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Thread: Quesiton

  1. #1
    Full Member lordcrazyd's Avatar
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    Default Quesiton

    Hey, Guys i'm

    pretty new to this board. Anyway, I have a question that i need answered you see the problem is i have a friend who

    is about the same height and weight. i maybe 1 inch taller. The thing is i rate myself about a 7 and he can be

    anywhere from 6-7.5 in looks. When i used to go out with my ex girlfriend she once told me that he was cute i got

    kinda jealous but i ignored it. Once i caught them hugging each other and i thought it was kinda disrespectufll but

    decided to keep my mouth shut. Anyway the thing is we are very similar alike just that he may have blue eyes and i

    have brown and perhaps is 10% more confident than me. But it seems like everywhere we go i get the stare downs from

    girls but he basically just steals them from my presense. For example last night we went out with two young girls

    about 18 and the really cute one was staring at me all night. It was kinda the flirtatious look and i was making

    everyone laugh and he was basically just sitting and chilling , But as soon as he moved in just to touch her its

    like she melted and all the looks i recieved before just disapered and she became interested in him. this is isn't

    the first time this has happened. its like everytime he moves in close even with alittle physicall contact all the

    girls i've been with melt. Basically i'm just asking can this be due to his personal Pheromone Signature. I mean I

    feel that i look better, but everyone says he's cute and looks good even though i don't think he does. What can be

    the answer for this. BTW i just ordered my first Pheromone Chikara You think i may be able to play the same game he

    has now? I jsut don't understand i attract the girls but then they end up losing interest in me quickly........

  2. #2
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    It could be.

    It could also

    be the extra confidence he has. Your example is classic, you were just sat there looking at the girl, but he got off

    he arse and made a move. Try being more proactive.

    What do you think?

    You have a good product in Chikara BTW

  3. #3
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Dec 2003
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    I agree with CptKipling 100 per

    cent. Your lack of confidence is your only problem. You have a lot going for you and your friend is taking

    advantage of that.

  4. #4
    King of the coupons!
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    OR, he's wearing mones and not

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
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    Have you ever tried cutting his

    lunch (taking the girl he is interested in) if he is your mate you need to talk to him about the situation of him

    always taking your girl. By the sounds of it there are plenty of girls to share round. If he is really your mate &

    you tell him your interested in a girl he will respect that & stay away from her, leaving you the extra time you

    need to move in.

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