Quote Originally Posted by Friendly1
The "less is

more" philosophy, combined with the issue of buildup, have led me to conclude a number of things I have not shared


I think that buildup, as explained by Bruce and a couple of others, makes sense. I don't think it

necessarily is a bad thing. I may change my mind on that.

Buildup seems to substantively alter your pheromone

signature, at least for an extended period of time if not permanently.

How long does it take for a buildup to

dissipate or otherwise revert to a normal level? Depends on amount of buildup and hygiene, right? There must be a

plateau point where your body doesn't accrete any more pheromones, or it is only replacing older pheromones.

So, if we assume that someone has built up a large residue, then that is similar to a strong application or OD.

Over time, you could have the same pheromone signature through buildup that you can achieve with a heavy dose.


That is the track I have been following with my theory and experiments. As I said in

another post, I believe some wash away, some convert and some remain for a while. Admittedly, numerous variables are

still impossible to control but I have a lot of others controlled for a fairly large, stable target audience under

controlled conditions. The net result is that it appears I can wear fewer mones on a daily basis to get

approximately the same responses.

One of the questions that still bothers me is the impact on my own pheromone

excretions. Is it changing or has it changed as a result of wearing mones almost every day? That will have an effect

on my signature. After the weather cools down some, I intend to stop using mones for a month to gauge the effect of

mone use and build up on the same test group.

The reality is that my tests still prove little but have been

pretty interesting to me. However, the results are still primarily subjective.