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Thread: another new guy

  1. #1
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    Default another new guy

    Hi all. I have been

    reading this forum for a while now trying to pick the perfect combination for my situation. before I place my order

    I wanted to check with some of the experts here Oscar, BJF, Koolking any of you people that have mastered the art of

    mones, please let me know what you think.

    Here is my story. I am 21 years old and am considered rather good

    looking. I have never had trouble getting women. I wouldn't really consider myself outgoing but I am not shy either

    and have no trouble walking up to a beautiful girl and asking her out. I am currently living at home until I finish

    school. I am 5' 11" with a medium build. I work out at least three times a week. As I said I have no trouble

    getting women, with the exception of the one that I really really want. I have known this girl for years now. We are

    very close but the problem is, she only seems to view me as her brother and best friend. It is driving me crazy.

    Right now I am thinking about trying NPA and Chikara. I must get her out of the friend zone and into my heart and

    bed. lol

    What do you experts think of my choices?

  2. #2
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    Come on guys. I really want to

    place an order but I am waiting to hear back from some of you experts.

  3. #3


    OK, at the risk of

    misrepresenting myself as an "expert" here goes ...

    Chikara/NPA is fast becoming a popular combo so

    that's probably a good choice ... I usually recommend SOE or a NOL product for newcomers to the forum, but if

    you're trying to get out of LJBF land, maybe it is time for a product with some none in it ... AE has a loyal

    following but Chikara right now is the top seller ... both of those contain none ...

    OK, you're already

    considering Chikara/NPA, why not go with that?

    Hope that helped, if only to confirm your hunch


  4. #4
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    Thanks Cuddley. I consider you

    an expert too. I have read some kick ass stories from you! Thanks for your help. I am going to get the NPA and


  5. #5
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    I wish I had ordered this

    already. I see this girl every single day and I have got to change the way she views me. I hope these mones do the


  6. #6
    Phero Pharaoh
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    You cannot change her. But you

    can change yourself. The Chikara/NPA will help her perceive a difference about you, but you will need to make it

    real. Otherwise, you'll just be wasting your time/money.

    Think about what kind of man she wants, and whether

    you want to be that kind of man. Then decide whether you are ready to make the change in yourself.

    I won't say

    you have only one shot at this, but if you're going to take the shot, then take the best shot you can.

  7. #7
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    Hello guys

    I am another

    ''Johnny Just come'', when it comes to mones. I am thinking of purchasing Primal Instinct as me

    first go, since I'm sort of a lone fox. Can any one give me some gist about it?

  8. #8


    To Jub: Primal Instinct is a

    good "sexual" None product, but if you are a "lone fox", it might scare some women off ... You might want to start

    with Scent of Eros/m or unscented ... If you're interested in trying PI, then certainly do so, but you might want

    to use it with SOE in a mix like KR#1 which is 7 parts SOE to 3 parts PI.

    I recommended something with None

    in it for CameraGuy because he is already friendly and wants to get closure, but if you tend to be a loner, you

    might want to reel them in first, SOE seems to be better for that

  9. #9
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Your choices seem

    fine. In my opinion it would be presumptuous to say that any particular phero product was more likely than any other

    to crack a specific case of LJBF, but as a good overall multi-purpose phero, Chikara would be a good starting point,

    and eventually supplementing with NPA sounds good too.

    Start out with just the Chikara as a stand-alone for a

    while and then work in some NPA in very small quantities at first, then add just a bit more on each subsequent

    occassion until you can decide whether or not it's getting you anywhere.

    Pheromones are just one way of

    attempting to overcome the LJBF scenario. A number of good suggestions that include behavioral methods of breaking

    through the LJBF barrier as well as specific phero applications have been posted on these forums over the years. If

    you do a search for "LJBF" you'll find quite a few. By attempting to implement several variations and combinations

    of the methods that have worked for others you may find the key to your own success. You may not. You've chosen a

    tough row to hoe. Be determined. Be persistant. But know when to quit.

    There are people who've spent years

    trying unsuccessfully to overcome the "friends barrier" because the "chemistry" just wasn't there. That's one of

    the reasons that pheromones appear to hold out hope to those in this situation. The chemistry of relationships is

    precisely what we're trying to manipulate by utilizing these chemicals. There's just no guarantee that the altered

    chemistry is going to be the right one to achieve the desired results.
    It's a crapshoot, but it's worth rolling

    the dice.


  10. #10
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jub
    Hello guys

    I am

    another ''Johnny Just come'', when it comes to mones. I am thinking of purchasing Primal Instinct

    as me first go, since I'm sort of a lone fox. Can any one give me some gist about it?
    If you are a

    lone fox, primal instinct is that last thing you need.

    Try chikara, soe, wagg or a little bit of


    There is a search feature...go into an advanced search and change one of the options to display as

    "posts" not "threads" (please change the default bruce). Then put in the names of the products and read up about

    Last edited by bjf; 08-02-2004 at 12:01 PM. Reason: edge amount

  11. #11
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Chamera guy, oscar's recommendation

    of chikara with a small amount of npa is one I would echo.

  12. #12
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by CameraGuy

    thanks for the advice, but if you don't mind I would rather listen to the people that do really well with the

    women. I don't go for all of that body language stuff that you are always talking about. But I do appreciate your

    Well, it was good of you to let me know I don't do really well with the women. I was wondering

    what sort of success I might be havng.

    Now I know.

    This morning she walked by and gave me the

    sweetest smile. She is so beautiful. I really hope these mones work for me.
    Good luck, friend. You're

    going to need it.

  13. #13
    Banned User
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    Default Listen to friendly1

    Juding from

    friendlys posts,i say he knows his stuff!!!!!If u dont read body language u are screwed!!!how will u tell if she is

    interested or not???

    I higly doubt that the pheros will help u a lot if u just sit there and smile.


    to friendly not to the ones who say that pheros will do the work,belive me i tried Primal Instinct and it didnt do

    shit!!!!And PI is supposed to be a powerfull phero product.

    Quote Originally Posted by CameraGuy
    Friendly1, thanks for the

    advice, but if you don't mind I would rather listen to the people that do really well with the women. I don't go

    for all of that body language stuff that you are always talking about. But I do appreciate your post.

    This morning she walked by and gave me the sweetest smile. She is so beautiful. I really hope these mones work for


  14. #14
    Phero Pharaoh
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    I don't think the other guys

    are saying the pheromones will do the job. They are just answering the question without broadening the discussion.

    I am the one who opens the door a little wider.

    Frankly, I think most guys could improve their results with The

    Edge and a good cover scent, but they won't necessarily get their best results. We keep telling everyone to

    experiment and be patient.

    But some guys keep asking for miracles. The only miracle we can promise, as a

    community, is the one each of us shapes within himself. If what you have been doing hasn't worked, doing something

    different has a better chance of working than continuing to do the same ineffective stuff.

    That principle

    applies in every aspect of life.

    Those guys who don't want to change will NOT change and their results with

    pheromones will be minimal at best.

  15. #15
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friendly1

    But some guys keep asking for miracles.
    I think this has a lot to do with the hype you see in

    pheromone advertising in magazines and at other websites other than Love Scent. I've been aware of pheromone

    products since the early 1980s. I also thought back then that just puting on pheromones would cause what I call the

    "Hi Karate" effect - having to fight off the women after splashing on the mones. It wasn't until I started actively

    participating in this forum that I learned that there is an art to pheromone use.

    Friendly1 gives good

    solid advice. Just because you paid $50 or more for a bottle of pheromones, that doesn't mean women are going to

    lift their skirts at one whiff of you. There is a lot more involved. You may have come up with the ultimate combo in

    the world, but the target woman may attribute the attraction to the guy standing right next to you who more closely

    fits her ideals.

    Truthfully, I was kind of put off by CameraGuy's dismissal of Friendly1's suggestions. I

    think he gave completely valid advice.

  16. #16
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    Thanks! I did do a search and read

    up on each one of them but since they are so many. Well for a first timer you know its good to find out what the

    more experience recommend based on their usage. l'll just lay off Primal for a while and try of the ones you


  17. #17
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by CameraGuy
    I don't go

    for all of that body language stuff that you are always talking about.
    In a nutshell, you


    Around here, you see folks from time to time who say nothing they're using is working for them,

    whether it's because they're using too much, not enough, they can't approach / be approachable, they're looking

    for a miracle, they're one of the folks for whom mones do nothing or whatever, who knows. I can say this though. I

    have the firm conviction that they are working, it's just that the wearer doesn't know how to pick up on it, nine

    times out of ten.

    Like someone else said, the juice won't make women throw themselves at you. It will make

    them more receptive to you and more likely to approach you, if you're approachable. If you don't understand body

    language, you might as well give it up now. It's far too ingrained in our nature to be anything but critical to the

    process of attraction. Just like pheros, we're slaves to our more primal side there too.

    If you don't

    understand body language, you won't get the subtle signs that a woman is attracted to you. Whether it's the quick

    glance over an up-raised shoulder or the shoe dangling from one foot, these are both VERY strong signals in and of

    themselves. If you think all women who are attracted to you will throw themselves at your feet hoping you will deign

    to show some attention to them, you've got another thing coming.

  18. #18
    Phero Enthusiast Numanoid's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by

    Friendly1, thanks for the advice, but if you don't mind I would rather listen to the people

    that do really well with the women. I don't go for all of that body language stuff that you are always talking

    about. But I do appreciate your post.
    Everyone telegraphs what they think

    and feel unless they've been trained not to. There are several books available on the subject. You might want to

    check some out.

  19. #19
    Man of La Pancha
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    Quote Originally Posted by Numanoid
    Everyone telegraphs what they think and feel unless they've been trained

    not to. There are several books available on the subject. You might want to check some

    I partially disagree with this statement. Introverts specifically do not express

    themselves through body language as much as extroverts. I am frequently asked what I think about something because

    people can't tell. I remember the other week when I was watching a street magician perform tricks, and he

    continually made jokes about how I was 'unimpressed' because I made no facial expressions whatsoever. On the

    contrary, I was very impressed and would have liked to know how he did it like everyone else. He was a very

    talented man, yet he had no clue that I thought this because my expression was completely blank. Introverts process

    information differently internally and therefore do not use as much external feedback cues. However, this strange

    absence of body language cues disappears in many situations when an introvert feels comfortable (or very

    uncomfortable such as embarrassment or anger) and is interacting a lot with someone else.

    Other than this and

    maybe some other exceptions that I may not be aware of, I would agree that people do give off signals.

  20. #20
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pancho1188
    I partially

    disagree with this statement. Introverts specifically do not express themselves through body language as much as

    Yes they do. Their body language is normally closed, and that is why people cannot tell what

    they are thinking or feeling.

    The body language an introvert speaks is very different from the body language an

    extrovert speaks.

    Most people who read body language are better at reading extroverts, who project their

    feelings, than at reading introverts.

    I know that trained counselors/psychologists can read introverts far

    better than the introverts believe.

  21. #21
    Man of La Pancha
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friendly1
    Yes they do.

    Their body language is normally closed, and that is why people cannot tell what they are thinking or feeling.

    The body language an introvert speaks is very different from the body language an extrovert speaks.


    people who read body language are better at reading extroverts, who project their feelings, than at reading


    I know that trained counselors/psychologists can read introverts far better than the introverts

    That's what I just said. I must not have been expressing myself appropriately.

    Seriously, though...when I'm thinking, people have no idea what is going on in my head. I've gotten the

    following comments for no reason at all:

    "Are you bored?"
    "Are you tired?"
    "What's wrong?"
    "Do you want to


    In fact, I think I've been scarred as a child because everyone asks me what's wrong.

    The main

    reason I probably don't get the hits I would with strangers using -mones is that I don't express emotion. I've

    seen a lot of girls that probably think I'm attractive, but I have such an emotionless expression when I'm by

    myself on the bus or walking around that they probably think I'm not interested. I guess the continuous checking

    out isn't enough to show interest unless you do that whole body language thing...bastards.

    It's a curse,


    (Before I start getting advice, I'm just stating observations to argue for a lesser-known type of body


  22. #22
    Man of La Pancha
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    As for the original point of

    this thread, I would like to comment that you have a solid combo with Chikara and NPA, but I'd watch for a -none OD

    on that. (I might actually be speaking for Bel on that one) Anyway, I'd recommend trying Chikara by itself first to

    test your -none tolerance with that product and trying AE if your current products do not work because that is a

    good product to push the envelope on a friends->more than friends transition. Since you're already there, you just

    need a push to get her thoughts toward seeing you as a sexual being, a protector, a provider, etc...whatever she

    wants to see in a man she is attracted to. My only warning is not to come off too strong with the -none because

    "brother" to "sex hound" probably isn't an easy or plausible transition...but just enough to twist her perception

    of you is what would be best for that situation.

    ...or you could pour it on and hope that your animal

    lure in combination with an extreme bout of horniness on her part will just make her take what's immediately


  23. #23
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Facial expressions are only a

    small part of body language. If the street performer you mentioned was really just focusing on your face, then he

    or she wasn't very good at reading body language. But I think it more likely the entertainer was just trying to

    interpret your closed language.

    No one can actually read your thoughts through your body language, of course.

    Some people make shrewd guesses, but our body language normally reveals something about our state of mind. A closed

    of state of mind is less likely to project feelings. An open state of mind is more likely to project feelings.

    People often misread my mood. I often misread other people. The more closed you are, the more difficult it is

    for people to read you, but that doesn't mean you are NOT communicating. You're just speaking a different


    Of course, the good thing about body language is that you can take control over your own body

    language. Try it. Force yourself into some open gestures the next time you get into a conversation with someone.

    Consciously remind yourself of how you are feeling, and if you are not feeling excited or interested, try posing a

    little. ACT excited and interested.

    Experiment. Let us know what happens.

    I occasionally take control over

    my body language and it does sometimes make a difference.

  24. #24
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pancho1188
    I guess the

    continuous checking out isn't enough to show interest unless you do that whole body language thing...bastards.

    It's a curse, really.
    Actually, it's not.. It's a blessing. Once you learn about it and <gasp>

    practice showing what you want, it's a lot easier to inject a few gestures into closed body language to "say" what

    you want to than it is to alter already expressive body language to change the message.

    Think about it like a

    foreign language. French and Romanian share many similar words, but it's just a little bit different. This is the

    same way that introverts and extroverts differ in how they communicate. iNT's focus on the message and the

    delivery, eSF's on the meaning behind the words, eNF's on the feelings inspired by the words, etc. Even between

    the genders there are communication differences.

    Once you know how to read a bit of body language in others,

    you can begin using that knowledge to change what you yourself express. As a total introvert, I can safely say

    making a few subtle gestures during critical times has gone great distances in modifying others' perception of me

    as someone who is warn and open.

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