Hello to all....first time post.

Forgive me (mea culpa..mea culpa..) for perhaps rehashing

what you all may find to be old hat.

I have read now with great interest many threads and have acquired a

thirst for more knowledge regarding pheromones and deer musk. I'm not sure if I have this right .........but the

deer that is most revered for it's musk is the Tibetian deer musk...Yes? I've spent some time on the net and

have found a few sources for Siberian deer musk and wondered if anyone had experimented with it? I found someone

selling it for $14.00 per ounce..called them and they said it is genuine. Then on another site.....it said don't

be fooled by anyone selling it cheaply..that it cost upward to $ 1200 an ounce. ??? Any opinions ...comments

...facts...would be greatly appreciated.

Also... on the subject of fragrances..colognes etc...I recently

purchased Chikara....and I am looking for a scent to compliment and enhance it's musky nose. Of course Amouage

comes up again and again... I've yet to have a smell....I'll be getting some samples this

weekend...Gold...Silver...Dia...Ciel... Has anyone used it with Chikara? I believe DrSmellThis mentioned the

original Gold to be a good choice........as it contains deer musk. How it reacts with my body chemistry and how

others react to the fragrance on me will be the key in purchasing this jewel of the nile....I think I read....

someone ( my apologies...I've read so many posts.. I can't remember who ) mixed Amouage, Deer musk and I think PI

with fantastic results.
Thanks to everyone for their informative posts..I'll keep reading and learning.
