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  1. #1
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    Default College suggestions?

    Well, I'm going

    off to college this September. I was wondering if anyone had any tips or suggestions for meeting girls... I mean, I

    have a post on the other board about which pheremones to use but I was wondering what other things to do.


    situation is basically that I went to the same school from Kindergarten until 12th grade, and there weren't very

    many people in my school. My graduating class had about 100 people in it. I was also really shy when I was younger,

    I guess I still am shy but not nearly as much, but anyway, the reason why I'm saying this is because I didn't

    really have much success with girls in high school. Well, the fact is, I didn't really have much contact with them

    because I was very shy. Plus, I wasn't very confident because I didn't look good, I looked like a nerd. Of course,

    that has changed completely now... but you know, reputation lasts, especially at a school where everybody knows

    everybody else because it is so small. Now, at the end of my senior year, I have quite a few friends who are girls

    but the problem is, I just can't find a girl for a girlfriend. I think one of the problems is that I don't have

    access to a lot of girls my age because my school is so small and now that I've graduated, I'm not really doing

    much at the moment. However, the good news I suppose is that at college, there will be tons of new girls for me to

    meet so I guess I'm looking forward to that.

    So, anyway... does anyone have any suggestions or tips for a sort

    of shy guy like me? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Hang out with the guys when you first

    come to school. A lot of clicks are formed in the beginning, until some may branch off into the greek system. But

    the first few weeks of school, freshman are as open as they will ever be to making new friends.

    Make friends

    with plenty of the guys, hang out with them, and if it is a public school, they will have female friends from high

    school likely attending the college that you'll get to hang out with.

    Take an interest in the girls you meet

    as people, continue to learn to appreciate what you value about yourself and realize that your insecurities do not

    reflect negatively reflect upon your true self, unless you are a nazi, and if you do those things, they'll respect

    you and you'll get the confidence to fail - and eventually succeed - with them.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjf
    Hang out with the

    guys when you first come to school. A lot of clicks are formed in the beginning, until some may branch off into the

    greek system. But the first few weeks of school, freshman are as open as they will ever be to making new friends.

    Make friends with plenty of the guys, hang out with them, and if it is a public school, they will have female

    friends from high school likely attending the college that you'll get to hang out with.

    Take an interest in the

    girls you meet as people, continue to learn to appreciate what you value about yourself and realize that your

    insecurities do not reflect negatively reflect upon your true self, unless you are a nazi, and if you do those

    things, they'll respect you and you'll get the confidence to fail - and eventually succeed - with them.

    well, my college is a small liberal arts college in vermont so it's really isolated, as well. plus, there

    actually is no greek system so i guess i won't have to worry about my new found friends being sucked into that.

    because it's a small college, i don't think there will be many people there who will have other people from their

    high school there, so i won't be able to meet female friends of friends. thanks for the advice very much though, if

    there's anything else, let me know, i'd like to hear it.

  4. #4
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Hey, I am sure you will still meet

    female friends through friends, they'll just be in the process of trying to bang her too!

    Don't worry, I

    think those small colleges are good, the reason being that people see each other around far more. It is much more

    likely you will run into people from your classes, parties, dorms, etc etc etc again and again, which is a good


    Hell, when you are at some party and there are females present that already have run across you from

    classes, through friends, etc, it will increase your chances.

    So I think it is good you picked a small

    school, big schools students meet once and never run into each other again. Just be open to meeting people and be

    easy going when you get there and you will meet a lot of people.

  5. #5
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    Meeting women in college is a lot

    easier than High School. I just finished up my first semester and I had a great time in terms of women. Broads in

    college are different almost every where. They engage in conversation a lot more, aren't nasty or mean, are usually

    looking for some fun too, and just like a good time. I had good success even without pheromones. Just being social

    will result in a lot of convos and invites. This doesn't mean you have to Mr. Extravert, but just be open to carry

    on a conversation.

    And if there is one thing I learned in college in regards to women its that there is

    someone for everyone. Even if you are a shy guy and don't go hunting for women; if someone is feelin you they will

    approach you or make an attempt to start up a convo. I had this happen to me many times. Whether it was at the

    dining hall, the library, or just chillin outside my dorm, women in college will approach you and will not shy from

    doing it. Just remember to be open to conversation, and even if your not attracted to the broad your talking to it

    will make an impression on others who are lookin at you and will lead to even more convos and friendships.

  6. #6
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sito
    Meeting women in

    college is a lot easier than High School.
    No contest!
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

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