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    Default Pheromones on female ratings of attractiveness: oral contraceptives and the menstrual


    / 29&dopt=Abstract

    Quote Originally Posted by Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2002 Aug;23(4):291-7
    Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2002 Aug;23(4):291-7. Related

    Articles, Links

    Effects of putative male pheromones on female ratings of male attractiveness: influence of

    oral contraceptives and the menstrual cycle.

    Thorne F, Neave N, Scholey A, Moss M, Fink B.


    Cognitive Neuroscience Unit, Division of Psychology, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.


    research has revealed that natural and synthetic pheromones can enhance ratings of opposite sex attractiveness. The

    present study investigated the effects of exposure to male axillary secretions on female ratings of the sexual

    attractiveness of male stimuli. Thirty-two female undergraduates, half of whom were contraceptive pill users, rated

    male vignette characters and photographs of male faces on aspects of attractiveness. On two separate study days,

    corresponding to different phases of their menstrual cycle, stimuli were presented while exposed to male axillary

    pheromones and under a control condition (no pheromone). The order of testing was balanced with respect to

    pheromone/control condition and menstrual cycle phase. Pheromone exposure resulted in significantly higher

    attractiveness ratings of vignette characters and faces. Use of the contraceptive pill or menstrual cycle phase had

    equivocal effects on some vignette items and neither had any influence on female ratings of male facial

    attractiveness. The results of this study suggest that exposure to natural male axillary pheromones can

    significantly enhance female perceptions of various aspects of male attractiveness
    ...for all the

    college people in the crowd

    It's a small sample group but the results are significant.


    Discussion on this topic can be found by clicking

    Last edited by oscar; 07-20-2004 at 11:28 AM. Reason: Inserting Link

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