    ever one yall recommend the best out of the bunch how should i apply them to myself for maximum results.


    i know my grammers way off right now so please exscuse that. I know it just make you want to slap my language arts

    teacher silly right now lol.

  6. #6
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilplaya
    I seem to be

    what you used to be shy, laid back and just watching everybody else around me get the girls. and sometimes in a boys

    life a girl aproaches you and what do i do i get tung tided and smile alot. and i dont know what i do i guess my

    game is real weak but they kind of stop talking and and lose intrest (i can tell) then it goes bad.

    recomend SOE because then the girls won't stop talking. Also it packs a lot of Androstenol (Nol) which seems to

    excite younger women.

  7. #7
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilplaya
    Ok i will try

    answer some of you question as clearly as possible for me. first (friendly1).What did you do with the Alter Ego.

    actually nothing becuase i noticed nothing was happening with it no difference at all really.i let my friends my mom

    my dad grandma ect. smell it and they all really said the same thing. it was kind of a long time ago so i cant

    really remember everything but they said it smelled like a oil of some sort. they said the oil kind but cant

    remember. i put it on and asked people how it smelled then just in case you had to put it on first they said nothing

    (the lable was kind of worn out after a while so they didnt know what they was smelling and i didnt ell them exsept

    my dad my mom and my grandma knew about it though). i took it out to the street parties book store ect. and seen no

    Okay. First of all, we all probably end up telling someone about the pheromones. But once you

    do that, people become skeptical and defensive. Most people can NOT smell the pheromones when there is a cover scent

    involved. So, there really isn't any way for people to sniff out a pheromone signature. Some guys mention a "cat

    piss" odor when they wear too much raw Androstenone. That is a rare issue.

    Secondly, even with just a regular

    cologne, you don't achieve anything by telling people you are wearing the cologne. They will notice it and they may

    say something or not. It's like bragging. If you do something good, telling people you did it doesn't help. You

    have to let them notice on their own.

    We all produce pheromones naturally. No one can NOT produce pheromones.

    All you do with a pheromone cologne or oil is increase your own pheromone signature. You start "screaming".


    pheromone products work better than others. It depends on a lot of things.

    what is my competition like

    i really cant answer that because i dont know were your going with that.
    Do you hang with guys who get a

    lot of attention from girls? Do you meet girls who pay a lot of attention to guys you don't hang with?

    what is my goal to get more girls have more confidence and be able to talk to them without loseing my

    words all the time (cant speak at all tung tided).
    Okay. You undermined your confidence when you pointed

    out to people that you were wearing cologne. You did even worse by telling people about the pheromones and asking

    them to see if they could detect anything.

    If you just take the plunge and wear a cologne (with or without

    pheromones) without making a big deal about it, you are being confident. Period. End of lecture.

    You just do it.

    THAT is confidence.

    targets well i guess all girls young ones in my age group and up mostly black

    chicks asians and latina chicks.
    The clothes are not going to be the issue, then. In your age group, you

    should be able to wear just about anything as long as it is clean and not ratty. But make sure you cooridinate your

    colors. That will make a big difference.

    If you don't bathe regularly, that could be part of the problem.

    But it sounds to me like you probably put a lot of effort into shooting yourself down. Your biggest problem is

    lack of confidence.

    I would say the best thing you can do is stop telling people what you are doing. You ever

    hear how actions speak louder than words? Just do it. Don't talk about it.

    And last but not least

    (Lagrimas) I seem to be what you used to be shy, laid back and just watching everybody else around me get the girls.

    and sometimes in a boys life a girl aproaches you and what do i do i get tung tided and smile alot. and i dont know

    what i do i guess my game is real weak but they kind of stop talking and and lose intrest (i can tell) then it goes

    It can take a shy guy a long time to get this part down. When I was in college, one of my closest

    friends turned out to be the biggest ladies man on campus. None of the other guys could understand how he did it. He

    was skinny, wore glasses, and couldn't dress himself in anything but dorky jeans and t-shirts. He looked totally


    But he LISTENED to the girls when they talked and he found clever ways to repeat what they said back

    to them. Example, if a girl said, "I am kind of down today because I had a fight with my mom," he might say, "So

    you're feeling bad because you are having trouble with your mom. I can dig that. It's a bummer. But I'm sure

    things will get better."

    He used to drive me nuts by trying to pull the same crap with me. It don't work with

    guys. Only with girls.

    So, when he tried to explain this to me, it felt cheesy and stupid and I refused to do

    it. Well, I have learned my lesson.

    Women need reassurance. Men need it, too, but in a different way. Women are

    looking for support and vindication for their feelings. They want to know you are listening. They do NOT want to

    have you solve their problems for them (except when they obviously demand that you take care of a problem).

    It's an art and you learn it by doing it. Practice makes perfect.

    But the biggest mistake guys make with

    girls is that they don't let the girls talk as much as the guys tell the girls about themselves. Until a girl

    decides she really wants to be in your world, her world is far more important to her than yours.

    So, if she is

    interested, she will ask a few questions. When she does that, don't give her complete answers. Don't be a jerk,

    but give her just enough information to get her to ask more questions. Better yet, tell her a little bit but then

    ask her a related questions.

    Go back and forth. Occasionally restate what she says so you can get confirmation

    that you are paying attention.

    and uselly dont get the number
    Personally, I don't collect

    phone numbers. I have no use for them. I get to know women and then I set things up with them. If a phone number is

    necessary at that point, the woman will give it to me.

    A lot of guys make a big deal out of collecting phone

    numbers. Phone numbers don't mean anything. A girl might give you a phone number just to shut you up. She might

    give you a fake phone number.

    i know its sad i run out of things to say quickly i dont have anything

    interesting to say.
    The art of conversation is more about listening to what the other person has to say

    than about telling the other person something that is interesting. As long as you don't just grunt or stare in

    silence at her breasts, you stand a chance of being an interesting conversationalist.

    Think about how you handle

    conversations with your friends and relatives. Listen to yourself when you are with people you know, that you like

    or really care about. Notice how you behave when you are having fun with your friends and family.

    Try to behave

    that way around ALL girls. Don't get hung up on trying to impress them. Just be friendly with them all until you

    are comfortable.

    The pheromones will help when you build your confidence and your game. They cannot substitute

    for either.

  8. #8
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by a.k.a.
    I recomend SOE

    because then the girls won't stop talking. Also it packs a lot of Androstenol (Nol) which seems to excite younger

    I agree. I think, LilPlaya, that you need to practice talking with the girls more than anything else.

    And anything that makes them chatty will make that easier for you. Agree with them as much as you can (but be

    sincere -- don't ever try to lie because you probably cannot hide the fact you are lying very well). But don't

    let a girl walk all over you. Don't ever do something you don't want to do for a girl. They like it if a guy

    tells them "no" on occasion. It means he has backbone.

    Let them talk and they will show their interest by

    touching you (gently, usually on the arm or the shoulder) and asking you questions. Don't try to answer a question

    with a huge long story. Try to limit yourself to 1 or 2 sentences and then followup with another question.


    to avoid asking questions that are most easily answered by yes or no.

    For example, "Are you from around here?"

    is a yes/no type of question. Better to ask, "So, where are you from?" She'll tell you. If you know where that is,

    ask, "Do you like living there/here?" If you don't know where she is from, ask her, "So, where is that? Is it far?

    How does it compare to here?"

    Try to be upbeat and positive. But if she is in a bad mood, give her space. Don't

    hang around if she isn't happy to see you.

    In fact, don't wear out your welcome. Always be the first to end

    the conversation with the girl. Tip her off to future meetings with a warm "See you around" or "We'll talk


    If the girl asks you to spend some time with her, do it. If she doesn't, then just move on.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lagrimas
    I'm 18 and I've

    found that AE/m has never really worked for me. I think this is because I'm a bit shy and I'm not the type to be

    agressive and go after girls like some guys do. I think AE/m is made for that type of guy, not for the guys who are

    more laid back.

    The SOE gel has worked somewhat for me, I think, because I've noticed that people tend to

    be more open with me and have also started conversations with me, or simply that they noticed i was there and that

    helped me get my "foot in the door" which is a good thing because i'm usually shy and don't assert myself unless

    I'm already in a conversation or in a one on one (As a sidenote, I will say that that's changed now, I'm more

    outgoing, lol, i'm referring to when i used pheremones a long time ago when i was shyer). Anyway, if anyone else

    agrees or has an opinion on what i just said, i'd like to hear it.

    Hey! I'm also 18, a bit shy,

    not agressive and don't go after girls like some guys do. I've also tried AE/m and it never worked for me... I

    haven't seen any difference.

    We have a lot of characteristical similarities with Lagrimas.

    Now, I'm

    wondering, maybe AE/m never works for guys with these mentioned characteristic personalities... Maybe AE/m doesn't

    work for guys like Lagrimas and me ? Because our natural pheromones elicit the same vibe and that vibe is not

    capable with AE/m ?

    I haven't tried SOE yet, but I will give it a try and see how it works.

    Lagrimas: you could tell more about yourself, so maybe we can find much more similarities?

  10. #10
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friendly1

    But he LISTENED to the girls when they talked and he found clever ways to repeat what they said back to

    them. Example, if a girl said, "I am kind of down today because I had a fight with my mom," he might say, "So

    you're feeling bad because you are having trouble with your mom. I can dig that. It's a bummer. But I'm sure

    things will get better."


    But the biggest mistake guys make with girls is that they don't let

    the girls talk as much as the guys tell the girls about themselves. Until a girl decides she really wants to be in

    your world, her world is far more important to her than yours.

    So, if she is interested, she will ask a few

    questions. When she does that, don't give her complete answers. Don't be a jerk, but give her just enough

    information to get her to ask more questions. Better yet, tell her a little bit but then ask her a related



    The art of conversation is more about listening to what the other person has to

    say than about telling the other person something that is interesting. As long as you don't just grunt or stare in

    silence at her breasts, you stand a chance of being an interesting conversationalist.

    Think about how you

    handle conversations with your friends and relatives. Listen to yourself when you are with people you know, that you

    like or really care about. Notice how you behave when you are having fun with your friends and family.


    to behave that way around ALL girls. Don't get hung up on trying to impress them. Just be friendly with them all

    until you are comfortable.

    The pheromones will help when you build your confidence and your game. They

    cannot substitute for either.

    That's similar to what I was going to advise. Women like a man of

    mystery, so don't tell them your whole life story. Answer questions truthfully, but don't give out more

    information than needed. And ask her questions about herself and her interests. You will seem more interesting if

    you get her talking about herself instead of doing a monologue about yourself.

    The best thing I found was to

    just talk to women in general, not just the ones you're attracted to. You'll find with practice that it will

    become easier to talk to the ones who make your heart jump into your throat when you see them.

    As for mones,

    I was going to suggest Chikara, mainly because I've used it more. But I think SOE is a good choice too, especially

    the unscented version, so you can pick your own colognes instead of having to stick with the musk scents of Chikara

    and SOE. I've had good results with WAGG too, makes people talkative, but I'm much older than you and haven't

    seen many reports on it from people your age. It's unscented so you use your own cologne choice as a cover with it

    too. Any of the three you mentioned would be a good choice. For a scented product, I like Chikara over SOE's scent

    but either are good products.

  11. #11
    Phero Pharaoh
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    If you haven't bought the

    Newbie Pack, do so. It includes SOE gel packs and that interesting Musk with Androstenol. The Musk definitely

    helps make girls more chatty.

  12. #12
    Phero Pro
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    Something else needs to be

    interjected here. The listening advice is 100% on. But! If you are on a second meeting with a girl and after

    spending a good amount of time in that second meeting, be sure to guage the conversation progress. If you are doing

    the majority of the listening as you should, it is also time to reflect on her intrest in you. If you have spent a

    great deal of time in conversation and she has only talked about herself and her problems or intrests, without any

    regard to finding out about you, it is time to eject. You are becoming one of her girlfriends or worse yet an

    emotional tampon.

  13. #13
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    I'd recommend

    unscented SOE first and Wagg-N second.

  14. #14
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    Wow thanks everybody for your

    help i really can thank you guys enough. (BJF), i was just about to ask that question which one should i get, the

    scented, or unsented version of SOE. and is there a differnce between the scented and unscented versions. oh yea how

    many drops and where should i put them to get the best results.

    Dang i still cant think you guys enough very

    helpful info and if you would please continue to post you guys advice and other things.

  15. #15
    Phero Enthusiast einstein's Avatar
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    SOE gelpacks are cheap enough

    you could get both scented and unscented. $10 for 7 packs.

  16. #16
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Yea, einstein gives good advice. The

    gel packets are a great way of not spending a lot of money and having a product.

    You get about 2 applications

    per pack on average. I recommended unscented because the scented one smells nice, but in smaller amounts than what

    you might apply (you might get some people itching their nose with too much) and the scent is also hard to mix


  17. #17
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    ok well unsented SOE it is yea

    gel packs or cheap so i guess i will get those and try them out. But on the unscented SOE it says (unisex) what does

    that mean.

  18. #18
    Phero Enthusiast einstein's Avatar
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    It means that male and female

    can wear them. I think it mostly means that it doesn't have a masculine or feminine scent. Don't worry about

    unscented SOE making you seem less manly. In the women's threads there's a girl that says wearing unscented SOE

    makes her horny.

  19. #19
    Phero Pro SweetBrenda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilplaya
    ok well

    unsented SOE it is yea gel packs or cheap so i guess i will get those and try them out. But on the unscented SOE it

    says (unisex) what does that mean.
    Unisex means that we can use it too not only the guys.. The results will

    be the same no matter what gender you are.

  20. #20
    Phero Pro SweetBrenda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by einstein
    It means that

    male and female can wear them. I think it mostly means that it doesn't have a masculine or feminine scent. Don't

    worry about unscented SOE making you seem less manly. In the women's threads there's a girl that says wearing

    unscented SOE makes her horny.
    Maybe that will maker hornier.. Because we all get horny if we are in the

    mood. I haven't use my free gel packs.. (what have I been waiting on?)

  21. #21
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    Oh ok thats what unisex means

    thanks. Well i also wear cologne I use avon cologne like Black Suede, and perceive i like the smell of them both.

    But is it a good idea to mix colonge and pheromones. like wear should i apply the pheromones at and wear should i

    put the cologne on thanks again everyone.

  22. #22
    Phero Pro SweetBrenda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilplaya
    Oh ok thats

    what unisex means thanks. Well i also wear cologne I use avon cologne like Black Suede, and perceive i like the

    smell of them both. But is it a good idea to mix colonge and pheromones. like wear should i apply the pheromones at

    and wear should i put the cologne on thanks again everyone.
    Have fun with the mones!

  23. #23
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    ooohhhh SOE makes her honier,

    the honier the better. But if the unscented gel packs are used by both male and female. and it makes girls horny

    does it make guys horny to for my sake i hope i dont when im wearing them. And also like i had stated earlier. is it

    a good idea to mix colonge and pheromones. like where should i apply the pheromones at, and wear should i put the

    cologne on.

    (SweetBrenda) you got your free SOE unscented gel packs. whenever you put them on tell me if

    they make you horny. I know im a freaky little boy, but naw for real though i just wanted to know if it does.

  24. #24
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilplaya

    is it a good idea to mix colonge and pheromones. like wear should i apply the pheromones at and wear should i put

    the cologne on thanks again everyone.
    Unscented doesn't mean that the products don't smell, but

    there is no scent added to them. Unscented SOE doesn't smell too bad, haven't tried the gel yet though, but some

    of the other products can smell kind of bad without a cover scent. So it's probably a good idea to wear your

    favorite cologne with the unscented SOE.

    Besides masking the smell, I read someone's theory in the archives

    that a cologne put on top of the pheromone application points helps carry the mones to their target


    Application points are on the neck, behind the ears, on the wrists/forearms, the chest, basically places

    pulse points where regular cologne is applied. A half pack of SOE gel can be rubbed on the chest and forearms.

    Experiment, that's part of the fun.

  25. #25
    Phero Pro SweetBrenda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilplaya
    (SweetBrenda) you got your free SOE unscented gel packs. whenever you put them on tell me if they

    make you horny. I know im a freaky little boy, but naw for real though i just wanted to know if it

    LOL,, yeah! sure I will keep ya' post it.

  26. #26
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    I just searched diffrent fourms

    and found this in the suggestion section. It was the thread about half gel packs i think. And bruce had said and i

    quote "yea maybe i should lessin the gel in the packs instead the % of the pheromones". Is it true that the gel

    packs have lesser pheromones then the regular product.

  27. #27
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Nothing about the SOE

    gel-packs has been changed since they were first released. I copied the following from an old post explaining why

    there's a differnce in the concentration between the gel-packs and the bottle. Bottom line is that if you spend the

    $49.95 for the 38 packs, you get almost the same quantity of pheros as you would in a bottle. There's just a lot

    more carrier in the gels.

    "The gel is way less concentrated than the roll-on because it's formulated to be

    spread out over a wider application area.

    But the bottom line is that if you buy the 38 pack of

    gels or the 10mL bottle of oil for $49.95, you'll get virtually the same deal in

    terms of dollars per milligram of pheros.


    The difference between $9.99/mg and $10.11/mg amounts to less than a buck for the @ 5mg purchase, and

    the convenience of the gel packs is well worth it.
    But both forms of the product have their advantages."


    gel-pack contains .13mg of pheros in 1.5mL of gel.


  28. #28
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    Oh yea i almost forgot about

    (friendly1). I dont know how to put the box thingy around the the qustions but friendly here you


    (friendly1) Okay. First of all, we all probably end up telling someone about the pheromones. But once you

    do that, people become skeptical and defensive. Most people can NOT smell the pheromones when there is a cover scent

    involved. So, there really isn't any way for people to sniff out a pheromone signature. Some guys mention a "cat

    piss" odor when they wear too much raw Androstenone. That is a rare issue.

    Secondly, even with just a regular

    cologne, you don't achieve anything by telling people you are wearing the cologne. They will notice it and they may

    say something or not. It's like bragging. If you do something good, telling people you did it doesn't help. You

    have to let them notice on their own.

    (me) Ok maybe i over did it with that. i only told my dad which he

    ordered it so he knew about it my mom which i told her, my grandma which she was over there at the time the order

    came in, and my cousin which he was over there to thats about it. and what did you mean by. "Most people can NOT

    smell the pheromones when there is a cover scent involved. So, there really isn't any way for people to sniff out a

    pheromone signature. Some guys mention a "cat piss" odor when they wear too much raw Androstenone. That is a rare

    issue". please explain about the not smelling the pheromones when theres a cover scent invold. and the cat piss odor

    when they wear to much raw androstenone. how do androstenone go raw.

    (friendly1) Do you hang with guys

    who get a lot of attention from girls? Do you meet girls who pay a lot of attention to guys you don't hang


    (me) Man my compition is crazy. yea i hang with some guys who get alot of attention from girls. And

    same to the other question i do meet girls who pay alot of attention to guys i dont hang with. but read ferther down

    i have something to say though.

    (friendly1) Okay. You undermined your confidence when you pointed out to

    people that you were wearing cologne. You did even worse by telling people about the pheromones and asking them to

    see if they could detect anything.

    If you just take the plunge and wear a cologne (with or without

    pheromones) without making a big deal about it, you are being confident. Period. End of lecture.

    You just do

    it. THAT is confidence.

    (me) i should of been more specific , but like i said at the beganing i only told

    some people im not that stupied to go out and tell everyone then everybody in my nebirhood and school would be

    wearing them.

    (friendly1)The clothes are not going to be the issue, then. In your age group, you should be

    able to wear just about anything as long as it is clean and not ratty. But make sure you cooridinate your colors.

    That will make a big difference.

    If you don't bathe regularly, that could be part of the problem.


    it sounds to me like you probably put a lot of effort into shooting yourself down. Your biggest problem is lack of


    I would say the best thing you can do is stop telling people what you are doing. You ever hear

    how actions speak louder than words? Just do it. Don't talk about it.

    (me) actually the clothes in my age

    group is a big factor. every girl i talked to said they want a man with gear and not out of style old clothes. thats

    not all they want just relating to the topic. as for me im always matching, i never go out in public looking ratty

    or dusty. but like what i had said in my very first post im kinda overweight ok iam overweight. but what really gets

    me is my man tites lol. see im about to go into some really depressing things right here. in most of my schools the

    boys and girls really pay attention to your body parts and got teased alot really alot. at one of my schools they

    called me tity man lol i know its funny but you trying going through school like that. and i dont wear any regular

    t-shirts i wear heavy clothing to cover it up like dress shirts not reguler ones the style ones that button all the

    way up but i dont wear them anymore really, and jerseys. everything i wear i dont think it looks right on because im

    fat and also my man tits stick out, they are that noticable. i was looking into getting sugery done because i think

    i have women tissue in them and had a doctor check them out when i got a check up he messed with them and pushed

    down on them ect, to see if i had it and he said i had some tissue in them forgot what the name is called for that.

    but no i forgot about scaring and what could happen under the knife. and plus my dad is like "yeah right like im

    realling going to pay 5,000-10,000$ because you want to get them removed. and dont want to workout" lol cant blame

    him. me at one of the schools i went to had a dress code wear you wear a plain white dress shirt and blue dress

    pants oh my goodness that was hell for me. right now i dont really go outside i very rarely do. that why i do homw

    schooling right now on the computer. i know its sad. but im trying to get fit and stock up pheromones before i do

    start going back out side. maybe yall know about a workout plann for me. i dont lift weights anymore becuase i read

    alot about the damages they do to you body in the future. yea i know by now yall like just exercise. i know just

    lazy im planning on getting these workout tapes that seem really good by, well i dont know if i should say the name

    that would be advertisement. overall i know its a sad life,depressing,and probley funny to others but its true. by

    now yall probley like shut up im tired of hearing about your depressing life so i guess i will move on.


    i guess thats about it for now thanks for all you guys help so far and ladies to.

  29. #29
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Dec 2003
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    First of all, to quote what

    someone else posted, you can begin by clicking on the little QUOTE button in the bottom left-hand corner of their

    message. To break up the text, you insert your own quote commands. They look like:

    [ q u o t e ] Here is the

    quoted text. [ / q u o t e ]

    Just don't space out the characters, so it looks right:

    Here is the

    quoted text.
    I'll followup below.

  30. #30
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    lilplaya, I

    can emphasize with you. I was called "titty boy" in school on occasion too. PE class was hell for me, I especially

    hated the communal shower.

    Now at 45 years old, I still am a bit overweight. I've had to take the initiative

    to ask for dates on most occasions (as normal in this society) with varied success, but I have also been asked out

    by attractive women, though not model material, when I was wearing mones. One thing that I think will help, besides

    exercise and diet, is some kind of self improvement routine to get your self-esteem up. This could also help to

    motive you to exercise more and watch your diet.

    (Here I go again. ) I recommend looking into some sort of

    a self-hypnosis, meditation, or visualization course. I had my first real breakthroughs about 10 years ago with

    Marshal Sylver's Passion, Profit, and Power self-hypnosis series. He covers all basis, love and

    relationships (Passion), making money (Profit), and self-esteem (Power). It's kind of expensive though, I think

    around $100, but he also has a book out with the same title, though I myself found it more beneficial to learn

    self-hypnosis from tapes than when I first tried it from books.

    There is also material by a woman named

    Shatki Gawain, who teaches "Creative Visualization," and has a book and guided meditation tape under that title. I

    also recommend reading Wayne Dyer's books, especially Manifest Your Destiny, and his tape/CD, Meditations

    for Manifesting : Morning and Evening Meditations to Literally Create Your Heart's Desire
    . You can also catch

    his video presentations on PBS when they're begging for money, um, I mean having pledge drives. These are just a

    couple of authors that offer titles in this area. There is also Nightingale-Conant, who offer a great array of self

    improvement programs, but again, they're in the $60 - $100 range.

    I realize that at 15, your funds are

    limited. So my suggestion would be to check out your audio/video section of your local library. They often have

    tapes and CDs of these types of subjects. You will also find Dyer's books there and probably Gawain's. Good places

    to look for discounted tape sets would be at used music and book stores and also possibly on eBay.


    wishing you the best, lilplaya!

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