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Thread: BDC's method

  1. #1
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default BDC's method


    If BDC's water

    based formula works with Perception, achieveing greater consistency and longer-lasting applications (no 2-3 hours

    and over with), will you be open to switching Chikara from alcohol-based to water-based?

    Also, will you

    talk to Lacroy and Stone Labs about this method too?

    Because the sinking of products into lower levels of

    skin may be what is causing build-up, inconsistency, shorter duration of pheromone effectiveness, etc, and as Bobby

    and Matt have pointed out alcohol and oil are transdermal agents.

  2. #2
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    It will be interesting to see how it

    works in regular use. Actually, at the moment we have quite a few types of delivery, and most of these are

    mixtures. The LaCroy products use a combination of alcohol and water, though my understanding is that they do that

    to make the stuff safer to ship. Stone Labs generally use a combination of alcohol and oil of some sort. Primal is

    mostly oil but uses a small amount of some sort of alcohol I believe. Probably the only product that is all alcohol

    and pheros is Andro 4.2. Last but not least we have the gel packs, which really stand out in my mind because they

    lend themselves especially well to trans-dermal absorbtion, though whether this is a disadvantage or an advantage

    remains to be seen. Keep in mind that the pheros themselves are quite tenacious and I suppose oily in nature. They

    tend to linger on the skin for long periods no matter how you apply them. So, there are a lot of points to consider

    here, including where on the body you apply (soft absorbent skin vs. clothing or hair; pulse points etc), how much

    you distribute the pheromones, and whether or not you work the product into your skin. Personally, I like to take

    an entire SOE gel pack and massage it well into large areas of soft skin, but that is not for everyone.


    hey... I am really happy that a new method is coming out, but only time will tell if the entire industry will want

    to (or be forced to) jump on board.


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